HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/09/1949 ,.. 520 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Februarj 9, 19~ Tje Co~issi0n met in regular session'at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Meyor Feeley. present were: ~~ycr Feelej. J Commissioner Robinson, Attorney Trwnbull and Clerk law. Of no ars II I r 1 3,500.00, 500.00,; 400.00. I Under the head of unfinished tusiness, disoussion regarding the appointment of a Street Commissioner was ! again opened by the Commission. The petitions as filed were first discussed, and it was decided that under I the circumstances, and previous information published, the petitions would not be considered. Corrunissioner 1 ,Robinson nemed Art Shellebarger as nominee for Commissioner. There was no second to this now.ination. Mayor IIFeeley then nominated Wm. C. Adams, which was not seconded. The Ma,'or was asked if he would be willing to I 'compromise. fie replied that since Corrunissioner Robinson has never rejected the appointment of' Mr. Adams, I the Commission is not deadlocked. ,fuen asked if he would consider the appointment of ~r. Adams, Commissioner Robinson informed that he would not consider that appoin~~ent under any circu~st"nce at any time, but was I ,willing to meet with the Mayor to talk over the situation and try to reach an agreement. It was moved by I'Mayor Feeley that discussion and appointment be postponed until the next session. Seoonded by Commissioner ,Robinson. All voted Aye. /.lotion carriad. iluinutes of the previc'lis session were read and approved. Under the head of apglications for building permits, the following were granted: .p 7'-'7"00 "- Wm. Crawford' Build .;)-Room Dwelling; Lots 19, 20, Elk. 102, Townsite K. L. Steffe Build I-Car Garage; Lot 20, Blk. 101, Townsite F. W. Tate Build l-Car Garaga; Lot 1, East2 Lot 2, ,alL 192, Townsite ;Mr. Christman suggested that the C0TI11lission get together with salLe individual, :>uch as ~udge RalstDn, to act as a third neutral party. Comrpj.ssioner ;{obinson informad that any or all three Judges woold be O.K. with him. The Mayor also agreed to the same. Attorney Trumbull was questioned regarding the ,appointme~,t of the third Commissioner during the week if agreement was reachad by the Comission. The !.ttomey informed that appointment must be made at an official meeting. , NO"rICE oro BtDDEBB I ;'\'oUce il' hcl'cby gl....en thRI bids I will he r('cetved 1J~' tile CIt).. Clerk ~or the City of f'ort Allgele:<l, lYa!';h_, : ~t~te~h~]12~tlo )~,~l~c~f A~air., ir~fiTU~~): .::::~, l!1-l9, to 'furlli6h fC'lr tho Light ;,DC'partment, 4l;iO fcet of 5 fnch gal. ,I~'alll"ed Conduit, and .. fl"e iMh galvanil:cd Elbows. The Commission lrose-nes the l'jght to rc>)ect any or nil hlds. J. E. Law, Clt}' Clerk. , Publish FelJrul\ry 10, 17, 1~49. Under the head of new buoiners, Supt. Lean re'f..lested that bids be published for 450 feet of 5 inch galvanized conduit and 4-5 inch galvanized albows. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the said bids be published. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. City Garbage !Jump is instructed to post signs I The Commission discussed the possibility of a meeting with the P.ll .D. Cormrn.ssioners, and it was moved by I' U,yor Feeley that the City Commission meet with the P.U.D. at their convenience after a third COmmlSS10ner has \Jee" appointed. Motion seconded by Commissioner Ho\Jlnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ' The Commission examined and approved the following clai.,.,s and ordered warrants issued in pay~ent of same: ,Mayor Feeley informed that shooting of fire arms from the o endangering workmen in tha t vicinity. Felix Gallacei was prohibiting shooting from the said City property. Iff.lf 2" 19.041 11.12 13.23 .88 20.88 19.88 2.99 16.61 ,125.00 5.77 ' 57.99 95.74 55.62 CURRENT EXPENS E ~'{JND: Frank A. Feeley J. B. Mathews Glass Co. Willson Hardware Co. Wray & Raber Dobson Auto Electric R. O. Ide , Ha bit C:e aners 01;)';Jlpic Stationer s Al Lamouraux Howard Cooper Corp. il Port Angeles 6vening News ',Peninsula ~uel Co. Richfield Oil Corp. Trip Expense to Olympia Install Door Glass Tools ,and Hardware Duplicate Keys Parts a"d Repair Car Mileage for Jan. Put Zippers in Jackets Office Supplies One used Gasoline Pump Valve Springs Lept. Supplies fuel Oil Gasoline ,CITY STREET FuND: / () '17 <:3 IIAngeles Gravel & Supply Co. 'Antone Sffiith Grocery Tide Water Associated ail Ilichfielc! Oil Corp. ilAllan Dist. Co. Willson Hardware Co. OlympiC Stationers ,Automoti ve Parts Service I 71' WATER FUND: SO ~ Automotive Parts Service Hooker Electrochemical Co. IAngeles Machine & Welding Works LIGHT FUND: .;<5, 'f.,f"S :? Clallam County P.U.D. No.1 J. C. !/.artin Automotive Parts Service Port Angeles ,uto Supply CO. 'I' N.W.Sec., Internat'l Assn. of Electrical Graybar Electric Co. ,Westinghouse Electric Supply CD. ?"-O 73 Sand Salt Kerosene Gasoline, Kerosene, e tc. Diesel Oil Tools and hardware Time Books Part s 450.65 110.31 9.96 237.82 153.47 17.861 .82 I 126.74 I I 1.55 , 55.77 ' 15.46 Parts Chlorine Repairs I 23,996.70 ' 22.33 12.41 19.41 6.00 729.32 698.95 ' Jan. Power Car Expense, Inspector Parts Parts Inspectcrs Dues, 1949 Meters, Tra nsformers Cur. & Pot. Transformers Garage Rent l!;xpress Gharges Display Adv. I I 30.00 I. .65 10.08 ' ! SANITA TION FUND: Kenneth Owen I' City 'l'rea surer Port Angeles Eve ning News PARK FUND: (01 ! 2- "Angeles Millwork & Lbr. Co. J. M. .;ruch Co. Automotive Parts Service lumber, Nails full Dozing Parts 33.34 75.00 1.08 I I I I I I I I -",,~ruary 9th. continued. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19~ -"'_"_'~_~".'U'''''' ~ PARKING METER & TkAFFIC COlITRO!' FuND: . Kenneth Owan f(illson Hardware Co. ,k:lwmotive Parts Service Washington State Penitentiary Olympic Stationers c;,:; .:::7 Storeroom !lent Tools and Hardware Thir.ller Signs India Ink, 1 Speedball Pens There being no further business the session was then adjourned. feL (J City Clerk ~8~'/ d L7 52~ 15.00 I 5.73 17.51 ;, 27.02, 1.031 Mayor