HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/10/1932 '1.2 ~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ""'~ .. ~~"...v, ....no. GT"'_'''.. ""H"~., ...U ",,,h,.,,,,,.y 1 Ot.h. 193?_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Beam and Filion, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for licenses the following were granted: J. Y. Sneddon George Reid O. F. Austin J. R. McDonald W. W. Ulin Vial ter Elves J. A. Hoare Joe Hoare 1 truck Master Electrician 1 truok 1 truok 1 truok 1- lt ton truck 1- Ford lt ton truok 1 truck $2.50 25.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 Under the head of Introduotion of Ordinanoes the following Ordinanoe was introduced, read. in full and placed on its first and second readings: AN ORDINANCE authorizing the issuanoe aol. sale of looal improvement bonds for Local Improvement District No. 143 to pay the cost and expense of the improvements in said distriot as ordered and provided for in Ordinance No. 953, approved Sept. 23, 1931, entitled "An Ordinanoe ordering and providing for the improvement of Sixth Street from the Westerly margin of Franois Street to the break of Peabody Guloh by the oonstruction of ooncrete sidewalks five feet wide on both sides of said portions of said streets, ex- oept in front of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 206,all in accordance with Improvement Resolution No. 143 of the City of Port Angeles am providing for the payment of the same to be made by special assessments upon the property within the said district, payable by the mode of "Payment by Bonds" all in acoordance with said Improvement Resolution No 143 and the maps, plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and approv~d and adopted by the City Commission." The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: Sophie Shields Street Department Antone Smith Grocery Mrs. Laura Burns City Parking Garage Johnson & Bork J. E. Patten Paoifio Tel. & Tel. Co. City Parking Garage Associated Oil Co. Paoifia Tel. & Tel. Co. Benj. Franklin Thrift Mkt. Paoifio Tel. & Tel. Co. Washington State Bank Paoifio Tel. & Tel. Co. State Treasurer State Treasurer J. Lloyd Aldwell, Ino. Washington State Bank Paoifio Tel. & Tel. Co. Paoifio Tel. & Tel. Co. State Treasurer Servioe Garage Evening News State Treasurer Paoifio Tel. & Tel. Co. M. W. Caskey C. M. & St. P. R. R. State Treasurer Pacifio Tel. & Tel. Water Department Water Department State Treasurer Co. Current Expense Fund Redemption of General Fund Warrants: Nos. Bl-1865 to Bl-1877 Pay Roll Sal t for streets Rent Storage Painting Signs Wood SerYioe- Police Dept. Repairs Metal Polish Servioe- Fire Dept. Janitor's Supplies Servioe- Clerk's Offioe City Hall Rent Service- Engineer's Offioe Med. Aid & Ind. Ins. Med. Aid & Ind. Ins. -y [,0..-- 1-0 ~~ Rent Rent Service Service Med. Aid & Ind. Ins. L. I. D. Gen. Fund 8'1 131' -' Repairs Publications Med. Aid & Ind. Ins. Library Fund Service i.3!.f Park Fund Labor Water Department Fund Freight Med. Aid & Ind. Ins. o 0 \ (...- Munioipal Waterworks Repair Fund Service- Pay roll Pay roll Med. Aid City Employment Office & Ind. Ins. 1) f')~ -" then ad9(fed' {' IJ I f I 0-...-...-;, Mayor There being no further business the Commission ?7,r; AI . ,'111,'~ City Clerk $13.12 110.00 47.25 10.00 1.40 5.00 6.00 10.70 1.85 .90 6.95 2.61 1.90 50.00 4.25 8.10 25.99 50.00 50.00 8.25 7.73 16.89 3.05 52.93 7.87 4.25 72.00 142.13 19.87 14.45 300.75 238.50 26.03 I I I I I ,