HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/11/1941 ".. 248 February 11, 1941 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ The Commission met pursuant to adjournment at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Y.ayor Beetle. Roll call showed the following officers present: !.'ayor Beetle, CO::Jl"-issioners 8eam .nd Lind, Attorney Cor.niff and Glllrk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous seesion were read and approved. Police Judge, W. F. Phillips reported 44 oa ses tried and ;)313.50 oollected in fines for t he month of January, 1941. Report ordered filed. under the head of Applications for Building Permits, the following were gnnted: W. A. !.'yers, Install looker cold storage syste~, wi Lot 2, Block 15, Townsit~ Shell Oil Co., Construct Storage Shed, Lots 11 & 12, Block 48, Townsite A. Thonas, Build House, Lot 4, Block 179, Townsite John Baker, 3uild Porch & Garage, Lot 17, Block 33, Townsite Under the head of New Business: 1500.00 2000.00 2000.00 135.00 I The City Clerk was instructed to issue 8 call for bids for the purchase of one Fire Truck Chassis and one Triple Combination Pumper, as provided for in the budget. Bids to be received up to and not later than 10 A .l~., February 26, 1941, at the City Clerk' 5 office. II' The (J:)rlllllis sion examined .nd allowed the following claims and ordered w;>rrants drawn for sarr.e: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND , I I j" Frank rf.acdonald & Sons Johnson &'Bork ],carshall Wells Co. State Treasurer H. H. Van Brocl{lin " Navel Lodge #353, B.P.O.Elks Lincoln Radio Service City Treasurer Pacific Emblem &: !,~fi:' Co. V. 4. Samuelson & Co. Larrick I s Cafe V. A. Samuelson & Co. Rent of SwL~ing Pool, etc. Pa rts & Service Starr,ps Junior Patrol IJuttcns Repairs ~!eRls for Prisoners Lock, Pump, etc. Repairs Work on Ford Car Shop Work Paint Dreft Controls 1nd Ins & Med Aid Insu:,ance D. A, M.sters CITY STREET FUND Lovell McGoff, Jr. Charles Lind Marshall Wells Co. Frank ~acdcnald & Sons City Treasurer Sta te Trea surer H. H. Van Brocklin Wood Expense Account Hardware Shop Work Filing De eds Ind Ins & Iled Aid Insuran ce . D. I. ),lasters WATSR FU:iD D. & B. Battery & Electric Station American Water Works Association ~arckmann'& Williams City Tre,a surer ' Washinzto Pulp & Paper Corp. Hooker Electrochemical Co. state Treas',lrer H. H. 'Jan Brocklin " " Car Battery 19U Dues Pipe County }iling Fees Pipe Fitti~s Chlo rL"le Ind Ins & Y.ed Aid Insurance D. I.. Ma sters LIGHT FUND .... City Tre' Bilrer Hoare and Headrick D & B Battery & Electric Station- TD oker 's Moto r Frei3ht Remington Rand, Ir.c. Cener.::i] Electric 80. I ~~~~~"ir~;::;;~;C :." , ~uget Sound Power & Light Co. I H. H. Van Brocklin I " Cash fo, Posta;.:e Tru.ck Rep~irB Batteries Freieht on Wire Meter Book Becks 1'eters & Conn. ~etcr Conversion Parts Ind Ins & Med Aid January Power Sill Insur ance '3'). fl-~ ( gJ..6 4.; ~'5. .y~ I 90.00 5.40 4.00 18.50 5.30 22.85 3.67 8.22 33.20 4.08 3.78 2.21 11.41 3.90 12.48 . .96 47.30 35.59 23.71 11. 86 41.17 222.46 228.34 I 5.10 10.65 21.14 6.12 2.65 17.70 19.35 3.90 74.40 37.47 24.97 12.48 591.02 8.63 10.00 55.92 1.20 12.51 14,.89 7.12 15.04 30.06 45.05 1.12 S .71 177.74 59.85 I I 70.42 €8.09 12.13 2.08 13.42 223.11 43.37 12.19 8985,33 59.23 118 . 57 .... Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 249 Febru~rv n. 1941 19_ 177 .91 ~ 17.20 6.24 /0 ,?~ 229.39 , I 3.85 (,t\ 2.56 1 ' 1.28 56.33 13.-- 37.59 18.83 -y' 10;99 1 3.64 99.56 (l. 66.35 ....- 33.18 3~\ 149.15 825.96 3.49 2.32 "J. 1.16 '" ./ 5.49 9.32 I I I I I H. H. Van ErccUb 11 Insurance D. A. Masters CE2:ETE:J.Y FUND H. H. Var. "rccklin " Insurance " LI3RAIlY JiUHIJ H. H. Van Brocklin Insurance D. A. h'aste~s PARK fUND state Treasurer H. 1.1 Van 3~ocklin Industrial Insurance Insurance " D. A. !\~asters CITY'l/mE SIDEWALK CONSTRU,TIO\ FU,W Angeles Gravel & Sup~ly Co. Cement, Sand & uravel GU~R6j.!'I:Y FU::IJ H. H. Van Brocklin " Insurance " D. ~. !!asters L.I.D. REVOLVING lUND City Treasurer Asses SClents Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolution was introduced: REScr.UTION WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described obsolete personal property: 1 Used G. E. Transfonr.er No. 949691 1 G. E. II No. 949692 1 G. E. No. 949693 1 Switchbo~rd, and VliiEREft.S, Wolff Electric ',Vcrks of 233 ".VI. 9th Ave., Portland, Oregon, has o;'fered to purchase the same from the City of Port Angeles for the sum of $1,000.00, and i\llEREAS, The City GO"',l1'oission has ,'iewed the said p.'opert.;r and is or the Opl.nlOn that the offer is fair value and that atthis time it is to the best interest of the 'City that it should be eccepted and the sale made, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the said offer be eccepted and that the City of Fort Angeles sell said personal propertJ' at private sale to the said Wolff Electric Works for said sum of $1,000.00; that the City Attorney be instracted tc prepare a 3ill of Sale for same; that the City Clerk be instructed to execute said Bill of Sale and that the !layor be and he is hereby instructed to countersi&n said Bill of Sale. It was novod by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by GOl\1llissione;' Lind. Cn roll call all members voted aJ'e. The Mayor declared the motion carried. There being no further business the Cornmission then adjo cl!'ned. 11~~ C I City Clerk 7c17rn~ Mayor ...4