HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/11/1942 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington "Ill 379 February IJ, 1942 19_ I I .1 I I The Commission met in regular seesion at 10:00 A.r.c. and v70s called to order rr..r Mayor Beetle. EolJ call showed the following officers present: Mayor Beetle, Commissioners Beam ~nd Lind, _4t~orney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous seseion were read and approved. Under the heau of Applications for Building Pemits and Licenses the follcwing were granted: Leonard Schrader, fl.ddi hon to !louse, lot 13, Block 333, 'l'ownsi te Donald.H. Fee, BUild House, All of Lot 21 & West 20' of Lot 22, Block 1 of Cain's Subd. Leon Sutton, Remodel Garage, Lot IS, Block 31, N. R. Smith's Subd. Walter Woodv7Ord, 1 Amusement Distributor I s l,icense 100.00 3000.00 100.00 625.00 Under the head of Unfinished fusiness: I , (',\I,I.l<'on RIJJS I ~ , ;-..[uti('/, Is lH'l'eby gl\'t'll llU-lt Hcalcll , ~~!'~~~~;~~l:~~~: ~~~~::~t(llll;:~~tn~L~~~i~:~;t , thH.1l 10:tllJ .un.. F'~'Ul'unr:\' J 1, 1!1'1C',( . 1"01- llw sa!1' n;" LOl!,!, 11, 12 11I]d , i~'l~~l;;.k ~il, 'j'uwn:;lk '.If ]'ort { Tho.'!. Cil~ Commi.Hs\On r{'!<~rv('!< tlwl l'igllt to ]'I')\'(,{ llllV nnu nll blds. :'1. ;"1. H.A"''']{[:'\~. City C1Cl"1< 'Jt' 1he I'itv orl Puh. Feb.J':l~t 'l\~t:/:I('f', "'ai<hir:it'lll. ~ - ~ .__ _..-1 Pursuant to the call for bids for the sal e of Lots 11, 12 and 15, Block 53, T01'1nsi te of Port Angeles, the City Clerk reported the following hid on file: J. H. Paris, '\;150.00 Lind It vras moved by Commissioner/that the above bid be accepted. Seconded by Ccmmi~sioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The lwycr declared the motion carried. (;;\I.L Fon R~tJS I--+- I ~ I Kot k~ J~ herd.)).' given that scaled hill:; will I.", 1'~'l;ci"t'll by lJ,le City Clcl"l< of thl' CitJ.' of PQrt Allgc:1es, ~~y~.hj~~g\On.A. '1~.ti,lllll~I~~uJii{e'r, lit Jthe office [)f tlH~ City CIC1~k -of the 'City of Port, Angeles, 'V~slllhgt(ln. 'for the purehale 0[: ,\jl!lr..:>xilUflteJ)' 11,3,,0 feet of Wall:l' pipe and Citt.in~:;. 1:10:; will be accepter{' 011 wood. nllllr.:;loll e~'1J\(lnto.ild .<lfl.!lt .il'OI\ .pipe. !-i\1cc (ICI\,liQJUl ami lll(]dinp: "J1el"!tEl Ima~' IJ(}, obt:llllcd nom Un: t:lt,y rlclk I 'Jhe City COllllliW81011 rl)8Cl"Cl'l the right t1! ld~['t nil) tll :tll bit's f I ~:l;::~N;~\~rJ~; CJty ~l'ut, J III JOW;~tjllf~nHl4~ ~ _ Pursuant to the call for bids for water pipe and fittings the City Clerk reported the follovring bids on :'ile: Hugh G. Purcell Company Pacific Water Works Supply Co. Rensselaer Valve Company Federal Pipe & lank Compa!", Pacific Sta tes Cast Iron Pipe Company Chapman Val ve l~fci. Company Crane Lompany Jolms-Uansville Marckmann & Williams, Inc. The bids were referred to the ~ity "'ngineer for checking. The Cornwission eXBwined end allowed the follo~ing claL~s and ordered warrants dravm for same: CiiRP.ENT EXPENSE FUlJD Sunset Insurance Co. BUrroughs Adding V~chine Co. Western Union Port Angeles EveniLg News Tidewatertssociated Oil Co. Harris & Schuller Ass'n of Washington Cities Remington Rand, Ino. Union Oil Compar~ Tidewater Assoc~ated Oil Co. James Harrrwaie Co. City Trea SUrer Willson Hardware Co. Middleton ~otor Parts Co. Zames Hardware Co. Johnson & Bark Tidewater Associated Oil Co. Olympic Printery Peninsula Fuel Co. State Tr98surer Bond Service Contract Service Publiccttions Gascline Ma te rial 1942 Se~lice Charge Finger Print 5e:. Gasoline 45.00 4.53 .25 18,58 29.40 12.62 125.00 34.25 29.19 51.45 1.96 42.66 19.78 8.S1 1.85 2.47 29.04 1.34 24.11 25.32 Hardt'la re light & Wa ter Hardware Parts Locks Sanding Discs Ga s oline Supplies Stove Oil Ind Ins & Med Aid J""O"1 '!.!. CITY STREET FUIID Puget Sound Navigation Co. l,ngeles Radiator Co. Tidewater Associated Oil Cc. Johnson & Bark Peterson ~~olesale Hardware Co. State Tre8surer Freight Rapair Rediator Gasoline Paint Rags & Plow Steel Ind Ins & Med Aid Dt J..-q~ .... 1.30 4.12 254.10 177 .88 38.94 22.74 WATER l'UI:D Puget Sound Navigation Co. Frank "~p cdonald & Sons Ol~'pic Printery Hibbs Plumbing Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply Ca. Rensselaer Valve Co. State Treasurer frEight Repairs to Main Supplies Pipe & Fittings Caps & Connectors H:,'dl'ant PaCKing Ind Ins & Med ~id _t ./ j-r% 1.53 39.14 62.65 20.42 3.06 3.51 18.39 LIGHT tuND Puget Sound Naviga tion ~o. City Treasurer Chas. E. Beam Associsted Oil Co. ZelJ erbach Paper Co. Puget Wound Power & Light Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. General Electric Supply Corp. n 11 II 11 Freight Cash for'postage Car' Expense Gasoline Paper Tcwels Power Bill Contacts Meter Transfor:ners 1.94 33.09 26.15 1'3.00 6.25 12996.25 29.66 37.01 33B.Ol J r"" 380 February 11. 1942 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington 19_ lil.... BUrroughs Adding Machine Co. Underviood Elliott Fisher Co. Line MAterial Co. Peterson \~olesale Hardware Cc. State Treasurer ~!B chine Service Overhaul Adding Machine If.aterials Supplies Ind Ins & Med Aid PARK FUND Clifford P. fuller J ame s Hardl"f are Co. State Treasurer Labor Tcols Ind. Ins & Med Aid L. LD. GUARA}lTY FUND City Treasurer AssesGlfient s LIGHT I1,VEST1!E1IT F1JllD Port J.ngeles S2vings & Loan Ass'n First National Bank Investment De fens e Bond There being no further busill8sS the Commission then adjourned. 1J,~7~ City Clerk ....],. ~.,,? I~ or' irltD' 7 hfrJ.5izu- Mayor 11.55 26.74 57.67 17.00 19.19 fj:. 1-~ 10.00 1l.4? 4.12 I 343 . 24 1480.00 3700.00 I ;:> I I I