HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/11/1947 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington 317 ,." Fe bruarv 11 , 19~ I I I I I TlI_. IIv""...nUlU,n",_ _n.~L 1277!!o ~ by Mayor Epperson. ROllI and Steele, A,ttorney I ! The City Commission convened in regular session at 10 A.M., and was called to order [~all showed the following officers present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners John?on Wilson and Clerk Law. ! Uinutes of the previous session vrere read and approved. I Under the head I Building Permits: /0, ~o iErick Hill Roy_ Brownlee baniel Beutler R. W. Forrest irralter Smith j ~o LiMnses: J 0 - 'Annex Tavern I'C. "G. .brown ,I 'Und'er the head of unfinished business the bids were opened for new Garbage truck and bedy as follows: I Samuelson Motor Co., complete $8,284.08j body mounted, $3,548.35.....Reo Wa-shington Sales Co., Truck chassis' 'bnd cab, $3,234.78j truck and body complete, ,$5,644.98.....Fruehauf Trailer & Equipment Co., rubbish ,~ollector only, mounted, $5, 548.35j ... ..Columbia Equipment Co., collector body only, mounted, $5,172 .40..... '!Tower Super Service, truck and body complete, $6,592.00j.....Tovrer Super Service Alternate bid, truck and He:i:l Colecto-Pak body complete, $6,lBO.00.....Olympic White Truck Co., truck and rubbish collector complete, $6,636.75; truck only $3,191.75.... .Janish leotors, truck and collector complete, i)7,521.47j and truck and Icollector coraplete, $5,441.49.....Utility Trailer Co., body mounted, ~i2,650.00; alternate, body mounted, $2,850.00.....I,!-B Contracting Co., truck and body complete, $4,500.00.....Hovlard Cooper Corp., truck and body complete, tax not included, $6,931.26j alternate bid, truck and body complete, $7,250.00. It vras moved: by ~~yor Epperson that the bids be filed with Supt. Pike for fUrther consideration and try to award bid at I' pext session. J,:otion seconded by Comlnissioner Steele. All members voted Aye. 1'otion carried. ,I I ,The' complaint of a fence being built on "lrest Seventh Street outside of property line was again discussed, and J. E. Patten and another property owner were advised that the engineer will inform where property line 'should be established. When this is done, the offenders will be informed by their council to remove fence. ! ,Under the head of new business it was moved by Commissioner Steele that the City Treasurer be instructed to I ,/ ,transfer from the Current Expense Fund $37,212.32 into a new fUnd known as the City of Port Angeles Fire and V Police Station State Development fundj amount transferred to be used to match State grant.- Ilotion seconded " ~y~ayor Epperson. All members voted Aye. ~otion carried. , The report of Police Judge Taylor for January, 1947, showing 97 court cases tried and $1,198.00 fines collected was approved and ordered filed. of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: <!," II 1,800.00 I 200.00 ! 5,000.00 I 3,000.00' 400.00 ' Build 3-Room Dwelling; Lot 6, BLi<. 84, Tovrnsite Build Garage; Lot 17, Elk. 241, Townsite Build Dwellingj Lot 18, Blk. 2, Hartt & Cook Add. Move Buildingj 81k. 9, Tidelands, West of Laurel St. Remodel Dwelling; Lot 1, Blk. 191, Townsite Restaurant, 5 Months Junk Dealers 5.00 I 25.00, I!police Chief Ide reported that the State Highway Department did not recommend or approve a traffic green and 'red signal at Fourth and Lincoln Streets, as traffic was not enough to warrant the installetion. The ~eport was ordered filed. I Light Supt. Lean was instructed to order six yellow Sodium Traffic signals. 'I Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances the following passed third and final reading, and was ~dopted . ORDINANCE NO. 1178 AN ORDINANCE Relating to minorsj prescribing hours when they shall not be on the city streets, except under certain conditione; fixing penaltiesj and repealing Ordinance No. 285. It was moved by Mayor Epperson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Steele. All voted Aye. Metion carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and passed first and second reading: II ORDINANCE NO. 1179 ~N ORDINANCE setting forth an emergency affecting the public health and safety; requulng expenditures unforseenj providing for the issuance of emergency warrants; and declaring an emergency, making the 'ordinance irrmediately effective. 'I I 'It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. 'Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All member" voted Aye. Motion carried. I "The Commission examined and epproved the following claims, and ordered "lmrrants issued for the same: I 03 CUP.RENT EXPENSE FUND: .:< b ".< OlymPlC StatJ.oners ' 'Port Angeles Evening News 'J. Lyle Beam, Inc. ',City Treasurer - Hooke r Storage Garage & Service Stn. TI & B Battery & Electric Station Middleton 1fotor Parts Co. W. S. Darley & Co. North Coast Chemical & Soap Works 'LoV/man & Hanford Go. 'Olympic Laundry & Cleaners "Port Angeles Evening News Press KcMahan fuel CO. !I 'CITY STREET FUND: 13 (J - Horne Ele ctric Co. :Shell Oil Co., Inc. I'""""""' '""' , Co. -.J.f' Office Supplies Publications Bond Premium Light, Water, Garbage, St. Lites, Fire Hydrants Tire Repair, Gas Cap, Gasoline Motor Parts, Battery Lamp, Flash Lite Batteries, Tools & lIardvrare Emergency Fuses Flares Brush & Towels Calendar Refill Laundry Service 20 Sheets R.R. Board FUel Oil I: 24.321 28.111 100.00 2,259.24 4.82 38.92: 9.75 5.901 19.20, .65 7.24 2.06 121.64 Outlet & Gal v. Handy Boxes Anti-Freeze Wrench & Plug Remover 3.99 28.921 4.78! ! ..... ,.. 318 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19~ February 11. continued. il CITY STREET FUND. continued: Pac:i.fic States Equipment Co. Olympic Stationers Middleton ~:otor Parts Co. D & B Battery & Electric Station Loop Auto Vlre cking Co. S-{, WATER FUND: {C;?2.- kiddleton Motor Parts Co. D &-B IJattary & Electric Station Columbia Ribbon & carbon Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. 55 LIGHT FUND: 57?'- D & B Battery & Electric Station Middleton Motor Parts Co. Line ~illterial Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. George I s Service Johnson & Bark American Photo-copy Equipment Co. General Electric Supply Corp. J(, SANITATION FUND: .3.] 9'7 - Spencer's Auto Service Middleton Motor Parts Co. Larry I s Mobil Service . D & B Battery & Electric Station J. H. and Minnie H. IkDonald PARK FUND: / tJ,5' ~r City Treasurer Johnson & Bork PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: City Street Dept. Olympic Stationers Brandt Automa tic Cashier Co. ~. H. Rhodes, Inc. Westinghouse Electric Supply Corp. Wire Rope Office Supplies Truck Repairs, Tools Car Parts &- Labor Parts Gasket Parts Ribbons Pipe Switch Batteries Hardware Freight Chgs. Wiring Paint . Photo-copy Ma ch . Meters Ga soline Tools & Hardware Gasoline Battery Garbage Dwnp Site Light, water, Garbage Paint & Turpentine ..:( ?f ,7" Labor, Putting up Stop Signs Tape One Brandt Coin Counter Magic Links Traffic Signal Brackets & Hardware 50.90 6.80 10.58, 19.26,'1 5.15 .56, 1.45, 17.50 ' 403.27 13.29 5.56 219.44 8.74 12.00 6.55 202;88 113.09 I 1.23 i 21. 53 I 4.66 .19.941 3,550.00 I 78.63 26.86 12.00 1.75 245 :~~ I' ~5.45 ' I I I ~ ~ \ <?---c- ~~. I ~ I jj '\6!J~ }()Ah-J . ~"I I I There being no further business, the session Vias declared adjourned. g. t_ ~ ~ Cle rk I I I I I