HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/11/1952 r 224 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington February 11 19E_ '"<"..'".......n........'""""'..m...~ The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M. and was called to order by J1~or Feeley. Officers present w.ere: M~or Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and T~lor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. Minutes 01 the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted:_ BUILDING fERMITS:.? bl " " " "'" Del Guzzi, Bros. Doctor's Clinic, Lot No. 14, 13, 12, Perkins Addition Mrs. Nellie Donahue Remodel garage into living quarters, making one more room, living room, Lot No. 13, Bl~ck No. l6~, Townsite Complete upstairs ap!lrtment L..1 Yo. 4, p;,,,,-r 3#} II, If, SM I r~ II"" ,'/,n--. Retaining wall for existing' building, Lot No. 10, Block 230, Townsite Build four room house, Lot 10, Block No. 149, Townsite Build green house, Lot 10, Block 317, Townsite $ 16,000~00 300.00 2,009.00 500.00 7,000.0(> 200.00 Melvin Adolphson Melvin Ad?lphson Wayne Williams I,jilton We~tlund LICENSES:' 7(3 ( Vernon S.' Behymer Physical Therapy, 6 months 12.50 Coffee Shop Restaurant, 4 months 4.00 Coffee Sh~p Music MaChine, 4 months 4.00 l Coffee Shop Soft Drink, 4 months .88 i- Hotel Oly1)1pus Hotel operator 50.00 Under the head of unfinished business, the Commission considered the adoption of an Ordinance providing for' - submissio~ to the qualified electors, a proposition authorizing installation of storm sewers and improvements of certain streets. Harry Reese asked why West Fifth Street could not be included in arterial improvements and informed that this was the reason for failure of the previous improvement election. Fred Strange advised that the proposed program is practical~ the same as previous~ subJl'd.tted and nothing will hinder residents from organizing their own L.I.a. where not included, which he hopes they will do. That the ..rterials are borne out by State Origin and Destination Survey, and it is up to the people tG form Districts after the arterials are improved. As for Peabody Street, the State improvement is on~'wish- ful thinking and the City will know before money is spent, and TUIIll{ater Hill will be given the same consid- eration in the proposition as other districts. Requests for submission to the ballot from the Municipal League, Lions Club, and Chamber of Commerce were read and ordered filed. ..... Commissioner Taylor informed that he is not opposing program but before placing on ballot he wants people thorough~ informed so they will know what they are voting for. Mr. T~lor read reconnnendaticns as fOllOWS:.~ That the following provisions be made a part of the Ordinance which has passed the first and second reading:.1 That Marine Drive be included in the proposed paving program, that it be the first on the list of street improvements, that the fill at Eight and Francis come second on the list and the balance of Arterial Street improvements be placed in the order as recommended by the Planning Commission. That provisions be made for the purchase of property and' easements that might be necdssary. Provisions should be made in the Ordinance for the use of any surplus funds from bond issue" due to the failure of certain L.1.D. Districts not carrying on account of majority protest. Incoming Councilmen t:c~:.;~;:;; ';:;:~:~:,~~~;.;; ;;'~;;:;::~;';,;;:;;:~~:;~:;: ='''1 That the exact type of pavement or specifications be left up to the incoming Administration to make the I ~~~ I 'Mr. Taylor further informed that he does not object to 'Voting on the proposition and although he does not a- gree in whole ,,-ith the Flanning Board, he feels that the Ordinance and proposition should include information that the improvement l<ill be from unlimited millage levy, and small districts cannot establish L.I.D.'s if I the big deal is carried. . Mr. Strange asked Connnissioner Taylor if he is trying to pile rocks in front of the deal and does not want I ,i,Illprovements, as the Connnission and Planning Board have been working toward the same for over two years, thi~ :being the only means of financing the improvement. I I Mr. Taylor then cited !-'.arine Drive fill and which is more important, this or Front Street. Mr. Strange !replied tbat ;>!arine Drive is most important and provisions will be made for improvement by General Obligat- ,ion Bonds which will not require vote. I ll,a,yor Feeley reminded that the question is not for the improvement but to get the Proposition on the ballot jthereby enabling the voters to express their opinion and those opposed may campaign against the same. .It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the Ordinance be passed third and final reading and adcpted. I 'Seconded by ~or Feeley. On roll call Mayor Feeley and Connnissioner Robinson voted Aye. Commissioner taYlOr voted opposed. The Mayor declared the motion carried. -Emerson Lawrence and Cliff Aden, Committee serving for Civil Defense, appeared with recommendations regarding 'employment of coordinator and expressed regrets that committee m~,ber ~myor Nelson of Sequim is absent on I laccount of illness. Mr. Lawrence informed that the Connnittee is unanimously agreed that voluntary service )cannot be expected. Also cited Federal appropriation, and air raid warning maneuvers Feb. 27. The committee '.advised that coordinator should be full time for the balance of year at ~350.00 per month to be shared by I tCity and ~ounty. Mr. Lawrence then recomnended Philip Tobin to serve as coordinator, his services being inmediately available. I Mr. Aden agreed with Hr. Lawrence in the foregoing recommendations and informed of his former experience inv 'State and cities. Also cited duties of coordinator which could include service in any disaster emergency. I ,It was moved by Hayor Eieeley that the City approve reconnnendation for appointment. Seconded by Co_ssioner 'Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I e,~.~ ~or Feeley suggested that the County andAC'onnnissioners meet with the Coordinator this week, date to be :fixed later. The M~or then thanked the Committee for tt1ime and work in acting for the City. 1 I lCounty Commissioners Hoherge, Evans, and O'Brien also expressed appreciation and agreed to meet in the near I future. I I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 11 (continued) 19.-2 ..., . """'. ."M. "."...... ..""... ."'" ..... M~or Feeley then voted to hire Philip Tobin to serve as coordinator, services to commence as of Friday, February 15. The action was approved by Connnissioners T~lor and Robinson. R~ Faussett again appeared requesting transfer of Radio Taxi license to himself as the purchaser. Mrs. Malesky informed that she still has a legal agreement to use the stand at First and Laurel and although the stand was closed, the Radio Cab was permitted to used temporarily, while she continued to pay for the same. ,Also requested that Union cabs be parked on Union stands. After further discussion, it was moved by Mayor Feeley that the transfer be approved and ~Irs. Faussett priviledged to use the stand at First and Laurel. Motion died. Commissioner Robinson thought this not the exact thing to do as Hrs. Malesky is still paying for stand and Radio Cab was using on~ temporary. Also that the Ordinance does not legally permit the Commission granting taxi stands. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the request be rejected until such time as recommendations. Motion withdrawn. It was then moved by Connnissioner Robinson that limited to eight cars and parking spaces limited to six. Seconded by j"ayor Fe.,],ey. carri ed. the Police Chief makes Taxi licenses be All voted Aye. Motion Under the head of new business, the Connnission discussed claim of the Statewide City :&nployees RetiremeJt System ,for operating expense charges for year 1951 and advance for 1952. It waS moved by Connnissioner Taylor ,that the claim be dedcuted from credit accumulated in Released Matching Fund. Seconded by Connnissio - er Robi'nson. "11 voted Aye. Motion carried. The reports of Police Judge Fhillips from January 1st to 8th inclusive showing $527.50 fines collected, and Judee Reynolds'.'report, frmn January 9th to 31st inclusive for $1,087.00 fines collected, were approved and ordered filed. A petition requesting installation of a street light at 10th and Francis Streets was referred to the Light Superintendent. Connnissioner Taylor informed of necessity for purchase of a car for use by the ~later Department and so moved that calls for bids be published and opened February 25./MS~e8Hded by Commissioner Robinson. All 1 voted Aye. Motion carried. Mayor Feeley announced re-appointment of ~lurray Randall as a member of the Civil Service Commission. No objecti'ons app!,ared and the appointment was confirmed. The Connnission discussed results of a meeting with representatives of Electrical \'!orkers- Looal No. 997' regardlng increases in certain salaries. It was moved by CommIssioner Robinson that the Attorney be instructed to prepare an Emergency Ordinance providing increase in certahn light employees' salaries and if possible, an".Ordinance providing for correction of certain errors in the current Water Budget. Motion seconded by ayor Feeley. All voted Aye. ~lotion carried. A Resolution by the Board of Clallam County Corrrr~ssioners regarding use of drainage and sewage facilities of the ~ity, was considered by the Commission. It was moved by Connnissioner Taylor that the County Conmissioners be informed the City COmJr~ssion approve joining of school districts sewerage and' dBainage facilities >d.th the Clallam County Sewerage and Drainage District 110. 1. Motion seconded by COmJrd.ssioner Robinsoh. All voted Aye. Motion earn ed. RESOLUTION NO. _ - 1952 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Clallam County, Washington are ex officio commissioners of CLALLAN COUNTY SEWERAGE AND DRAIIIAGE DISTRICT NO.1, a municipal coroporation, and ~llirnREAS, the facilities of said sewerage and drainage district' join on to and use a portion of the se>lerage and drainage facilities of the City of Port Angeles, ',"as'lington, and WHEREAS, it has been authorized by the Connnissionors ,of said city that the city will permit the join- ing of 'the sewerage and drainage facilities of that said schoGl institution being presently constructed by Clallam' County School District No. 17 immediately adjoining sil..id sewel'age and drainage district, which school facilities >/ill increase the use and burden upon the city's facilities, and w~EREAS, the said city commissioners are authorizing the said jOi~ said school district only by permissIon and not as a vested right, NOI;, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ACKNCYIILEOGED, that the Board of Connnissioners of Clallam County Sewerage and Drainag'e District 110. 1 hereby understand and agree that the joining of said school districts sewerage and drainage facilities with the facilities of Clallam County Sewerage and Drainage District No. 1 are permiss- ive ana not a vested right and that the said city commissioners, have at their uncontrolied discretion and judgment, the right to terminate the use of the city's facilities by said sewerage and drainage district, and/or school district, should circumstances be substantia~ changed by the joinder of any additional users of territories or persons without the presnet boundaries of said sewerage and drainage' district other than said ~chool district. - PASSED this ~ day of January, 1952. Walter Rober~e ChaiI'lLan Ro bert 0 I Rr; lSn Fred G. Evans Commissioners APPROVED AS TO FORM: Howard V. Doherty The Commission examined and apprcved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in pa.-yment of same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: .39.2 ,SO @i,ympic Stationers Maps Olympic Stationers Ink, profile paper - 3ng. I 3.09 14.53 225 " .... ,.. 226 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 11 , 19~ 7.36 72.10 2.16 58.25 4.12 1.96 153.27 28.41 . 21.31 3.34 10.23 12.37 10.10 17..70 13.49 4.12 8.19 90.49 4.40 39.14 ',9.10 330.00 4G.9l 1.97 1.35 19.06 17.96 8.19 219.96 103.88 49.91 53.35 8.65 28.00 3.09 4.11 2.43 8.44 .78 6.28 1.43 1.80 2.52 3.55 25.50 39.66 5,232.40 232.38 27.16 8.15 14.49 4.76 19.29 20.60 3.27 3.18 7.21 100.73 ,,<. . "~". ""~ ..""",,. ,,,",,....... .... CURRENT EXPENSE FUND (CONTINUED) O~pic Stationers Paper aQd paste - fire The O~pic frintery Election supplies The .O~pic Printery Uffice su,plies - piJ>lli:ce Tide Water Associated Gas - Eng. Taper Burner Co. Check oil burner - police Bussing Office Supply Office supplies - galice Nelson Equipment Co. Valves, crankshalE, etc. - fire Harris and Schuller Iron, radiator repair - fire O~pic Laundry Laundry and cleaning - fire Fittsburg Paint Store Sander rental - fire Nailor Lumber Co. . Mssonite - fire Willson Hardware Co. Straps, bolts, nuts - fire LIGHT FUND: ..'F,6'" ~7 Bussing Office Supp~ City Fuel Co. ~' iWestinghouse ~lectric 'i1'estinghouse Electric Middleton Htr. Parts :Olympic "'le ctric Co. 'Peninsula Truck Lines :C. LeRcy Sarff (Ioodies Harley Davidson ,Radio Service & Appl. e and W Fire Service ;W S Darley Co Gene ral Electric :General Elec. Supply I " .SANITATION FUND:49,fO ,Earl Davidson Janua~f mileage ,'Middleton Mtr. Parts Puralator, cyl. kit, solder !D and B Battery Generator, bushings, distributor ICITY PARK FUND: .?y. Of ;Thermador Electrical Switch, coils Wheeler Hardware Saw, handle, rivets, etc. jPARKING ~lETER AND TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: -27'''!'/ ;Harris and Schuller Pot burner M. H. Rhodes, Inc. Magic links ',Willson Hardware Co. Bolts CEMETERY FUND: P. A. Concrete Products Cement blocks, concrete caps I LID GENERAL rurm: O~pic Printery ~ There being no further business the meeting adjourned. CITY STREET FUND: ;P,('3 Middleton r s D and B Battery Janish Motor Co. ]Jim and Jack Hoine Loop Auto Wrecking Co. Auto Parts Service I,willson Hardware Co. Antone Smith Grocery WATER FUND: f9:?,....r Pioneer, Inc. City Treasurer O~pic Printery D and B Baftery Samuelson Mtr. Co. Pt. Angeles Upholstery Auto Parts Service I Famiily Shoe Store Sunde & Evers jWestingjlOuse Electric Palmer Supp~ Co. ':Port tie and Lbr. Co. Ip. A. Concrete Prod. Co. Western Utilities Supply ,washers, fluid, etc. Exide battery 1 wiper motor 4 s pring leaves 1 set flaps . Parts Washers, punches Rock sa! t Forms Cash for envelopes uffice supplies Parts Parts Repairs Tire Chains Boots Rain clothing Flood lites Dies Lumber S. lipe Stop clocks Offi ce supply Furnanc e alL Meterparts Cord Solvent Supplies Freight charg'es File saw Ke-,;s Tubing Fire extinguisher Warning lites Transformers Wire, clips, in. Bonds !? / ~__ -L ~d/ ~~ o B. L~ I 8, ; NO'I'ICN 0.... CA 1.1. FOil IIIU!oi' [ Xotlce it! h~Teb.r lfi\'~1l that li~alt!u.1 Ir~~~~k \\~p t~~ brt:I~~dp~i\ ~~g~~t:.~ ~ Wl\shlngtrJn, Until February 2;', 19fi2,; :-(1t 10:01) A.M., and not latf'r, at tbe .: fiH: t~~~e;:R~~s~~~~Jf:t~~€t:~~~1 rl ~J~~JJ~;;~Q';~_lhn~d'~~~':;'~P~~c ~~rC'~~~)~1 Hfllf'd hy a C13rtltled check r(lf the ,i ~~:~u~t Jb(~~, 1~)~~ t~it~, ~~mT~~lOs1~~ I. ,.",,,'" tile ,'I,h' '0 rck'" "nv "". 1"nIl hids. _ - , J_ 1<:':. LAW. City Clf'rk. PllhllshN~: Feh. l,r" 22, 19fi~ I .... I I }..~ I I