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Joint Meeting
February 12, 1991
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 P.M. in the Clallam County Courthouse
by Commission Chairman Duncan.
Commission Members Present: Chairman Duncan, Commissioner Cameron.
Commission Members Absent: Commissioner Gaydeski.
Council Members Present: Mayor Sargent, Councilmen Cornell, Lemon,
Nicholson, Ostrowski, Wight.
Council Members Absent: Councilman Hallett.
City Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, J. Pittis, K. Ridout, B. Jones.
County Staff Present: Administrator Rumpeltes, S. Hauff, B. White, A.
Brastad, T. Cohen.
County Assistant Director of Public Works Hauff gave a presentation on behalf
of Clallam County. (See outline attached.)
Director Hauff explained the different types of solid waste plans, including
the moderate risk waste plan (MRWP) and the solid waste plan update (SWPU) and
what steps are required to implement or update the Solid Waste Plan. He went
through the makeup of the Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) and its role
in the writing of the Solid Waste Plans.
One of the goals of the Solid Waste Plan is to form a Solid Waste Collection
and Disposal District by July 1, 1992. The Disposal District handles the actual
disposal of solid waste material and includes long-term liability. The
Collection District covers the movement of the solid waste from the residence
or self-hauler to the transfer station or Landfill.
County Administrator Rumpeltes asked whether or not (1) does the Solid Waste
Plan include recycling; and (2) does the Solid Waste Plan include a Solid Waste
District. Director Hauff answered these are both in the Plan.
Another question dealt with how money would be collected in each district.
Referring to the Whatcom County Collection and Disposal District, they use an
excise tax; however, they may go to a surcharge on tonnage. The collection and
disposal district would also require restructuring of the solid waste rates.
General discussion followed regarding collection and disposal districts.
Indiscriminate dumping of litter and refuse into ravines and other areas along
County roads was also discussed. The discussion also included the County's
enforcement officer, who checks out illegal dump sites and illegal dumping.
There is also an "Adopt a Highway" program; however, WDOT is not in favor of
the program in this area because of the possible danger to individuals picking
up litter along the narrow shoulders of Highway 101. There has been some
success in using inmates from the Clearwater Correction Facility.
Milestones to be accomplished are: (1) Adopt the Solid Waste Plan; (2) Adopt
a Solid Waste Collection and Disposal District.
Councilman Wight asked whether or not we could use destination recycling in lieu
of curbside. City Solid Waste Superintendent Jones answered that the State
Department of Ecology could probably be persuaded to allow that. City Public
Works Director Pittis also mentioned we do not know the standard by which to
measure from the DOE.
February 12, 1991
The Daishowa newsprint recycling plant which is being constructed was also
discussed. Councilman Wight mentioned there was a frustration caused by the
shift in the economic markets and the instability of prices for recycled
Chairman Duncan felt the next step to be taken is for the Council and the
Commission to get together with their respective staffs to discuss the Solid
Waste Plan and Solid Waste District internally.
Commissioner Cameron said disposal districts and mandatory collection go hand-
in-hand and would be approved by the general public.
Some of the issues to be resolved are: (1) Collection district, City and County
individually and then collectively; (2) Disposal district, City and County
individually and then collectively; (3) Curbside recycling of recyclables; (4)
Destination recycling~ (5) Possibility of long haul.
Councilman Wight stated one of the most difficult issues is rates. City
residents do not want to subsidize County residents. When we have all the
elements of the Plan, we need to collectively agree on the Plan. Chairman
Duncan was in agreement.
The next phases for discussion are: (1) Further update on Whatcom County's
solid waste collection and disposal district; (2) Rate structure; (3) Look at
the Solid Waste Plan and agree on it collectively.
The next items to be completed separately by the City Council and County
Commissioners are as follows: (1) Review the Solid Waste Plan and be sure that
Forks and Sequim are invited; (2) City Solid Waste Superintendent Jones and
County Assistant Director of Public works Hauff take the "road show" to Forks
and Sequim, and possibly to the Makah tribe at Neah Bay; (3) Discuss the Plan
issues and reach a consensus on the Solid Waste Plan by all parties; (4) Have
staff start immediately researching the practicability and feasibility of a
Solid Waste District.
The next meeting on the solid waste issues should include the following: (1)
Plan adoption. The City's and County's initial focus should be on the Plan
itself; (2) More discussion on the collection and disposal districts; (3) Staff
to determine ball-park numbers for cost of solid waste rates. As stated
earlier, the primary focus should be on the Plan, with the secondary focus being
on the numbers; (4) Review the assumptions used in arriving at the ball-park
numbers; (5) Review of consensus on the Solid Waste Plan. It was a consensus
of all in attendance that the meeting should definitely include the other cities
and Tribal Councils.
The of the Council and Commissioners would be
economic development, with a Council person plus one staff person to outline
the agenda. The Council person will be Councilman Wight. The County person
will be announced. The meeting is tentatively scheduled for March 7, 1991, at
2:00 P.M. An invitation is to be extended to representatives from the cities
of Sequim and Forks.
There being no other items for discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30