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Minutes 02/13/1924
r.."." -., ,270 l.r :~ , -s: ~, :';1 ~ J 1..1.-: i;t.! t' ~ 1('. ;!i I~'. C.! "1 }, f;~ t. ' l~ ~<l ~ 11 1<' ~i t .;"l~ If, ti"j , '. , , . I., ;,# ~ ; I ; ! , ,:, '" , : i ! ! ~ , 'I I , I'; 1 " , II .-t ;:'. ~""'=:'-"":"'.. COIIlIISSlllN ' .. ,:".~ Proceedings of the City ~ of the ciij, ~~f Port Angeles. Washington ~+.J._~_J ~-j/~, 192 A-_ ...._.....__ ___._. {l7YYVwv.~,.)~<n\.::YYl..vt..;.,. ~:<J_..A~<..-<rYt '^/\\~ ....-L'-""'One.~ t-lr:...L'u_~ .Jl~......) ..-:~,JIL J-~.J.._J\:;U. i:.ill 5L.....~ _:tf;z ~rU~-<---111f~ r.w......'r .m_~yJ J-~, 'f''1YI/'',";'~ j{o..Ua.-L~ . ~~ - :7G.tpivJ. <l/)\Q~tuw6 7}t r'u",1-~v- ___________._..___~,.u:tJA ~J-tl.h.f ^'4~ -&..~ -,~ft:~-G-- a...{'I "'-<-...~L--- '--c~.'_:L.:_n___ ~vl,..lMt~n~..""~o-".yt ~"~f:t1~ -b"';;;y,,~~:ti'- -{~l:-~<-~~'"'l J"V:.{ '2y't.~+w{ _f.-<.J'NI'~~\..i_~L_..__Lt- ..: :.:.."---... ..---:--------------- o~ '1 ' . ...' /" l1~.a.7~/t.:;LJ1. a.~ a,..\~.J~~ ~\ .WJzJ,t~'~:f-~-m~~ s~l~ I ~ _ t\..~,f:.. j 1<-.00 C', 0 D. 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Tbtnl. ~ That the City, EDtlneer' . - --. - ~- ~ - ~~1 No. 108 '1~~~~ neceua..,. to properly carry out tbe shall 8ubmlt to tbe City Comml.1 DE IT J a;OLVED ~.;; "~h~~ emy, conatrucUOD ~ and ~ making ': of ... ~he :slOG, at o_r prior to the date so f~xea: ICOD1miulOD of the~ City of Port' ~nt!!mplated '~imprOYeu;a.~D~.? a~~ ~,IDI for, ~id bearlnK as aforesaid., all ---~..- ---- - Anlelea WuhlnKtoo' ~ ~. ::"f.~:~~ .accordance' with i. maps, plaDI. ~ aDd~ da.ta. aDd.~ iDformat.IOD ~~qu}~d} b:r FiNt. ~ That It It tbe' i;";~;io':' oil .~lflcaUona to ~e prepared by tbe law to be~~o sub~Uted. <~":~"':~~I~~('i ._______.___ tb.elia1clICJt1lCommluton;: of ~, tberQU.y~ED&lnee.r. adopted ~,. tbe l,CIt)! ~ Fourtb. ~,"Tbat ~the _ coat and,~ ex- 91t.r.';of ~rt ~D..19 to order '- thel ;CouunlulOD;.. ~ _~D?d::~ ~!~~;.~>~~~~J t~e, })ense ~t. Bald ImpTo:rement .bD.U be 19ipfo1'8meJit of the alley f_betweenC1t7: c~er~~,~~rt'(A\.')::.~<,:y!,~.~f.'~fo;.,~~. borne ,]lY ~d ~eaaecl BplDst tbe -.------.-~ .Bio.t~,Street.~ and ; Firat. ~ Street;' In I >. Second. ,:jI.. That Ii all ~ p~rsontl . who \ property Itable tberefor wlt~lft said the-iaJd' cui of P~rt An~l~" tram' .~~lre to obJect thereto or. to aD,. dl8trict. aeeO~(UD& to law; and the tJii;'EUterlJ",marcln or aakOStreet] :..rt:.o!-..1J8td.lm~roverqetlt a~ here- City of Port Angeles_sball not ,be --.-------- to:ihe~westerlymara:lA of Lincoln ..~yJn~tlUed. to appear. aDd~pr~ent Uable l~_ aD"~ ~n~er f~r any, por- Sl!eet/ aald alley helDI' In and. rub- !ucja,' obJectlons..~ a ~Qetlo,g of the, dOD ot: wcL_ C~lJt,.' ~!"'~v-::~e~; ~r . __,___.___ :nlb,r.'.tb....h ..Bloek numbered. FIf- --:<Jl.t!' /CODl~l8SloD. In ~ tbe /0 Commls... ~td l~p~veme~t.,~,.~~';r~k..di""";";t.t;l }'teen'. (-16) of tbe T01t'DSlte of Port I ..I~; rO~,m In the OIty" Hall of said: i'J; Pasaed ,b, ~ tb~ . City; CommlsaloD ~&elee'aDd Dlocv"~bered .Slx..~lt:r~.lID.tbe City. of rort..,AD8e~es. aad signed ':IT~! ma~rl$t.b,~~~~~t~ :~~,~:(~., 1 of NormlUl ,R. ~ Bmlth's' :)Y,~~lton. ~?~ ~,. the ~ 6th :; day..~ ot~ ~~~,,?f February." 1I~4. ~"#.:*,.,,,J.~~~ 8-Pbdlril:lo.n,ol tbe TowllIlte ot Port ,~.lt..re~,'ln4.;at the'i'bDur.ot~tenj tt;'l':o ..M.__.F18.BERlli~~. _______ ~~i8te...laU ~ID _~ Cla11am}' County.. ;(1.~~.o.cloek In tbe morDlng,of .~ld: ~'\- 0 ~~~"": -}'?ublllatoD, and':t. eltabl18h~8Ild ~~'~,,!bIC~ tI~eaDd PI~e ~re here--., ~tt8Bt.. , ~:':~~'-:; ~...,t.'til.ll.octf~: Improvement ~ d."" ,.~.r"'.II.xe~.~ (01". tb. eariD.S ..aU ..m'tten, ~ ELOISE c. '~.J;.'1;;"!~ __,___.. lz;kt;.&~,;rerGr;~aald Imp....1II.,,& to C~PPCi.to.. ~I,d f~~ Impr...~ _ CIIT. C1.~ ~', ," .~9~~r.r ,..m.rIDC l-~]d ' pl~pk1Pc, ~~\t:~dJ .1!.:!1\.Iij'!"u....lth~rel., App.....d ~ &~:lt~~Il; ,,".Io,P. Clt)";Atti.~; ~~. if" _0_.___.+.- .~ '::'''.1...; 'i