HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/13/1935 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 275" February 13. 1935 193_ I I I I I '""'~ .. ~U".~.... '.Mn." ATHIC"".C. TO'NU.O. ."'''. The Commi.ssion met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: !.layor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Police Judge, Thos. Geisness, re:ported 19 cases tried and ~llO.OO collected in fines for the month of Janmry. RGport ordered filed. J. R. Turner having applied for permission to use Lot 3, Blk. 323, Townsite of Port Angeles, for ga:rdett"ing"purpi'lses, it wasmoved by Commissioner Masters that J. .R. Turner be granted the privilege to use Lot 3, Blk. 323, Townsite, for gardenine pur- poses for the year 1935: provided, however, that in case of a sale of the lot by the Ci ty at any time or that the lot should be needed for City purposes, then this grant shall be void and the lot relinCluished to the City. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. .On. roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and aJ.lowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENS E R. Ii:. Davis Ulmer Offic e J>'luipm en t Co. Earl Sanderson W. C. Schroeder VI. C. Schro ed er 'il. C. Schroeder Shell Oil Uo. Wm. Duncan V. A. Samuelson & Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Bo. V. A. Samuelson & Co. Expens e Account Supp lie s Battery, etc. Insurance 33.40 4.35 19.25 132.00 20.00 15.00 37.81 120.00 30.55 5.25 23.90 Gas Cedar Piling Re pa irs Sand Repairs .r, cf'i I ' V/ATErt FUND Water Department Hoiward-~ooper Corp. Francis ~t. Grocery VI. C. Schroeder City Light Depil. Ang51es Gravel & jupply Go. J. . Penney Co. The Duck Inn Pay roll Supp lie s 50 sac kB Insurance Poles Lumber Gloves Meals for men I} 11 S 79.00 33.28 1. 50 22.00 12.:::0 9.10 1.60 16.25 LIGHT FUND Ligh t Department Ulmer Offi ce EQuipm"flnt 00. Olympic Utilities Co. 'i/. C. Schro der Kissner Motor ~o. Olympic Utility Supply Pay roll Supplies Calbl'6 Insurance Lamps Supplies 5'>' (17 :.--- 38.50 2..55 14.26 5.50 82.45 54.56 Un(ler the, head of Introduc t.ion 0 f Resolutions, the fall owin g R.esoluti on was introdU(,ed: RESOLUTION TO ','IlTHDRAVI APPLICATION FOR FEDE?..\L GRANT. ~IHJmEAS, The City of Port Ange~eB heretofore ani on or abaut October 2, 193,3, made ~pplication to the United States Public v/orks Administration for a grant of Federal Funds to be used upon Public norks Administration Project number 1847, and, VIHEREAS, no allotment of federal Funds has yet been made in response to this grant,an WHEREAS, The City Commission desires to nroceed with the work contemplated in said project wi th the aid of labor to be furnished" by the Viashington Emergency Relief Adminis- Itration" and it becomes necessary to withdraw the application for Federal Funds above referred to before the project may be adopted and approved by the ,Iashington Emergency Ue li ef <'~m i n i s tra t ion, . . NO'.'i THJ:HSFORS, BE IT R'<;SOLVED That the application for a grant heretofore made to the Uni ted State s Government for' a grant of funds in aid of Public 'i/orks Adminis tra tion Pro- ject number 1847 be and said application is hereby wi thdrawn; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ThQt a cmpy of this resolution be transmitted to the Public l'lorks Adminis tra tion and to th e ilashington Emergency Relie f ndminis tra ti on. It was moved by Commissioner Masters tha t the foregoing resolution be approved and dopted. Seconded by Corcmissioner Lutz.. On roll caJ.l all members voted aye. The ayor declared the motion carried. There being no further business the 60mmission then adjourned. 7//J1?~ ~~ Ci ty Clerk. Mayor. ...