HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/13/1936 ,.. 362 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Fe bruary 13, 1936 193~ ~ II) t ~ J~, ~rI\ f~ ~ l ~j ~~ II.. The Commission met pursuant to adjournment at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor .iJavis. Roll call shower] the followin~ officers presen t: Mayor Davis, Commission- ers Lutz and Masters, j.ttorney Conniff and "Ie rk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of New Business the following Resolution was intr~duced: RESOLUTION TO EXECUTE LEASE VffiEREAS, J. R.Eldridge having made application to lease Lots 14 to 20 inclusive, block 434, Townsi te, for a term of fi ve years; the said lots to be fenced and us ed .far pasture, and, WHEREAS, The above said described lots having been acquired by lease for Park pur- poses; the City Park Department, however, being unable at this tirre to improve and use the lots, and it appearing that there is no good reason why the application should not be granted, THEREFORE, BE IT RSSOLVED, That the application of J. R. Eldridge to lease lots 14 to 20, inclus ive, Block 434, Townsi te, far a ter m of fi ve years, be I,Uld the same is hereby granted; provided, however, that in case at any time any ~r all of said lots be needed for Park purpo ses, then the said J. R. Eldridge, shall release the sa id lot or lots, as the case may be, to the City, and the sai d contract or 1 ease in so far as the said lot or lots so released shall be void; provided further. that all lots released during the term of this lease or at its termination shall be in /!Ood condition hnd L'e- pair, and the said J.~. Eldridge shall have the privilege to remove any and all fenoing furnished by him and used 6n the premises, and, . BE IT FURTHER m;SOLVED, Tha t the City Attorney be and he is hereby instructed to prepare a lease under the terms herein provided, 8Ild the Mayor and City Cle rk authorizad to execute the said lease on behalf of the "ity. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approve:! and adopted. Seconded by Commissivner Lutz. On roll call all membErS voted aye. The !.Iayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of "'pplications for Licenses 'the following wer e granted: Guy C. King, Journeyman Plumber Yellow Cab Co., 2 Taxi Cabs Northwest Plumbing & Heating Co. 1.25 10.00 25.00 The Official Bond of the Northwest Plumbing and Heating Company Vias all proved by the City At:orney. - The Commission examined and allowed the following cIa ims and order ed warran,ts drawn for same: CURRENT ElCPENSEFUND W. H. Rodgers Automotive Parts Service VI. C. Schroeder J. Lloyd Aldwell, Inc. Glenn's Service Station The Pacific Tel, & Tel. eo. The Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Automotive Parts Service The Pac Tel & Tel Co. Epperson & Sons Olympic Printery '!Iills on Hardwar e Co. Assmciated Oil Co. w. C. Schroeder K. O. Erickson K. O. Zrickson The Pac Tel & Tel Co. Even:ing News VI. C. Schroede r W. C. Schroeder fl. C. Schroeder V. A. Samuelson & Co. Standard Oil "0. Willson Hardware 60. P.A. Concrete Products Co. Epperson & Sons Lysall Welding & Fo ['ge "orks Garvin Auto Co. Evening News II The Pac 'fel & Tel Co. Quick Print H. G. Hammond State Treasurer Services Anti-freeze Insurance Insuran ce Oil Servie e Servi ce Anti-freeze Servi ee Lumber SUPlllies Plumb Bob Line Gas Insuranc e Premium on Bond \I II n 85.75 1.25 17.00 17.06 7.00 3.65 2.85 1. 95 6.75 3.0:3 1.20 .41) 24.18 15.00 5.00 45 .00 1.25 3.15 66.00 27.60 17.00 12.20 9.89 29.22 46.46 19..58 1. 90 24.52 16.59 10.15 1.00 108.00 84.55 Service Publications Insurance Insurance Insurance Repairs Oil Hardware Pipe, etc. Lumber Repai rs for grad er Repa iI'S Publications Service Supplies Services Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid it& .; 1'ic> WAT~R FUND Epperson & Sons Pac Tel & Tel Co. Willson Hnrdware "0. Olympic Printery Seattle Plumbing & Supply "0. Hooker Electrochemical Co. Seattle Plumbing & SupplY Co. Lysall Velding & Forge frorks ~ta~e ~~~~~~g~~ Sash & Lumber Servic e Ma ter i al & Supp lie s Printine & Supplies Material and supplies Chlorine Material & Supplies Shop ,'Iork Insuranee Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 70.92 5.40 5.20 28.87 1.28 14.31 47.81 4.20 22.00 37.06 of '" v~1 I. I I I I Feb ruarv 13. 1936 193~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 363 ., I I I I I LIGHT FUND Ci ty ;reasurer , Pac Te 1 & Te 1 "'0. puget Sound Power & Light Co. Quick Print Lysall ~elding & Forge Works Pine Hill Servj ce Station Genera 1 Elec tric Co. Olympic Printer y Blackburn Printing Co. J. Lloyd Aldwell, Inc. Knudson Variety Stor8 .. Burroughs Add ing Mac hine ,0. VI. C. !lchroeder VI. Schrad e r Sta te Treasur er Misc. Cash Payments Service Power Bill Printing & Supplies Shop Work Pai nt Signal Meters Suppl1e s Meter Slips Insuranc e Light Globes Ser vi ce Agre emen t Insuran ce File Saws Ind. Ins. & Med.Aid LIBRARY FUND The Pac Tel & Tel Go. Ci ty Treasurer Lowman & Hanford Co. The Junior Li terary Guild Jennilu Norris ~he tlertzberg Bindery Gaylord Bros. Inc. Puge~ Sound News Co. PARK FUND Ser vi ee Light & ,Jater Books 11 Supplie s Books Supplies Books Sta te Treasurer Ind. Ins. & Ued. Aid There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. /1 J?1-1J~-W7r:n#- , ' ;fdk~ City Clerk May or t~ .,...t 'to r'l, '6~ .. 1.63 16.60 7796.45 29.89 4.27 1.00 82.05 1.33 12.34 13.54 32.69 16.75 5.50 1.10 13. 70 4.25 16.59 10.18 1.33 1.85 1.2.5 15.95 37.18 14.98 ~