HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/13/1951 ,.. 96 .... Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington FebruaI'V 1 " 19_51_ ,,'.' . ......, 'U'M, ..." " ........ ..... .... The Connnission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were: 11ayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of apPJoications for building permits, the following were granted: , c''l.lf<JtJ - DelGuzzi Bros. I Construct 6-Room Dwelling; Lots 13-14, Blk. 124, D.l~.Morse Bub. DelGuzzi Bros. Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 16, Blk. 418, Townsite DelGuzzi Bros. Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 10, Blk. 335, Townsite DelGuzzi Bros. Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 5, Elk. 115, Townsite Don Smith Construct 4-Apt. Bldg.; Lot 1;3, Blk. 193, Townsite Leonard Pederson Construct J);,elling; Lot 6, Blk. 277, TOlmsite Harriet Francisco Move Existing House & Repair; Lot 15, Blk. 21, N.R.Smith Add. Dick viray Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 3, Blk. 299, Townsite Paul Kesler Remove Gasoline Pumps & Install New One; Lot 9, Blk. 30; Thomas & Goodwin Add. 11,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 17,000.00' 9,000.00 500.00 10,000.00 900.00 Under the head of unfinished business, one bid for a 1943 Seagrave truc.k for the Fire Department was sub- mitted by Port Angeles Motors in amount of $4,800.00 Lo.b. Atlanta, Ga. Fire Chief Wolverton, having received favorable report regarding the truck from the Atlanta Chief, reconnnended that the truck be purchase(l. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the bid be accepted. Seconded by Connnissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Comrr~ssion considered the Ediz Hook repair project and prov1s10n for payment of the same. The Engineer filed a report showing estimate of total cost'as approximately $18,500.00, which should be provided by Emergency Ordinance. It was moved by Connnissioner Robinson that the Attorney be instructed to draw up. an. Emergency Ordinance in the amount of $18,500.00. Notion seconded by Nayor Feeley. All vote<Ol Aye. Motion carried. DelGuzzi Bros., Contractors, requested that a sixty day continuation of road block at 11th and Oak Streets be. approved, made necessary by receipt of 65,000 brick shipment. It was moved by Kayor Feeley.that the request be approved, the time of extension not to exceed sixty days. Motion seconded by Connnissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. 110tion carried. Under the head of new business, J. M. Bower, Manager of Thrift Super Market, requested in writing that one hour parking signs be installed to extend one hundred feet North from Front Street on the \;est side of Oak Street, This to relieve parking problem and for convenience of their customers. The request was referrsd to-the Police Chief. The Connnission considered sale of, and prices fixed, for lots in Ocean View Cemetery, particularly for burials conducted by the Welfare Department and for infants. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the matter be referred, to the Park Board. Seconded by Connnissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Connnissioner Taylor suggested that the Industries, namely, Rayoni er, Inc., Fibreboard Products, Inc., Crown Zellerbach Corp., and Standard Shingle Company, be notified regarding their pledges to reimburse the City for original contract of Ediz Hook repair. The Connnission instructed that the Companies be 50 notified. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the, following was placed on third reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1242 AN ORDINANCE setting forth an emergency affecting the public health and safety; reqmnng expenditures unforeseen; providing for the issuance of emergency warrants; and declaring an emergency making the ordinance immediately effective. It.was moved by Connnissioner Robinson thJ.t the foregoing Ordinance be passed third, and final reading and adopted. Seconded by Connnissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was read by title and placed on first and second reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1243 AN- ORDINANCE stating the facts of an emsrgency affecting ths public safety, welfare and, convenience of the C:.ty cf Port Angeles; requiring the unforeseen expenditure of funds; providing for the issuance of emergency warrants and declaring an emergency. It. was moved by 11ayor Feeley that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. Seconded by Connnissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Police Chief Ide reported a slide at the rear of the Police Station which the Connnission immediately inspected. The Connnission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: gjj ~! CURREl>'T EXPElISE FUND: Bussing Office Supply Olympic Stationers Jerry Nelson Agency James Hardware Co. The Texas Co. R.-O. Ide Olympic Printery Dobson Auto Electric Harrington & Giles Diamond Store Wm. H. Nye & Co. Peninsula Fuel Willson Hardware Co. E~ning News Press ll,iddleton Motor Parts The Electri c Co. Seattle Radio Supply Office Supplies Office Supplies & Furniture Robbery Insurance Policy Tools and Hdwe. Gasoline Car t1ileage for Jan. Office Supplies Parts Flashlite Batteries 4 Keys 1 Vibrator Fuel Oil Lights, Tools & Hdwe. Stationery & Log Books D,epartment Supplies ilL' 5", Nipple Batteries 13.60 112.95 74.00 6.58 91.16 25.48) 5.87 38.77 1.30 1.35 4.14 261.17' 58.03 70.971 38.181 1.90 "'1 I I I I 1 I. 1 I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 13th, continued, ,... , ...... "^"., '''''''^', '^''',"' ..... .... CITY STREET FUND: gf "-.'f Robert l'lulligan Nailor Lumber Co. 1 WATER FUND: 3 A 'l-J ~ Rensselaer Valve Co. Palmer Supply Co. Owens Bros. Eng. & Constr. Co. LIGHT FUND: if!..;;. ~1.. Zellerbach Paper Co. Olympic Stationers Clallam Adjustment Corp. Port Angeles Evening News Peninsula Fuel Co. James vi. Caven Woodies Harley Davidson Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Tookers Motor Frt. SANITATION FUND: If! f The Olympic Printery Olympic Stationers Angeles Machine & lielding 1'iorks The Texas Co. 19.2L Truc k & Driver Cuprolignum, Creosote Hydrant Rod Pipe Payment on Contract Elwha River Jetty Add. Machine Paper & Toilet Paper Pens Comm, on Collection Adv. Deliver Fuel Oil Tubi ng Repair Lock Wire Frt. Line Dater Calendar Refill Shaft Valor Oil CONTROL FUND@ 2 Mason Lines PARKING ~iliTER & TRAFFIC l'lillson Hardware Co. J)C FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND: /5- Clallam Co. Medical Service Corp. ANTIltJ. CONTROL FUND: t) 3i' C! Clallam Co. Humane Society Fsb. Med. Fees There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. Budget Appropriation, Dog & Cat Ucenses, Pd. Fees Q g :iOA/ t1 City Clerk _tdtL/~' /' 97 ' 80.00 4.44 4.27 98.00 3,141.52 43.59 1.03 -1.50 12.06 4.12 .70 12.10 377.09 10.63 1.24 1.24 4.58 7.93 .56 15.00 538.00 Mayor .....