HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/14/1950
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
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I'The Commission met at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by k~yor Feeley. Officers present were: I~yor
Feeley, Commissioners !tobinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law.
Minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
Under the head of applic'ations for building permits and licenses, the foll<>'fing Vlere granted:
BuildiIJg PermiGs;
DelGuzzi Bros.
Deyrey Schell
Construct 5-Room House; Lot 7, Blk. 174, Toymsite
Close in Porch for Kitchen & Front Room; Lot 10, Blk. 9, P.S.C.C.
iH.:M. Slootmaker Journeyman Plumber
,Under the head of new wsiness, Leslie Pringle of Route No.2, filed claim for damages to his car on
fFebruary 8, caused by a plank concealed in snow plowed to the middle of Vfest li'irst Street. The claim was
freferred to Jerry Nelson ^gency.
IThe Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce informed in writing that as provided by Statutes, the Directors had
selected for approval by the Commission, the follOVliIJg memoers to act a s a publicity Onard: ,'rank A. ~'eeley!
Il.layor; O. A. 1'imberlake, President, Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce; Claude D. "radford, Manager, Port '
Angeles Chamber of Commerce. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the nominations be approvea.
ISeconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
,A resolution from the Sequim Prairie Grango No. 1108, showing the sa1d liraIJge as g01ng on record urg1ng all
!CiV1C and public organizations to take necessary steps wnereby daylight saviIJg t~me will be el~minated, was
read and ordered filed.
ITne report of Police Judge Phillips for the month of January, shomng $74H.bO f1nes collected, was approvea
and ordered filed.
'!.lr. Piper, owner of property near right-of-way to ~.orse Creek dam, compained that water through culvert
linstalled is causilJg damage to his road, making it impassable. Mr. Piper also requested permission to tap
'main line for water service to his property. The matter was referred to Commissioner Taylor.
IJ. J,yle Beam, Insurance Agent, appeared regarding valuation of City owned property and appraisal recently
completed. Mr. Deam informed as to present coverage and additions necesoary to obtain a lower overall
'rate. It was the op1nion of Mayor Feoley that cost of appraisal snould be included ill the next budget and
lit was moved by Hayor Feeley that J1r. Hearn be authorlzed to ~ncrease present policies in amounts to bnng
total cover;1:ge nearer to 90%. !lotion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. 1!otlon earned.
,C1ty liIJgineer Ahlvers ~nformed that street conditions necessitate purchase of patch~ng matena1. It was
moved oy Commisnoner Taylor that bids be published for purchase of 600 tOIlS of Bituminous Cement Plant mix,
Ibids to be opened Feb. 27th. 11otion seconded by Mayer l<'eeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
,The Commission discussed publication of bids for the construction of sewers On bouth Pine Hill to conform
witfl Inprovement Resolution No. 152. It was moved by-Commissioner Taylor that bids for the sewer installation
be published and opened !.larch 6th. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion oarried.
'Under the head of reading and p8 ssage of Ordinances the follOwing was placed on third and final readiIJg.
I OHDlNA~C;; NO. 1222
IAN OHDINANCE vacating 'a certain alley and portions of certain streets and alleys in clocks One (1) and ,'our
1(4) of Cain I s Subdivision of Suburban Lot Tvrnety-one (21) of the United States iJovernment Townsite of
Port f.ngeles, Clallam County, 'Ifashington.
lIt was moved by Mayor Feeley that the foregoing Ordinanoe be passed third and final reading and adopted.
Seconded by Commissioner Ho bins on . All voted Aye. llotion carried.
The Commission examined and approved the follOVling claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same:
I 1'1
United Janitor Supply Co.
;Vernon J. liobinson
iHazelTs Cafe
City Treasurer
'no O. Ide
ieadrick Repair Service 11
CITY STREET l<1JNC: ~ ()~S -
:Bow Lake l>quipment Co.
\r. H. Haller Hardware Co.
ICi ty Trea surer
J30w Lake Equipment Co., Inc.
2.50 '
1 Case .t'aper Cups
~xpense Aoot.
Mea Is for Pris oners
Tele gram
Traveling Expense
Car Hepair in Jan.
~ Cost Excavator
'Shov- els
.Express Chg.
6,021.83 '
~ Cost Excavator
6,021.85 ,
u. J. I:CLean
Expense Supt.
1::eing no further tusiness, the meeting was then adjourned.
U, G, 'L~
{/ City Clerk