HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/15/1962
Procee~ings of tne City Commission of tne Ci~ of Port Angeles, Wasnington
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~e City Cou~cil met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. The fOllowing officers were present: Mayor I
~axfield, Councilmen Richardson, Thorne, Randall, Caldwell and Haguewood; Manager Slankard, Attorney
Moffett and Clerk McNeece. il
~t was moved by Councilman Randall that the minutes of the previous meeting be corrected to 'the es!
~imated cost of 500 tons of rip-rap for Ediz Hook being less than the $2 000.00 which would not
fequire a call for bids' and the minutes be approved as corrected. seco~ded bY' Councilman Caldwell
and unanimously carried.
jpnder the head of unfinished business, one bid for furnishing fire alarm and related items was re-
fe~ved, The Neep Eq~ipment Company, l~A Model' 77 Plectron tone generator $109.50; I-B Model 24,
IFh~ef, Plectron Rece~vers $109.50 (add~tonal tones $10.80 ea,); l-C Tone activated receivers each
;$99.50; 32 receivers total $3,184.00. Total cost plus sales tax $3,539.12. It was moved by'Council-
'man Richardson that this bid be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried,
",II~I ids for furnishing a one-half ton pickup truck for the Light Department were received as follows:
, Anderson Ford Co. 1962 Ford F-IOO Cab and Chassis with utility box, $2,381.70 less
I trade-in 1955 Ford Station wagon, $350.00 - net $2,031,70
Ruddell Oldsmobile-Cadillac, Inc., 1962 I.H.C. Model C-IOO ~ ton pickup, $2,701.66 less
: trade-in $306 ,66 - net $2,395.00
Bob Bolter Chevrolet Co., Inc. 1962 Chevrolet ~ ton pickup Chassis and Cab, Model C 1403,
II $2,338.01 less trade-in $338.01- net $2,000.00 plus sales tax and license fees.
ttt was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the bid of $2,031.76 by Anderson Ford Co, be accepted.
,Feconded by Councilman Thorne and carried;
~ids for furnishng a new police car and a new station wagon for the Fire Department were received a
~ollows: I
Anderson Ford Co., 1962 Ford Station wagon, $3,224,00 less trade in 1956 Plymouth Station
wagon, $597,00 - net $2,627.00, 1962 Ford Galaxie Mainliner for Police Department $2,984.80
lesstrade~in1958 Chevrolet, $684.80 - net $2,300.00.
Murray Motors, 1962 Dodge 4-door station wagon, $2,810.40 less tradein $445,00 - net $2,36S.ftO
plus sales tax and license fees, 1962 Dodge Police Pursuit 4 door sedan, $2,664.00 less traoe-
in $514.00 - net $2,150.00 plus sales tax and license fees. I
Lannoye Motor Co. 1962 Plymouth Police Patroller 8, four door station wagon $2,859.86 less
trade-in, $460.86 - net $2,399.00, delivery from thirty (30) to forty-five (A5) days, 1962 '
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The bid of Lannoye Motor Co. being the low bid for both car and station wagon, it was moved by
Councilman Thorne that the bid of Lannoye Motor Co, for station wagon at $2,399,00 and the Police
'car at $1.796.67 including trade-ins be accepted, Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously
IAfter some discussion as to whether to retain the services of an architect for the remodeling of the
ipresent Library building or accept one of the other two plans set forth by the City Manager: 1. Let
,the City Manager contact local contractors to do the work on a day basis, 2. The City to prepare ~
[plans and specifications and let the work out on bid, it was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the
City prepare plans and specifications and the C~ty Manager call for informal bids and do the job on
a day cost plus basis. Seconded by Councilman Thorne. On called vote, Councilmen Caldwell, Randall
land Thorne voted "aye", Councilmen Richardson and Haguewood voted "opposed", The motion carried. ~
iThe City Manager read a copy of the notice signed by the City Engineer and sent to Mr. M, R. AllemaR
,as instructed in ReSOlution 3-62 regarding sidewalk reconstruction E~ Lot 16, W~ Lot 17, Block 14, I
'Township and giving the estimated costs thereof, !
bnder the head of new business, a communication from Vi Hurlong was received requesting the purchas~
,of City owned Lots 8 and 9, Block 66. The Mayor appointed Councilman Thorne, Caldwell and Haguewoo~
las committee to investigate and report at the next Council meeting. I
'A communication from Rayonier, Inc., relative to the Federal involvement in the problems of the
IWashington State Pdlution Control Commission was read and discussed. Councilman-Richardson asked
itO introduce a Resolution protesting the actions that have been taken by the Federal Government,
IThe City Manager then read the following Resolution in full:
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles protesting
I the acts of the State of Washington and the United States Government
I' in connection with the Joint State-Federal Conference on Water Pollution
Control held in Olympia, Washington January 16-17, 1962.
lIt was moved by Councilman Richardson that the foregoing Resolution be adopted as read. Seconded
IbY Councilman Caldwell and unanimously carried. Copies of this Resolution are to be sent to our
representatives and senators in Washington, D.C. as well as other interested persons, including thel
Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. '
It was moved by Councilman Richardson that permission be granted to call for bids for the construc-
tion of a rest room facility in Erickson Playfield. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried.
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that permission be granted to call for bids for 3,000 tons of
asphalt patching material for street use, etc. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried.
!Ispecifications for coin lockers for clothes, etc and bleachers for spectators having been drawn up
liand presented to the Council, it was moved by Councilman Haguewood that permission be granted to
(call for bids for the coin lockers and the bleachers. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried.
.It was moved by Councilman Thorne that permission be granted to call for bids for 5000 ft. Class
Proceedings of t~e Ci~ Commission of t~e City of Port Angeles, Was~ington
,50, 6 inch cast lron plpe cast lron plpe or the Water Dept. secJo1nded
y Councilman Caldwell and
lotice was received that petitions are being circulated for annexation of an area in the vicinity 0
Mt, Angeles Road to the Scribner Road. I
~I[t was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the Police Department, Police Judge and Fire Department I
'eports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. I:
! t was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the claims payable in amounts of: General Funds, $8,85'5,lt
,ater Fund $1,194.87, Pipelin7 Fund $57.83 and Light Fund $3,027.16 be allowed and approved. second,ed
y Councilman Thorne and carrill. '(
I t was moved by Councilman Richardson that the payrolls for January in total amount of $61,292.25 bJ
~pproved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. .. II
~I~e fifth progress payment to K T. Henderson, Inc. for work and material in construction of the MuJi-
'ipal Swimming Pool, having been approved and signed by I. E. Muri, Architect, the City Manager and I:
E. Kenneth Henderson, President, it was moved by Councilman Richardson that the progress payment ,'1
' umber five (5) in amount of $33,545.20 be approved. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and unanimous]y
farried. " 1'1
~ letter was read from McMahan Fuel Co. relative to unsightly poles in the City. The City Manager
linformed that the City is already working in connection with "clean up" and is doing everything pOS'1
Isible in removing the unsightly poles, It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the letter be aC~1
rnOWledged and placed on file, Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. "I
Mr. Wall, representing the Magna Pipeline Co. requested an extension of one year for the beginning Ol'f
ibonstruction of the natural gas line into the city, the deadline clause in the company's franchise I
~aving expired, It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that a one year extension on the date of commenC-
,h,' g construction of the pipeline be granted Magna Pipeline Co. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and /,1
unanimously carried.
I .
1m answer to the question of the two areas which have requested annexation, it was moved by Council-
~an Thorne that the pre-existing liabilities of the City not be assumed by the annexed areas.
Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously carried.
r .
~ecause of certain statements made during his campaign for a Council position, Councilman Richardson
~ade corrections in statements made by Mr. William Schultz: Ii
I 1. A general summary was made of negotiations between the plants using Elwha Industrial '1
Water and the City and the renewing of the contract. 2. The size and capacity of the new
! swimming pool was explained and the method by which the bonds would be redeemed was explained.,
I! 3. An explanation was given as to costs of the new light service building and cost of the i'
j ~~~. I
~t was moved by Councilman Richardson that the meeti~g be adjourned and re-convene for the purpose I
~f canvassing the absentee ballots, which are all in. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried.
~, ,...,on <h, "'" '"",.,d eo, m""" ',djourned and the second meeting convened for the purpose
I f canvassing absentee ballots and nothi~g else.
, c::>!5: d1 ~~J :n.-P..f'~
February 19, 1962' ," ,
t'rimary Election of the City of pO,r t ,Ang~les;'Washington, Id and conducted February 13, 1962, as
I hown by the canvass of Absentee Ballots,' and the Poll Books:
Councilman ' , ,:' .' . Absentee
Position No'.;, 'i Votes
Nathan"G'. Richardson 7
William R, Schultz 1
Laurence E, ''Larry" \'linters 8
Joseph W, Wolfe . 23
Position No. 2
,Murray F. Randall
. Charles R. Willson
Poll Book Total
800 807
311 312
624 632
1214 1237
773 778
2160 2194
Position No. 3
James G. Caldwell
Donald E, Cornell
Willard S. "Bill"
from results of said election it appears that for Position No, 1: Joseph W. Wolfe and Nathan G.
~chardson; Position No.2: Charles R. Willson and Murray F. Randall; Position No.3: Willard S.
~'Bill" Traylor and Donald E. Cornell were nominated to run for Councilmen for four year terms,
~erefore, the names of the nominated will be placed upon the Ballot for the General City Election
~o be held March 13, 1962.
WITNESS my hand this 19th day of February, 1962.
<$1 d 'lnv 7?u~ f
City Clerk of the City 0 Port Angeles,