HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/15/1968 Proceeoings of the City Commission of tne City of Port Angeles, Wasnington February 15, 19.1i.L ...... 353 I I I I I. It K PRnHI~g <;0. P.H_~_~4 ...... iThe City.Council met in regular session at 7:30 P. M. Officers present were Mayor Wolfe, Council- I!men Maxfleld, Thorne, Bettger, Basom and Ranta; Manager Herrman, Attorney Moffett and Clerk McNeecE. ICOUnCllman Schroeder was absent. A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to accept and place on file the minutes of February 1, 1968. A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Bettger and unanimously carried, to accept the high bid of Lucky Sales & Service of Tacoma, Washington for the 1950 P & H Shovel at $755.50, and the 10-ton Roller at $555.50, and the bid of Wm. Schultz for the 1957 Chevrolet Truck Engine at $50.00. A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and unanimously carried, to refer the bids for the 7500 KVA Outdoor Type Unit Substation to the City Manager and Light Superintendent for recommendation. IA motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Bettger and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of $2,368.07 by Port Angeles Cycle Hub for the Motorcyle for the Police Dept. subject to approval by the City Manager and Police Chief. I 'A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried, to accept the low bid of $2,283.82 by Ruddell Chevrolet-Oldsmobile, Inc. for the new 1968 Van for the Sewer Department. A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Bettger and unanimously carried, to refer the bids for a Street Sweeper to the City Manager and Street Superintendent for review and recommendation. A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Ranta and unanimously carried, to approve the payment to CH2M in amount of $4,196.53 for engineering services from December 25, 196c through January 24, 1968 in connection with the Sanitary Sewerage System Improvement. A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, oeconded by Councilman Basom and unanimously carried, I to approve for payment Claims Vouchers in the amount of $29,480.53 and PayrOll Transfers I $45,76l.46. A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Basom and unanimously carried, to accept tlle suggestion of Attorney Frank Platt, and table the proposed ambulance ordinance until the parties concerned (Bialik and Lamareaux, the present ambulance owners) can meet and get together on the wording of an ambulance ordinance. A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Bettger and unanimously carried, to accept the Planning Commission's recommendation and grant Mr. Harold H. Butler, 3010 South Laurel Street a variance to permit construction of a double carport 15 feet from the property line of a 70-foot wide right-of-way, centered on the platted 60-foot right-of-way; the car- port to remain open and not be converted to a closed garage or incorporated as another room of the house at some future date. 'IA motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Bettger and unanimously carried, Ito grant Mr. V. A. Rambo of Angeles Millwork a variance to allow waiver of the setback require- 'ments from the alley and side property line with the restriction that no access be provided to ithe proposed lumbershed from the alley side now or in the future. (Also, the roof overhang must be confined to Mr. Rambo's property.) A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and unanimously carried, to approve the request of Mr. Warren E. Merrill for approval of an evergreen brush packing operation on the property at 819 E. First Street. A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and unanimously carried, to table for study and publicity the proposed change of name of a number of streets within the City. A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried, to approve the request of Mrs. Eva Miller, 5th & Tumwater, for permission to erect a small building for storage for her benefit rummage sales. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Ranta and carried to approve and ,place on file the Planning Commission's minutes of February 6, 1968. Receipt of the Pollce and Flre Departments' Civil Service Commlssion Minutes for January were I acknowledged. A motlon was made by Councllman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Ranta and carried, to accept and place on file the Llbrary Statistical Report for the year of 1967. A motion was made by Councilman Ranta, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried to approve the amended transfer of Liquor License from William Wayne Walker to Pat L. Schell, Log Cabin. A motion was made by Councilman Ranta, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimousiy carried, to accept and place on file the Treasurer's'Report for January, the Revenues and Expenditures Monthly Report, the Fire, Police, Municipal Judge and Recreation Departments' Monthly Reports for January, Utility Billing, Light and Water Depts. Work Reports and the Sewer Progress Report. The following resolution was read in full: RESOLUTION NO. 3-68 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles making transfers within the 1967 budget, and authorizing the expenditure of funds received in excess of estimated revenues. I I A motion was made fe"~ C>, 'aco,oio, by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried, resolution be passed as read. i , " .~ 364 Proceedings of tne City Commission of tne City of Port Angeles, Wasnington Februarv 15. 19--6.B... ,..,",."..,.. ,."", ~ A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Bettger and unanimously carried, ~ to approve the extension of underground installation of electrical wiring to include from Valley Street Substation North on Valley to First - Second Alley, East on First - Second Alley to Oak St., North on Oak to Railroad Avenue, then East on Railroad Avenue past Lincoln Street. II Other subjects discussed were the memo from Chief Cameron clarifying laundry and cleaning bills II for the Fire Dept; the Child Guidance Report; a memorandum from Bob James, Electrical Dist. Engr., II, regarding progress and future projects; need for a Beautification Committee (the Mayor requested " I that names be submitted by the next Council Meeting, March i, 1968); the A. W. C. Annual Conven- I tion May 15-17, 1968 in Spokane; a Certificate of Appreciation was read from the Clallam County ! Fair Association; the Council expressed their appreciation to Clayton Stewart (KAFY) for his , coverage of the Council meetings and wished him well in his new position at Tacoma with KTNT Radio Station; and a meeting with the Fire Fighters Local 6' 56 was tentatively set for March 7, 1968 after the regular Council meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P. M. d~~ 7?4~~n) CITY CLERK d~YL (~ !~r MAYOR J~~-- .~ .-' I NO'.rIC'E 01' CALL FD:!I BIDS I NOTICE 01' CALL FOB BIDS 1-' -- ------- - - WIB~:~DD~~~~~;;OR3 POLES-Light Depart.ment NOTI~ROIN~~~~~O: BIDS .-- _.- ~ _ _" I ~(ll It'f) i:i lH:reby given that !\('lllC{: ;\otlce is Ilerd,v gln'll fhat. s{','llerl :I.S"ht De))l\r-tment ! I B BIDS \~~~~Il~~~\~fb~hereg:;.cgf ~~rtt~{ng~~:~<; l~t:~~I;;:'\fIJ~II~t'~t'~~~''''o(lf l~~'l.tt~~g~l~~ Kotlcl' j~ ilerelJY given tlult :scaledl! NCTIOETB~~;:J':M:~S ::.,tt,.HuOllt'I'I'('5":111t~)f..,sr.v~el~:,h~: ~~i1 ~{t/ ~Dnt~Y(,(\S:~/i:~~il~ ~i~~~~ ~~ rt:~~ ~lg~a;~j!~lorb~hz'eali~l'gt \~~rt~'Ilg-~:~~,j . Llght Depnrtment _' .... .. ':,ror furnlRhing till" 1:011(I\1'ing t;Ql1il).l ilt 1,1ll "'VCH FI'O;J.t SU'CCt ot sa,"Jl' ;';"tlco III herebY, !::,hcn tlwt !-il'f1j(-'(l .,for furlll.<<.hing th(' lo~low)llS' CIl\11Il- Im(Hlt [\Jl{l/Ql' mntel'illl: IClt~. \Intll 5:(10 1',)1., March ~, l~t>g }-'hl-< will lH! 1'['ccln.'t1 bY, tll(' (;Il)- ment iUld/ol" m:1u"rial. t:~llnntitv, f(lI' furnil'Jiing the following CqUlp- 1:l1llJmg,,1' of the CIty uf l-'ol'l .-\nr;('-Ie;l 19~1lUtIItY r,(lO ft. ('oils, J)~;);ll~~_;~~~(~:, ~ '~ ': :: : : ':: , : : : :: " : : : : :~~ ~~: 8l~~~ ~ mcnhl~nd!;~ ~~.~~;}~r('c phnse lmaj ~}t/ t~t~Ycr,~\o I"r.~~r ~i~~,~~ (~~ r~~~ 1'" ~IU;';'h~~ll:~'lce Drop CalJle, r::',.. .... ,:n n.. g:~: ~ ~~'G'On~,- gi~I~~ll~~im\I:;;r;~'~lrt~I'wfr()e':l !~~~'Il:u~~l~;~:~Km~~~d~l~IOWlllg cQulj)' ;j~ ~~: ~: ~~~:: ~Gr~ itc];: h~""""""""", .,;,'~.' ir~t', ~c',:J~~~,': ~ r~~:Eo8rsV l~ecg:a~~,}lrg~~~Y st~iJ ~f{~]~.~i,~~',. ~',:', ',~~ ~~}:~ ~t,~~=f~~:~~~~ 15,0(10 Ib:o; ~e;ngd~~'~toT: !j;jfi.:J MeM, SPECJFICATJO:'\:'i' P{'{'ll'd we~t;r~ Bldde-t' to fnrnlf'h tllmensiolls,l i~;p:r:CTF'JC.\Tto_:\"~: (,)jl-f]lI('~1. Iwll' C" t ()(I lbs t~~~;~,'\'~,iOA' /,,\/~' (Oxlip) }~;~ ~e~lb~';,,\~',lil}t. t~~'t(l~~:~~, tre~teCl ~~~Ci\~;;8Rt~~~~~ \~~C;"Jl:~~~ ~~';l tnbtl-; I ~.~~~ 7:4~~~)~lbl~C~hj~/tU/24{)\ All hids ~hnll he onened and ffibu- IntNt fol' the CIty council WIth :\1 l ~\n lqds sha:1 lie ul)(,>I1Qd _:\Ild I~lbu~ '\ll bid:; 1<hnlJ be OlllJned ilnd taliu- IntNl for the City COllneil with tl. I'N'OI11IllCl1ilatl'H\ attacIH"~1 lor consj[I-, 'I.'\tcd for th\'! elt)" COl1ilCII with n. latcd f(J(' th,_~ C1t::f Council wall tl 1'C~commCll<:lRtiOI1 atLachetl f()T consid. r'l'utioll b~' HIJd Ctouncl! 1n sessl(\nl I'Cl'lllnrcrcntllLllon f1.ttItCIIl'~ fOI' (',on- I'e('omm('ml~.tlon aHflCh<'d r.or cOll11id- ('ratlon In' "r,id Counc!] in se8slon Match i, HI&g i shlc:'utlnll b)' snld Council In f;~",>!jon erll.(ilJl1 hy ~flld Coullcil III !'es!:>lon ~rrl.1('h 7 19li~ ,\ ('('rOfled ch('ck 01' bid bond fOl ~ht1'cll 7. H6S, .March 7, 19ML 1 I for A CE.-ltlflE.-d check 01 blf] homl for, i'i" cf the amount hid all,tll flCCOlT1 ~ A ec-rlificl! ch~l'k (11' bir] hond for A curtlfll'l] {'heck b0~ ~~flll)on(('f)m_ :.c;.<~ of the amount hill ,,,It,,dl aecom-' llany each llld, All hid:'! to includcr 5% of the anlOUtlt bid :'!hall ncCOlU- fj % (>[ tile amollllt ~ I 1'- I~ ,C Iud;,) Pal,l}" €fl['l1 111,1. All bir1s to Includ{' IllC'lh'C,ry F.O,B, Port Angc-Ics. \yaSh-\ Imll:!' cadi hId, All lll,l::> to Includc ~~m:c:;':l{'~,,~~i1.' r~~\ ~~~ele~, '\~nsh- :]:i~~~~:>' ["_O.n. Port Angeles, \Yn.sh- !il1~t~~l'Cit:.. CrHlIlcil n.H'l've:,; thl' right ~~~i,~~ti F,O.B. Port Angc1et,l, Wru:ih- Il1gtoll. . q.. tl rIght I T!H) City Council reSCl'n!s tht> right! Ie ('r,ns1(lt>r rlellvprJ' Ilme amI tll t" Th,.~,C,,'lt,',.~,O)\"'~I',I,',!,:):{'r,',',',',: th.,e"",,'gl,,~t 'rhe City COU,nC-1I1CSL:I:P.S Ie 1 to to conej(l'c]' d(:liv(!}'v time 'uIIi to 'neCB1)t 01' rejp,ct fl.llV or ail bl(h; or " ,v '--' "'_ ,- u l}I,~('(.~~~n~~~c~'d~;t.~~,; O;~ll~l ;:~~~8 or, ~~~.('PV~I~r t~~jr~~tf llilj; 01' nil bids or >>n)' Jl:lr~g~~7f~) n', HERRMAX ~~~\"P;u.r~r t~'('}~;~f.nll~' 01' :Ill IllaR 01'( ..an:)' ]Jal't t1H'.r('of, ERr:~! \X . DO'XALD n, HF.nR~rAX City Mlll\HKCr DON,\LD p, HEHlU1.':-'- ! h DO~.\!.n D. H. ,,- -' - Cil)' Mar.ager Pul.>1il'\hcd: F~o, :12 & 19, 1~6S, P""JIS1ICCl:Cl~rb.~f:grit('~'!l. 19~8, ; PUllllS1lf'll:C~~b.],~2n1.g('2l[l, ]H~, T'uhll.,<hel1: F<.'b, 22 &. 2!l 1DOS. ~~----- OJ -.J Ir- II NOTJC:::~e~;;U:~~ BIDS , ~;;;;;-._. l'\O'1'ICE 18 he-rOO)' giyen tnll-t ~eal~i BOTl.C::lr~i ~~~ :BIDS ( XQTIca IS ITEnEBl" GIV~ that cll b!d:; will be l'CC81vcd Ill-' thn Cit) XOTlCE is hereby ghen tha.t S('~I- ~ea.lcd IJldg WIll be- rcccl\ed hy (lW ~~~~~~gr':ro;tl~l~~C{O~~ltil\l1~:~lr'p_~~; M bldl-\ "III 1.1::- recc1Hd by the Clt~ ~it~;h~f of~rc':,L (~t~j;~e:-;cl;;:'aiil;~~i~~111: M~-Ch 7~\:':l::G:O;';3 cubic )'~rcl dumpl ~'~~~Ffon~lt~l~~to:;lil\I~~~l:Sp,i~,.. ~:~L \~~S~I:~~ln~, ~t~~~t'fO~n}~rn~s~~ i ntc, ~J, I March '. 19G~ for: , In;::, u]lproxlmntel)': 'l'ri{~ ~l;ll ~~(: UJ:JS ChcVl'olC\ Flat-\ .~;:'cm~aii~~~ 1;:e S~;~~I~~~c~~r~~~ 7-~~p~al' ~i~lTCla .or MII-L-2104-A SP,('~ifi~t1~~;f! IIrc anl.ilnl)lc Rt the c.fflee of the City ~1alla~cr'b'd h j ~-50 gal. hnrrels or :r.lil-I~-4~1~[I_\ offl('f: of tllC elly l\IltnaS~I" t11 I re~~1T~d ~~rl;~el~:).;lb~l~c-;\I~h rick, tl~1 dl!rlll:e[il~S \~I~:\lHlS re~~?l~~[ ~~~~!(,I;~Il)~;~~e~~l;~,ld ~)~ trrii~. ~;f;S~L~rll~O~~at~r{l~t l~~gd;'~~ jr~~;~:'''ac:~;)~ ~itfcj:.~r;l~'~S ortl~eu ~:11~1~~ 10 ~;t~~~{a~i~,t~~~t ~~~ ~JIN~~er, .fr SU('- ~J~~~U~i :~~('l:n~~~ the speclrk~lllllns Co~~~11 'l:~1 r~~uf<~('n:~s~:~n tl.~i C~ty ,CCS",flll, will meet the SIJecifle.'l.tlonB The City Coun~il rc~en..cs thcrightlP'~'1.' Marr.-h 7, 1~6~.,". . 7,~O , Tl'Hhuut excePti(j~, , ' tI 'ght I tf) ncc"pt or I'eject any or :',.]] l)lds, . DONALD I) HERrn[ '\:>" I The City COlljllC11 rN',en.l":'; II 'gj~s. l'ublLshed: Feh, 22 nr.d ,29, llf68, C:il~T :'Iranag('r ..,.. , PIll ,",',",'''J.llr,,',{' C<;<C"l ilnl'~ ~J"' "J"6 --~ ~~Pul:1lil<hf'.d:}<~'J1J. 22 nr.d 29, l!jli,~ rU'O~'=~ . . ~ II III II I i ]1 II II II II II I )\ I I I I I I