HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/15/1978
Port Angeles, Washington
February l5, 1978
The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M. I
The purpose of this meeting is to conduct a public hearing on the Civic Pier, ~
and award contracts on Phase II of the Civic Field Renovation Project and the
Data Processing equipment Manufacturer.
Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilman Anderson, Boardman, Buck, Hordyk,
Members Absent: Councilman Duncan.
Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Clerk Parrish.
D. Frizzell, P. Carr, D. Flodstrom, R. Orton, C. Caso, J.
Guests Present: R. parrish, A. Russo, T. Weed, S. Oliver, CMDR. R.H. Wight,
L. Watts, C. Whidden, C. Bennett, B. Zilius, R. Love.
Mayor Haguewood referred to Administrative services Director Orton's
memorandum concerning the awarding of a contract for the Data Processing
equipment and asked Mr. Orton to present his recommendation to the Council.
Mr. Orton stated that based upon the consultant's technical evaluation,
results of personal interviews and thorough research of all proposal as-
pects, his recommendation to the Council is acceptance of the Hewlett-
Packard Corporation initial proposal for a computer system for the City
of Port Angeles, Model 3000 Series I. The prices listed in the cost
summary attached to his report are not firm and are subject to further
negotiation. Mr. Orton suggests the City pursue a lease/purchase agree-
ment to accomodate planned expansion of the system, as a lease allows for
exchange for credit on those portions of the system that will be upgraded,
the City will be able to take advantage of system technology improvements
during the lease period, and municipalities qualify for a tax exempt
lease plan at a very low interest expense rate. Existing facility re-
modeling costs are estimated at $1,000 for wiring, with limited air
conditioning costs. The remodeling costs will, however, be given final
consideration at contract time. Mr. Orton concluded his presentation by
recommending the Council accept Hewlett-packard's initial proposal and
authorize the City Manager and himself to finalize contractual negotiations
with Hewlett-Packard.
Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council accept the hardware of Hewlett-
Packard and authorize further negotiations with Hewlett-packard concerningl-
the best acceptable cost, be it basic lease, lease-maintenance, or out-
right purchase. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. and passed
by the Council.
February 15, 1978
Mayor Haguewood read the base bids received and opened this date on phase
II, New Construction, Civic Field Renovation Project as follows:
Del Guzzi Construction
General Construction
a.M. Hendrickson Constr.
Wick Construction
Engineers Estimate
$ 725,000
Mayor Haguewood noted that other local governmental agencies are also
experiencing problems with project bids, and, since the bids received
well exceeds what was anticipated and hoped for, requested Manager Whorton
to report on the situation.
Manager Whorton informed the Council that after the bids were opened he
and Parks Director Frizzell met with F. Densmore and T. Haley of BJSS to
analyze the bids and they came up with basically four options for the
Council to take under consideration.
Manager Whorton then introduced Mr. Densmore who presented the architectural
firm's analysis of the situation. Mr. Densmore explained that it has been
determined that three of the four bids met the 10% minority requirement,
a check with EDA has revealed that no additional EDA funds are available,
the factors of time and inflation are important, there is some area for
negotiation, with a waiver from EDA a negotiated contract can be signed,
and the firm has met with the low bidder and gone over his sub-bids and
identified areas where costs disagree with the estimate which are basically
within the stadium. The options which are available are as follows:
(1) Revise the program downward with significantly less facility, redo
the drawings and re-bid; (2) add $350,000 to the budget; (3) delete all
site work, negotiate contract for stadium only within $734,000; and (4)
negotiate bid down approximately 10% and increase the budget to make up
the difference of approximately $250,000.
The City Council discussed this matter at length with Mr. Densmore, Manager
Whorton and Parks Director Frizzell. Subjects discussed included the factors
which contributed to the discrepancy between the bids and the engineering
estimate, the availability of funds to add to the project, and obtaining
a waiver from EDA to negotiate with the low bidder and possibly with all
the bidders. During the discussion Councilman Hordyk moved the Council
table this matter until the February 21, 1978 regular Council meeting.
His motion died for lack of a second. Following further discussion on
options three and four, Councilman Hordyk moved the Council wait until the
February 21, 1978 Council meeting to accept a bid, authorize the City
Manager to pursue obtaining a waiver from EDA and also pursue negotiations
with the contractors to expedite the construction of Civic Field. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried.
At 8:05 P.M. Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the design of the
Civic Pier. The purpose of the hearing is to afford an opportunity for all
interested citizens to express their opinion on what the Civic Pier should
Manager Whorton introduced Mr. Berklund, ABAM Engineering, and his associate
Mr. Anderson from Makers to the Council and the audience. The consultants
are present at the hearing to gather data from the citizen comments.
Manager Whorton then gave a brief presentation on the goals and options
of the Civic pier for the benefit of the audience.
February 15, 1978
3. Cont.
Prior to audience participation, Mayor Haguewood read a written request
from the American Legion, Walter Ackley Post 24, requesting space at the
site for a flag memorial to Clay Wolverton, late City Fire Chief. Mayor
Haguewood also read the proposition as it appeared on the November Election
Members from the audience who expressed their opinions concerning the pier
development were Norma Folk, Bob Love, Commander Wight of the Coast Guard
Cutter Campbell, Tony Russo, Boyd Turner, and Dick McLean.
Opinions expressed included the pier be people oriented, pleasure fishing
should be provided, priority should be given to the Coast Guard Cutter's
moorage requirements and Coast Guard personnel parking, a tourist infor-
mation center, a waterfront park and a green belt should be included with
the marine science laboratory, and Coast Guard ship repair facility being
located elsehwere on the waterfront. Consideration should also be given
not to create a hazard for the Coho.
Following the comments, Mayor Haguewood closed the public hearing and said
the Council will take the public's suggestions into account in future meetings
when the Council decides what the pier will include.
Councilman Hordyk brought to the Council's attention that Civil Service
Commissioner E. Lawrence's term of office expires on March 1, 1978 and
moved the Council reappoint Mr. Lawrence to the Civil Service Commission.
On advise of Attorney Walrath this matter was deferred to the February 21,
1978 meeting.
Councilman Hordyk also suggested and moved the March 7, 1978 regular meeting
of the Council be changed to March 8, 1978 because on March 7 there is a
State and National Democrat and Republican Precinct Caucus. The motion
died for lack of a second.
Manager Whorton advised the Council that a decision should be relayed to
the County concerning the City participating in an enlarged heating system
for the new County Courthouse complex.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
City Clerk
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