HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/15/1983 I I I 401 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 15, 1983 I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast, Whidden. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Acting Deputy Clerk Headrick, R. Orton, P. Carr, L. Cosens, M. Cleland, J. Pittis, B. Jones, L. Glenn, D. Frizzell. Public Present: D. Storm, T. Mattie, C. & M. Allen, D. Wildman, S. Fahnestock, K. & A. Langley, R. Levin, B. McCrorie, B. Conley, D. Eacrett, P. Downie, D. McGinley, K. Maike, T. Fraser, T. Sterner, C. Rinehart, G. Booth, D. Parrish. III MINUTES Councilman Gerberding moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the February 1, 1983 meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. IV CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Whidden moved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda including: (1) payment for recycled scrap metal to Adamson ($10.36) and Hertel ($81.00); (2) final payment to Makers in the amount of $7,474 for engineering and architectural services on the Downtown Improve- ment, Phase II Project; (3) vouchers of $1,152,019.34; and (4) payroll of $187,517.64. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and carried. V FINANCE 1. Payment to Riddell Williams: Utility Defense Group Councilman Gerberding moved the Council approve payment of $7,813.90 to the ')( law firm of Riddell, Williams, Bullitt & Walkinshaw for serviCes in the Utility Defense Group. The motion was seconded by Councilman Whidden. Dur- ing discussion on the motion, the Council, Manager Flodstrom, and Attorney Miller briefly discussed the present situation with WPPSS. On call for the question, the motion passed with Councilmen Haguewood and Hordyk voting uNou.. 2. Bid Award: Electric Meters Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Light Department and accept the low bid of North Coast Utility Supply Co., Portland, Oregon, with a bid of $l4,l63.70, including tax. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and carried. Legals NOTICE OF VI ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA CAll FOR BIDS City of Port Angeles light Deportment None. Ih~,OT~;~le~ ~i,:!:~b~it'b: reeei.ed by the. Cily Clerk, ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA (ify 01 PorI Angeles. 140 West Front Street, P.O. Box 1150. Porf Angeles, Wosh- Councilman Quast requested the Council add one 11 inglon 98362, until 2:00 P.M. iscussion Tuesday, Feb. a, 1983. and of the Convention Center - if time permits. lhol 1"0' (ily will r"ieef 011 bids received ofter the 5c'hedyled closing time and dole. The bids will be opened publicly Of lhof time lor lurnishing Ihe lollowing equipment and/or moteriok A 10101 01 232 kilowoll-hour meters of ~arious. c1o$sos and voltoge rolings for s.in- gle, and lhree phase mel,ering. ............---......~.. . , Bid specifications may be -obtained from the light De- portment office ot 240 West Front Street, Port Angeles.. r Washing1~n'. 98362. . A certified check or bid . bond for 5 percent of I the amount. of the bid shell ac- company each bid. All bids ore to include delivery F.O~B4r Port Angelesl Woshington~ . Bids will be opened ond tabulated for 1he City Coun... cil fOf. consideration by said Council in session Tuesday r Feb"ruary .15 r 1983. . The .. Council reserves the right to consider delivery time and to accept or to re- iect any or all bids ~or any part thereof. : . The unit price shan prevail ; and the City reserves the 1 ri,9ht. to <:o~rect any' elden- ; Slons or Improper soles i toxes .. PUB.: Jon. 28~ Feb. 4. 1983 , I t '7 . . 402 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 15, 1983 Councilman Hordyk questioned Public Works Director Pittis as to the depart- ment's plans this summer for clearing shrubs, trees, etc., from the public right-of-way. Councilman Hordyk and Manager Flodstrom discussed upcoming vacancies on several Boards and Commissions and whether these vacancies could be filled as soon as possible. VII LEGISLATION 1. Resolution: Lamb/Harper Street Vacation I Mayor Duncan introduced and read by title Resolution No. 3-83 entitled RESOLUTION NO. 3-83 RESOLUTION NO, 3-83 A RESOLUTION of Ihe CilV of Pori Angeles selling 0 hear- A ing date for a petition 10 \/0. c01. a portion of Fourth Street. a pa"ion of Filth Stree" a portion of Sixth Slreel. Ihe ~Ih/SIh ollev ond the 5th/6th ellev west of Ihe Tumwoter Access Rood -and eos' of Tumwcter Street. WHEREAS. the awne" of in. fe-rest in lots 12 ond 13, Block 75. Lots 5.9 end 11.14. n Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read Block 83, end Lets 8.12. by Mayor Duncan, which sets a public hearing date of March 15, Block 96. TPA. heve filed a - petilion with Ihe City Clerk 1 refer to make vacation of those at ion. portions of Fourth Street. I Filth SIreet, Sixth SIreet. the ~'~"f~t!1 .,Iley rmd the 5th/6th ollev obUlling soid 101.: ond - _ , WHEREAS..oid pelilion ap_n~ng Commission Minutes peon to. hoy. b..n ~i9ned . by tn.. owners of more than 1.... f h Iwo-thirds of Ihe I'roperlv can read the P ann~ng COmm.l.SS~on m.l.nutes 0 February 9, 1983, wit . ing action being taken by the Council: obulling upon Ihe right.of. way sought to be vacotllild; NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RE- l SOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES o"S follows: Sed;on 1. The petition to make ~uch vacation shall be i1eard and determined by Ihis Council on the 15th daV 01 Morch. 1983. which is not mare than sixty (60) days nor less thon twenty (20) days he-reaf1er. Seclion 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to gi....e twenty (20) days notice of the pendency of said p~tl.tiOIi . according 10 1he prOVISiOns. of RCW 35.79.020. PASSED bv Ihe Council of the C\tV of Port Angeles this 15th doV of February. 1983. DOfQthy Duncan MAYOR ArreST: , Morian C. Porrish, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig L. Miller. City AlIornev Pub.: Feb 23 ond Mor. 2_ 9. 16, 1983 RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of 'Fourth Street, a portion of Fifth Street, a portion of Sixth Street, the 4th/5th alley and the 5th/6th alley west of the Tumwater Access Road and east of Tumwater Street. the vacation petition to the Planning Commission for a The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and Conditional Use Permit: I Hanson an opened the public hearing on Ms. Hanson's request for an exten- r conditional use permit for operation of a bookkeeping and tax a home occupation at 2139 West 7th Street, and requested comments s from the audience. There were no comments and the public hear- osed. Councilman Gerberding then moved the Council concur with endation of the Planning Commission and approve a two-year exten- . Hanson's conditional use permit, based upon the original findings. was seconded by Councilman Whidden and carried. onditional Use Permit: McCrorie n opened the public hearing on Mr. McCrorie' s request for an ~f his conditional use permit to establish a convenience store and =e gas station on the southeast corner of First and Lincoln f requested any comments or questions from the audience. There ents and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Whidden then ouncil concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission the six-month extension to Mr. McCrorie' s conditional use " _ _ ject to the original conditions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. C. Conditional Use Permit: Parrish Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on Ms. Parrish's request for exten- I sion of her conditional use permit to operate a beauty salon as a home occupation at 1206 South Vine Street, and requested any comments or questions from the audience. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Whidden then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the t~o-year extension of Ms. Parrish's conditional use permit, subject to the original conditions and based upon the original findings of fact. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and carried. \ 402' I f r i Il~I'l~~ S1001 ~3MOd M'VS W~...l\t'OV~ _ ,L.l8E'~Sl" ':)lJI s,(oO ,(qJaO L9, o~ JO!Jd '5J,( PUD 9L '89 SNOllna SA va Aa~30 . l810'lSt a2!S JU!d ptJo pono S~W lln~, 03sn 6 'SoMa 09rl~CEl9 'UOI,IPUO;) SOU~U~OJ PO?O 'pajaMod pasn ,'~3MOW NM'V . 6~~l.lS'" pa.JJi:tlaJd SrO!pOJ '8X'Y191 SWI~ puo S3~1l LSLB'Z:S;- JeZeeJ~ ,y6jJdn I . 'ING e~D^1J . CSLS-C89 . AJJl)d 1 '^ . ~ "unlJuJn, 'A.JJ8Mal I S 0, suauJj 'SJDMssol6 010 H.03 lOl AOMlf6!H a61 9.~lnlb7:: '~100~ SNOSHN . " 0 peSf'l SPU!)j H\' 'HSV:> AVd 3M'S1001 , OSl&'lS~ 'a^owOJ aM", Hordyk questionea Public Works Director Pittis as to the depart- :s this summer for clearing shrubs, trees, etc., from the public ;y. Councilman Hordyk and Manager Flodstrom discussed upcoming l)n several Boards and Commissions and whether these vacancies ~lled as soon as possible. ll88'l~~ lNl~"'W 3~nOH1H0I1 '9::lOds JnOA .lOf JJD:) Ol" pUD 61 lj:)JDW 13~WW 'V3H X~ aNY l'Voa 'l68l'l~' '00"$ 'UO!I'PUQ, ",uti on : Lamb/Harper Street Vacation ,uall9Jxe 'JanOJ~ Mor:>sloH l'Voa wnNlwnw .ll ,alabu'V "Od ""101 1$03 &&6 ,an introduced and read by title Resolution No. 3-83 entitled Z:9BS'LS;- S.O!/\fMOH pu~ SI!OJ MOg '~~g~~o~aJ,~~ ' ~I!M l'V~:>H:>~ .91 M3N' se,el)u~ pOd ' '5J!:! ~so3 CC6 A Z:9.BS'LSI' S.O!/VMOH ' , ~66Z$ 'Ji3<f!DJ.J paz!uD"'I06 : "_~o .~~1. 'NQlI!~'Vl~ Al , 'N I RESOLUTION NO. 3-83 RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of Fourth Street, a portion of Fifth Street, a portion of Sixth Street, the 4th/5th alley and the 5th/6th alley west of the Tumwater Access Road and east of Tumwater Street. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Duncan, which sets a public hearing date of March 15, 1983, and refer the vacation petition to the Planning Commission for a reconunendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and carried. 2. Planning Commission Minutes Mayor Duncan read the Planning Commission minutes of February 9, 1983, with the following action being taken by the Council: A. Conditional Use Permit: Hanson I Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on Ms. Hanson's request for an exten- sion of her conditional use permit for operation of a bookkeeping and tax service as a home occupation at 2139 West 7th Street, and requested comments or questions from the audience. There were no conunents and the public hear- ing was closed. Councilman Gerberding then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve a two-year exten- sion of Ms. Hanson's conditional use permit, based upon the original findings. The motion was seconded by Councilman Whidden and carried. B. Conditional Use Permit: McCrorie Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on Mr. McCrorie's request for an extension of his conditional use permit to establish a conveni~nce store and self-service gas station on the southeast corner of First and Lincoln Streets, and requested any comments or questions from the audience. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Whidden then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the six-month extension to Mr. McCrorie I s conditional use permit, subject to the original conditions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. C. Conditional Use Permit: Parrish Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on Ms. Parrish's request for exten- I sion of her conditional use permit to operate a beauty salon as a home occupation at 1206 South Vine Street, and requested any comments or questions from the audience. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Whidden then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the two-year extension of Ms. Parrish's conditional use permit, subject to the original conditions and based upon the original findings of fact. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and carried. I I I 403 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 15, 1983 D. Shoreline Management Permit: Port of Port Angeles Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on the Port of Port Angeles' request for a substantial development permit for construction of a 50' by 80' build- ing and accessory paved parking area on Marine Drive between "c" and "0" Streets, and requested comments or questions from the audience. During the discussion which followed, Planner Carr and Mr. Bill Conley, representing the Port, explained the proposed eastward change in the use which would eliminate approximately l6 parking spaces used by the Boat Haven. However, the new parking provided by Bearings, Inc., would include about 25 spaces, resulting in no net loss of parking in the area. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Haguewood then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the Port's request for a substantial development permit, subject to the following conditions: (11 storm water drainage facilities shall be in- stalled and hillside protective measures shall be taken; (2) an off-street parking area be designed and installed, including drainage facilities, in accordance with Ordinance No. 1588; and (3) since Marine Drive is an arterial, a sidewalk shall be constructed on the south side adjacent to the subject property. Councilman Haguewood also included the following findings of fact: (A) the proposal is in compliance with the Shoreline Master Program, in particular Activities Policies l.a and 8.a and General Regulations C.l related to water-dependent uses; and (B) the proposed structure will not impair the public's access to the shoreline. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and carried. E. Conditional Use Permit: Ketchum Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on Mr. Ketchum's application for a conditional use permit to operate a mail order scuba supply business as a home occupation at 739 West 8th Street, and requested comments or questions from the audience. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Gerberding then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve Mr. Ketchum's request for a conditional use permit, subject to the following conditions: (1) the business, and in particular the air compressor, be installed and operated in compliance with Fire Department regulations; (2) the hours of operation be 4 to 6 PM Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 6 PM on Saturday and closed on Sunday: and (3) the diver symbol on the garage door be removed because it draws attention to this location as being a business. Councilman Gerberding also included the following findings of fact: (A) with appropriate safeguards, determined by the Fire Marshal, the home occupation does not involve equipment or processes which introduce obnoxious conditions into this residential area; (B) at the proposed level of customer visitation, the home occupation will not signifi- cantly increase local vehicular or pedestrian traffic; and (e) the home occupation will not be injurious or detrimental to adjoining or abutting properties, nor will it endanger the public health, morals, safety or welfare, and it is in the public interest. The motion was seconded by Councilman Whidden. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Hordyk voiced his objection to Condition No.3, and a lengthy discussion ensued between the Council, staff and the applicant concerning whether the symbol should or should not be removed. On call for the question, the motion passed with Councilman Hordyk voting "No". F. Conditional Use Permit: Thanheiser Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on Mr. Thanheiser's application for a conditional use permit to operate a free-standing, pedestrian-oriented retail stand on the northwest corner of First and Lincoln Streets, and requested comments or questions from the audience. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Quast then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve Mr. Thanheiser's request for a conditional use permit for one year under the original conditions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Whidden and carried. 404 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 15, 1983 Councilman Whidden moved the Council accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of February 9, 1983. The motion was seconded by Council- man Quast and carried. 3. Request to Lease City Property: W. Knebes Mayor Duncan referred to a letter from William Knebes which outlined his plans for the house and lot at 401 East Front Street, just east of Haynes I Park. Mr. Knebes is requesting the City grant permission for him to lease an approximate l6-foot-wide piece of ground, directly to the west of 401 East Front Street, which is enclosed on the west side by a small chainlink fence dividing it from the Haynes Park parking lot and is part of the peabody Street right-of-way. The parcel would be utilized for parking and landscaping purposes, and possibly a sign. Mr. Knebes also pointed out that this same request was considered and approved by the Planning Commission and Council in 1981 (applicant - Theodore Ripley); however, these plans were abandoned prior to a lease agreement being executed. Following a brief discussion between the Council, Manager Flodstrom and Mr. Knebes concerning certain aspects of his proposal, Councilman Polhamus moved the Council refer this matter to the Real Estate Committee for a recommenda- tion, utilizing the information on file from the previous request. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried. 4. Demand Meters: Port Angeles Ministerial Association During 1982, the City was petitioned by the Ministerial Association to re- consider the use of demand meters on churches. The basis for the request was ". . . The Bonneville Power Administration does not make a demand charge on Sundays, the day when churches are most in use." During this meeting, Mayor Duncan referred to a memorandum and several attachments outlining the Light Department's subsequent study to gather I information on the kilowatt demand of those churches affected. Two sets of data were required - one during the month of August to reflect non-heating loads, and one during January to reflect the maximum heating loads. The study confirmed that the findings in Exhibit #l (August study) are appli- cable to winter loads, and that churches are actually getting a break under the current rate structure rather than paying unfairly; the churches would pay considerably more under a tailor-made rate schedule. Furthermore, if a rate were established for churches based on Cost of Service, only one church would see electrical charges roughly equivalent to what they are charged under rate G-3; the remaining churches would be charged considerably more. Several local ministers were present to discuss the Light Department study with staff and the Council. Subjects discussed included the extra burden caused by daycare centers, senior citizen health screening programs, etc., which use the church facilities; conservation methods utilized by the churches; maximum weekly/Sunday peaks for the sixteen churches surveyed; the possibility of increasing the kilowatt exemption from 50 KW to 75 or 100 KW; and the demand rate paid by local mills. The discussion concluded with the Council taking no action on the Association's request to discontinue the use of demand meters for local churches. 5. Ordinance: Handicapped Parking Mayor Duncan introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2250 entitled, I ORDINANCE NO. 2250 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles defining handicap parking zones, regu- lating the use thereof, providing for City permits for the use of handicap parking zones, providing penalties for the violation of the Ordinance, and amending Sections 7 and 9 of Ordinance 2016, Section 1 of Ordinance 2105, and adding new sections to Ordinance 2016. I I I 405 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 15, 1983 Councilman Hordyk moved the Council ~dopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Duncan. The motion was seconded by Councilman Whidden. During the discussion which followed, Attorney Miller suggested a new sub- section 5 be added which would read "Such permit shall be valid for the time period stated on the face of the permit, which shall be based upon any estimate of the duration of the disability as stated in the report of the physician." on call for the question, the motion to adopt the ordinance, as amended, was passed unanimously by the Council. 6. Sidewalk Obstruction Permit: Rollf's Restaurant During the August 17, 1982 regular meeting, the Council approved a request by Mr. R. Chamberlain to reconstruct the stairs on the sidewalk at the rear exit of Rollf's Restaurant, subject to several conditions. At this meeting, Mayor Duncan referred to a memorandum from Public works Director Pittis which requested clarification as to whether or not a planter box was a mandatory provision of the sidewalk obstruction permit needed by Mr. Chamberlain. Following a brief discussion, Councilman Hordyk moved that the intent of the Council's action regarding Mr. Chamberlain's sidewalk obstruction permit was that a planter box be included as a mandatory provision of the permit. The motion was seconded by Councilman Whidden. On call for the question, the motion carried with Councilman Haguewood abstaining. 7. Solid Waste Collection Bids Mayor Duncan referred to a memorandum and several attachments from the public Works Department which outlined the five bids received for collection of garbage and refuse. The following refuse contractors submitted bids: (1) General Disposal Corporation, Seattle; (2) LeMay Enterprises, Inc., Tacoma; (3) Olympic Disposal, Sequim; (4) Rainier Disposal Company, Renton; and (5) Peninsula Excavating, Port Angeles (incorrect bid bond) . The Council and staff then reviewed the bid proposals and discussed the procedure for billing solid waste collection if a private contractor were used; continued operation of the Landfill by the City; the "tipping fee" presently in use at the Landfill; the condition of the City's Landfill equipment; and new methods of garbage collection. The discussion concluded with councilman Hordyk moving the Council table this agenda item until the March 1, 1983 meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. 8. WPPSS Status Report " Light Director Lew Cosens spoke briefly to the Council in regard to the repayment of a $50,000 City loan to the Washington Public Power Supply System in mid-l982. The loan, which helped pay initial termination costs for nuclear plants Nos. 4 and 5, was expected to be repaid monthly in $10,000 increments starting in January, 1983. However, the WPPSS Executive Board has voted not to repay the loans until June 1, 1983 when the entire amount pluS 15% interest is due. This decision was made because WPPSS does not have the funds - only two of the 88 participants have made their "official" termination payments. Mr. Cosens also pointed out that the City has until March 10, 1983 to reconsider its decision to put its ~onthly WPPSS termination payments into the court-created escrow account. . Following a brief discussion, Light Director Cosens informed the Council that additional information will be available at the March 1, 1983 regular Council meeting. The Council can then make a decision regarding the special escrow account. 9. Weatherization Contract Amendment Mayor Duncan referred to a memorandum from Light Director Cosens explaining that Bonneville has offered the City an amendment to the existing Weatheriza- tion Program contract which would allot the City, effective March 1, 1983, 406 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 15, 1983 to offer sash-mounted storm windows and thermal pane replacement glass to customers who have homes that currently do not qualify for these items. In addition, the amendment would allow the City to totally weatherize any home if the homeowner has or gets a BPA approved air-to-air heat exchanger. Mayor Duncan then introduced and read by title Resolution No. 4-83 entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 4-83 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the Mayor to execute Amendatory Agreement No. II to Contract No. DE-MS79-8lBP908ll between the City of Port Angeles and the Bonneville Power Administration. Councilman Quast moved title by Mayor Duncan. carried unanimously. the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and 10. Grants: Senior Awareness Week/Schools Energy Program Mayor Duncan referred to a memorandum from Light Director Cosens explaining that the City's grant proposals for two energy education projects were accepted and funding was approved by the State. The two projects are: (l) an Awareness Week to help senior citizens become aware of what is available locally to assist them with their energy-related problems ($500); and (2) a Schools Energy Program to provide students in our area with the most current and Objective energy information available ($4,000). The City's expenditures are lOOt reimbursable up to the grant limit, which should be the total cost of the projects. Councilman Gerberding commended City Light staff members Cate Rinehart and I Tamasin Sterner for their work on the grant proposals. Councilman Quast then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Light Depart- ment and authorize Mayor Duncan to sign the contract with the state for monies for the two energy education projects. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and carried. 11. Chamber of Commerce: DueS/Northern Tier Survey Questionnaire Mayor Duncan referred to a letter from R. J. Morgan, President of the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce, concerning the City's 1983 Chamber dues (5% above the 1982 dues). Manager Flodstrom commented briefly on the Chamber's serious decline in membership (approximately 37% in four years) and called the Council's attention to the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce Northern Tier Survey which was included with Mr. Morgan's letter. The survey, which was sent to all Chamber members, asked three questions regarding support/ opposition of the pipeline issue, if Northern Tier files a new application for a permit. Following a brief discussion, Councilman Quast moved the Council pass on this survey since a Council decision at this time would be inappropriate without evidence of a second application from Northern Tier. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and carried unanimously. The discussion concluded with Councilman Quast and Manager Flodstrom again discussing the Chamber's membership decline and the need to investigate the I reasons why members are leaving. 12. Convention Center Councilman Quast referred to a recent newspaper article on the County's non- support of the proposed convention center, and requested discussion on the Council's next course of action. I I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 15, 1983 Mayor Duncan then read a letter addressed to her and Don Feeley, Chairman of the Board of Clallam County Commissioners, from the Uptown Business Associa- tion, urging an early completion of the Convention Center facility. The Association also endorsed Manager Flodstrom's February 4, 1983 letter to the Clallam County Commissioners and formed an Uptown Business Association Con- vention Facility Committee to work with the City on this matter. Mayor Duncan then noted that there is some community interest in this proj- ect and it would behoove the City to move ahead on plans for its completion. VIII LATE ITEMS 1. EDC Tourism Committee Meeting Manager Flodstrom informed the Council that Harriette Buchmann, EDC Tourism Committee Chairman, has extended an invitation to the Council to attend a meeting of the Tourism Committee to be held February 24th at the Clallam County Courthouse. The purpose of the meeting is to review the tourism report compiled by the Small Business Development Center. 2. EDC Marketing Report for Clallam County Manager Flodstrom informed the Council that he had received two copies of the marketing report for Clallam County from Bob Levin, EDC Director. This draft document is available to Council and staff for their review and comments prior to a final draft being completed. 3. Civic Field Drainage On February 10, 1983, the Council held a joint meeting with the Park Board to discuss the recommendations of the Parks Review Committee. One of those recommendations was to improve the drainage system at Civic Field which was not built in compliance with the plans and specifications for that project. Manager Flodstrom reported that to bring the drainage system into compliance the City would need to expend approximately $8,000 per year for the next two years. Councilman Haguewood then moved the Council approve the expenditure of $8,400 for the calendar year 1983 from the City's hotel/motel tax for the Civic Field drainage system. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and carried. IX ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Mr. Bob Levin, EDC Director, thanked the Council for the 1983 City/EDC Agreement, and informed the Council and staff that the EDC has moved its office to the Seattle First National Bank Building, P. O. Box 1085, Port Angeles. Councilman Gerberding suggested the Council establish two annual joint meetings between the Council, Planning Commission, and Park Board; perhaps February and August for the Park Board and March and September for the Planning Commission. planner Carr will suggest this to the Planning Commission at their next meeting. Councilman Whidden noted that Port Townsend gained approximately two million dollars from being the location site for the filming of "An Officer and a Gentleman". Councilman Whidden also commented briefly on the the price the County is setting on the County Health building. Mayor Duncan reminded the Council of the February 17th AWC meeting in Olympia. She also informed the Council that she had been invited to Victoria, B.C., on March 8th for the Queen of England's visit. Councilman Quast stressed the importance of continuing tourism promotion for the Olympic Peninsula and complimented San Juan Airlines for establishing a Seattle/Port AngelesjVictoria flight. .p 7 b : Wife's surg 407 408 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 15, 1983 X ADJOURNMENT Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at 9:45 P.M. ~ &.I2Jdr~ City Clerk ' OROINANCe-NO:'2250 AN ORDINANCE of the City 01 Port Angeles detlning hondi. cap perking zones, regulating .he us.e thereof, providing for City permits for tile use of handicap parking zones, providing penalties for the violafEons of .he Ordinance. ond olTler'lding Sections 7 and 9 of Ordinance 2016. Section 1 of Ordinance 2105. and adding new sections to Ordi. "cnce 2016. Section 1. Section 9 of Ordinance 2016 and Section 1 of Or- dinance 1105 are each amended to read 05 follows: Restricted parking zones designated pursuant to Section.7 of this ordinance, and .hoe- allowed use of eech rOSlrfcted zone are as follows: (A). No Porki~ Zone . no vehicle, except an authorized emergency V9 ide, shan pork, stand, or stop in a no porkjng zone. (8).. Loadina Zone" no vehicle sholl park. stop, or stond in o loading zone, G)(cept for the purpose of. and only for $'^'th period of time os necessary for, expedi1iou$ looding or. unloading of a commercial or possenger vehicle. In no case. sholl the stop for loading or unloading of articles or materiols or pone"gen exceed 15 minutes 111 tlme. (C}. Taxi Zone - no vehicle, other thon a For.hi,re vehicle p~operly licensed by the City of PorI Angeles sholl stop,', stond, or park in a taxi :lone. (0). Police Zone - no vehicle, other than one upon officiol police business shalf sfop, stand. or pork In 0 police zone. (E). Bus S'OD - no yehicle sl1all park, stop or stand in 0 bus s,top, e:xcept 0 bus, either to Icy over it'll an operating schedule, or white waiting for. loading, or unloading pas. sengers; provided that such bus provides regularly scheduled ,service within the jurisdiction of the local authority. (F). Handicap Porkina Zone - no vehicle shall park stand. or stop in a: nandic:ap pad<,ing zone, unlest i1 disploY$ a logol. Iy Issued handicap decal, handicap license plote, or hondj. cap permit. Section 2. Section 7 o' Ordinance 2016 is hereby amended 1 to read os follows: (A). The chief of police and the director of public works, or the city manager if they cannot agree, o...e hereby author~ ized and required to establish Iimi'ted time. restricted. and parking meter Zones on City streets- Gild parking lots. Such z.ones shan be detilled and marked m occoroallce With me requirements of RCW 46.36.060. (8). Handicap parking zones sholl be located and designated 05 required by Chapter 70.92 RCW. ~ There Is hereby added to Ordinance No. 2016 Q "ew 'ectlo..... C$ 'oUows.: Section 11.1 - Violations. Penal . Handica Parki Zone. . t s 0 tr IC m ractlon or any person to par a VB i- de in a handi<:op parking zone, without 0 special license plate, ccud, or decol. as provided for in RCW -46.16~380 or without displaying a proper Permit as provided for in Sec.~ tion 11.3 of thl.s Ordinance. A person .charged with a viola. tfon hereof sholl not be determined to hove committed on Infraction if he produc.es in court or prior to the court op... pearance the special license plate, speetal card. special decol or permit required hereunder or demonstrates he was entitled to the some at the time of being ticketed. (8). Any unauthorlzoo use of the special card. special de. cel, special ticen~e plate. or permit provided for in RCW 46.16.380 or Section 11.3 o' this Ordinance. is a traffic Enfraction.' - (C). The penalty for any infractior1 under this section shall be $25, not including statutory asses.sments. Section ... There is hereby added a new section to Ordi- nance 2016 as follows: Se<:tton 11.3 - Local HandicQDPed Permit~. 1. Any person who submits satisfactory proof to the Port Angeles Police Deportment that he or she has 'ost both of his or her lower extremities. or has lost the normal or full use thereof, or is so severly disabled as to be unable to move without the aid of crutches or 0 wheel choir, or has lost both hands, or wl10 suffers f_rom lung d.s&ase to suc:h on extent that forced expiratory respiratory volume, when measured by spirometry, is tess thon one liter per second. I sholl be entitled toO receive 0 special permit issued by the Port A.gele$ Police Deportment, which sholl be left i. the vehicle in 0 conspicuous place. bearing distinguishing marks. letten, or numerals, indicating th.at the vehicle is being used to transport sUich disabled per$on. 2. Each application for 0 local permit shari be accompanied by 0 lee 01 $5. 3. Svc:h permit sholl onow the vehicle in which .t. is displayed to be parked tn any handicapped parking :lone in the City of Port Angeles, so long os. the vehicle is engaged in the transportation of tho. porion designated on 1h& permi,. 4. Such permit s.hall be valid only within the City limits of the City of Port Angeles, and shall so sta'e upon the face tl1eroof. 5. Such permit shall be valid for the time period stated on the foce of the permit, which shan be based upon on Ils1i. mate of the of the durotion 01 the disability as sfa,ed in the report of the physician. Section 5. This ordrnance shall take effect os provided by ~ PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pori Angeles 01 0 regular meeting of said Council hetd on the 15th day of february. 1983.. Dorothy C?U'rtCCln MAYOR MtI-~~ I I I ATTEST: Morian C. Parrish, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig L. MiHer, City Attorney Pub.: Feb. 28, 1983