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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
February 16. 1944
The CoIIIIl1s91on met in regular session at 10 A .14. and was called to order by lIayor Robinson. Roll call
sbolred the following officers present: lIayor Robinson, Collllll18sioners Beam and Masters and Attorney
The minutes of the previous session were read and s pproved.
UDder the he.a of In~roduction of Resolutions the following resolutions were introduced:
WHEREAS, "J.he City of Port Angeles is the OWDer of the following described real property, having acquired
the same by Treasurer's deed dated Feburary 10, 1944, under aDd by virtue of the authority of Section 9595
of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 145 of the Laws of 19~9. page 565, to_it:
Lots Eleven (il) and Thirteen to Twenty Inclusive (15~0), Block Three Hundred
Ninety-seven (597), Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, and
WHEREAS, Roy KinoI' bes offered to fAlrchase the above described real property from the City of Port Angeles
for the SlIIl of 1315.00. paysble as fol1Ol1's: $45.00 as a :dOll'l1 payment and $20.00 on or before the 10th day
of March, 1944, and .~O.OO on or before the 10th day of each and every IIIOnth thereafter untU paid in full;
interest to be compated at the rate of 7% per annlml on the balance due and p id with the monthly install-
ments, and
WHEREAS, The City Co,:niesion has vie1llld the said property and is of the opinion thet t he offer is fair
value and is in excess of the amount paid by the City for said property, plus all L.I.D. assessments, in-
cluding all interest and other charges againllt the same.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the offer be accepted and that the city of "'ort An€eles sell the said
property at prhate sale to the. said Roy Minor for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to any other
valid liene agaiDst the s_; that tile City Attomey be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying
said !l'oparty to the purchaser. and that the City Clerk of tha City of Port ihlgeles be, and he is hereby
inatructed to emcute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the said City of Port Angeles be, and be
b hereby instrullted to countersign said quit claim deed when th8 parchase price and all accNed interest
thereon bes been paid in full.
It was moved by Colllll1ssiDner ){asters that tho foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded b7
lIayor Robinson. On roll call all members voted aye. Tbe Mayor declared the motion carried.
WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is tbe arDOr of the following described property in t/Je City of Port
Angeles, to-wit: .
Lot Twelve (1~), Block Three Hundred and Ninety-seven (597), Townsite of Port
Angeles, Wasbington,
which said property has been acquired by the City on forsclosure of delinquent local improvement assess-
ments undsr Chapter 205 of the Session Laws of 1927, and
WHEREAS, Roy llinor has offered to fAlrchase the above described real property from tha City of Port Angelee
for the swn of $55.00, payable as follows: $5.00 as a. down payment and $5.00 on or before the 10th da7 of
){arCh, 1944, and $5.00 on or before the 10th day of eacb and every IIIllntb thereafter untU paid in full,
together with interest at the rate of 7% per annlD computed on the bslance due and paid with the IIIOntbly
installments. and
WHEREAS, Tbe City Commission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair
value and that at this time it is to the best interest of the City that it should be accepted and the sale
NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED, That the said offer be acc,pted and that the C1t7 of Port Angeles sell the
said propert7 at private sale to the said Roy Minor for the sum h reinsboV8 set forth, subject to any valid
liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a deed conve7ing said property to
the parchaser and the Cit1 Treasurer be, and abe is hereby authorized to execute the said deed in accord-
ance with the provisions of this reaolution and Chspter 275, Session La1fS of 19~7 when the purchase price
and all accrued interest thereon has been paid in full.
It was moved by :COlllllliesiDner ){astere that the Jbregoing resolution be approved am adopted. Seconded by.
Mayor Robinson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the IlIOtion carried.
WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described real property, having acquired
the e8JIe by Treasurer I s deed dated February 10, 1944, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9595
of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 145 of the Laws of 1929, page 565, to-tt:
Lot Six (6), lI\.ock Eigbty-six (86), Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, and
WHEIlKAS, C. C. Brailand has offered to purchase the above deSlCribed rsal property from the City of Port
Angeles for the sum of SSO.OO, and
WJlEREAS, The City Colllllission bas vi~d the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair
velue and that at this tillle it is to the best interest of the City that it should be accepted and the sale
HOW. ~FORE, BE IT RESOlVED that the said offer be accepted lUld that the City of Port Angeles sell the
said propert;y ..t private sale to the said C. C. Breilind for the. UIII hereinabove set forth, subject to aDJ'
other valid liens against the same; that the City JIlttorney be instructed to !l'epare a quit claim deed con-
veying said property to the purchaser. am that the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be and he is
hereby instructed to execute said quit claim dS8d, and that the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles be and
he is here by instructed to countersign said quitclaim deed.
It wae moved by Co-.issioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
lIayor Robinson. On roll call alllllembers voted a7e. 100 Kayor declared the motion carried.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
February 16, 1944
Under the head of Reading and Passsge of Ordinaa: es the foUowing ordinance was placed on it.s final reading I
aoo ado pted I ""
AN ORDINANCE creating a C it)' Planning Council, designating the duties of the Ccuucll, declaring an
..ergen~ and repealing ordinances in conflict therewith.
It was moved by Commiesioner Masters that the foregoing ordinance be placed" on its final and adopted.
o Seconded by lIaYDr Robinson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the IIIOtion carried.
j UDder the head of New Business:
The t.el1lls of office of Irma Horstman aoo Donald J. Iutz as lIIembers of the Library Board of Trusteu having
1 expired, Mayor Robinson presented their names for l'e-appointment as members of the Library Soard of Trustees.
It waa lIIOVed by Collll1ssioner Baa that the foregoing appointments be approved end confirmed. " Seconded by
Colllllissioner IIasters. On roll csll all mOlllbers voted oqe. The l4ayor declared the motion carried.
The Comission exami'led and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same I
Olympic Stationers Furniture & Supplies 110 122.56
City Treasurer Stampe r{g.- 5.00
Port lIngeles Motors Shop Work 51.60
Tower Super Service Oxygen & Acetylene bY 19.57
Shell Oil Company Gasoline 151/ 128.00
D & B Battery & Electric Co. Switch & Labor 4.05
Olympic Stationere Blueprints .52
HOoker Electrocheaical Co. Chlorine ..,,'Y" 14.90
Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Pipe JJ>/ 30.90
City Treasurer Stamps & Postage 70.60
The Electric Co. Tube .ot6
Ol:1mPic Stationers Office Supplies ~ .52
Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Meters 55.00
Line lIa t erial Co. Supplies IV! 5.19
Schlager Bros. Lawn Seed & Fertilizer 50.03
J. R. IfcDoll81d Disposal of Garbage ~g 25.00
James Hardware Co. Broom. Ihlbs. Paint, etc. "')"'11 ./' 7.08
, City Treasurer Stamps 4.00
The Electric Co. Labor ~g 5.lS
II Ligbt Globes (Yt ".- .93
Shell Oil Co". Gasoline U8.80
City Treasurer Stamps 6.00
Shell Oil Co. Gasoline , .::-. 56.00
Harvey Haggard 1 Used Refrigerator v"3'1 165.00
The Electric Co. Units for Range, etc. 50.33
, City Treasurer Ta:ms ""',... 157.00
" " AS8es8IIIents /",,'-1 7.00
Uooer the head of Unfinished Business the follOll'ing resolutions were introduced:
WHEREAS, it appears that in that certain resolution adopted July 28, 1943, and recorded in Vol. 20. page
548 of Commissioner Proceedings, that an error had been made in the description of the property requested
by the United States for sewer ~rposes.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the said resolution above referred to, be rescinded and the said
resolution is hereby rescinded and tbot another resolution be prepared for adoption using the correct
description as requested by the United Stetes.
, It wss moved by CoEllissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved a nd adopted. Secoooed by
Commissioner lIasters. On roll call all members voted aye. The lIayor declared the motion carried."
WHEREAS, The United States has requested the use of a 20 foot strip of land for sewer parpoaes being 10
feet on each side of the follOll'ing described centerline:
Bar-noing at the northwest corner of Lot 98, SUburban Lots, TOlIIlsite of Port Angeles, south
51 21' West along the wester~ boundary of Suburban Lot 98, which bounclJ.ry is also the
eastei'17 line of uP" Street, a distance of 48.00 feet; thance North 540 44' 45" West a distance
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Fol bruary 16, 1944
no:~ .. ,,~~..V. ",,~TT\.~. r.~;"OH'''''' "'''~'.A.:. "11<;00
of 167.18 feet; thence North 570 41' 00" west a distance of ~28.~4 feet; thence North 590 24' 45"
West a distance of 8~8.15 feet; thance North 590 05' 45" West a distance of 502.65 feet, mol'S !
or les8, to the Westerly boundsry of Suburban Lot 86, which boundary is also the eaater17 line
of "Q" Street, the true point of beginning; thence continuing North 590 05' 45n West, a distance
of 109.8~ feet; thence North 580 SO' 00" West a distance of 289.86 feet to the edge of a canyon,
containing 1.84 acres, more or less.
The discharge or overflow from the septic tank to rontinue down the side of said canyon on into
a water course, flowing into the Straits of Juan de Fuca.
In the event said installation. sbould cause arq- substantial erosion, the government agress to
repair the same and take such action as may be necessary to prevent the continuation thereof.
All is specifically set forth in license agreement attached to this resolution and made pert hereof.
NOW THEREFORE, in furtherance of National Defense
BE IT RESOLVED by the City l:01lllllisaion that a license fer such crossinge and uee, es des cribed in said
license, be end hereb,r is granted to the United States upon the terms therein named; and the ~or 1s
authorized and directed to execute end deliver such license for and on behalf of this Commission.
It was IIIOved by Colllllissioner Beam tha t the foregoing resolution be spproved and adopted. Seconded by
Commissioner lias tel'S . On roll call all members wted aye. The lIayor declared the motion carried.
There being nofurther businees the Commission then adjourned.
City Clerk