HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/16/1949 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 16. 19..ML 'The Commission mat in regular session at 10:00 A.I!'., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Roll call Ilofficers showed too following present: Mayor FeeleYJ Commissioner Rooinsor.., Attorney Trumbull and Clerk l~inute5 of the previous session were read) and after striking out the word regular, were approved. Under the head of applications for building permits, the following were granted: 15" 0_" IBob Moe ~ Remodel Office, Adding to Present Office; Lot 11, Blk. 15, Tow:lsite 'Jack DelGuzzi Build 5-Room House; Lot 3, .Blk. 286, Townsite Frank McCasten Remodel, Add oathroom &. Utility Room; Lot 5, 31k. 552, Townsite of I Law. I I I 200.00 6,000.00,1 250.00' I Under the head of unfinished business, the appointment of a Street Commissioner was announoed by the 11 ~orr.mission. Heving previously agreed, it was moved by Mayor :!'eeley that Ed. B. Taylor be appointed to the office of Street Commissioner replacing the late Phil. Armstrong. ~lotion seconded by Commissioner H.obinson. I~All members voted P."YB. !!otion ct=lrried. comm.iSSiO,ner Taylor pledged anew, co-operation with 'the Gomrr~ission, I ,also pledged tc the City to perform his offioial duties to the best of his ability. Commissioner Taylor 'then requested consent of the other Commissioners to retain the servioes of hermsn Ahlvers, the present City Engineer. The request Vias unanimously gra1 ted. Commissioner Taylor infonned that routing hear" traffic from certain streets, and closing some streets to all traffic.; might :Je necessary. The Street and Police Departments were instruc ted to work together where restrictions are advisable, without authority of entire Com:nission. !Under the head of new :",siness, correspondenoe from the Clallam County Housing Authority regaI'ding housing conditions in this vicinity was read before the Commission. The letter was ordered filed for furtr"er I!information and consideration. 'Collnr.issioner Hobinson infomed that the Y.l'.C.A. desires lease to a portion of the fire hall. Mayor Jo'eeley advised that it is neoessary for the organization to be established in adequate quarters before financial assistance would be forthcoming. It was decided to asoertain if the property could be leased, and consult Architect regarding alterations. Commissioner Taylor advised that he had inspected certain parcels of propert~' for sale by the City, tut !declined to recorrunend price without appraisal by the Commission. The Httorney was instructed to ascertain ,if property oan be sold withoat advertising. Wm. C. Ad~tms thanked the Commission for consideration in t~is nominaticn for appointment to Commissioner and "wished Con/lLissioner Taylor all success. iThe Comlnission disoussed the duties of the City Attorney, and it was movea by Commissioner Robinson that the City Attorney be authorized to function ill his capacity the same as previous Attorr:.eys have functioned in the past. Hotion seoonded by COIl111issioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Fire Chief ~olvsrton reported that the Espy Giles Emergenoy Unit donated by Urs. n. :. viles, in ~enorial of the late Espy liiles, VIES used for the first time 'l'uesday eV"Bning, saving one life, and possibly more when, three ohildred s,\f:'ered near asphyxiation from car exhaust fumes. I I I :The Conmdssion examined and approved the following olaims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: e,JIP CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: J. Lyle Jearr" Inc. Veruon J. nobinson City Employees Retirement fund Olympic Printer;," ,MolJahan Fuel Co. ;irhe Stationer s, Ino. 'Nan Je. A"thony '!Leo Walsh Studio Olympic Laumry<< Cl.eaners Port Angeles Evening News Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. lIarris I:. Schullcr D & d Battery & Electrio Stn. .Howard-Cooper Corp. .., 94 CITY STREET FUlJD: '" Truck & Equip::lent Go. Bond Premium Trip ixpense Services Rendered A/c J\ctuarial Valuation He-partioipation ~nvelopes j Office Supplies fuel Oil l'llimeo Stencils and 1Dk Makin,; up 4 Car Registration !looks J:iaking Neg:atives, Photos Laundry Serv-ice Display Adv. Tools and lidw8. Brass Cut to Urder Parts Parts Hand :Jrake \~P,TER FuND:. 5'~7 ~7 Plympic Printery uen~ral Electric Co. J;::I. LICHT FUND: $I /t/(p Olympic Printery Peninsula Machine Shop Maydwell & Hartzell ,General Electrio Suppl;{ Corp. !,ine l.{aterial Co. Office Supplies Hadio Office Supplies Repairs Eardwa re Transformers, Hardware Transformers 32.. SANITATION FUND: .;(3 - '?urehaufTrailer & Equipm€f:1t Co. IIi & B Battery & Eleotric Stn. blympic Printery 3/ l'pAEK FJIlD: .2" , Aneeles Gravel & Suppl~' Cement ICitY Treasurer Postage Eclipse Lawn t'ov/er Co. Parts :b &. B U~ttery & Electric ,r:tn. ene Set Points I~here t eing no further business the sessioZl was theti adj curned. Parts Points, Plugs 'J\"rro Cclu..'TII13r Pads 45.00 6.67, 272 .50 32.29 153.71, 20.561 54.44 15.39 : 7.12 7.201 11.91 7.06 i 7.89. 11.59 2.941 I: 71.871 525.30 53.111 2.53 . 456.031 698.80 956.051. 18.27 5.88 i 1.17 : I 1.29 . 1.88 i 21.25 1.91' Ci ty Clerk ~~--R-,- f tf.,j _____ -0-- 1!ayor : 'I I -1- G ~. ~ I I I I I