HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/16/1961 P"".r 164 I Procee~ings of t~e Ci~ Commission of t~e City of Port Angeles, Was~ington FEBRUARY 16, 19B- LlIIKPR1NTlNGC",;P_.lloU:S4~-- The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. Roll call of Officers revealed the following present: II Mayor Maxfield, Councilmen Smith, Richardson, Thome, Randall, Cladwell and Haguewood; Manager Sl ankatd; Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law. 'II It was moved by Councilman Randall that minutes of the special meeting February 13th be approved as received. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. II Under the head of unfinished business, the Police Department having made traffic survey of West Fifth Street,'ll, recommended that the speed limit remain at twenty-five miles per hour. It was moved by Councilman Randall ' that the council concur with recommendation of the Police Department and speed limit be left at twenty-five I,' miles per hour. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. The Mayor reported on Council Committee meeting with the Board of Directors for School District No. 17 con-I. I' cerning location of the proposed swimming pool. It was agreed that a preferable site is the school property at Fifth and Chase Streets. Councilman Smith suggested a location on Fourth Street East of the Gymnasium ! as safer and better parking fac1l1ties. There was no price for the lots fixed or official action taken. The arch '.. tects and consulting engineers will be requested to test the locations for soil structure. I The Council considered an option to the Downtown Parking Association for certain real property on East Front Street as parking area for shoppers. The option was approved and the Mayor authOrized to execute same. The Manager read a report by Thomas E. Sp9rling, Electrical Engineer, regarding installation of sub-station units, rebuilding of street lighting circuit building, reconstruct pole lines, also authorization to publish call for'blds for the same. Councilman Smith questioned the necessity for a new building at 14th and Laurel Streers if the existing building is adequate. The construction and installations having been previously approved, it I was move d by Councilman RichardsOn that the Manager be authorized to publish call for bids for sub-station II ' and circuits as described irl report. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. 'I Next considered was the report of R. W. Beck and Associates, Consulting Engineers, on tabulation and reco'm~ mendations of bids for installation of the Morse Creek pipeline and accessories from the Morse Creek Dam tol Reservoir No.1. Errors detected and corrected were as follOWS; Harbert Construction Corporation, SChedulel lA, $943,823.17 to $954,139.17. Del Guzz, Inc., Schedule lA, $1,128,183.60 to $1,098,108.60. The new totals do not change the relative positions of the bidders, Harbert Construction Corporation being the apparent low bidder. It having been recommended by the En gineers that the City issue to Harbert Construction Corporatlon as the lowest responsible bidder, a notice of acceptance, it was moved by Councilman Haguewocib that the Council accept the Harbert Constructlon Corporation bid for construction of the p~pel1ne in amount of:1 i $954,139.17 and enter into agreement for the same. Seconded by Coundlman Thorne and carried. I Under the head of new business, request was received for one beverage license transfer: Grandview Grocery, I, from Sardine Olney and Roy Kruger to Ernest 1. S'cott. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the transfer " be approved. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. ' i, I Pursuant to Statutes.governing, the City Treasurer designated the First Illatlonal Bank and Olympic State Bank 'I as depositories for City monies during the year 1961, subject to Council approval. It was moved by council-I'l I man Richardson that the request be approvE;d and Banks designated as depositories for 1961. Seco nded by , Councilman Caldwell and carried~ !IThe term of Hugh Hankins, member of the Planning Commission, having expired, the Mayor re-appointed Mr. II I Hankibs to serve another term subject to Council approval and remmmended by Fred S1Jange, Chairman of the i Board. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the appointment be approved and confirmed. Seconded by I' Councilman Smith and carried. Pursuant to request filed, it was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the Manager be authorized to make bid : call for Lighting Elks Memorial Playfield, Tennis Courts and rehabilitation of Civic Field Floodlights. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried. Inquiries having been made regarding progress of Local Improvement District No. 180, the Manager read the I' foltewing schedule as prepared by the City Engineer: quantities and cost estimates February 24. Completion,l of plans and Specs March 24th. Assessment Roll April 7th. Notices April 28th. Public hearing date May ISti:l.' Open bids June 12th. The following Resolution was then introduced and read, employing Preston, Thorgrimson, Xlorowltz" Starin and Ellis, Seattle Attorneys ,to prepare the proceedings creating the proposed L.LD., the issuance of bonds and warrants, and opinion as to valldtty <\t the time of their Issue. RESOLUTION NO. 6-61 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, employing- counsel for certain services in connection with looal Improvement District No. 180 of the city and issuance of bonds and warrants therefor. It was moved by COuncilman Richardson that the foregoing Resolution be approved and passed as read. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. I I I The Manager read a communication from Cecil Bailey objecting to the City paying the cost of another election to determine whether or not an area South of the City shall be annex to the City. There were no comments or action taken. Reports from City Departments were approved as follows: Budget,Expenditures, Police Department, Fire I Department, Police Judge Annual Report and January. It was moved by Councilman Smith that reports be acce ted ' and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. I I Claims for payment were approved in amounts of: General Funds, $6,686.42. Water Fund, $727.00. Pipe- I , line Fund, $284.99. Light Fund, $4,714.79. It was moved by Councilman Throne all claims be approved as I I enumerated and paid. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. .... I I I Procee~ings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~ 65 {Continued) FEBRUARY 16, 19~ l.lIotlPRIHTIN<lIeo. F_242:S4 ~ The Mayor read a communication to Clayton Fox expressing appreciation of the Council and all department heads for fair coverage of Council mmatlngs and City activities. Also wishing him well in whatever his new ventures may be. Councilman Randall moved that the City Ught sponsor a Babe Ruth Team during the 1961 season, amount not to exceed $150.00. Also cited accomplishments and benefits during the 1960 season. Motion seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. Councilman Smith suggested that the City sponsor the Junior Badminton Club, to be financed from money pro- vided in the !'lark Fund for special recreation, and not to exceed $500.00. It was moved by Councilman Smith that the matter be referred to the Park Board for sutdy and recommendation. Seconded by Councilman Thome and carried. Councilman Thorne cited the traffic accident of February 11th at First and Lincoln Streets and hazard to pedest- rians. It was his opinion that use of the truck route should be more strictly enforced. This was referred to tlile M.anager for investigation, There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. 9, e. ~ {/ CITY CLERK c:r~ ~ 2: ~J.>> NO"l'ICE: 01' CALL POB sms I NOTICE OF CALL E'OB sm;-- R()~~lI~s ]~i~1E~E~e~ej\~;~E~y t~~~ I Sf!~~t:;;~sl Sv7{lfJ~~Br~e~f~~NbY l~~~. ~~~el~~~~;~l~l;~to~:e 14~it?ve~~ F~~~~ f;; t;heof Of~~~t otnr~~esCi t~vli1.{~~n(lgig~ - Street, until 7:30 O'Clock P. .M" I I,W 1Vest Front StrClet, until 7:20 March 16, l!lGl, f.or the following - 0 Clue,h: P. M., March 1, G, 1061. fOTl . mn.terlllll'l: ~he consu'ucLion of a rest room ICl:lv1C Field facil1ty at Lincoln Park. to ell. FLA H42iD 0-H-narrow beam . Plan1'l. and specifieallOns Inc on . flO"od ]j~hts CrOU1'lc-lIln(1sorCQunl. flle WlllCh mal' he secllred from the 401a~'p;.50(J watt 110V incandescent Pfli~l ~~I~;r~l/I~Tl~:n~p~~~g l;ei-~~s~iarl dl P<I. 14 drr:ult ralntltf' drr:ult hrpHk_ ~SSlOn held in the Counell Cham- ~~e~~~~~. with 30 Amp. singJepolc ~~~s tf~e tll~ncrO~l~e t~ePd~\~enntot~J 1 12 circuit rniniite panel9 wHIl 30 n.boyc. . I Amp breskers. The Clty CouneH reseryes the rlghi ::I ca.. 26 circuit rnJntitc panels with to accept or reject any or all bids 30 Amp. single pole breakers and hi not bouud to_accept the low 7 ca. 15KVA 2400V primary t~ ]20 ~ld if In their opinion a hIgher blol ~~~at~-~n~~t:mi:gl?K~Ol~)r~~It~S~~~ lIS best suIted f~, ~~~ frXKKAIW. I I ~~~~.operaling mechanism orequalll Published: .IIfnrch :.: ~~~" 9~1~96af~r ,2 (Of!.. 2[JKVA transformers same fiS j - ~ L. - - ~ ~'- .. ! ~liJ~1K~~~.~e orG~:;I. ~Jie. HSBA 1 FKC C. }J. t)'PC prImal';)' discon- ~ neet switch, catalog No. 175LD40G I EJ.9s ofl:~lla~~kiioftbaU :Field ~ ,48 ~a. FLA44429D Crollse Hinds 14/1~~ 11~~~lt~~~t il:]O\~ rr;~~deHeent I j1 l~Omk\A transformer with remote I . opera.tmg arm G. E. oo.tn.log No. . HSBA2G01AKlI050 nr equal mnka. \ :1 ::{:I~ry :~~coF~ch~J~~Jla~' :r equal make. 12 3e;'A~J1c\~~~1~ei-~~tite vanels with 12 en. 10 elreuit ralntlte panels with I - 30 Amp breakers. 2 (,3.. 8 circuit rainUte panels wIth EJ.a 3~~P vl::'~. Softball ' 136 ea. FLA44U9D Crouse HInds, flQod light.."l or equal mn]{f:'. 36 ea. 1500 watt 110V incandescent lamps. . ks~lto~:~so~VII:'f~hrn:.~~nof:; o~: era ling arm or equal make. III J'~~rr~l ~~~eo~~g 7~[J~~~lf' ~~ equal make. ~2 3~a'A~lP C~;~~e~I~~i~~~n~~~th ~2 3fCt A~pcll~~~~~€~;i~~I~Q:;r~a~~th ,2 ell. lj circuIt rlllntlte panels wIth r :10 Amn breakers or cflual make. . ~'f~ cr.~~4429D Crouse HlnllS] C flOOd ltghts or equal ma.ke. ~12 oR. 1600-~tt 110V'ill~ndesc;:'1t: lamJIH. . I '1 Hl~if:tr{)l~U~r.~rn~~~ e~~aP' Ill~~ ~ 11 12 circuit l"lllnt1te, lIiUlel with_ 30 I Amp breakers. Each proposal shall b~ a.ccomllan- '-~~t r~Lrh: &f;. ~fri~~~~d.~~ee~;s.m~~:l Clt)' CO'Uncll reserves tho right tol accept any lJr aU bios or any por- l~\?nt~~e~~~i' ~I~~I~~~S i:i~le:~la~PC~;~1 'sion to ue h/jld 011 March 1lJ. UIH,,' Jat the time nOled atJuve. BI<l~ ilia)' , ~oetet~l~ ~i~~;~. ~~;Jtr:JL~::l.dJ \ City ~1ltnag('r Published: Februal')" 2:-1 and March 2, l 1%1. I << II "" , I J I 1