HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/16/1977 I I 241 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angel~s, Washington February 16, 1977 I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:30 P.M. II ROLL CALL I Members Present: Mayor ,Olson, Councilmen Anderson, Haguewood, Hordyk, Ross, Wray. Members Absent: Councilman Buck. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Clerk Parrish, Deputy Clerk Ward. Guests Present: C. White, J. Hargreaves, A. Lannoye, J. & H. Webber, P. Downie, P. Jackson, D. Erickson, N. Lloyd, B. Sundt, E. Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. J. Baxter, M. McDonald, B. Colvin, F. Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. D. Arnold, F. Kessel, G. Harrison, G. Amundson, R. Amundson, J. Cullison, M. Cullison, B. Waldron, S. Johnson, L. Bennett, E. Gruber, C. Peacock, L. Sunny, O. MCLaughlin, G. Ralston, G. McBride, I. Bishop, H. Braun, M. Woods, G. Johansen, T. Middleton, H. Pollard, D. & D. Perry, G. Patterson, R. Anderson, P. Koos, L. Konopaski, A. & J. Haugstad, K. Isinberger, I. Underwood, J. Norberg, E. Attwood, L. Attwood, A. M. Garber, A. Garber, H. Garber, R. Philpott, K. Ridost, J. Hughes, J. Ringer, L. Switzer, G. Beddinger, C. Bennett, P. Brown, C. & D. Donahue, C. Whidden. III MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the February 2, 1977 meeting be accepted and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. IV FINANCE 1. Consideration of Bids for Landfill Site Operation. Council was advised by Manager Whorton that the City did not receive any response to th.e "Notice of Call for Bids" for operation of the City of Port Angeles Landfill Site for the disposal of Solid Waste. A motion was made by Councilman Wray to authorize City Manager Whorton to negotiate with the present operator to work out a satisfactory contract. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 2. Vouchers Payable and Payroll. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve $628,691.54 Vouchers Payable, and $114,212.72 Payroll. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA L. Sunny asked about the man-hour costs associated with installation of a light at the corner of Old Mill Road and Hawthorne Place. The question was referred to Light Superintendent Honnold. Mr. Honnold explained that the light was paid for in part by Hawthorne Developer, J. Key and that Mr. Sunny could obtain the man-hour costs at the Light Department at his request. VI LEGISLATION 1. FINAL PUBLIC HEARING - L.I.D. NO. 198 PEABODY. At 7:50 P.M. Mayor Olson opened the public hearing on the Peabody Heights L.I.D. No. 198 Final Assessment Roll. The Council held a brief discussion with Attorney Walrath concerning three Council members who own property in the L.I.D. area. Attorney Walrath advised the Council that these Councilman could hear citizen testimony at this time. 242 .e.Qpo~ wlr lie:) 'i)1Jsota^e' lie 'MalA Ja~E'M awos pue a6 4HM. ~Ol i),qnop ~ JiH.jseM4SIP lie ~l!M LfaLlJ4P1 81^JS ^J~uno 4.j!M WOOJ 6U!^!1 U! 6uqadJ poo~ '~WO'4 WOOJJ)i)Q'C Pi) aJOS aq 0, .jUE'M. lI,noli uatH .(p~ "[SF 'S6u!uallij JO Crr(:-lS'~ le ~ua4M aaJ~_~.---",no^~t:>ads_s CITY COUNCIL MEET!NG February 16, 1977 VI LEGISLATION ~~l , '.t I I t'r-:r~unj~f~,.. J pmtmrms ,- I ~ lEASE busj. r~al :~~' :tiOcpe,.t~, ~I;~~ , on' I- the, , les.1 WMB/NG 'orl Itm. If you like ity! tky is the lim tile, ,PletelyeqUip_ ..ft i f stock, back ~;~s~ ' [ventory. The el.s I ,l. . . '60,000 Wh~ (GENT /a:~ 33'3 before ~it:g~ ~r 6 p.m. date OCIATfS INC. [;~~' 's the ,~dto, NG C1assec::as a 57-4280. .~ the ~'roll led "ings isitting, my t~~~~ ~Y. 452-3227. lise, Norker wants U or Ikhand w,Cllrk ,side i445. such I done. Shal" nsouvc~ :5.3899. I and j ,,[jtfing, r ;.ed to Ind up,' an~e. I week d arrlsh ; 683.3095 ," Clerk ~ 'ngeles ~g, inte. P!l, 1977. I -.-- - . '" ;'0 S '" ::<l 0 S: ~3' ~8 ~ tIJ c: ~ tIJ [E;j'Cf)-~ ~ 0 '" E!.!~l g. 5' ~ ::;: - ~ !~?:.~:; ..0 ~~ is ~~ ... t-) '< <D -..j '" ~~'rn(tl ~~ C ~ C,11~~081::r :J ~ ;. gg.s.- g, o' rn @5g~~('l :J ... 5 -S" goer /Jl " "0 "" o'~ ~~'< ~ 0' a- S- .., ?~. P.~a :J -+ ~ " ;;::....... /Jl ~1 "" "'1,,(0 S ~~~ ~~.g S.'O ~~ ~~a1 -;'"... e'."" &5''1'" :4-5" (tl d:~:;:+a;%,< ('J...-:: ~>(!.)I _:5::3-:::: C1l _(') tIJ i_"'1 @i4- ::I:o-dg.!!ltt1ctlt:! ctl ~'_.('J .....r:;.;"ro.tr.I t;~! ~ ~ ::3 : S; ~~ ,.00 ~ ~ e~ g:;:+ g.ctlm5"iG~ g.tIJ -....t ::r ~...... ~.o C1l .... (') 0 ~ 8 [-g aa~i~h ~~' tn'a::S~~~el!flg ~ tl' r.n .~ a::::. rn.... ~, -g 8. s~ ~ '[ if g 8; m c' __ (")(tlfo) (') l';'is.~]>~'e.~" ~ tIl e.c:B _Et(Ti~ g, ~ ~~s ~ ~.~~~ rot- ; -.~~_5__._.,"'-"'-- 1. FINAL PUBLIC HEARING - L.I.D. NO. 198 PEABODY (Cont.l. Following the discussion Mayor Olson informed the audience that only those protests to the final assessment roll that are in writing and are filed prior to or at the public hearing will be considered. It is noted that thirty written protests were filed prior to and at the public hearIng which represent 4.09 percent of the total amount assessed to the property owners. I Mayor Olson then declared the hearing open for discussion and invited all those area residents who wished to comment on their final assessment to speak at this time. A general discussion followed during which sixteen property owners discussed their concerns with the Council, Manager Whorton and Public Works Director Flodstrom. Most of the testimony involved increases in certain property owners final assessments over their preliminary engineering a~sessments before the project was started in 1975, use of the zone and termini method for calculating assessments, lack of notification to property owners of increases to the original planned work, method of assessing dead-end streets and sidewalks, with some dissatisfaction expressed about access to driveways. Inquiries were also made about the bond interest rate, assessments relating to the existing Park Avenue storm sewer system, and assessments relating to an existing sanitary sewer system and $32,000 that waS turned over to the City in 1961 when the property was annexed to the City. Separation of the storm sewer/sanitary sewer system in the Forest Avenue, Columbus and Cherry Sts. area was also discussed with the involved property owners. During the discussions Public Works Director Flodstrom explained to the audience that L.I.D. No. 198 involved 1600 parcels of property spread over approximately 1,000 property owners. The original scope of work of the project was increased as allowed by state law. Many of the changes were at the request of property owners and all the changes resulted in assess- ments and increased assessments to the involved property owner. Through newspaper notices, the City notified the area residents to contact the Public Works Department regarding any problems and approximately 100 complaints were registered and responded to by the Public Works Department prior to final acceptance of the project by the City. All the property owners who filed protests will be contacted and complaints will be checked. Mr. Flodstrom also explained the zone and termini method for calculating assessments to the audience and noted that the total project cost increase over the original estimate is approximately 2%. I At 9:25 P.M. Mayor Olson announced that the public hearing will be COntinued to the March 2r 1977 Council meeting to allow time for property owners to contact the Public Works Department regarding their concerns. Clarification of the disposition of the $32,000 On ULID No's~ 1, 2, 3 and 4 and whether a conflict of interest exists on the part of Councilmembers owning property in L.I.D. No. 198 was requested by the Council and certain property owners. PUBLIC HEARING - STREET VACATION. Mayor Olson opened the public hearing on peninsula College's request for the vacation of Park Avenue within the College boundaries and asked if ,there was anyone present who wished to comment on the proposed street I vacation. There were no comments from the audience. As there was no response from those in attendance, Mayor Olson declared the hearing . closed. A discussion followed regarding Peninsula College's offer to furnish to the City an alternate right-of-way connection between Park and Boulevard sts. at the west side of College property. College President P. G. Cornaby explained to the Council that the local Board of Trustees has approved deeding the right-of-way to the City, however, only the State Board for Community College Education can conveyor sell property. If the,Colleg~ Board of Trustees and the City Council can come to an agreement, then Dr. Cornaby will take the agreement to the State Board in Olympia for approval. At that time the matter will be closed, according to Dr. Cornaby. ?,42 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 16, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 12677 A 1 NOTtC~e;ARING ON \ FINAL A~ESSPW.!:NT ROLL; LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 198 CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON PEABODY HEIGHTS L.I.D. No. 198 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the assessment roll ol.Local Improvement District j' No. 198 created by Ordinance No, 1849 lor the construction I and installation of certain street and storm sewer those ed lat .:fA-1J .:z7 /977 i which (..mers. ----...---....... ... 1. FINAL PUBLIC HEARING - L.I.D. NO. 198 PEABODY legal P"lrllca'lon l improvements within the areal generally known as Peabody's now on file and 0 J -, ;~spectjon at theP~~i~o: ~Iu~~~, WC'a'Ysh.Cletrk of Port Angeles j logon. '. Said roll has been set lor I ~~~~'~? :tt a] 7;~e~~~o~V~~ ~~y , ~venlng on the 16th day 0~1 ebru~ry, 1977 at the Cit Co"nc.1 Chambers, 134 W Y i Front Street, Port A eS'1 aShingt~n, All person~g~~~ may deSire 10 object to said ssessments are- nOtffied t ake such Objection in 'WrT 0 r:d to We the same Withl :~~ ,ty ClerK,at or prior to the date nd ',me 'I.:xed for such hearin At the t,me and place Iix~ I nd ~t Stich other times as the J earl":l9 may be cOntinued he C.ty CounCil will sit ast~ BOard Of EqUalization lor the i purpose of considering Such rOil a~~ at su~h hearing or hearings WI consider such obfectlons made thereto or an . thereof and w'lI Y part I Change or ~d.forrect. re-vise, any part Ih...e:.,v o~u~~/~'~.~r such roll and order th t 'e ass~ssment be made d~ SUCh akm.g SUch action as to ~OlJ~~ Ody shall appear just and ' Ul!able ai'll then proceed to I' on"rm the roll by ord' ' Marfan C. ~~~~~~. I City Clerk , City 01 Port Angeles b.: Jan. 20. 27, 28, 30, 31; 1977. I Following the discussion Mayor Olson informed ~ protests to the final assessment roll that areJ prior to or at the public hearing will be cons] thirty written protests were filed prior to an6 . represent 4.09 percent of the total amount ass~ I :2-6 E o,Gl.. GlCPGlc::Ol- ..I:'>...o'-,! ~ >."...1:_.... CPc::"''''O_Cc: ...0 ooOu"'"3 <II - .6~0"'C"'E ~I\ = E _ ",' "'5.2 .S c: V ~ ci. 0 <II '" .- c: L. Z 0..- c:: t; CP CP 010,- (11.- '" CL ~ ~ .: t").!::! 01 c: <II lb 0 I&. - ...... c:: c:: ill"'C.c:0 #IW 0......~<Q..0l- o .. 1'O:E t g>.:.S.S . v - Cll 0.- ~ CP 1&1 ..... = 'u -;: Q.. Qj 0 ::I '"C 1&I...oc:: -"'C-C:CP U ~~C:O'-oCP- ... Q, 0'- >."' _ ~ C _... u......_c:.,~u ... c.......- 0 "'.... 0 U +-.~~~~::~- O Ou - 0 C >. -..I: 'CP oQ._ ......."'''Olbillc: L. Z <II~""",O""'Cll NIIl Z Gi >.J; 0 += 0 Q. ...wOl.... a.cc:e ::::)> _ 0'::.. v o~ -"~"::I .-- e><.oea.gt: A _Q/LLCll....Olb "'~Ou.. '..c::OQ.~. wc.. ..~....-:o:::~ U Q) >-"<t '- "'.c: 0 0 ~..l:..gt").2Q)i-U.... o-"'~c:~ Z>-(I)-O(ll ~C:O_1r.. Mayor Olson then declared the hearing open for discussion and invited all those area residents who wished to comment on their final assessment to speak at this time. A general discussion followed during which sixteen property owners discussed their concerns with the Council, Manager Whorton and Public Works Director Flodstrom. Most of the testimony involved increases in certain property owners final assessments over their preliminary engineering assessments before the project was started in 1975, use of the zone and termini method for calculating assessments, lack of notification to property owners of increases to the original planned work, method of assessing dead-end streets and sidewalks, with some dissatisfaction expressed about access to driveways. Inquiries were also made about the bond interest rate, assessments relating to the existing Park Avenue storm sewer system, and assessments relating to an existing sanitary sewer system and $32,000 that was turned over to the City in 1961 when the property was'annexed to the City. Separation of the storm sewer/sanitary sewer system in the Forest Avenue, Columbus and Cherry Sts. area was also discussed with the involved property owners. During the discussions Public Works Director Flodstrom explained to the audience that L.I.D. No. 198 involved 1600 parcels of property spread over approximately 1,000 property owners. The original scope of work of the project was increased as allowed by state law. Many of the changes were at the request of property owners and all the changes resulted in assess- ments and increased assessments to the involved property owner. Through newspaper notices, the City notified the area residents to contact the Public Works Department regarding any problems and approximately 100 complaints were registered and responded to by the Public Works Department prior to final acceptance of the project by the City. All the property owners who filed protests will be contacted and complaints will be checked. Mr. Flodstrom also explained the zone and termini method for calculating assessments to the audience and noted that the total project cost increase over the original estimate is approximately 2%. I At 9:25 P.M. Mayor Olson announced that the public hearing will 977 Council meeting to allow time for property c Works Department regarding their concerns. be continued owners to .c~ III .. .- a>> to D A. >- . .1: uu c: D .0: D ::IE the disposition of the $32,000 on onflict of interest exists on the ,n L.I.D. No. 198 was requested by ULID No's. 1, 2, 3 and part of Councilmembers the Council and certain STREET VACATION. '" .... d the public hearing on Peninsula College's request for ark Avenue within the College boundaries and asked if present who wished to comment on the proposed street Iwere no comments from the audience. As there was no )se in attendance, Mayor Olson declared the hearing I owed regarding peninsula College's offer to furnish to the right-Of-way connection between Park and Boulevard Sts. of College property. College President P. G. Cornaby Council that the local Board of Trustees has approved -of-way to the City, however, only the State Board for Education can conveyor sell property. If the ,College s and the City Council can come to an agreement, then Dr. e the agreement to the State Board in Olympia for approval. matter will be closed, according to Dr. Cornaby. 2\478 - ---, NOTICE OF 1243 PUBLIC HEARING . '. The porI AngeleS City ! Council will hold a publIC hearing on the design of the CITY COUNCIL MEETING \ Municipal Pier on Wednesday, FebrUary is, 1978 al 7:30 p.M. February 16, 1977 in 1M council Chambers at 134 \ west Front Street. Any interested persons may \ appear and express their VI LEGISLATION \ opinion on this proposal. : h Marian C. Parns City CierI<. , Pub.: Feb. 14, 1978 -", - \ 2. PUBLIC HEARING - STREET VACATION (Cont.). ~ Councilman Wray moved the Council adopt an Ordinance vacating that portion of Park Avenue within the Peninsula College Boundaries based on the stipula- tion that the State Board of Community College Education provide the City I with a 60' alternate right-of-way between Park and Lauridsen Boulevard. .- The motion was seconded by' Councilman Haguewood and unanimously passed by the Council. ORDINANCE NO. 1907 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating that portion of Park Avenue within the peninsula College Boundaries. 3 . PLANNING COMMIS S ION. I Mayor Olson read meeting with the ... .. 1St pic Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the ; , Planning Commission and approve a 12 month extension to Carol Donahue's : 'Conditional Use Permit to operate a physical fitness class as a home I,' te J occupation at Rt 3, Box 1018. The motion was seconded by Councilman I' ~ Haguewood and carried. i _ I Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve a six month extension to Ida Douglas' Conditional 55 in al Use Permit to operate a ceramic shop and instruction class as a home "Thl occupation at 422 South Liberty Street. The motion was seconded by Hustol C . 1 And d . d didn't) ouncl. man erson an carrl.e. lost af H~ Councilman Haguewood moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's byHoc recommendation and approve the request of Colvin Construction to rezone part clock 11' 55tie of Block 1 and the abutting vacated north half of Linden Street in Pennsylvania "won.: Park Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles from RS-7 to RMF. The motion sure The! was seconded by Councilman Ross. On Mayor Olson' s call for discussion on the Ie last victori motion, area residents H. Pollard, G. Bettinger, Mr. & Mrs. Baxter and Mrs. time II pla~ Perry spoke in opposition to any portion of Block 1, pennsylvania Park ir=: ththe tw! Addition being rezoned for apartments. In the opinion of the property i, e cor. ld' d ff' ~,57- Cent owners opposl.ng the rezone, apartments wou create l.ncrease tra l.C and , I noise in the area. They also felt that since several large apartment 1 'complexes are already in existence in the immediate area, which is zoned ad ", RMF, an~ further development of apartments and multi-family dwellings should ~, be confl.ned to that area. I ,ey l I : ceived after the Planning Commission's December 13, 1976 public hearing on ~~PMAliN "thi the rezone request. The Council referred the matter back to the Planning Lrect newl .'.. hI' .., d h h b f' f h In, ll1e SWl car. 'Comml.SSl.on Sl.nce t e P annl.ng Conunl.SSl.on dl. not ave t e ene l.t 0 t e I. field was fast,! discussion of the people protesting the rezone. The planning Commission of the Nation, held another public hearing at their February:,l~ r. ,1977 meeting. 'After ,p-snorter for I considering the letter of protest, the petition, and the opposing views of :as all smiles a~ Mr. Pollard and Mr. Bettinger, the Planning. Commission again reconune~ded _ ___.._ approval of the rezone because the applicatl.on conformed to the multl.-family residential policies of the Comprehensive Plan. the minutes of the planning Commission February 14, 1977 following action being taken by the Council. I l;e8SO~ I W L 7 4 4 8 9 4 8 6 8 6 , 7 1 i: 10 3 ,: 5 7 It is noted that the City Council did not hold the scheduled public hearing on Colvin Construction's rezone request at their February 2, 1977 Council meeting because a letter of protest and a petition opposing the rezone were re- Mayor Olson advised the audience that the Council must h~ld a public hearing on this request before any action can be taken. councilman Hordyk moved the Council table Colvin Construction's request and schedule a public hearing for March 2, 1977 on Colvin Construction's request for a rezone of a part of Block 1, pennsylvania Park Addition, Townsite of _ Port Angeles. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. (I. ;;~i~O:~ oE;-!!",_s, rJf~ I....~I -'::~ ~C1';~ ,;=~ Q.=.c.~o ITa.. .,.'" ., l1) ., -I ...~. "C - 5 l:if~ ~~ q O-Q::Jnl\la tiJmg.;=;- o-CL_r>>m S ~ =:;,9 ~'E" ~~:S:t: ~~c:: ?OJ;-fr~-.r~Q~ t1Ia..~g n~o~(n g 3;::9 2i .E u;-€;C'lS' ~~ x x < VI W Q g,,~ co. ~ e:. _"".,,~ c;:..<" '.Q.l ,-. _ ,fa r.!!. - -. ~ ~ ~ ~uQ)_.- ~!!1 ;;:: ::- ~ ~ .... '~ -... .... .... ... -. w -..c -1'':'" '.... - .... ......",,'.... """VI ';=(')0 .0'. \10 "-. : fO'O..1II ;::o-g-/ll~ e. 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ParriS City Clerk I Pub.: Feb. 14. 1978 J ....."-~ Councilman Wray moved the Council adopt an Ordinance vacating that portion of Park Avenue within the peninsula College Boundaries based on the stipula- tion that the State Board of Community College Education provide the City with a 60' alternate right-of-way between Park and Lauridsen Boulevard. The motion was seconded. by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously passed by the Council. 243 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 16, 1977 LEGISLATION 2. PUBLIC HEARING - STREET VACATION (Cent.}. I ORDINANCE NO. 1907 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating that portion of Park Avenue within the peninsula College Boundaries. 3. PLANNING COMMISSION. Mayor Olson read the minutes of the planning Commission February 14, 1977 meeting with the following action being taken by the Council. Legal Publication I n Hordyk moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the 1101977A Commission and approve a 12 month extension to Carol Donahue's F~~r~;S~:s~~~~~~Go~~ al Use Permit to operate a physical fitness class as a home LOCAL IMPROVEMENT n at Rt 3, Box 1018. The motion was seconded by Councilman DISTRICT NO. 199 1 d . d CITY OF I an carrJ.e. WASHINGTo"NORT ANGELES., NOTICE IS HEREBYn Hordyk moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's GIVENlhallheassessmenlroll: t' d . h t . t Id D 1 'c d't' 1 for Local Improvement District ,a J.on an approve a SJ.X mont ex ensJ.on 0 a oug as on J. J.ona ~~: ~~/~~~'~~eb~o~~~~~:,~~~,t to operate a ceramic shop and instruc~ion class as a home 'and in$lallalion Of cerlain n at 422 South LJ.berty Street. The motJ.on was seconded by I streel and slorm sewer' And d . d improvements within the area n erson an carr1.e. generally 'Known as GlenbrOOki ~u~?:;n~~e;;:~n :~~h:~~7c:':r n Haguewood moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's ~~s~ii:;r9~I;rk of Port Angeles":ation and approve the request of Colvin Construction to rezone part Said roll has been 5el for 1 and the abutting vacated north half of Linden street in pennsylvania ~~~~i~i~ ~t, a7~~e~~C~0'::'kthj~ ~i~~ tion to the Townsite of Port Angeles from RS-7 to RMF. The motion ~~~~~:ry~nl::',e ;~dlh~a\ir~:ied by ~ouncilman Ross. On Mayor.Olson's call for discussion on the Council Chambers. 134 West rea resJ.dents H. pollard, G. BettJ.nger, Mr. & Mrs. Baxter and Mrs. Fronl. Slreet. Port Angeies. ke in opposition to any portion of Block 1 Pennsylvania Park Washlnglon. All persons who I ' , may desire 10 obiecl 10 said being rezoned for apartments. In the opinion of the property ~;~~5~~~t~bi:~~iO~~~il~~lj~g ?osing the rezone, apartments would create increased traffic and 'and 10 file Ihe same wilh Ihe 'the area. They also felt that since several large apartment ~~IJ,f~~~i~~~~g;~~ct~ ~~:r~~~~ ' are already in existence in the illUTIediate area, which is zoned 'an~1 a~h:u~i;~th~~dli~~;e a~i~~~ ,further development of apartments and multi-family dwellings should : hearing may be continued 10. 'ed to that area. ;the City Council will sit as a Board of Equalizalion lor Ihe' ;purPOSeOf considering 5uchroll ed that the City Council did not hold the scheduled public hearing "andafs.uchhea,.mgorhearlngsr. . . will consider such obieclions I ConstructJ.on' s rezone request at theJ.r February 2, 1977 CouncJ.l '~:~~f~~~~~lc~r~~~e~~~.ecause a letter of protest and a petition opposing the rezone were re- 'change or modify such roll or 'ter the Planning cOllUTIission' s December 13, 1976 public hearing 'on ~~~h Pr";.: ~~';;':fd~; t~e:, as~~~ e request. The Council referred the matter back to the Planning ::~f~~~~~~ baect~~d:sd;o n~:Coh n since the Planning Commission did not have the benefit of the body shall appear just and n of the people protesting the rezone. The Planning Commission ~~;:~~lelh~n~O:r~~ ~~~~~:~c~o her public hearing at their February'l~ ,,1977 meeting. ,After MarianC. ParriSh 'ng the letter of protest the petition and the opposing views of City Clerk, " ~i1YOf PorI Angeles rd and Mr. Bettinger, the Planning Commission again recommended ~~u~~ 12,1~~t}UJ~}lof the rezone because the application conformed to the multi-family residential policies of the Comprehensive Plan. I Mayor Olson advised the audience that the Council mus~, hold a pUblic hearing on this request before any action can be taken. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council table Colvin Construction's request and r ~3'o1'; ':'.1';='. s"-- ' ,,--"----.-~....~arch 2, 1977 on Colvin Construction's request . a~8~~~~~;t~g~g~~~[~~....~~~g. ~-bQ._.,__ - ~. Park Addition, Townsite of 'U" ::r<'DQo /tl"':;' _ VI < .Yo.. 0 '"0 -wnw.o Cc 1lI ~CtI oo-c:E"C)::>.....l.fIo ~ r ~~ ~ ~ 3 oen ~ 0' ~2.~ ~~3 ~ Pg~~ 1-J~S: 5 o:g ~~.2.~~~~ ~:;:3! Or5 ~~;z :ilman Anderson and carried. ?" ___. nrln.. -.:Jo. 10'<: .,,-, V1-/'b 0.03'11I(;"..... ::;r rD tOO 3 (JQ.........~ ]....-v-cr. 'I(jlll ---,,,,go_::lVt;:Eo ~.,::: ~~c:t~~oro=-<:i;~~...,5'OJiiQa.-1 gs = Q,) J:-c , ::: ~~"Cg~~5::eC/lo..o=:I:np-l~i; .,,"" ~ 11:1:;, Q. - l.Qo''''~ - ~ 5 .~. cui a; '<l1l~'<oo.~"""~~" og.::~Q. ~~~n~~""'~w"c:=c.;ox:"'<~r"\}.! as ~>a.ct:: .o~;t: , !'Oa;~~ltl"C~~-:' &~~~ w" QtoQ. =no3~ ~-~ -a:a~:;b:~~~C!U1~r2 ",,- u ~"t.1 cu. a..:: I ~~~~~!~~..~ ~g',,~o ~~,R:~ 33-~ a~;:.....CIlQ~~~~;:~~~~r-~~ ,OJ :j:,~,..~~;.:C~CUN"" ,;- :;,lIl~_-'-'rD :: -."0 S:~3;:;.:" l>@~o' w"~~~a"""l_ ~ ~?'-~;gn::: 5 5'O..rA+-;:S~roc .:i I f' ~~-~a~~ ~~~~ -HE~~ ~"n~ ~3 -~5'~g~~~~n~~~m~ 3 ~!~~~u~~~ o~ . ~;~~g:~ ~~Q~ > ~3a ~~=3 ~~~~g~~ ~c~~~~~wo v.~ E~~~tf~ ~~ 10<:....."<'-. c.lr'lC J~'"'<gQ:' ~o'<llr ~~,=::3o-'!.Q~~~~ ~~'ol"l E~~~~o~<tu v -!-, Q ~ ~ ~ ~:r ~~. ~ ~ ~ 2' re ~ g .....: r"( ('J CI 0 e'O 3 -<.,::.: :J; 2. _. < <11 .If: 0: E W ::! <( 5 '0 ~ __c{'\ '---- ___:..:=_- i:l.~~ !'gg.2.~ ~~~'rr ~~~-....g:=~'<1\.)~~"a! _ J -_~ _ ~.;:J.... __.A.'L_'S~i": ..... CITY COUNCIL MEETING Fepruary 16, 1977 244 VI 12877A ~. NOTICE OF , CALL FOR BIDS \ NOTICE is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by l the City Clerk, City of port Angeles, 140 West Front Street, \ P.O. Box 711, Port A~geles, Washington 98362, until 2:00 P.M. Tuesday, Febr\J~ry 2~, I 1977, and that the. C,ty will reied all bids receIved after the scheduled closing time and date The bids will be opened publicly at that time ~or furnishing the followmg equipment and.or material: 2400.4160 and 4160.7200 volt distribution transformers. Bid specifications may. be obtained from the LIght Department Office at 240 west Front Slreet. Port Angeles, WA 98~~erfified check or bid bond for 5 percent of the amount of the bid shall accompany each bid. All bid~ are to include delivery F.O,B. Pori Angeles, W~~~~ng:.;'i7i be ope<1ed an~ tabulated for the City Counc,l for consideration by said Council In sess i()n Wednesday, M~~Ceh 2cd;~~il reserves Ihe right to consider deHvery time and to accept or.to reil!ct any or all oids or any part thereof. . The unit price shall prevail and the City reserves the right to correct any e)(tenslons or improper sales taxes. Pub.: Jan. 28, Feb. 11, 1977. 12877 NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received until 2:00 P..M. FebrUary 14, 1'/077, at which time they will be opened and 4 read for the operation of the \ . Cily of port Ang eles Landfill Site for the disposal of Solid Waste. The successful bId wl!1 be awarded by Ihe City Council in the Council ChamberS at 7:30 P '~'ecilications and Bid She~ts may be obtained al the CIty. Engineer's Office at City Hall. '). UO West Fronl Street, Port \ An1~~J'e~naJ:h ~na~~i~~'S Check, I or Certified Check lor 5 per cent \ of the amount bid must accompany ~:~~d ~~Fl0dS1rom Director of public Works Pub.: Jan. 28, 31, Feo, 1, 2, 3. 4, 1977. jAil U~f17. ! LEGISLATION ro~t:':~8~=~lJ"O'-CJ1 ~"Q~ e~~N'j:: ~ :g~.!: ..:?; cGl -0'1 >- -IlIQ.I~ 3:ccu ~~~~~~=_~~EQ~E~,~ O._41 1:c:(c:JuG.l:;:mC'QCD ~M~~~et~~~~gD~-~: ~ ~D~V~O~~~~~=_ E~ ~~Ot~ -~~~ ~'-~3~~S~ ~~~~=t~~~~~~u~~-~c ~j~~~~~c~~~~~~ ~i <w~ -x:~<<J"'O=~QI ~"Eu.. u~.c~.;; 0 tn~ c: lD~..c >.- ~ biu~~~ . ~t~~~~[~ 2m Q.I ~o ~~~"~I1l~~ E'3g 5:~c:{a:~~~ ~:E~ &~ g- COMMI'sSION -rCOll ~ 'J~. ,,--<( '0-'<:01' 'C '0 - ".. ~ _L '\ ~a~;:: cou,,:r: C.Y'-;; .r::EO "tji.c:o . >~~ _ ~c~~m ~5:~ -~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~>c~ ~o_ ~ ~>~CI)~~C E~~~ iiE~;'--ci- ~~~.a ~tu~~:E"~ ...: ..,u..c ~fU'c.Et ~== ~ ~.~.~-ft1~5~s:: 6~~< ~~~Q.lo ou~ ~~Et~~KQ.I~ ~;~~ ~:~~~ ~~~~'~L~~Q.I~~;~~! U EO Q. .J:. 0 l'lI Ell .c..... ra VI . == tl.l '- >-.~ Q,l >- ~<) ~ L~~_~ ~~=Ici .-~~~Eg~~~~~~~~ ! 2~--~: !~~~~~~-~c~~~w~~~-~~ ~ ~a~E~ ~'-~_ ~>~~-~Uytlo~v~,-CI) j ~ ~t~ ~t~<~E~~e~~ ~~~~~t~~ ~ ~~.;~c:~tJW'l.a >~~'; ~::~-2:O~""'8E': ~ um~CI)f~~a~~~~~~~~~rj~=~~ E~ oO~~ __nu~ __u~ L~~ ~S_~ 3. PLANNING Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny the request of Caroline White for a Conditional Use Permit to operate an antique shop as a home occupation at 230 W. 11th Street. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson. During discussion I on the motion, Mrs. White requested the Council to reconsider the Planning Commission recommendation on a hardship basis. A neighbor, Mrs. Hampton, spoke in opposition to tne request on behalf of herself and another neighbor, Dr. Bettger. Councilman Ross felt the Council should take into consideration Mrs. White's hardship situation. It is noted the Planning Commission recommendation was based on the Zoning Ordinance which lists antique shops as commercial operations and the proposed use is incompatible with the surrounding residential area thereby weakening the Zoning Ordinance. On call for the question the motion carried with Councilman Ross voting IINOII.. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny the request of Jim Hargreaves to operate an antique shop as a home occupation at 310 W. Third Street based on the incompatibility of the surrounding residential area and the commercial business of an antique shop. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson. Mr. Hargreaves was in the audience and protested the decision of the Planning Commission to deny his request. On call for the question, the motion to deny the C.D.P. was passed by the Council. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve ,the preliminary plat of pinebrook Subdivision, in concurrence with the Planning Commission's recommendation. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion. City Manager Whorton reminded the Council that a Public Hearing before the Council is required on the preliminary plat. Councilman Hordyk withdrew his motion with Councilman I Anderson withdrawing his second and a Public Hearing was scheduled for the March 2, 1977 Council Meeting. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file the minutes of the Planning ,Commission February 14, 1977 meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. Councilman Ross moved the Council accept and place on file the minutes of the Board of Adjustment January 25, 1977 meeting as read by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. STREET VACATION REQUEST. Mayor Olson read the Planning Commission's report concerning a petition from Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Hansen for vacation of a portion of Center Street near Mt. Angeles Road and Campbell Avenue. Councilman Wray moved the Council set March 16, 1977 for a public hearing on the petition and refer the request to the Planning Commission for recommendation., Councilman . Anderson seconded the motion, and it was passed by the Council. Council- man Hordyk made a request that a map of the proposed street vacation area be provided the Council for the public hearing. 6. I VALLEY STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. Mayor Olson read Public works Director Flodstrom's memorandum in response to a request by Valley Street residents that a less expensive method for improving Valley Street be researched. According to Mr. Flodstrom two alternative types of paving have been considered: (1) 2" of asphalt paving over a prepared base; or (2) a rapid-cure bituminous surfacing treatment (seal-coat) over a prepared base. Both alternatives require virtually the same base preparation and some considerations would be given to drainage. 245 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 16', 1977 VI LEGISLATION I 1477 CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE OF HEARING RESOLUTION OF INTENTION Paving and Drainage - Vall ey Slreel LI DNa. 200 .NOTICE IS HEREBY' GIVEN thaI Ihe City of PorI' Angeles. Washington, proposes 1 to order the improvement Of the-: Brea generally known as Valley J Sfreet by Ihe installalion 01' necessary storm drains., bY' grading .and paving c€rtaln.f streets, by constructing curbs' and gutters where necessary, and by doing all work reqUired,1 in connection with said improvements; all as more particularly described jn 'mprovemenf Resolution No. 24.76 approved and passed by the City Council of the City or Port Angeles On. December 11 1976. \ A public hear'ing. on th~ proposed improvements witl be held before the City Council in1i the Port An~efes Council Chambers, 134 W. Fronf Street, 1 . .' Port Angeles, Washington, at\ Councllman Hordyk then moved the CouncJ.l direct the PublJ.c Works Department 7:~n:~~~;n J;~~a;;;a:9d~:i:~ to proceed with an improvement plan, compute the individual assessments 10 file a written protest wilh the based upon extending the improvement to 11th Street with all property owners City Clerk should show on such I h . . b '1' . h' f' h f h protest the Lot and Block or' aVl.ng accessl. l. lty to Valley Street bearl.ng t eJ.r al.r s are 0 t e cost. other description of hiS; The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray. During discussion on the motion property. ' Marian (, Parrish. , the Council authorized Mr. Flodstrom to contact all residents above the 'Cilyol po~i~n~~~~ \ Ninth-Tenth Alley regarding their preference before the improvement is Port Angeles, WaShing;~~ f extended beyond 10th Street. All extensions beyond lOth Street would increase Pub,: Jan 4.~1977 -.J the $32 T 700 estimated cost for the 2" asphalt paving. On call for the ,',-,--~ " --- -- question, the motion carried with Councilman Anderson abstaining. Jan_ 14, 1977 Legal Publication I 6. VALLEY STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Cont.). The proposed roadway would be centered on the existing right of way from 2nd Street to 6th Street. The roadway would narrow at 6th Street from 24 feet to 12 feet, and continue on the west side of Valley Creek to lOth Street. Turnouts would be provided from 6th Street to 10th Street where possible. Drainage would be accommodated with centerline crowning and side sloping. The 2 inch asphalt paving is estimated to cost $32,700, has an expected life of 10 to 15 years and requires little maintenance throughout the first 10 years. The seal coating surface is estimated to cost $23,600, has an expected life of 5 to 8 years and requires little maintenance through the first 4 to 5 years. -'------., I It is recommended that the 2 inch asphalt paving be selected. The more permanent, lower maintenance surface will provide a much better roadway, especially in the areas subject to heavy truck traffic. After Mayor Olson read the memorandum, Mr. Flodstrom referred to an illustrative map of the area and explained the alternative proposals to the audience. Several area residents were in attendance and discussed the two proposed methods with Mr. Flodstrom. Most of the residents favored the 2" asphalt paving proposal. Mr. Garver of 1020 S. valley requested the improvement be extended to 11th Street. D. Erickson requested the improve- ment be extended to the end of valley Street. The method for paying for the improvement was also discussed. Mr. Flodstrom indicated that perhaps the standard zone-termini method used in LID assess- ment calculations is perhaps the best method. One modification which the Council might wish to consider is the inclusion of those residents at the south end of Valley Street. Normally, they would not be assessed, but because of the benefit they will receive from this improvement and because they have no other access, they should probably be included. The discussions concluded with the Valley Street residents indicating to the Council that they all favored the 2" asphalt paving, with consideration being given to extending the project as requested, and to possibly including those residents at the south end of Valley Street. 7. 8th AND RACE STREET SIGNALIZATION PROJECT. This agenda item was referred to the March 16, 1977 meeting. 8. SHORELINE PERMIT. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve Penply's application for a Shoreline Management Permit to fill a log pond west of Valley Street and north of Marine Drive. City Engineer Warder recommends the permit be granted as the site has been posted, the notice of application has been published and there have been no protests or complaints. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council. 9. NOLS BOARD REPRESENTATIVE. Councilman Wray moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Clallam County Commissioners and approve the nomination of E. D. Rimov to represent Clallam County on the North Olympic Library System Board. Councilman Ross seconded the motion and ~t carried. 246 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 16, 1977 10. KONP ANNUAL HOMEMAKERS SCHOOL. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council grant the Light Department permission to participate in KONP's Annual Homemaker's School April 12, 1977. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. 11. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY FOR RIGHT OF WAY PURPOSES. Public Works Director Flodstrom explained the purpose for requesting I" Council authorization to purchase property described as the South 1.5 feet of Lot 10 and all 'of Lot 11, Block 1, Danns Park Addition to the City of Port Angeles, Washington, is to use the property for future right-of-way purposes at the intersection of Blvd. and Race Streets. Council authorization 1s required at this meeting or the sale will be lost as the Earnest Money Agreement expires this date. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize Public Works Director Flodstrom to complete the negotiation for purchase of the property. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross. During discussion on the motion it was determined that the cost of the property is $11,000 and there is a house on the property that can be used as a rental. On call for the question, the motion carried with Councilmen Haguewood and wray voting "NO". 12. REZONE RECONSIDERATION. Mayor Olson read a letter from B. Magnuson asking the Council to reconsider his request to rezone property owned by himself on Lauridsen Boulevard off pine Street from RS-7 and RS-9 to RMF. Mr. Magnuson was in attendance and the Council discussed with him their concerns regarding the rezone request, namely, the need for an additional access to the property and the improvement to the Lauridsen Blvd. access. Mr. Magnuson stated he does possess an additional access to Pine Street, that he agrees to improve the street access, and that his current plans I are that the project will be started within two years. Councilman Haguewood then moved the Council reconsider Mr. Magnuson's rezone request and set a Public Hearing on the rezone for March 2, 1977. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and passed by the Council. 13. CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION. Councilman Anderson made a motion to authorize City Manager Whorton to present a Certificate of Appreciation to Mrs. Eva Miller for her efforts to raise funds for the Childrens Orthopedic Hospital on behalf of the City. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and passed by the Council. 14. LETTER FROM WALLA WALLA CITY COUNCIL REGARDING LEOFF REFORM BILL. This agenda item was deferred to the March 2, 1977 meeting. 15. LATE ITEMS. None. VII STAFF REPORTS 1. Councilman Ross moved to accept and place on file the following staff reports: January reports for Fire, Parks and Recreation, Police, Utilities and Animal Control. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. I 2. Councilman Hordyk: Requested a check into a npw~nmp-OCcllDatio~at, 1032 E. 4th Street. 1 1!"'a,"giDi.n ~ Zl:;"" i ~ -~~~~~-~ ~ ~5; J 00 OL~O~ = o~~ . <( C>. J::. zc: ft;I 04.l" ~u~t~~~~ _~ ~ ~~ID ~c~ ~~~ ~ ~ .~~~ ~z~_ __~ _~_._~. ~wo~~=-~,c~~ =~uu~~ ~<<~e~~mf o~ ~~~ _~ Jt.;.:;.0!~ cl:: _ _..;f- ~~... ~~~_5~E..f c~~: ~ ~ w UQo~~~~O&.!.g ~-g' I f: OJ .E~In.;;~ .!::Eu.. ;-:LL j ~>-;;U)'D=&>~OL u.: 1-~~~~~E~ItI:Z~ .g . -'I~ u,. c. ,__u~ '" 0. c~-'25-~ Mayor VIII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:17 P.M. /1 ' ,/ILCe~ City Clerk &./~