HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/16/1982
Fort Angeles, Washington
February 16, 1982
Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Members Present:
Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk,
Polhamus, Quast and Whidden.
Members Absent:
Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye,
P. Carr, M. Cleland, D. Frizzell, L. Glenn, J. Pittis,R.
Orton, M. Campbell, R. French and G. Booth.
Public Present: C. Hulse, K. Sweeney, C. & P. Carlson, J. Johnson, G. Mattson,
N. & B. Kennedy, J. & J. Russell, K. Maike, Mr. & Mrs. Wilson,
J. wilson, D. Neal, D. Feeley, P. Olson, W. Schilke, M. McQuown,
P. Downie, S. Dick, D. Bragg, T. Fraser, H. Ratzman and D. Zanon.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on' file as received the
minutes of the February 2, 1982 meeting, February 4, 1982 special meeting and
February 9., 1982 special meeting. Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion
Councilman Polhamus moved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent
Agenda including Vouchers of $901,037.20 and payrolls of $182,828.47 and $180,171.l3~
Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried.
, RE~~~ST
The City 01 Port Angele.
reques1sproposols iQr the
I acquisition of o. Used Am~
" bulance JCQb...... -c~a'$Sis ol'l_d
body) 10, u.e in tho Munklpal
Mayor Duncan reviewed R. Orton's memorandum to the C Fi,e Deportment. acceptance
, Bid propo.ol wo,k .heet.
of Northwest Emergency Equipment Company's proposal I and .pecificotion. ore Ford E350
h . 'h d 1 130 ' 1 available I,om Mo,ion , 1
c aSS1S W1t a Type I Me u ance GA . COunC1 man ~ Parrish. Personnel Director. C1 approve
the recommendation to purchase the 1973 Ford from No City HolI. P.O. Bo~ 1150. Pori uipment
f $6 000 C '1 Wh'dd d d C '1 \ Angoles. WA9B362.
or , 1 OunC1 man 1 en secon e. OunC1 men Propo.ol. will be occepled d opposed
the purchase, objecting to the Fire Department provil until 2:00 p.m. on Wed. ce service
. '. f ne.doy February 10. 1982. . 1
and Counc1lman Hordyk quest10ned the whereabouts 0 . P'opo.~I. .hould be 0<1- prev10us y
purchased with taxpayer funds for use in the communi d,essed to M,. David T. t endorsed
, . . Flodstrom, City Manager, .
the reserve ambulance purchase as prov1d1ng the co P.O. Bo~ 1150, Pori Angele.. serV1ce.
After further discussion the motion to purchase the 'Woshington 9B362. and uncilmen
'. .hould be clearly ma,ked I
Hordyk and Haguewood vot1ng "No". "Ambulance Bid Opening. 2 ,
p.m.. Februory 10,1982."- ,
P,opo.ol. .holl be opened I
on Februory 10, 1982 ond 0
recommendation mode to the ~
City Council at i1S regular
. ~~~~ing held on Feb,uory 19, I
David T. Flod.trom I
Cily Manager 1
. ::,ub.:!~b.l. 1982......... _ --<
Councilman Quast requested staff prepare a resolution designating the Marine Lab-
oratory as the Arthur D. Feiro Marine Laboratory.
Bids for Back-up Ambulance Vehicle
1. Presentation of EMT Training Certificates of Achievement
Fire Chief Glenn explained the Fire Department's "duty company concept" which
in part requires EMT training of the city's volunteer firemen. Those individuals
completing the EMT training are: J. Abram, M. Boardman, R. Thompson, J. Cline,
C. Rushton, M. Fitzpatrick. J. Ley and J. Wear. Mayor Duncan presented certificates
of achievement to those in attendance and thanked all the volunteers for giving so
freely of their time.
2. Public Hearings:
A. P.I.C.O.. Fourth Street Vacation and Rezone Request
Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on the P.I.C.O. petition to vacate Fourth
Street, between Peabody and Vine Streets, and the P.I.C.O. application to rezone
62,637 square feet from RMF and PBP to OC, located on the East side of peabOdy,
both sides of Fourth Street and requested comments or questions from the audience
or staff.
port Angeles, Washington
February l6, 1982
Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Members Present:
Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk,
Polhamus, Quast and Whidden.
Members Absent:
Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye,
P. Carr, M. Cleland, D. Frizzell, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R.
Orton, M. Campbell, R. French and G. Booth.
Public Present: C. Hulse, K. Sweeney, C. & P. Carlson, J. Johnson, G. Mattson,
N. & B. Kennedy, J. & J. Russell, K. ~~;xe~.Mr~ & Mrs. Wilson,
J. Wilson, D. Neal, D. Feeley, P. OlS~~.::,~a~ Or:lu SljjUOUCM3j"V1CQuown,
. . k -,., I o,uaIil.laqMaamOAl
P. Downl.e, S. D~c , D. Bragg, T. FraS1I.UllJjwarnp""I'M ' .0. Zanon.
:.. ... -.. ......llQUOlj SU,
,...edsMau a:led-nnI OMJ sso.d
IIOJB ~UJliOO[ aUIlM A[luaail}J .
lapow luuorssaIOJd usus
1M aqs su AlIJIOl . .
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place QqM 'aJ!AI AI\! :^:~nt/aq PU\:ne
minutes of the February 2, 1982 meeting, February 4, 1 UV:!la and
February 9, 1982 special meeting. Councilman -POlhamu:!~aJPOOu.ll10AlLl1lu.UP(Doqsption
carried. fIOOqJalllolU PIB8 ApoqON '100"
.~ nOA JOj dmpaqa JUalSAqd V OJ
lJQ3 a'll JO.!llDOA JOI JfDJIali1lllo;
1U03aJ slq JOI liS\, 'am Ol ri
Councilman Polhamus moved the Council accept the itenUOIl1!.QSlLII.Il1oAilQIJ3S3PuiqJ:onsent
Agenda including Vouchers of $901,037.20 and payroll,:~aqABUJJBIjJAllJlI(llJfa.u' $180,171.13;
Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried. ~~ a,,~Ill,~ ~:: :ri~1
FINANCE . (lQOJd SJ1l I WV 'peq os [aaJI ,
1. Bids for Back-up Ambulance Vehicle i _ ~ _J
Mayor Duncan reviewed R. Orton's memorandum to the Council recommending acceptance I
of Northwest Emergency Equipment Company's proposal of $6,000 for a 1973 Ford E350
chassis .with a Type I Modulance GA 130. Councilman Quast moved the Council approve
the recommendation to purchase the 1973 Ford frOm Northwest Emergency Equipment
for $6,000; Councilman Whidden seconded. Councilmen Hordyk and Haguewood opposed
the purchase, objecting to the Fire Department providing reserve ambulance service
and Councilman Hordyk questioned the whereabouts of a reserve ambulance previously
purchased with taxpayer funds for use in the community. Councilman Quast endorsed
the reserve ~mbulance purchase as providing the community with a needed service.
After further discussion the motion to purchase the unit carried with Councilmen
Hordyk and Haguewood voting. "No".
Councilman Quast requested staff prepare a resolution deSignating the Marine Lab-
oratory as the Arthur D. Feiro Marine Laboratory.
1. Presentation of EMT Training Certificates of Achievement
Fire Chief Glenn explained the Fire Department's "duty company concept" which
in part requires EMT training of the City's volunteer firemen. Those individuals
completing the EMT training are: J. Abram, M. Boardman, R. Thompson, J. Cline,
C. Rushton, M. Fitzpatrick, J. Ley and J. Wear. Mayor Duncan presented certificates
of achievement to those in attendance and thanked all the volunteers for giving so
freely of their time.
2. Public Hearings:
A. P.I.C.O.. Fourth Street Vacation and Rezone Request
Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on the P.I.C.O. petition to vacate Fourth
Street, between Peabody and Vine Streets, and the P.I.C.O. application to rezone
62,537 square feet from RMF and PBP to OC, located on the East side of Peabody,
both sides of Fourth Street and requested comments or questions from the audience
or staff.
.~ \.
-, ',~' <Ji.71'"!#-"
February 16, 1982
Ih. Part ........CiIy Cauncil ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
will hold 0 ~'Moring on Ilhol Ihe Port' Ang.le. City
February 16, 1992, 01 1:00 Council will hold 0 public
P.M.. 0' oj loon Ih"reaft., 01 hEtOring on January S. 1982,
po..lbI., In Ihe Coundl! 01 1:00 PM, or as soon
Chambers, ,~ W.II Front ( ! Ihe,.alt..r as possibl.., in Ih..
Street, to consider an ap. r Council Chambers, 13.4 West
plication to rezone 62,637 Front Street, to consider a
square feet (1..4 acres) from I petitto" to vacate Fourth
RMF (R...ld..nllol Multi'1 Slr..., belw..en Peobady
A. P.LC.O. Fourth Street Vacation and' Family) and PIlP (Public"lt.) SlreelandVineSI,eel.
Ilulldlngs and Po,ks) 10 OC - localion: Fourth Slreel,
(OIfic..Cammerclol). ' I, belween P..abady and Vine
Frank platt member of the P.I.C.O. law fi~ localion: Easl -side afimc.l SI,eels
, .,,-, P..obo<ly, balh sides of Fourth I :
their questions regarding P. I .C.O. I S rezone SI,eel. r-eet l..gal De.c,iptian: That
L I I portion of Fourth Sfreet
tion He proposed an amended .street vacati<< ego O..scriptlan: All of lal thE abulling lals 1e-18. Block 66.
. . 10, tho.e portions of lolS 11 '
of Fourth Street adj acent to Peabody, with t 12 and 13 lying w9Sl..rly 01 1 2C C. C.lelghton's Subdivision;
1 h 1 h t d 11 the fallowing described line: I and Ihal po,tian 01 Fourth'
a ong tete ep one company easemen an a ~ 8eglnning 01 a ~int 17 leel S St,..el abullinglots 1-9, Block
. h ~- ubJ 171, Townsite of Pa,t
and subsequent dedication to the C~ ty of a } sout of the northw..st corner Ang..les.
, , l' of lOI 11; .hence Soulh
the rav~ne of the property.. C. Kerr, arch~ 28'15'28" Eo.I, a di.lonce of pJ Applicant: P.I.C.O., A
tained by P. I.C. 0.) addressed the appropria! 56'3.~6 feet; thence South hi ~ Washington Co,poratian
. .' l4 717" East, 0 distance of " Properly Owner: Sam..
erty to Off~ce COmmerc~al. D. Jacobs, repri 121.84 feet to 0 point on Ih.. p~ All int..rest..d porlie. may
favored the proposed development and L. Ru south line of lot 13, sold point oi :~pP':::s ~~..:;~p~~~~i:gn ~~~
11 . U . being 25 feef, more or le:s-s
clean.1.ng 'out of the canyon. D.. Neal, 152 east of the soulhwest corn..; he I proposal
Il 13 Dote: December 16, 1981
proposal. P. Downie also commented on his 0'1 01' ; I or Marion C. Parrish
-- . .. . h ' 0, n 8 ad< 66 of C, C. I
a Plann.1.ng" COrnm.J.ss1on member. The publJ.c lelghlon's Subdivision of the P b' 0 Cily Clerk
Townsi.e of Port Angeles. as u. E!<. 16, 19BI
r&corded in vorume 1 of.
Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council cc Plots, poge 94, records of lll1end",o.:",vu"v..-\:n""
Planning C;:Ommission and approve the rezone' ClallamCau~7so :the following find-
ings of fact: 1.) Commercial use of the p The.north 95'1....t of loft 6're appropriate than
multi-family; 2.) If rezoned to Office CODll ~~~:~g~ ~ dth;je. portions 01 f \strict potential
. . Tl ,n Ylng we..e, Y I. .
strJ.p zon~ng on peab.odY Street, and 3.) 01 .he following described 10nSh~p. . of the S.1. te
th ' . th Jlne: C . 1 P Ih
to e Court House 1.S ~mportant to e tYPE,lleglnnlng ai, .h.. northwest ounC1. man 0 amus
seconded and the motion carried. ; corner of lot 5; .h..nce 5aulh
25'35'58" Eas., a distonce 01
175.054 f891 to a poinl on Ihe
Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council g:{easlllne of l013, sold point !tition to vacate
, . being 50 feet. mo'e or less I '. h
Just the west 150 feet of Fourth Street adJ narlh of th.. southeasl corne; lreet subJect. to t e
following conditions: 1. ) The City retain ollila! 3; III Long the telephone
, 0 In ack 171 of Ih.. I .
company easement; 2.) P.I.C.O. ded~cate tCTownsite of Port Angele. J. 20 foot w1.de ease-
ment for a public.trail through the propertClall?m County"Washlng'an.' ~nstruct the trail
. . IApphcanl: PJ.C.O. " . ,
on the ded~cated easement over -the1.r prOpelPrap..,ty Owne" Sam. Ll refer th1s ~ tem
to the Real Estate Committee for a price deA" inle,ested porti~s may g the following
i oppeor at the h&onng and
findings of fact: l--.:J Vacation could enh. exp,ess'lheir opinion on Ihis' i an area and 2.)
provision of a pedestrian trail easement irP,aposol, M ''a C P 'h ine would implement
~ Qln.arrSj
the Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Plat; City Clerk jt seconded and the
. . 'Date: February 5 1982
mot1on carr~ed. ,Pub. Feb_ 5, 1982
. - '---. ~- 0205:
thai the Port Ang.l.s "Clty
Council will hold.. pUblic
hea,ing on F.bruary ,16. 1962.
,,--01 7:00 p.m., ,or o. .....oon 1
' 'her.aftef as pouib1., in the
Council Chambers, 134 Wesl
front Street, 10 c:on$id.r an
opplicaUon to rezone 17.;500
s"uare feet from RMF
(Residential Multi.Family~ ~to
OC (Office Comm..rcial)""
location: Northeasl corner
of Sixth and Peabo<ly .,.
legal Description: lOls. 10
, and 11. and the west 25' ofolol
12, 81ack 198, T ownsit. " 01
Port Angeles. , "
Application: Carlton " B.
Olson, Harpe..-Ridgevlew
Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on the Olson application t Funeral Chopel ,-,'
Property Owner;
square feet from ~ to OC located on the northeast corner of six UniserviceCo'poratlon
Streets and requested comments or questions from the audience and' All interested porties may
appeor ot the heoring ond
117 West 4th, requested Council favorably consider his' rezone app .xpr.... .h.ir opinion on Ihi. ,
Downie commented on his position when considering this item as a proposal. !
. . . , MoOo"'alen:CF.epbarur,a"sry 5, 1982 I
member. Counc1l and Staff d~scussed "spot rezon.1.ng' and "strip C( h 1
ment" as relating to this particular rezone application and the p Ci.byCFJ"'bk
Pu .: . _ 5, 1982
closed. Councilman Gerberding then moved the Council concur with LU<::-"'C~V"""~""_~._,,,
of the Planning commission and deny the Olson rezone application, citing the follow-'
ing findings of fact: 1.) The property in question is outside the present commer-
cial "Tn and the proposed uses in the Office Commercial District at this location
would not comply with Commercial Policies Nos. 2,6 and 18; 2.) A'rezone of this
property may expose Peabody Street, in the intermediate term, to strip commercial
development, contrary to Commercial policies Nos. 2 and 4; and it may also cause
the premature eastward extension of the Lincoln Street leg of the commercial "T";
3.) Strip commercial development adjacent to Peabody Street would adversely affect
the residential development in the immediate vicinity by cutting off a three-square
block small residential district; 4.) There is ample land available for the per-
mitted commercial uses in the OC District in existing commercial zones in the City;
and 5.) The size of the proposed rezone may be considered a spot rezone.
Public Hearings:
Mayor Duncan then read by,title Ordinance No. 2197r entitled
ORDINANCE of the City of port Angeles reclassifyi
property on the east side of Peabody Street, both
sides of .Fourth Street, from RMF and pBP to OC.
Councilman Haguewood moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordina
title; Councillf1a.n Quast seconded and the motion carried.
Olson Rezone Request
February 16, 1982
I '",,^$ C6ot'~St 'OSS :laM
o'/09t 'fMJa^!Iap JII AIIO
., ,od .,uaf ~IMOJ6 Pia .l
pOQM/IEln~ 6S
2. Public Hearings:
A. P.I.C.O. Fourth Street vacation and Rezone Request (cont.)
Frank Platt, member of the P.I.C.O. law firm, addressed the Council and answered
their questions regarding P.I.C.O.'s rezone application and street vacation peti-
tion. He proposed an amended street vacation petition of just the west 150 feet
of Fourth Street adjacent to Peabody, with the City retaining a 20 foot strip
along the telephone company easement and also proposed P.I.C.O.'s construction
and subsequent dedication to the City of a 10 to 20 foot wide public trail through
the ravine of the property.' C. Kerr, architect and K. Sweeney, planner,(both re-
tained by P.I.C.O.) addressed the appropriateness of rezoning this piece of prop-
erty to Office Commercial. D. Jacobs, representing an adjacent property owner,
favored the proposed development. and L. Russell, 518 East 4th, objected to the
"cleaning out" of the canyon. D., Neal, 1522 S. pine endorsed the public trail
proposal. P. Downie also commented on his position when voting on this item as
a'Plannin~ Commission member. The public hearing was closed.
Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of th~
Planning Commission and approve the rezone application citing the following find-
ings of fact: 1.) Commercial use of the property would be more appropriate than
multi-family; 2.) If rezoned to Office Commercial, it could restrict potential
strip zoning on Peabody Street, and 3.) The functional relationship of the site
to the Court House is important to the type of use proposed. i Councilman Polhamus
seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council grant the P.I.C.O. petition to vacate
just the west 150 feet of Fourth Street adjacent to Peabody Street subject to the
following conditions: 1.), The City retain a 20 foot strip along the telephone
company easement; 2.) P.I.C.O. dedicate to the public a 10 to 20 foot wide ease-
ment for a public. trail through the property; 3.) P.I.C.O. construct the trail
on the dedicated easement over 'their property; and 4.) Council refer this item
to the Real Estate Committee for a price determination, citing the following
findings of fact: l~) Vacation could enhance development of an area and 2.)
provision of a pedestrian trail easement in Peabody Creek Ravine would implement
the Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Plan. Councilman Quast seconded and the
motion carried.
0205 t :-~".'
'nol Ine Port' Angalas .'City
Council will hold 0, public
n""ring on FebruoryJ6. ~982. ,
01 7:00 p.m.. .... os ..oon
the,..oft.., os possible. in Iha
Council Chombars, 1:W WElsI
Front Straef. to consider an
. application to rezone 17.;500
squora lael from RMF
(Rasidentiol Muhi.Fomill'l;Io
OC (Olfica Comm..rciol) ~"
location: Northeost Corner
of Sixth and Peabody ,
legol Oascription: lot. 10
and 11. ond Iha weSl 25' oHot
12. Block 19B. Tow",iI..- of
Port Angela.,
Applicalion: Corllon B,
Olson. Ho,per.Ridgaview
Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on the Olson application t funaral Chapel . .
Prope,Iy Owner:
square feet from RMF to OC located on the northeast corner of Six Uni.ervic..Corporolion
Streets and requested comments or questions from the audience and All int..r.stee! portia. may
oppeor 01 ,h.. heoring and
117 West 4th, requested Council favorably consider his' rezone app. expr.s. Ihair opinion on Ihis
Downie conunented on his position when considering this item as a pr~:~~ebruOry5, 1982
member. Council and Staff discussed "spot rezoning" and "strip c Mo,ion c. Porri.h
ment," as relating to this particular rezone application and the pl ~~I~,~~':.'~, 5,1982
closed. Councilman Gerberding then moved the Council concur with "i'_r""-~n~""""",,,~ .~
of the Planning Commission and deny the Olson rezone application, citing the follow-
ing findings of fact; 1.) The property in question is outside the present conuner-
cial "T" and the proposed uses in the Office Commercial District at this location
would not comply with Conunercial Policies Nos. 2, 6 and 18; 2.) A'rezone of this
property may expose peabody Street, in the intermediate term, to strip commercial
development, contrary to Commercial policies Nos. 2 and 4; and it may also cause
the premature eastward extension of the Lincoln Street leg of the commercial "T";
3.) Strip commercial development adjacent to Peabody Street would adversely affect
the residential development in the immediate vicinity by cutting off a three-square
block small residential district; 4.) There is ample land available for the per-
mitted conunercial uses in the DC District in existing conunercial zones in the City;
and 5.) The size of the proposed rezone may be considered a spot rezone.
~~yor Duncan then read by title Ordinance No. 2197, entitled
ORDIN;~CE NO. 2197
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles reclassifyi
property on the east side of peabody Street, both
sides of.Fourth Street, from RMF and PBP to OC.
Councilman Haguewood moved t~e Council adopt the foregoing ordina
title; Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried.
Olson Rezone Request
" ''''T
,. .- 24:3.
the Port A"geltio City Council that the Port' Angeles City
will hold a pUbHt:.'h'earlng on Council will halotl' 0 public
February 16, 1982, at 7:001 hearing on January 5, 1982;
P .M,: or (I" ~oon then,offer as'1 i at 7:00 PM. or 0$ soon
possible. In the Council' thereafter 0$ possible. in the
Chamber., 134 We,,' Front r Council Chambers, I~ West
Street, 10 consider an ap- Front Sh'eet. to consider a
plka1ion to reione 62.637 petition to vacate -Fourth
.quare feet (1.4 acre.) Irom Street between Peabody
RMF (Residential Multi. Street and Vine Street.
A. P.I .C.O. Fourth Street Vacation and Family) and PBP (Public'lt Location: Fourth Street,
Building. ond Porkl), ti> OC 1'--1 between Peabody and Vine
(Olflce CommerCial). i Street.
Frank Platt, melllber of the P.I.C.O. law fi Location: Eo.t -.Ide of-me Legal Description: Thot
Peabody, both sides of Fourth · ; portion 01 Fourth Street
their questions regarding P.I.C.O.'s rezone Street, feE abuttingLotsIO.I8,Block66,
tion. He proposed an amended ,street vacatic Legal De.crlption: All 01 Lot. th C, C.Leighton's Subdivision:
'. . ' 10: those portion. 01 Lots 11,' - and thaI portion 01 Fourth
of Fourth Street adJacent to Peabody, w~th t 12 and-13 iying we.h'rly of ~ 2 StreetobuttingLatsl-9,Block
along the telephone company easement and ali the!all~wlngdescr!bed line: 'S 171 Town.ite of Port
B-eglnnlng at Q point 17 feet i Ang'ele-s.
and subsequent dedication to the City of a l south allhe northwest carner ub Applicant: P,I.C,O.. A
th . f th rt. C Ke h't of Lot '1; thence South p W h' C t'on
e rav~ne 0 e prope y. . rr, arc ~,28'15'28" Ea.I, 0 di.tance of ~~o;::~no:~~~~~~me
tained by P.I.C.O.) addressed the approprial56.826 feet; thence South hil All' t sted parlies moo
. . 4'37'17" E d' ,In ere .
erty to Office Commercial. D. Jacobs, reprt 121.84 fee~i~ aapo'i~~ncelhol Pl appear 01 the ~~anng and
~ on e 'I" express 1he~r opinion on thIS
favored the proposed development - and L. RUI soulhlinealLol13,.aldpalnl 0: r pasal
"cleaning out" of the canyon. D.. Neal 152 Ming 25 leet, more or Ie.., he' p ~ate: December 16.1981
, east of the $outhwest corner. Morian C Parrish
proposal. P. Downie also COl1lIllented on his allot 13: 01 ci,y Clerk
. l' " mb Th ubI' h all In Block 66 of C C ' P b D 16 1981
a P ann~ng- Comm~ss~on me er. e p ~C Leighton's Subdivision oi th~ ' u: ec, ,
Town$ite of Port Angeles, Os -----",--.
record&d in Volume 1 of ~ ... ----;-'--- .-----=---
Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council c Plats. page 94, record. of ,mendatJ.on of th~
Planning c;:ommission and approve the rezone ClallamCounty.the following find-
ALSO 1 ' h
ings of fact: 1.) Commercial use of the P The north 95 feet of lots 6.e approprJ.ate t an
multi-family; 2.) If rezoned to Office Co through 9; tho.e, portion. of 'strict potential
lals 3, 4 and 5 Iymg westerly I. ,
strip zoning on Peabody Street, and 3.) 01 ,he following demlbed onsh~p of the s~t~
to the Court House is important to the type ~~~: I h h 1Cq.S;;p:T.;a--os::;ei.;;j7.'~' I
. t ~lnn"9 at t e "ort west t' $ '9CXCl: 'ls.DJq
seconded and the motion qarr~ed. ,corner of Lot 5: thence South 'It '001, . ""V1c13111~
25'35'58" Ea.t, 0 distance of I '1,aIQ ueeJ' ....
175.~ leet 10 0 paint on the i".'" '91E9"LSY'OOU 'eI!'l.
Councilman .HordYk then moved. t. he Council grea~t IIn. of Lot 3, sold point Jtieqwew D't.I9WV SS3N11~
J'ust the west 150 feet of Fourth Street adJ' being 50 feet, more or le.s, reo " ~'J-"a"J
north of the southeast comar i tp9Ol; Z;S... -r-
following conditions: 1. ) The City retain allot 3: Onll...a, oepl^ HlIN~Z
company easement. 2.) P.I.C.O. dedicate toall in, BI.xk 171 of the 12/ '.eA.'6st!'"t:89
'. "-.. Tawn"'.e 01 Port Angele." '1:1$ "puo, p~ '1UDI
ment for a PubllC_ tra~l through the propert, Clall~m Caun!)!, Washington, lnsf,n...'d ~II" dwnd n3M
on the dedicated easement over 'their properApphcont,P,I.C.o, .1 1 'S'ello'!:06&-1:Sf'eI!'1$
Property Owner: Same' OJl a~nOHl
to the Real Estate Committee for a price deAU intere.ted parties moy J treqwew '1\ '''''11
f' d' f f t 1) V t' ld nh' appear at the hearing and' I 'BBt9'tLl: .. '
. J.n J.ngs 0 ac: ~. aca lon cou e a express-'heir opinion an this an ulllaJl lalllJeWWO' L 't'311V
Provision of a pedestrian .trail easement in proposal. lne I 'llol$'SBi: 'uo\oS5u\,np
the Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Plan MarlonC; Parri.h -: sell 'ldwAIO 'Iuewluloddo
- CIty Clerk' a"." 'luawellouaw ,..JII
motion carried. :Date: February 5,1982 ' 'o>u"pllua, lie. ',OJIUO'
Pub., Feb, 5,1982 ,51"" Jai AdV1l3HJ. ONdAH
Mayor Duncan then read by-title Ordinance No. 2197, entitled \ '~U'l:Sf
SI$ M 'aloJ '(ltS
,ui,d. xaq 'II .....~Iaw ~
.LXo '5ulleclJa, Da'lS._)lN1cI
February 16, 1982
Public Hearings:
AN ORDINANCE:of the City of Port Angeles reclassifying
property on the east side of peabody Street, both
sides of.Fourth Street, from RMF and PBP to OC.
Councilman Haguewood moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by
title; Councilman Quast_seconded and the motion carried.
B. Olson Rezone Request
Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on the Olson application to rezone 17,500
square feet from ~ to OC located on the northeast corner of Sixth and peabody
Streets and requested comments or questions from the audience and staff. C. Olson.
117 West 4th. requested Council favorably consider his 'rezone application and P.
Downie commented on his position when considering this item as a Planning Commission
member. Council and Staff discussed "spot rezoning" and "strip commercial develop-
ment" as relating to this particular rezone application and the public hearing was
closed. Councilman Gerberding then moved the Council concur with the recommendation
of the Planning Commission and deny the Olson rezone application, citing the follow-
ing findings of fact: 1.) The property in question is outside the present commer-
cial "T" and the proposed uses in the Office Commercial District at this location
wouJ.d not comply with Commercial Policies Nos. 2, 6 and 18; 2.) A rezone of this
property may expose Peabody Street, in the intermediate term, to strip commercial
development, contrary to Commercial policies Nos. 2 and 4; and it may also cause
the premature eastward extension of the Lincoln Street leg of the commercial "T";
3.) Strip commercial development adjacent to Peabody Street would adversely affect
the residential development in the immediate vicinity by cutting off a three-square
block small residential district; 4.) There is ample land available for the per-
mitted commercial uses in the DC District in existing commercial zones in the City;
and 5.) The size of the proposed rezone may be considered a spot rezone.
1~~~~~~ .:-::
February 16, 1982
2: Public Hearings: (cont.)
B. Olson Rezone ~equest (cont.)
Councilman Quast seconded. Council and staff discussed the item further and on
call for the question, Councilmen Quast, Gerberding and Whidden voted "Yes" and
Councilmen Polhamus, Haguewood and Hordyk voted "No". Mayor Duncan, voting to
break-the tie, voted "Yes" and the motion to deny the rezone request carried.
3. Planning Commission Minutes
A two minute recess was called.
Mayor Duncan reviewed the Planning Co~ission minutes of February 10, 1982 with
the following action being taken by the Council:
A. Conditional Use Hearing - Clallam County
The Council considered Clallam County's request for a Conditional Use Permit to
establish and operate a day treatment facility for the mentally ill located west
of the Veteran's Center on East Third and South Francis of which the Planning
commission had found the proposed use incompatible in the RS-7 Zone; therefore.
eliminating the need for a Conditional Use hearing. D. Feeley, Clallam County
Commissioner, andD. Zanon, peninsula Counseling,' requested a public informational
hearing be held before the Council regarding this issue. -Councilman Quast moved
an informational hearing he scheduled for the March 2, 1982 Council meeting and
Councilman Hordyk seconded. After further discussion, the-motion carried.
B. Conditional Use Hearing - Seafarms, Inc.
Councilman Polhamus moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning
Commission and approve Seafarmsr Inc. application for a Conditional Use Permit to
.establish a freezing and cold storage facility for seafood, meats and vegetables in
an existing 9,250 square foot warehouse situated at 2020 South Oak Street subject I
to the following conditions: 1.) The parking area located on Lots 6, 7 and 8, Bloc
8, he paved and brought up to City standardsi 2.) Modifications of the building to
comply with the Fire Codei and 3.) Landsc~ping or other artificial barriers, to he
determined at the time of the building permits, to mitigate the impact of the hours
of operation on the neighborhood; and citing the following findings of fact: 1.) Such
business operation should be encouraged. 2.) Granting the permit will be for the
public good; 3.) The operation will increase employment in the citYi and 4.) There
appears to be no neighborhood opposition to this proposal.
CouncilrnanHordyk seconded. After further discussion, the motion to approve the
Conditional Use Permit carried with Councilman Gerberding voting "No".
Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council .accept and place on file as received the
Planning Commi'ssion-minutes of February 10, 1982; Councilman Whidden seconded and
the motion carried.
4. General Service Customer Electrical Rates
The Council had previously considered a modification to the general service electrical
rates proposed by staff at the January 12, 1982 meeting; a public hearing was held
on January 19, 1982 and the matter was tabled at the February 2, 1982 meeting.
Mayor Duncan read a letter from C. Hulse, President of the Uptown Businessmen's
Association requesting Council lower the demand rate and refund previous demand
billings. She also reviewed a memorandum from L. Cosens and R. Orton recommending
approval of the rate as proposed with no rate roll back. Power Manager Booth re~ I
ported that the previOUS rates were allocated on a fair and equitable basis. Counc'
man Gerberding read a statement favoring the approval of the proposed rate but
disfavoring a credit roll back or artifically lowered rate. Councilman Quast con-
curred with Councilman Gerberding's findings and recommended consideration of modifi-
cation to the G rate be removed from the tablei Councilman Hoidyk seconded. Mayor
Duncan then read hy title Ordinance No. 2198, entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing a rate
for the sale of electricity to general service customers,
amending Section 4 of Ordinance 2137, Section 1 of Ordinance
2173, and Section 13.12.040 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code, and repealing Section 5 of Ordinance 2137 and Section
13.12.050 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code and declaring a
public emergency.
~ '!=.:.: ...
February 16, 1982
_ p.. ~~':;::-L.
4. General Service Customer Electrical Rates (cont.)
Councilman Gerberding then moved the Council approve the foregoing ordinance as
read by title and Councilman Polhamus seconded. After further discussion, the
motion carried. Manager Flodstrom then thanked the Uptown.Businessmen's Associ-
ation for their "professional" approach and efforts in working with City Light
regarding the demand meter program.
5.. Resolution Supporting Clallam Bay Prison Site
Mayor Duncan then read Resolution 4-82, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles endorsing the concept
of the establishment of a medium security corrections
facili ty at Clallam Eay, Washington, and the undertaking
of all necessary environmental impact assessments relating
to the proposed Clallam Bay facility.
COhncilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing resolution as read by
title; Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried.
6.! Waterfront Shoreline Rehabilitation
Ma~or Duncan reviewed a memorandum from' the Planning Department recommending the
coUncil retain Richard Carothers & Associates to complete the design study for
rehabilitation of the Downtown Shoreline. After Council discussed the intent of
the study with planner Carr, Councilman Whidden moved the Council authorize the
City Manager to execute the necessary documents to employ R. carothers & Associates
to:complete the design study.of the Downtown Shoreline. Councilman Quast seconded
and the motion carried. .
It lwas noted that the time was now beyond 10:00 P.M.; councilman Hordyk moved
the Council meet in ~xtraordinary session and complete the agenda. Councilman
Polhamus seconded and the motion carried.
7. I City Fire Alarm Systems Ordinance
Ma10r Duncan read Ordinance No. 2199 by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the city of Port Angeles establishing '.
requirements for installation of automatic fire de-, .-;','
tection systems in certain buildings and amending
Section 11 of Ordinance No. .2145 and Section 14.22.110
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Gerberding moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by
title; Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried.
8. . Sick Leave - Social Security Taxation
Mayor Duncan read Ordinance No. 2200 by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles repealing
Ordinance No. 2056 with reference to the exclu-
sion of sick leave payments from social security
Hordyk moved-the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by title,
Quast seconded and the motion carried.
9. I utility Tax on PUD Services
Mayor Duncan read Ordinance No. 2201 by title, entitled
February 16, 1982
'i." .
"Jl~i~:.~""; _.:::' ~~~~~.~~~~ ~~~:<-~;,,;::,..;;" -~ .
9. Utility Tax on PUD Services (cont.)
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles ~ending the
utility tax by extending the tax to the distribution
and sale of electricity and water by the Public
Utility District, and amending Section 4 of Ordinance
No. 2133.
Councilman Gerberding moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by
title1 Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried.
10. Funding of 8th Street Bridge Hazard Elimination
Mayor Duncan read Resolution No. 5-82 by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the
Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement between the
City of Port Angeles and the Washington State Department
of Transportation for funding of Hazard Eliminations for
the 8th Street bridges within the City.
Councilman Quast moved the Council adopt the foregoing resolution as read by title1
Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried.
11. Fire Engine Drive Out
Council considered Chief Glenn's proposal to drive the fire engine out from
Bonduel, Wisconsin expressing concern for liability for damages to the vehicle
'in transit. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council accept the fire engine at
the 5th Street Fire Station; Councilman Hordyk seconded. After further dis- I
cussion, the motion carried with Councilmen Gerberding and Quast voting "No". .
Letters to Legislators,
Manager Flodstrom reviewed the letter to legislators Conner, Nisbet and Owen,
included in the informational packet and Councilman Polhamus requested concerns
regarding the transit tax be addressed in the letter.
Councilman Hordyk questioned Chief Cleland regarding the Police Department's
month~y report .for January.
Mayor Duncan reported on the Coast Guard Cutter HARRIETT LANE launching attended
by herself, Manager Flodstrom and Councilman Whidden.
Councilman Quast requested Chief Glenn report on the Fire Department's contingency
plans for lightering at a later meeting.
The Council adjourned to an Executive Session at 10:30 P.M.
The Council returned to Open Session and adjourned at 11:00 P.M.