HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/16/1993 2426
Port Angeles, Washington
February 16, 1993
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Hallett called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
SPECIAL MEETING: at 6:05 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Hallett, Councilmen Braun, Nicholson, and
Ostrowski, Councilwoman Sargent, and Councilmen
Schueler and Wight.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Collins, L. Glenn, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, J. Pittis, B. Titus,
K. Ridout, G. Kenworthy, R. Ellsworth, C. Hagar, S.
Hursh, and Y. Ziomkowski.
Public Present: B. Hazelton, J. Ralston, S. Brown, L. Beil, T. German,
G. Pettit, and Sandy Oliver.
Interview Applicants Interview Applicants for Boards/Commissions
for Boards/Commissions
The members of the City Council interviewed candidates for the Planning
Commission, as follows: Linda Nutter and Orville Campbell. It was noted that John
Teichert had submitted an application, but was unable to participate in the interview
process due to being out of town. He asked that he be considered in the absence of
an interview.
ADJOURN TO Mayor Hallett adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 6:40 p.m. to discuss
EXECUTIVE SESSION: matters of Personnel and Real Estate for approximately 20 minutes.
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Hallett called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
REGULAR MEETING: at 7:05 p.m.
PLEDGE OF Mayor Hallett led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
APPROVAL OF Councilman Braun moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of
MINUTES: February 2, 1993. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion. Councilwoman
Sargent offered a correction to Page 2, City Council Committee Reports, to read
"Councilwoman Sargent indicated that Councilmen Schueler and Wight and their
wives are attending a brunch which she will be hosting for the six foreign guests".
_ A vote was taken on the motion which carried by a majority vote, with
Councilman Wight abstaining.
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Wight attended the last two Chamber of Commerce Board meetings.
COMMITTEE A matter under consideration is what position the Chamber may wish to take
REPORTS: regarding an initiative before the Legislature regarding the viability of a State park
on the Miller Peninsula. He also attended an Information Systems Steering
Committee meeting, where it was recommended that the City's excess computers be
installed in the homes or offices of Council members. He requested this be added
to the agenda as Item F. 8.
February 16, 199~ q~
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Schueler commented on his attendance at the dinner for the World
COMMITTEE Affairs Council visitors; it was interesting to meet people from Paraguay and Yemen.
REPORTS: He is preparing a report on the seminar he attended in Lake Tahoe on the subject of
(Cont'd) privatization.
Councilman Braun attended UAC, where the Port Angeles wholesale power increase,
Water Comprehensive Plan and 1993 Home Show were discussed. He also attended
a Museum Board meeting and urged citizens to get involved in the Museum's efforts.
Councilwoman Sargent testified at the County's UGA Workshop and delivered the
Council's position. She also attended the EDC Executive Committee meeting.
SeaFirst Bank now has the first rural small business information center in the country
adjacent to the EDC office, which is a real asset to the community. Councilwoman
Sargent also attended the Museum open house and the unveiling of the plans for
Lincoln School. Additionally, she attended the dinner for Norm Dicks.
Councilman Wight commented that, concerning the County's consideration of the
City's proposed Urban Growth Area, Commissioner Duncan indicated the
Commissioners will be considering the recommendation of the County Planning
Commission after obtaining public input on the matter.
Mayor Hallett reported on his attendance at a Coast Guard marine oil spill meeting.
He asked Fire Chief Glenn to expand on the discussion concerning designated
anchorages in the harbor. Chief Glenn indicated the effort to obtain designated
anchorages had been unsuccessful; however, a requirement has been established
whereby laden tankers must be tug escorted in and out of the harbor. In addition,
if there is a laden tanker anchored in the harbor, all other ships must be escorted in
and out. The requirement was made effective on the date of that meeting and,
hopefully, future oil spills can be avoided.
Mayor Hallett noted that the North Olympic Timber Coalition has invited Council
members to tour the M & R Tree Farm. Mayor Hallett and Councilwoman Sargent
have already taken the tour and encouraged others to do so, as it is very interesting.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Ostrowski moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: (1) Call
for bids for North Erosion Protection, Contract 2D, Landfill; (2) Call for bids to
dispose of PCB transformers; (3) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor
Control Board; (4) Request to purchase landfill loader from County bid; (5) Concept
Administrators 1993 payments, year to date, $80,011.60; (6) Wire transfers for
January, 1993, of $101,433.52; (7) Voucher list of February 12, 1993, of
$1,061,524.16; and (8) Payroll for January 31, 1993, of $316,444.05.
Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion. A brief discussion ensued on the
disposal of the PCB transformers, and the landfill loader. A vote was taken on the
motion, which carried unanimously.
ITEMS FROM THE City Manager Pomeranz asked to add the Financial Statements to the agenda as Item
CONSIDERED OR Councilman Wight asked for a brief discussion on the AWC Legislative Bulletins and
PLACED ON A certain legislative issues of concern. This was added as Item F. 10.
Mayor Hallett asked that the Council proceed with making appointments to the
Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment at this time, as Councilman
Ostrowski must leave the meeting early, and it would be appropriate to have a full
contingency of Council members to vote on these appointments. The Council
Board of Adjustment Mayor Hallett asked Clerk Upton to conduct a roll call vote to fill the two vacancies
on the Board of Adjustment. John Teichert and Ted Borden were then duly
appointed. Councilman Nicholson moved to appoint Mr. Teichert to the longer
term, expiring 3/1/97, and Mr. Borden to the shorter term, expiring 3/1/94.
Councilman Wight seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Planning Commission Mayor Hallett asked Clerk Upton to conduct a roll call vote to fill the three
vacancies on the Planning Commission. Carl Alexander, Orville Campbell and
Linda Nutter were then duly appointed. It was moved by Councilman Wight and
February 16, 199~ q.~
Planning Commission seconded by Councilman Braun to assign the terms of office alphabetically, with
(Cont'd) Mr. Alexander's commission expiring 3/1/96, Mr. Campbell's commission
expiring 3/1/95, and Ms. Nutter's commission expiring 3/1/94. A vote was taken
on the motion, which carried unanimously.
LEGISLATION: A. Public Hearings
Public Hearings 1. Rezone Request
Rezone Request- REZ 93(02)02 RALSTON, southwest corner of Fifth and Valley Streets:
Ordinance No. 2747 Request for rezone of approximately 20,000 s.f. of property from Residential
High Density (RHD) to the Light Industrial (LI) District.
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information concerning the rezone request and noted a
correction to the staff memo that the request is for a rezone from RHD, Residential
High Density, to LI, Light Industrial District. Planning Director Collins noted the
same correction for the draft ordinance, but said the public notice was correct.
Mayor Hallett opened the public hearing at 7:45 p.m.
John Ralston, 850 Church Street, is the owner of the property and the applicant for
the rezone. He requested the Council vote in favor of the rezone. He pointed out
that, while the land is zoned RHD, there has been no residential construction in this
area for the past 50 years.
Councilwoman Sargent asked about buffering. Mr. Ralston pointed out that there are
10 foot buffer zones with landscape and design required in the LI zone and already
Steve Brown, South 622 Valley Street, stated his opposition to the rezone. He
pointed out that there are 13 residences in this area. He would prefer to see the land
used for multi-family housing, such as apartments. There are several alternative
vacant areas in the abutting LI district which Mr. Ralston could use for his project.
Mr. Brown explained that a rezone had been approved in 1986 with nothing done
since as an outcome of that rezone. He felt it may prove difficult to reverse a
There being no further public testimony, Mayor Hallett closed the public hearing at
8:05 p.m.
Councilman Nicholson moved to approve the rezone as recommended by the
Planning Commission, citing the following Findings and Conclusions: Findings:
(1) The area to be rezoned from RHD to LI includes those portions of Lots 1, 2 and
3, Block 94, Townsite of Port Angeles, east of the toe of the ravine and including
those portions of the vacated 5/6 alley and Fifth Street which are attached to those
lots; (2) Surrounding zoning includes LI to the east and north, PBP to the west, and
RHD to the south; (3) The comprehensive plan designates property at the top of the
ravine as urban residential and at the mouth of the ravine as industrial. There is no
designation for the bottom of the ravine. A number of comprehensive plan goals,
policies and objectives have been identified in the staff report as being most relevant
to the proposal, including Goals nos. 2, 3 & 5; Residential Policies nos. 9, 15, 16
& 17; Industrial Development Policies Nos. 1, 3, 5 & 6; Social Policy No. 3; Open
Space Policies Nos. 2, 3 & 4; Economic Objectives Nos. 1 & 2; and Land Use
Objectives Nos. 1, 2 & 7; (4) The site is vacant. Surrounding land uses include
single family residential to the south, a metal industrial building to the north, the
ravine slope to the west, and a vacant house to the east; (5) Recent industrial
development has occurred in the immediate development with the construction of the
Evergreen Meats facility; Conclusions: (A) The rezone is in the public use and
interest and is compatible with the surrounding zoning; (B) The rezone is consistent
with Goals, Policies, and Objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, specifically Goals
Nos. 2, 3 & 5; Residential Policies Nos. 15, 16 & 17; Industrial Development
Policies Nos. 1, 2, 3 & 6; Social Policy No. 3; Open Space Policies Nos. 2, 3 & 4;
Economic Objectives Nos. 1 & 2; and Land Use Objectives Nos. 1, 2 & 7; (C)
Circumstances have changed since the property was zoned Light Industrial. A new
meat processing and distribution facility was recently constructed on a site previously
occupied by a single family home, further contributing to the industrial nature of the
area. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wight.
Discussion followed concerning the merits of retaining the present zoning, in
consideration of Mr. Brown's testimony. It was suggested to be unlikely that anyone
would develop the property for multi-family housing. However, Councilwoman
Sargent and Mayor Hallett expressed their desire to see this land used for high
LEGISLATION: density residential purposes~ After further discussion, a v
(Cont'd) motion, which carded by a majority vote, with Mayor~Hallett and
Councilwoman Sargent voting in opposition.
Rezone Request -
Ordinance No. 2747 Mayor Hallett read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles rezoning
property located at the southwest comer of Fifth
and Valley Streets from RHD, Residential High
Density to LI, Light Industrial and amending the
Official Zoning Map.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Rezone Request - 2. Rezone Request
Ordinance No. 2748
REZ 93(02)04 - GERMAN, 2300 Block of West Eighteenth Street: Request
for rezone of approximately 4. 61 acres of Single-Family Residential (RS-9)
property to Residential Medium Density (RMD).
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department. He
opened the public hearing at 8:20 p.m. Councilman Ostrowski departed the meeting
at this time.
Doris Ketehum, 2421 W. 18th Street, did not object to multiple housing in her
neighborhood; however, she expressed concern with the number to be placed on one
lot. She inquired as to what it would do to her taxes. Further, she expressed
concern with the increased traffic which would result.
Tim German, 1482 Gasman Road, applicant, discussed the need for multi-family
housing in Port Angeles. He indicated he searched for appropriate property which
would meet certain criteria, such as having arterial access, water/sewer services,
public transportation, and compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood. Using
an overhead projector, Mr. German showed a drawing of the area which best meets
the criteria. He demonstrated the type and style of buildings he proposes to put on
the land if the zoning change is approved.
Ms. Ketchum inquired of Mr. German as to what guarantee is in place to assure that
this is, in fact, the type of housing to be built. Mr. German indicated this type of
housing, which will include duplexes and four-plexes, is the most feasible in terms
of economics.
Councilman Nicholson noted that a request for a rezone is not inclusive of project-
specific considerations. There being no further public testimony, the public hearing
was closed at 8:35 p.m.
Councilwoman Sargent moved to approve the rezone as recommended by the
Planning Commission, citing the following Findings and Conclusions: Findings:
(1) The request is to rezone 4.61 acres from RS-9 to RMD on the 2300 Block of
West 18th Street consisting of the east 284.97 feet of Sublot 102 of the Townsite of
Port Angeles; (2) The Comprehensive Plan identifies the site as suburban
residential. A number of policies have been identified as being most relevant to the _
proposal including Goals nos. 3, 4 & 5; Residential Policies nos 2, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16,
17 & 18; Industrial Development Policies nos. 1, 4, 5 & 6; Parks and Recreation
Policies nos. 1, 2 & 3; and Land Use Objectives nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 & 7; (3)
Surrounding zoning includes RS-9 to the north, east and west and Light Industrial
to the south; (4) The site is developed with one house and accessory buildings.
The area north of 18th Street is developed with scattered homes. The Port of Port
Angeles airport industrial park is developed on the south side of Eighteenth Street;
(5) The City adopted the new medium density residential zone district in 1992; (6)
The requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act have been met with the
issuance of a Determination of Non-Significance on January 22, 1993; (7) The
rezone will not change the mount of residential zoned land that abuts industrial
zoned land; Conclusions: (A) The rezone is in the public use and interest and is
compatible with the surrounding zoning; (B) The rezone is consistent with the Goals,
Policies and Objectives of the Comprehensive Plan as referenced in Finding No. 2;
(C) Circumstances have changed since the property was zoned RS-9. The City has
adopted a new zoning designation (RMD) which bridges the gap in density
February 16, 190-2'q~
LEGISLATION: allowances of the RI-ID and single family zones. Councilman Nicholson seconded
(Cont'd) the motion. After limited discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Rezone Request-
Ordinance No. 2748 Mayor Hallett read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles rezoning
property located in the 2300 Block of West
Eighteenth Street from RS-9, Residential Single-
Family, to RMD, Residential Medium Density and
amending the Official Zoning Map.
Councilwoman Sargent moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Zoning Code Amendment 3. Zoning Code Amendment
Setbacks in PBP -
Ordinance No. 2749 ZCA 93(02)02 - City of Port Angeles, PBP, Public BuiMings and Parks
District: Amendment to the City's zoning regulations as they relate to
setbacks from public rights-of-way in the PBP.
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department. He
then opened the public hearing at 8:40 p.m.
There being no public testimony, the public hearing was closed at 8:40 p.m.
Councilman Braun moved to approve the Zoning Code amendment, citing the
following Findings and Conclusions: Findings: (1) The existing PBP setbacks
require a minimum setback of 35 feet from public rights-of-way, regardless of
whether from a street or an alley; (2) Most alleys are located within the central
townsite portion of the City, where services tend to be concentrated. Commercial
Policy No. 9 states that government services should be available within the
commercial" "'
T , (3) Most lots within the commercial "T" are 140 feet deep. A
thirty five foot setback from the front and rear leaves a 70 foot building envelope for
PBP zoned property. This compares to 100 feet in the RS-7 zone, and 125 feet in
the ACD and CSD zones; (4) The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with
respect to this proposal; Conclusions: (A) The Zoning Code Amendment is in the
public use and interest. The amendment recognizes the PBP zone is for urban
development as well as parks and open space; (B) The Zoning Code Amendment is
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies; (C) The proposed
amendment is consistent with the intent of the PBP zone. Councilwoman Sargent
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Mayor Hallett read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending
the requirements for setbacks in the PBP, Public
Buildings and Parks District and amending Ordinance
1709, as amended, and Chapter 17.40 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Braun moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. The motion
was seconded by Councilwoman Sargent and carried unanimously.
B. Ordinances not requiring public hearings
C. Resolutions requiring public comment
February 16, 199~' q~
LEGISLATION: D. Resolutions not requiring public comment
1. Set Public Hearing for consideration of vacation of City right-of-way - Hill,
Request for Street portion of Porter Street abutting Lot 16, Beacon Hill Addition.
Vacation -
Resolution No. 10-93 Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department
regarding a request for a street vacation. Mayor Hallett read the Resolution by title,
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles, Washington, setting
a hearing date for a petition to vacate
a portion of Porter Street, Port Angeles,
Councilman Nichoison moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion. A brief discussion followed. A vote
was taken and the motion carried unanimously.
Planning Commission E. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items
Minutes/Action Items
Planning Commission Minutes of January 27, 1993; and
Planning Commission Minutes of February IO, 1993
Councilman Wight moved to accept the minutes of the Planning Commission
meetings of January 27, 1993 and February 10, 1993. Councilman Schueler
seconded the motion. However, Planning Director Collins pointed out that there
are needed corrections to the January 27 minutes. Therefore, Councilman Wight
withdrew his motion. Councilman Wight then moved to accept the minutes of
the Planning Commission meeting of February 10, 1993. Councilman Schueler
seconded the motion.
Mayor Hallett inquired as to the discussion held at the January 27 meeting of the
Planning Commission concerning a City-wide sign ordinance. Planning Director
Collins responded this matter was tabled due to the work being conducted on the
Comprehensive Plan and is to be placed on the Planning Commission's 1993 long-
range agenda. A staff report was prepared which dealt with existing ordinances
concerning the sign regulations and various concerns which have been cited. The
Planning Commission will continue review until the time more specific information
is available. A vote was then taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Break Mayor Hallett recessed the meeting for a break at 8:45 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 9:02 p.m.
Planning Only Grant F. Other Considerations
1. Status report on Port Angeles Low/Moderate Income Housing Planning-Only
Grant Project
Mayor Hallett introduced Mr. Martin Rowe of the Clallam/Jefferson Community
Action Council, who submitted a brief report on the status of the Low/Moderate _
Income Housing Planning Only Grant Project. Mr. Rowe summarized various
conclusions which have been reached during the progression of this project, such as
the need for a single family housing rehabilitation program. Additionally, he noted
accessory buildings would probably not serve as a source for additional affordable
housing. Mr. Rowe indicated there is a need to assess the feasibility of rehabilitating
older hotel units in the downtown core. He toured the Lee Hotel on this date and
acknowledged that the structure is in great disrepair. It would require significant
work and may not be cost effective. Mr. Rowe thanked the City staff for assisting
in the formulation of the project.
1993 Cable TV 2. Cable TV consultant contract for 1993
Consultant Contract
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney. Councilman
Wight moved to authorize the Mayor to execute the contract with 3-H Cable
Communications Consultants for 1993 consulting services. Councilman Braun
February 16, 19~Z' 4'.~
LEGISLATION: seconded the motion. Brief discussion followed, and Councilwoman Sargent
(Cont'd) inquired of the City Attorney as to whether he felt it was in the City's best interest
to enter into this contract. Attorney Knutson pointed out that the City is only paying
1993 Cable TV 3-H 5% of the franchise fee whereas other clients pay 15% of the franchise fee. It
Consultant Contract was his opinion that Port Angeles is getting a good deal and should enter into this
(Cont'd) contract in order to meet the City's cable TV franchise responsibilities. A vote was
taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Water Comprehensive 3. Water Comprehensive Plan consultant agreement
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Councilman Braun moved to accept the recommendation and to authorize the
Mayor to execute the consultant agreement with Ch2M Hill to provide
engineering services for the Water Comprehensive Plan. Councilman Schueler
seconded the motion. Discussion followed and Councilwoman Sargent asked if
there were any grant funds available for this type of planning effort. Director Pittis
responded that, to his knowledge, funds were not available for planning purposes.
However, he felt funds might be available for actual construction projects. The City
plans to pursue that funding option. Attorney Knutson asked that the Council
make approval of the contract contingent upon resolving an issue between the
City and consultant as to the standard liability provisions. This contingency was
made part of the motion by Councilmen Braun and Schueler. A vote was taken
on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Humane Society 4. Extension of agreement with Humane Society.
It was moved by Councilman Nicholson and seconded by Councilwoman Sargent
that the City extend the agreement with the Humane Society through December
31, 1993. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Landfill Plan 5. Landfill plan amendment
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Councilman Nicholson moved to approve the amendment to the agreement with
Parametrix and authorize the Mayor to sign the amendment. Councilman
Braun seconded the motion. Lengthy discussion ensued regarding DOE regulations
and the City's appeal which has been filed regarding certain variance requirements.
Three wells will have to be drilled in accordance with the variance. Manager
Pomeranz and Director Pittis will be traveling to Olympia to meet with DOE, and
hopefully succeed in removing the variance from the permit. Attorney Knutson
pointed out that with the changes in DOE regulations, the City may still be required
to drill the wells, even if the variance is withdrawn. However, the wells may not
be required until next year. The Council expressed the opinion that the City should
take a hard line with the well drilling and the payment of associated costs;
expenditures should not be made until absolutely necessary. Manager Pomeranz
indicated these expenditures were made a part of the bond issue. A vote was taken
on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Serenity House 6. Serenity House site plan request
Planning Director Collins showed overheads depicting alternative site plans which
could be used by Serenity House to construct a seven-unit emergency shelter facility.
- Director Collins indicated as many as twelve additional transitional housing units
could be constructed with parking requirements met at the same time.
Councilwoman Sargent felt that there were still many unanswered questions which
must be addressed before the Council could make a determination as to whether land
is donated to Serenity House. She expressed the opinion that the land would have
to be given contingent on available funding and possible rezone, or conditional uses.
Councilman Nicholson indicated the Council could consider the donation of land
necessary to build the emergency shelter only at this time, with the possibility of
future donations of adjacent land once a housing coalition is able to secure funding
to meet affordable, multi-family housing needs for Port Angeles.
Sandy Oliver, Executive Director of Serenity House, reported the agency will be
submitting a pre-application to the Department of Community Development for
housing assistance funds. The final application is not due until May; however, it
would be helpful to obtain a letter of intent from the Council to strengthen their
February 16, 190~ q~
LEGISLATION: application for funding.
Councilman Braun moved to provide a letter of intent to the Serenity House to
Serenity House incorporate 2 1/2 lots at this time in order to strengthen Serenity House's
(Cont'd) application for funding. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wight.
Discussion followed concerning the motion and the fact the property value associated
with the 2 1/2 lots is approximately $17,500. If utilities were included, the value
would equate to approximately $47,500. Councilman Nicholson summarized
Serenity House's needs in terms of temporary emergency housing. It was his
opinion that other possibilities exist for the remainder of the property and it is
possible the remainder of the project will have to be accomplished in segments.
~~x ~ suggested the motion be amended to include a contingency that funding
be available and the zoning be appropriate. This amendment was agreed to by
A- Councilmen Braun and Wight. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
Computers 7. Computers for City Council members
The City has a number of excess computers available for use by Council members
in their homes or offices, should they desire them. Use of the computers would
facilitate the sharing of information, scheduling meetings, and the like. Those
Council members interested in obtaining one of these computers will pursue the
matter with staff.
Financial Statements 8. Preliminary Financial Statement - period ending 12/31/92
Finance Director Godbey reviewed the 1992 financial statements, pointing out that
the City stayed well within its budget. This is due in part to tax revenue and in part
to departments staying within their allotted budgets.
Treasurer Ziomkowski reviewed the investment ledger. Currently, the City's
investment portfolio is at about $18.5 million. The yield for 1992 was 5.78% with
a return of 6.5 %. Director Godbey thanked Treasurer Ziomkowski for doing such
a fine job in getting the best returns on City funds. The Finance Department was
commended by the Council for its efforts in keeping the City running in the black.
Legislative issues 9. Legislative issues
Councilman Wight led discussion regarding certain legislative issues currently being
considered which generate concern on his part, such as the taking of property by
State or local governments, the transfer of displaced Sheriff's employees due to
annexation, and in-door smoking facilities for employees. In the ensuing discussion,
Manager Pomeranz reported the criminal justice funds are still in jeopardy.
Councilwoman Sargent will present these concerns to the AWC and the legislators.
Councilman Wight commented on his participation in a function this past weekend
at the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center. He was pleased with the outcome
of the remodeling with the addition of the kitchen and an improved sound system.
The facility is much more functional. At this time, Manager Pomeranz briefly
reported on the efforts underway for marketing the facility.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m.