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Port Angeles, Washington
February 16, 1999
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett,
McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams.
Members ~lbsent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Ibarra, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Becker,
S. Brodhun, B. Collins, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, J. Piths, T.
Smith, S. Romberg, D. Madison, and G. Kenworthy.
Public Present: L. Lee and M. Madsen.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Rainbow Stars Campfire Group, D.
ALLEGIANCE: Boroughs, Leader. Those participating included N. Page, K. Romberg, D. James-
Brewer, and J. Chamberlain.
WORK SESSION: Timothy Smith, Economic Development Director, reviewed the history of the Tourism
Marketing Program. He introduced Rick Heft and Erl Hansen who gave a presentation
Status Report on Tourism on the progress of the Program.
Marketing Program
Erl Hansen, Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce, 121 East Railroad Street, and Rick
Hert, North Olympic Peninsula Visitor and Convention Bureau (VCB), introduced
themselves. Erl Hansen informed the Council that ads have been purchased in the
Washington State Lodging Guide, Victoria/Vancouver Island Planner Guide, and the
Sunset Magazine Planner Guide. The bus ads in the Puget Sound area will start in mid-
March. Mr. Hansen stated he, Mr. Heft, Officer Ed Schilke and Lou Ann flew to
Vancouver, B.C. and cut the radio spots for the billboard campaign.
Rick Hert, VCB, thanked Police Chief Ilk for allowing Ed Schilke, the City's Crime
Prevention Officer, to participate in the taping of the ads. Mr. Hert stated a lot of work
has gone into creating the ads. He distributed a mock-up of the Visitors Guide which
will soon be available. The guide will list special events, activities, accommodations,
and a map of the area.
Mr. Hert stated that a packaging workshop was held the end of January. Approximately
50 people participated, and the State of Washington paid for two speakers who gave a
presentation on how to package your product and how to work together. Currently, the ·
Victoria market is being targeted, and there is a consideration to give Canadian currency
at par during the month of April. Mr. Hert stated it is exciting to see everyone work
- 1 -
February 16, 1999
WORK SESSION: Mr. Herr stated a Customer Service Workshop is also being planned. Two classes will
(Cont'd) be offered in Port Angeles, and Port Townsend, Sequim, and Forks will also register
people for the class during National Tourism Week, which is the first week of May.
Status Report on Tourism
Marketing Program Mr. Hert felt partnership was the key to the success of this program. Victoria B.C. may
(Cont'd) give Port Angeles rack space in its Visitor's Center. There has been participation in
trade shows which also gets the word out, as well as a new calendar of events for Port
Angeles on the web page. Mr. Hert offered to answer any questions.
Councilman Campbell reminded the Council of how far the City has come in promoting
itself, and he lauded the efforts of Messrs. Hert and Hansen in bringing all the groups
together to pool resources in an effort to achieve a successful Tourism Marketing
Program. Councilman Wiggins stated there has been a dramatic shift from the time
when individuals approached the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee to request funding
to the current situation of a partnership of the Chamber of Commerce and VCB.
Mr. Hert commented on the great job the Parks & Recreation Department is doing in
bringing sports teams to the Peninsula for tournaments. Mayor Braun thanked Messrs.
Hert and Hansen for the presentation.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: 1.)
City Council minutes - February 2 and February 9, 1999; 2.) Out-of-State Travel for
Electrical Engineer; 3.) Interlocal Agreement to purchase off of King County bid for
electrical line truck; 4.) Check list - February 10, 1999 - $584,355.35. Councilman
Campbell seconded the motion. Councilmember McKeown noted that on Page 2 of
the February 2, 1999, minutes, the motion to change the Council meeting time was
made by Councilman Wiggins. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Campbell stated the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority has
COMMITTEE established an air quality study site at the Stevens Middle School to gauge air particulate
REPORTS: matter. The standards have been reduced and new testing apparatus put in place. This
study is funded by the Department of Ecology, and the purpose is to get background
information on the quality of the air from the particulate standpoint. Councilman
Campbell understood that most of the particulates are from wood stoves and outdoor
burning. More information will be forthcoming. Brief discussion followed.
Mayor Braun reported that he and Finance Director Godbey spoke to the Norwester
Rotary Club on current projects and Y2K. Along with Manager Ibarra, he attended the
Mayors' meeting where there was a show of support for the Association of Washington
Cities. Mayor Braun, along with Councilman Campbell and Manager Ibarra, had lunch
with Dave Tamaki and Mark Hannah of Daishowa. This morning, Mayor Braun and
Clerk Upton met with the Regional Manager of Northland Cable to discuss operations.
Amending Time of City Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings
Council Meetings
Ordinance No. 3010 1. Ordinance Amending Time of City Council Meetings
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney's office. Brief
discussion followed, and Mayor Braun read the Ordinance by title, entitled
February 16, 1999
Amending Time of City · ORDINANCE NO. 3010
Council Meetings
Ordinance No. 3010 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
(Cont'd) revising the time for beginning Council meetings from
5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and amending Ordinance
2981 as amended and Chapter 2.04 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Wiggins moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Use of Credit Cards 2 Ordinance ,4uthorizing Use of Credit Cards
Ordinance No. 3011
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Finance Department and asked
Director Godbey for additional input, which she provided. DiScussion followed, and
Director Godbey and Manager Ibarra responded to questions and provided additional
Mayor Braun read the Ordinance by tide, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
adopting a system for the issuance, use and control of credit
cards by City officials and employees, directing the Finance
Department to adopt rules and procedures to implement
such system, and amending Ordinance 2628 and Chapter 3.05
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Campbell moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Couneilmember MeKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
1999 Salary Revisions 3. Ordinance Revising 1999 Salaries for Management/Administrative and Non-
Ordinance No. 3012 Represented Employees
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by Human Resources and asked
Manager Ibarra for additional input.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
establishing salary and fringe benefit plans for Management,
Administrative, Technical, and Confidential Clerical Personnel
(Schedules A and C) and establishing a pay plan for employees
working at the City Pool and Fine Art Center (Schedule B) for
the period January 1, 1999 to December 31, 1999 and providing
for the payment thereof.
Councilmember McKeown moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Street Vacation - Davis Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings
Resolution No. 4-99
Resolution Setting a Public Hearing for Vacation ora Portion of "P" Street South of
Milwaukee Drive - STV 99-01 - Davis/City of Port ,4ngeles
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department. At
February 16, 1999
Street Vacation - Davis Mayor Braun's request, Director Collins responded to questions and provided additional
Resolution No. 4-99 clarification. Mayor Braun read the Resolution by title, entitled.
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a
hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of the "P"
Street right of way abutting Suburban Lot 84, Port
Angeles, Washington.
Councilman Doyle moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman
Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Other Considerations
Gateway Consultant 1. ,qpproval of Gateway Consultant
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Director Pittis provided additional information and responded to questions directed by
the Council. Discussion followed, and Director Pittis stated that the Gateway Steering
Committee did feel Merritt+Pardini would need to strengthen the economic
development portion of its resum6. They are in the process of doing this, and the
information will be presented to the Steering Committee at its next meeting.
Councilman Wiggins stated this project was very important to the City, and it must be
done properly. He expressed hope that each Council member would give this matter
serious thought and discuss it with as many people as possible. Director Pittis hoped
other oppommities, such as a convention center, would springboard from this project.
Councilman Doyle asked about the engineering cost of such a project. Director Pittis
stated this is the idea and design portion of the project, and is not the area to cut comers.
The final contract with the scope, schedule, and cost will be Presented to Council for
final approval at a future meeting. Discretion will be used, and there will be a "cost not
to exceed" clause. Following further limited discuSsion, Councilman Wiggins moved
to select Merritt+Pardini to provide design services for the Gateway Project and
authorize staff to negotiate the scope of services and contract for future approval
of the City Council. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried
LID 215 2. Review of LID 215 Recommended Cost distribution for Final Assessment Roll
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and
asked Director Pittis for additional input, which he provided. Gary Kenworthy, City
Engineer, responded to questions and provided additional clarification. Discussion
followed, and concern was expressed over the amount of the assessment.
Councilman Campbell stated this LID was driven by the current land owners who were
building homes and having problems with septic systems. Pressure was put on the City
to install the sewer system. Councilman Campbell felt that the LID helped to speed up
development of this area, as a number of the homes couldn't have been built without
adequate sewers.
Councilman Wiggins suggested the future owners be charged a lower assessment than
the current owners. Director Pittis stated that another way to approach the situation
would be to use a system development charge. This charge is a proportionate share of
the total system cost. Director Pittis then explained the system development charge,
who would pay it, and how it would reduce the LID assessment.
February 16, 1999
LID 215 (Cont'd) Manager Ibarra informed the Council that sewer rates will be examined in the near
future. He felt that before the Council approved a system development charge, the
sewer rates should be discussed. Manager Ibarra suggested this item be returned to the
Utility Advisory Committeei Manager Ibarra agreed with Councilman Campbell that
sewer installation will prompt development in the annexed area, rather than slow it
down. Further discussion ensued, and staff continued to provide clarification.
Councilman Doyle moved to accept the recommendation of staff on the final cost
of LID #215 in the amount of $7,101.36 per unit for final assessment. Councilman
Campbell seconded the motion. Limited discussion followed, and Councilman Doyle
stated that he intended to include in the motion that Council authorize the
formation of a developer reimbursement agreement. Attorney Knutson offered
clarification that, rather than a developer reimbursement agreement, staff would bring
back a sewer connection charge that would be adopted by ordinance, to which
Councilman Doyle agreed. Further, Attorney Knutson explained that if the
development pattern shows more than 45 units will be coming on line within a
reasonable period of time, the assessment charge for those units outside the LID can be
amended and lowered at some future date, probably at the time of annexation. A vote
was taken on the motion, as amended, which carried unanimously.
Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 6:55 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 7:05 p.m.
PUBLIC ItEARINGS- Consideration of Application for CDBG General Purpose Grant [Continued from
OTHER: February 2, 1999]
Application for CDBG Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and
Grant opened the public hearing at 7:10 p.m. There was no public testimony, and the public
Resolution No. 5-99 hearing was closed at 7:10 p.m. Mayor Braun read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
authorizing submission of an application for a general
purpose Community Development Block Grant and
committing to comply with all required regulations.
Councilman Hulett moved to pass the Resolution as read by rifle. Councilmember
McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Other Considerations (Continued)
Pedestrian Bridge at 3. Pedestrian Bridge Work at Elwha Fish Hatchery
Elwha Fish Hatchery
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and
asked Director Pittis for additional input, which he provided. Discussion followed.
Councilman Campbell pointed out that this is not a fish hatchery, but a salmon rearing
Councilman Doyle moved to grant permission to the Department of Fish and
Wildlife to place a new foot bridge on City owned property near the Elwha Fish
Rearing Channel and authorize the property manager to sign the building permit,
if required, on behalf of the City. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
February 16, 1999
Agreement with PUD 4. Agreement with PUD for Low Zone Customer and Facility Transfer
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. At
Mayor Braun's request, Director Pittis gave a brief history of this issue, explained why
the agreement was necessary, and how the purchase price was established.
Director Pittis stated this had been a learning experience, and staff will be investigating
new ways to handle this type of situation in the furore so as to keep expenses to a
minimum. Director Pittis explained that should Council vote against the agreement, the
13 customers will be transferred back to the PUD with the net result of City residents
serviced by the PUD and, therefore, paying 43% more for water than other City
customers. Discussion followed, and Director Pittis responded to questions and
provided additional clarification. At Councilman Campbell's request, Director Pittis
explained the benefits to the City of the low zone connection for the PUD due to the
reduced need for reservoir capacity in the upper system.
Councilman Doyle pointed out that paragraph five of the agreement clearly states this
agreement shall not establish precedent for future transfers of customers and/or
facilities. The Utility Advisory Committee is aware that the price being paid is too high
for the old facilities. However, State law mandates the City pay the PUD for lost
revenues; therefore, this amount is included in the agreement. The PUD has agreed to
the City paying for only five years worth of lost revenues; current law states seven years
of revenues should be paid. Should the City get a large annexation, a new method of
transferring services will have to be found. Director Pittis agreed with Councilman
Doyle, and further discussion followed.
Councilman Campbell stated the City has achieved a great deal of improvement in its
relationship with the PUD. Thanks to this transfer process, some intangible benefits
have been realized which will serve the City well in the future. Councilman Campbell
moved to authorize the Mayor to enter into the Intergovernmental Water Facilities
Agreement with the PUD. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Easement on Mt. Pleasant 5. Easement to County on Mount Pleasant Road
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Director Pittis provided additional information, and Don Madison, Property Manager,
responded to questions.
Following further discussion and clarification, Councilman Wiggins moved to grant
an easement to Clallam County over City property on Mt. Pleasant Road in
exchange'for the utility easement granted to the City at 5th and Lincoln Streets, and
authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the Easement and Right of Way
Agreement. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
INFORMATION: Manager Ibarra reminded the Council that the Boards & Commissions Appreciation
Night is Wednesday, February 17, 1999, at the DoubleTree Hotel in the Juan deFuca
Boards & Commissions Room, at 7:00 p.m.
AWC Conference The AWC Conference is February 24 - 25, 1999, in Olympia. Travel arrangements are
being made.
Storm Damage Manager Ibarra gave a brief report on the recent storm damage. The cost to repair the
damage will be approximately $1 million. Staff will monitor the situation closely, and
Council will be apprised of new developments.
Salmon Meeting A letter was sent to other cities that may be interested in meeting regarding this subject.
February 16, 1999
Salmon Meeting If enough interest is generated, a meeting may be held. Council will be kept abreast of
(Cont'd) this issue.
Y2K Fire Chief Becket is the CitY'S.,coordinator in this matter. He has attended meetings
with the County and others. The City appears to be prepared for the conversion. Chief
Becker will conduct meetings with staffto discuss possible scenarios that may arise. A
flier has been prepared on emergency preparedness and will be sent out in March.
- Regular status reports will be presented at future Council meetings.
Landfill Fee Waiver for Manager Ibarra deferred to Attorney Knutson on this item. Attorney Knutson stated the
Habitat for Humanity issue on this request was the separation of church and state. In the past, Habitat for
Humanity had approached the City to donate property. At that time, staff looked into
the legal ramifications. Because Habitat has a religious requirement as to who can be
a recipient of its housing, it can be viewed legally as the City supporting religion by
making a donation to this group. Attorney Knutson felt that waiving a portion of the
landfill fee would be in violation of separation of church and state as provided for in
both the State and Federal Constitutions.
Discussion followed. Councilman Campbell suggested Habitat contact Olympic
Disposal to make the contribution. It was the general consensus of the Council that
Attorney Knutson's advice be followed and the landfill waiver be denied.
Council Workshops Manager Ibarra reminded the Council that two workshops are scheduled as part of the
retreat process. One meeting is February 20, 1999, and the other is February 22, 1999.
Out of Office Manager Ibarra noted the dates he will be out of the office.
Pavement Restoration Manager Ibarra reminded the Council that. during discussion of the 1999 budget for
Program street repairs, he suggested an ad hoc committee review the street program prior to
bidding it out. It is time to coordinate that meeting, and Councilmembers Doyle, Hulett
and Williams expressed interest in serving on the committee. Manager Ibarra would
like the committee to convene within the next few weeks and begin discussion of the
City's needs and bring a recommendation to Council. Manager Ibarra stated he would
like to award the bid for this project prior to Director Pittis' retirement in May.
Vacancies on Boards and Manager Ibarra referred to Page 107 of the packet. He suggested interviews for the
Commissions Civil Service Commission vacancy be held at the next Council meeting as a work
session. New press releases have gone out to generate interest in the other Boards and
Commissions, and Manager Ibarra asked everyone to try to solicit interest.
Nuisance and Junk Manager Ibarra reviewed the information contained in the pack?t on Nuisance and Junk
Vehicles Vehicle Ordinance proposed changes. He asked Council to review the draft ordinance
and advise his office of any suggested changes. Councilman Doyle felt changing the
height of overgrown lots from 12 to eight inches was rather drastic. Manager Ibarra
stated he would double check this, but it was his impression that the State legislation had
been passed to allow this change.
Concern was expressed over the names of the complainants being given to the violator.
Attorney Knutson stated that there is a provision in the State Public Disclosure Act
which allows the withholding of names of complainants. Discussion ensued regarding
this Ordinance.
Building Move Ordinance Manager Ibarra referred to the ordinance contained in the packet regarding the moving
of buildings in the City. He asked Council to review these changes. Councilman Doyle
stated he was satisfied with the changes regarding the definition of a building, and
Councilman Williams stated he, too, was satisfied that his concerns had been properly
addressed. The ordinance will be brought back to the next Council meeting for action.
February 16, 1999
Taping of Executive Manager Ibarra referred to the information provided by the City Attorney's office.
Session Councilman Doyle stated he, Mayor Braun, Manager Ibarra, and Attorney Knutson had
met to discuss this issue. He suggested that Council could decide at each executive
session whether or not to tape it. Councilman Doyle felt it was a difficult decision to
make, as a lawsuit can arise out of either choice. Discussion followed, and Council
members gave their opinion on the matter. Councilman Wiggins moved that
executive sessions not be taped unless a majority motion is passed by the Council
to tape a session. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried
Police Department Report Manager Ibarra stated a monthly Police Report will be included as a regular part of the
Council packet.
ADJOURN TO Mayor Braun adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 8:10 p.m. for
EXECUTIVE SESSION: approximately forty-five minutes to discuss litigation and a personnel evaluation.
RETURN TO The meeting returned to open session at 9:10 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
B~cky ~. Up~TCi[~CI~-r~' -- Gary ~raun, ~layor