HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/17/1932 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 13 ., February 17th. 193~ I I I I I' ~~c" .. ..u....~.. ....Tn~. ~Y"'T''''"~'''. .ft'~TU'. .,..~. The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following offioers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Beam and Filion, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the D.W.Davis Ole Sperstad Sig Larson A.Spenoer head of appl~oations for permits Altering store room Remodel store Remodel store Construot 3 room dwelling and lioenses the following ware granted: Lot 9 Blook 15 Townsite $100.00 " 4 " 15" 250.00 7 15 100.00 " 15 277" 300.00 25.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 O.E.Keeling Eleotrio Applianoe Co., Gate City 2nd.Hand store Sandison Bakery Lamoreux Service Master Plumber 1 truok 1 truak 1 truok 1 truok Under the head of Reading and Passage of Ordinanoes the following Ordinanoe was read by title and placed on its third reading: AN ORDINANCE authorizing the issuance and sale of local improvement bonds for Local Improvement District No.143 to pay the cost and expense of the improvements in said distriat as ordered and provided for in Ordinance No.953,approved Sept.23,193l, entitled "An Ordinanoe ordering and providing for the improvement of Sixth Street from the Westerly margin of Francis Street to the break of Peabody Gulch by the oonstruction of ooncrete sidewalks five feet wide on both sides of said portions of said streets, except in front of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 206,all in aocordance with Improvements Resolution No.143 of the City of Port Angeles ,creating Local Improvement District No.l43 of the City of Port Angeles and providing for the payment of the same to be made by special assessments upon the property within the said district, payable by the mode of "Payment by Bonds" all in accordanae with said Improvement Resolution No.143 and the maps,plans and specifioations prepared by the City Engineer and approved and adopted by the City Commission." It was moved by Mayor Davis that the Ordinance be placed on its final passage and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Filion. On roll aall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion oarried. Under the Head of New Business,- The following proposals to sell the City a Motor Patrol Grader were opened: - :iO,ds OP,:/'J /. CITY Or PORT ANGELES WASI-I, S-.$?,UT lll~. 2:/:DE:s~~'~n':'~:~O~'L~~:~~~):\:?~\~;~T~,:G~Rlt"~~:~l\~;~LU (' :\' ..:- '0 , \ '~v v .t "fI \\\ ''\' \ ~ Vv' (>' '{' ~ <yJ- i - \ l .. " 6 \ I '5'f',EGrtCATIO c)J,~~o..li~\! {/' 'i"~"~"u y\)' ()\' C'\ )/ 012./ 'f-..."'2."~ /. I J Iw~a I COj I r~, 8, ,IE(. Po. I N-om~Or M~/re Co.1P/.{J..gfJe Number 1010/ Weight wheel .bo:Sf( (/ncMs) fial'1e..(~/~e ~. wt p~;-.j r) Ove n:J 1/ L ""q//' (..',., /-I) Hand Or Pawn s~,,'ft. Size olllrils ._ SCOl'i!IRr {iJldrh <{Cllt.) N/)mb~r J; S/"'!! 0/ /PPth. Spe&d5, (f.j,ql,7,Slow\ f1allt of Motor. Numhvv CY!/~1dl:;rr, B01'~ It stroh, R.t>. rl. 3$oa..! 3S00" 3D,'.!' 38~o~ 33H"-' 3f."e:: 3bl(J" ;u.ro'';32SO)~ 32r!:'. ';~l Warco, Ryan Au./',,; A.do/xI 41/" I. AIf'/' ji".tne. ".'lrd d,ul_. (1,<</011,,, - ~:r.I1_ - /'kd. 'J. NQ /02- 16,000 /4,1.!;"o 11,J-." IL71S' JZ,E3f 15",.,0 1",--4'" /3>.'"' 14;5 1711. IE," It, '4"17~~" 9"C r.r 10"[: g"C IO"C. 2!:.+ 7,," n'.t.. d .,,0" 2S:l." z.rr' :2.7').." 2';" z4 (," --f----- POlJlW tt""J. H. if H ",o/II D, 4/;/2 p. 40/~ D 3,/~ D 4a/rD 4iJ/~ f) '1';/& D 3%/(, 3'4/4 31/t 31/t, 3;1./(, 31-/. '1lh 4.j.:" 3"" 37 42: 4'''- 1/-2/,)1 'i-3{'/i"[ 9'- 3/% '1-I/i~ 11- 2~!~ 41."" ~O-'2. 2-1';1. 2.2-IO.12.3-/<!... 1- i',y, Cor. _H('Gl"~4ATT/~ .f(,!-rtJrlJlto",jJ{l:44-:. ~1111 AI/,.~ ','- .2 i--)J D~'rli,,,,--" CAtd"#J D,;ry,ll'?y "'7~, CJUjl"'A ()u!I/I,'J 11 Warto 4UJ],n ER. n q ['0 1~~3" 7"I -\ 1'1-'8 I~ H "'- 4./[ /) , 32-/(, " }G ,.::r c1-3$/' r\ :1- 10 f1((M~i D€f1'rt/J 4 I -IV. _~~_I I --I--- I , IJ II II .. li.~-- 4- 4- 4- 4 4- 4 4/..S 4..}f 4~/f 4~/.- 4~/~- 4VS IIOiJ/p:oa /20"" Ill)u ItJOo ./2,"" ~ ~,_____,i__._" -4 4$/ !; /o.c, " After duly considering the said proposals,it was moved by Commissioner Filion _ that the City purchase the "Caterpillar" Auto Patrol Grader Serial No.8A-375 of the Western Tractor & Equipment Co. for $3,500.00. - Seoonded by Commissioner Beam. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion oarried. \ -"III1Il ~-14 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Fe bruary 17th 193L U--l-~'!!'-"'=".""'- "'-1' ,NOTICE '1'0 BIDDERS \' I X'otlC;'" is hel'cby Kh..cn tlIat flll:ll- I, Nl bids will he j'p.cf'h'fl(l D}' llw I CitYA C'lerl{ of the.Cio' of ",:ort An- g'(1J~_ V.'al'lhington until 1'1"1HUlu'y I 1.7 19'32 at 10 A.:\f.. and not Inter, 1 n.t' the office of the Cit~' Clerk of I t:~~tl)~it~'lt j)ftl'l~'or~it;:\n~~~~'~. OiV~~~(i I ('Ity. TI'" wo" """",,n,,''''"" I, ,....I!. tile construction of a iltteral .:sewer II 011 \Ve:lt I...lncnln Heights accol-rlillg Ito1 the lJIHIl/i nnd SIJ€clflcnliolls. All blfts f\halt he accompamed IJ)' n cel'tllJe(l c11ec1\ ill th~ :stirn [)f nlllll leRf.! tl~all 5% or. UI(~ tWlVlInl hit] ,:}l~~as~~!~~~ ol~K~bbit/~f ~~~ert ~~:.~ II '~~iesJ'Il'~ \~~~~\~~~~~.' 1f ht~lnC(l b~~ ~~I~ I'~ of tho nmount of the contnlclllricc I .must b," rnrnjshell by tile su('ceMS' :1 fUl~I~~~~l~~;id A~'~cit'iCt1,ti(ln!l llU1.~' 1'.,. 'I nhtainoo from tlHJ City CIe:]'I< U\IQll (](!:P9!llting thp flum of $!i.00 wll\('h i liUlII will be n:fulllletl If the planll . nnd speclflCfl.tionP. flr~ returned to J :the CJerk h!1for() the hills f\.l"n 'OP,~~:d. City Commll'il'ilon l'f1!ltll'V(l.<; I t1l-e ri.el:ht to I'eject :..ny or all birlf"1 :-.:, M. IL\WIUNR.' "j City Clerk. I Feb. o-S~_9~10-1L Under the Head of unfinished business,- Pursuant to the following call for bids the Clerk reported bids on file as follows: 'James Coyne Andy Casilio Bid e3,D03.12 Certified Check $200.00 "4,081.30 " " 225.00 The bids were referred to the City Engineer for Checking. The City Engineer reported back to the Commission that the result of the bids were as fOllows,- I '- I ....., ~.'"1. 'l l~ r::"- I t ! , I r~, I \ .~. ... ....... I..... -. ..... (.~;. . ~l;,,: ",., '.' S "t 1'\ .... I;) 1")-. :....:: . !~~ ~ ~ I I . 1---- The Engine:~' s report I ! '<) . 1:),. , \) tfJ' ~ }" I ------ 1>). showed that the Bid of James Coyne was the lowest bid. I It was moved by Commissioner Filion that the bid Of James Coyne bs accepted and that the contract be awarded to him in the sum of $3,003.12 and that the Mayor and City Clerk be instructed to sign the contract upon the filing of a satisfactory Bond approved by the City Attorney and further that the certified check of Andy Casilio be held until after James Coyne had duly qualified for his contract. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. ~ roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. . lI..... Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Fe bruary 17th. 193L 15 ,., I I I I I T'~' ~ "~.".'. ....T....... "ATlONt... "'''IT'''. .,g., Under the Head of reports from City Officers the following was read: Office of City Engineer February 17,1932 To the Honorable Mayor ' and city Commission, Port Angeles,Wn., GentleJllen, The ~irty day period since the completion and acceptance of the work done' by'Williams and Rauch,contraotors on Looal Improvement Distriot No.142 has elapsed and no unoompleted or defeoti ve work has been disaovered for which the City makes claim., . I therefore reoommend that the 15% retained of the oost of the work be paid to the Contractors Williams and Rauch. Yours very truly, Thos.WiOWen, City Engineer. It was moved by Commissioner Filion that the foregoing Engineer'S report be acoepted and that the City Clerk be instruoted to draw a warrant for the 15% retained $1441.66 on the Williams and Rauch Contract on L.I.D.No.142,in aocordance with the said Engimeer's report. Seoonded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all member voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission Examined and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrants drawn for same: Current Expense Fund Viok's Body Shop Pioneer R.L.Polk &: Co. Thos .T.Aldwell Road Distriot No.2' street Department Repairs SUpplies Direotories Premium on Bonds Gravel Pay Roll Water Fund I ~ 'i; Olympio Servioe Station C.M.St.P.&: Pacifio R.R. Kerooene Freight Light Fund Warrants for Light Investment Fund SUpplies Elwha River Bond Extention Fund Clerk hlre Ummer Printing Co., Herron's Variety Store Eleanor E.Alleman L.I.D.General Fund Ulmer Printing Co., Printing Bonds for L.I.D.No.140 Munioipal Waterworks Repair Fund Pay Roll Pay Roll Labor P 1,91. Water Department Water Department Mike Fleming There being no further business the Gommission then adJiurned. ~4~ /\f' Mayor ?lm,J~ City Clerk ~ " $ 6.35 5.40 20.00 75.00 50.00 32.00 1.25 140.13 35.75 9.15 8.75 61.00 230.60 306.36 3.00 ~