HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/17/1955
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
February 17
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The City Council n1et in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call
of officers revealed the following present: ~~or Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Powell, and
Wolie, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law.
It was moved by Counci~ Wolie th'at minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received. Seconded by
Miss Powell and carried.
Urder the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish two pumps and starters for the l'later Dept.. as prev-
i'Ously received, were conSidered. It was moved by Councilman Neer that the bid by Allis->Chalmers be'
accepted as the 101'1est and best bid, the same having' been reconunended by Consulting Engineers. Motion
seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Hotion carried.
Pursuant to notices published, bids to purchase Uarrants and Bords for L.I.D. No. 167 were received and
opened as follows:
ME:TCALF AND THOHPSON: $100 per each $100.00 principal amount for all legally-issued 4% warrants
and $101.365 per each ~loo.oo principal amount, plus accrued interest to date of delivery for all legally-
issued 4% boms.
HUGHBANKS, INCORPORATED: Warrants at rate of 3 3/1fi, per annum 100.00 (par) flat as issued. Boms
at price of $100.09, or premium of nine cents per $100.00 in amount issued._
GRANDE & CO., INC.: l-farrants, 33/4% per annum. Bonds, $100.08 of par value thereof, bearing a
I coupon rate of 3 3/4% per annum. . '
1'1M. P. HAHPE.'l. & SON & CO.: i'larrants of par value. Bonds, premium of eighty-six cents for each l~lOO.OO
par value delivered in exch"M'" for warrants. i'larrants to bear interest at rate of 4% j:6r annum. Bonds
ito bear interest at rate of 4% per annilm and iss.ued in denominations of $1,000.00 as practical.
IAfter discussion by company representatives, citing merits and advantages of their offers, it "as moved
'by Councilman Brown that the bid by Hughbanks, Inc. be accepted. Secmnded by Councilman l'lolie arrl unanim-
~iously carri ed.
'City }lanager Vergeer read instructions from Attorney 'fhorgrimson "hereby the ''lords "with a five-year aver-
lage 1ife~ is added to paragraph three of notice of lvarrant and Bond Sale.
~Bids to furnish one patrol car for the Police Dept. were received as follo;,s:
1 SAHUELSON /-;QTOR co: 1955 Ford Fordor Sedan, $1,825.00; Sales tax ~54. 75. Trade-in $380.75. Net,
I DAN ROBERTSON PONTIAC: 1955 Pontiac 4-dr. sedan godel 860. $2,637.37. Tax, 79.ll. Trade-in,
$516.48. Net, $2,200.00.
I SCHREINER CHEVROLET CO.: 1955 Chevrolet 4-dr. sedan Model 1503, $2,015.80. Sales Tax, $62.72. Less
itrade-in, $670.00. Net, $1,406.27.
I 11URRAY HOTORS: 1955 PJ.,ymouth V8, 4-dr. sedan, $2,090.75. Sales Tax, ~62.72. Less trade-in, $293.47.
Net, $1,860.00.
It ",as moved by Councilman l'lolie that the bid by Schreiner Chevrolet be accepted. Seconded by Councilman
Brown. All voted Aye,' Hotion carried.
One bid to furnish c~lculator ilr the Treasurer's Dept. "'as received from Bussing Supply in amount of $602.55.
I It was moved by Councilman Powell that the offer be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Brmm. All iloted
. Aye. Hotion carried.
Bids were received for purchase of Lots 3 to 20 inclusive in Blk. 358, Tmmsite as fo11o"s:
Y.rs. Evan D. LaHue, Lots 9 and 10, $110.00 Ivan R. Priest, Lots 3 to 20, Incl., $936.00.
It "as moved by Councilman liolie that the bid by Hr. Priest. be accepted. Seconded by CounciL..an. BrOlm
and carried.
Having previously been requested to establish legality of the City to demand removal of Pilot Station on
Ediz HOOk, Attorney Severyns advised that the City is Inthin their rights to demand removal and if the
Council authorize, he ,-rill serve notice to that effect. leanager Vergeer reminded that the Clty has been,
officially requested to remove hazards from airport glideway and the City is maintaining hazaTd by permit-
ting buildings to remain unless officially notified that no hazard exists. Councilman Neer expressed
opinion that the City is liable for policies previously established. It "'as moved by Councilman Brm-m
lthat Council proceed Inth policy established and authl!lmze notice served for removal of Pilot Barge.
Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted ,lye. Motion carried.
Council discussed disposal of Lots II and 12, Blk. 152, recently reclaimed by cancellation of Alden Nelson
jcontract. }L,nager Vergeer informed that Joseph ].i. Keegan, residing adjacent to the proj:6rty, ,nll purchase
ithe lets at ~320.00, also pay assessments due for improvements of L.I.D. 161. 1.1r. Vergeer reconnnended
lthat the offer be accepted and lots resold. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the propsrty be sold
as reconn:nended. Seconded by Councilman Neer and carried.
IUnder the head of new business, it was moved by Councilman Sandison that tho Treasurer's report for January
':be approved. Seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye. Hotion carried.
I _
tIt was moved by Co-mcilman P01<ell that monthly budget repartsof City departments for January be accepted
land filed. Seconded by Councilman Brown and carried.
Council approved claims paid February 8 in total amount of $2,874.32. It was moved by Councilman Neer that
'all claims be ap'Jroved as paid. Seconded by' Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Hotion c:lrried.
I' _
~~or Smith read letter from YMCA and Paul Wilson also spoke regarding members of that organization
;acting in capacity of City Officials for one day. Hayor Smith assured that when the group arrange to
,serve in official capacity they ,,'ill be "elcomed with open arms.
frank.Christman appeared before the Council with petition siened by property owners requesting that a portio~
pf Government Lot 2, in Section 11, Township 30 N, Range 6, 1-1. IV. H., be annexed to and become a part of
:the City. Hr.. Christman informed that annexation is approved by Planning Commission and Plat signed by
?hairman Strange. Attorney Severyns advised that proper publications are required and notices posted
Specifyiug date of re"uired hearing. It was moved by Councilman Brmm that Council proceed and date of
I hearing fixed as of l-.srch 17th ,'lith Proper notice given as per Statutes governing. Seconded by Councilman
Neer and carried. _ ... .
IManager Vergcer read report from the Police Dept. concerning parking problem at l'la~ne Drive and Cedar St.
Police Chief Kochanek reconunended one llour paridng from Cedar St. east for one-hunired fifty (150) feet on
South side of' Harine Drive, this being agreeable' with business establishments effected. It ;,as moved by
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington _
February 17 continued
".. . ""..... ...,,,. '''''~'''. '''"'''". ..... ....
I Councilman Wolfe that Council enforce one (1) hour park~ll& as recommended by polic e chief. . Seconded by
Miss Powell. Ail voted Aye. 110tion carried.
Ardith Owen requested in-writing that a loading zon~ be "established at Sixth and Lincoln Streets for <
I convenience 0:1; flo1ier shop. Council instructed that the matter be investigated, also Fifth Street east
of Lincoln regardiug parking. . . .
I Councilman peer informed that he has been questioned co;'cerning installation of traffic signal at 8th
and Cherry Streets. 111.. so complaints about conditions on East First Street .am East Third Street sid~,alks.
The matter of .traf:flc signal will be referred to the State Highway Department and side;,alk conditions in-
1. vestigated. "
Councilman l!/olie .expressed .oPinio,n .that the I Street hill should be kept in proj:6r repair, thereby relievi~
traffic on l1arine Drive while undergoing repair.
I .
I }!iss Powell suggested that Council conunend Frances Gallagher of the Evening Ne\rs. for publication anp.
comments regarding literature, peace, safety;, morality and good order of the City as !defined, in Ordinance
I No. p73. Ch;Lef Kochanek questioned as. to responsibility for judging literature, to ;mich Attorney
,Severyns replied, the Police Judge.
being no further business, the meeting "as declared adjourned.
Q. e.L~
(j " ~i ~y Clerk
" Ld::AiJl
B " . N
lha "'-'l~- _~h "
o Port Angeles. to-wit: :i-
t - !,o~.s One (1) to Scventec-Il
rill) m Block One (1 \ and Lots
One (1) to Seven (7) 1n Block
T\vo cn. uf BelIevue HUls, the
I same bemg a part of Govern-
ment Lot. Two (2.1 in Sectlon
E!e"~n 011, Township Thirty
(30) ~ North, Range -Six (6)
hl.l.\'c filed the!:- pettlon -with the
CIty C~Ul~Cll 'l?f tho. City of Port
Allgele-", pl'aymg that said art?a be
annexed to and become a pfl...t 0;
n.nd be hlCOl'pOrated as a pa;t <I; 1;
Ie CHy of POl'~ Angeles. ~
tha!. a hearing will, be had on /,laid I
~ctitlon at. .the l'egulllr meeting of
tne CounCIl of daid City hi th"
C,l)uncll Chamber of said City Coun~
ell an Thu,,~da.y 'the 17th day of
lto;rarch, 1955, [',! thl! hour of 7-::10
o clock p.m, of $aid dH.te and th' t
\1~11 P~~s~~J.$ ;;~~~el~;~~~ig~~fi~rr1t~=
~t~j~ fl:R:2~'~~er~[~~c:a~~fo~~~~ '
~~fdr a~J'::(O:t~bn,or dJsapPl'OVal to
J'U~i~~~5.this 18th day of Feb.
~ ",~, ........ J....~, LAW
~f~. It. '11lHN.t'JfY'mr
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