HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/17/1976 78 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 17, 1976 CALL TO ORDER II ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Hordyk, Ross, Wray. Members Absent: Councilman Haguewood. Manager Whorton, Attorney Taylor, Clerk Parrish. D. Flodstrom, H. Kochanek, K. Rodocker, P. Reed, R. Parrish, D. Frizzell, K. Morgan, P. Carr, R. Wait. Staff Present: Guests Present: III MINUTES G. Gustafson, H. Shore, C. Whidden, D. Goerz, J. Abram, L. Switzer, N. Clement, G. Charles, M. Matilla. Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the February 3, 1976 meeting be accepted and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by Counci,lman Wray and carried. IV FINANCE I 1. Bid Call Authorization. Manager Whorton reported to the Council concerning the proposed I' improvement of Lauridsen Boulevard and "L" Street Intersec- tion stating that the improvement area is 225 feet in length and includes two 12 foot lanes and two 8 foot shoulders. Manager Whorton also informed the Council that the'estimated cost of the improvement is $8,400.00. Councilman Ross then moved the Council authorize the call for bids for the Lauridsen Boulevard and "L" Street Intersection Improvement. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. A bid opening date of March 1, 1976 at 2:00 P.M. was established, with Council consideration of the bids received at the March 2, 1976 meeti ng. 2. Bid Awards: 12376A NOTICE OF CALL FORBI DS NOTICE i~ hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, i<o W. Front Street, P.O. Box 111. Port Angeles, WaShington 98362. until 2:00 P.M., Tues.. February 10, 1976, and not later, and will be opened publiCly at that time for furnishing the following equipment and.or materials: One 69 KV deadend structure. Bid speclflcallons may be b obtained at the Port Angeles . City Light Office, 2~O West. Front, Port Angeles. WA 98362 A certified check or bid bond for S percent of the amount of the bid shall accompany each bid. All bids to Include delivery F .0, B, Port Angeles. Washington. Bids will be opened and tabulated for the City Council for conslder.tion by said COuncil in session Tuesdav, February 1" 1916. The Council reserves the right 10 consider delivery lime and 10 accepl or rejecl any or all bids or any parI thereof. Pub.: Jan. 23, 30. 1916. -, l a. Mayor 01 son .read the Light Department's ana lysi s of the bids recei'ved for one 69 KV deadend structure. Councilman Wray then, moved the Council award the bicLfor one 69 KV deadend structure. to low bidder, Fentr.on, Seattle, at a total bid price of $2,777.25 including sales tax. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. Bids were also received from High Voltage Electric of Gresham, Oregon, $2,869.65 including sales tax, and, Electric Technology Corporation, Tacoma, $4,441.50 including sales tax. The Council next took under consideration the bids received on the Park Departments bid call for two commercial lawn mowers and turf management top dressing, supplies and materials. Mayor Olson read the Park Department's bid summary on each item with the following action being taken by the COllncil . I City Council Meeting February 17, 1976 IV FINANCE 2. Bid Awards. b. Continued. I Councilman Anderson moved the Council award the bid for two commercial lawn mowers to the only bidder, Northwest Mowers, Inc., Seattle, at a bid price of $1,932.26 including sales tax for one (1) 42" mower and $2,606.18 including sales tax for one (1) 60" mower. Counci 1 man Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award the bid for 460 yards of washed sand, size 16 to 18 mesh, to Angeles Gravel . " and Supply, Port Angeles at a total bid price of $2,632.25 ~ ,~6~~. ~~ including sales tax. The motion was seconded by Councilman CA~~T~~~ 0;;05 I Buck and passed by the Counci 1. Manager Whorton reported se~I~Jr~;si~~f';,"~~ic~~~h;~' that ~l a~e Sand and Gravel, ~equi~, also sub~itted a bi? ,the City Clerk, City 01 Porti on thlS ltem, however, the flrm dld not submlt the requlred 1~~6.el'i:~x'4~'1~'p~~?n~;~~r~:~ bid bond and therefore their bid was automatically rejected. Washington, 96362, until 2:00 I lP,M., FrIday. February 13, C '1 W d th C '1 d th b'd f t 1976,andtheCitywillrejec1all, ounCl man ray move e ounCl awar e 1 s or wo 'bids recelve'~ ".,..f~er the tons of ammonium sulphate 20'0.0 to Dungeness Agricultural ~Chedured closmg 'time and' . .. ate, and will be opened'Supp1y Company, Sequlm, at a total bld prlce of $268.80 t~r~:;~rnt :~:t :~'11~wi~~ i ncl ud i ng sales tax, for 4.5 tons urea 46, 0.0 to C1 a 11 am equipment and-or material: Cooperative Assn. Sequim at $992.25 including sales tax 1. 2 tons ammonium sulfate, I '. ,. . ' 20-0.0, in granUlar lorm, and to Clallam CooperatlVe, Assn., Sequlm, for 14 tons ~:~~aire~oi~o:~~h~ag~~ pOund complete fertilizer 21'7'14 at a total bid price of $2,565.20 r 2.4'(, tons urea 46-0.0, !n including sales tax. The motion was seconded by Councilman ~f;'~~la~I~~~dP~~~:g:~ 8~ Buck and passed by the Council. Other firms submitting bids r~n~0~~~ete21.7.'4fertilizer, on ~hese items were Nu Life Fertilize~s, Tacoma, and ~lal1am in mixed granular form, Graln, Inc., Port Angeles. The Councll awarded the blds to packaged in either 50 pound the lowest bidder in each case as recommended by Parks and Ibags or eo pOund bags, , ob~~~ne~P~;bl~cat'~~n~it~at.ertl Recreatio~ Director Frizzell. It is noted tha~ bids were ,CityofPortAngeies,UOWest also recelVed from Western Farmers Assn., Sequlm, and Van Waters r~~~I::,r~~~i~gt~~Xis~~/ort, and Rogers, Seattl e; these bi ds were not cons i dered as these I Acertiliedcheckorbidbond, firms failed to submit the required bid bond with their ,lor 5 percent 01 the amount of ' b' d (R f RCW 35 23 352) Th "N' f C 11 the bid shall accompany each 1 s. e erence ... e ot 1 ce 0 a bid. All bids to include delivery for Bids" clearly stated a bid bond or bid deposit of 5% of iF,Q.B.' Port Angeles, 1 f b'd . ,washington. tota amount 0 1 was a requ 1 rement. Bids will be opened and I tabulated lor the City Council ~o;un~l~n~~de;:S~i~~ ~~es~:~~ I First and Front Streets Traffic Lights Project. IFeb. 17, 1976,7:30 P.M., I ~i;~eto ~g~~~~r ~~f~~:~ fj~~ Counci lman Hordyk moved the Council. approve progress payment rand to acceptorto reject anyor ' NO.3 of $4,333.39 to Harstad Assoclates Inc., Seattle, for lall bidS or any part thereof. I d" .. b' t . t f 0 t b 26 1975 I The unit price shall prevail es 1 gn engl neer 1 ng on su J ec pro] ec rom coer, - 'andtheCityreservest~eright January 25 1976. The motion was seconded by Councilman to corree'l any exte~s.lons or ' . ~~~~~p:~b~a~~lt,~~;;6,~_. Ross and passed by the Councll. 4. Vouchers Payable, LIDs, Payroll. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve payment of $366,911.95 Vouchers Payable, $227.30 LIDs and $104,585.56 Payroll. ,The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA I Stan Goerz, Chairman of the Clallam County Committee on Fisheries, addressed the Council regarding steel head plants in and around the City of Port Angeles and requested a letter from the City Council supporting the Clallam County Committee on Fisheries request to the Washington State Department of Game that sthd state agency plant 10,000 additional steel head in the Elwha River, 10,000 additional steel head in the Dungeness River and the initial planting of steel head in Morse Creek. Councilman Ross moved the Council authorize a letter to the Washington State Department'of Game in support of the planting of 10,000 additional steel head in the Elwha and Dungeness Rivers and the initial planting of steel head in Morse Creek by said state agency. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council; 79 80 City Council Meeting February 17, 1976 2676A I NOTICE OF , CALL FOR BIDS j NOTICE is hereby given that I sealed bids will be received by the Clly Clerk, CIty of Port 1 Angeles, UlI W. Front Street, I 2. P.O. Box 711, Port Angeles, WaShington, 98362, until 1:00 P.M., Friday, February 13, 1976, and the City will relect ali bid. received after the scheduled clo$lng time and date, and will be opened ,publicly at that time for furnishing the following ",\uipment and-or material: I 460 yardS of waShed, size 16 to 18 mesh, sand Bid specifl",llons may be 3 . obtained from 'the City Clerk, Cily of Port Angeles, 140 West Front Street, P.O. Box 711, Port Angeles, WaShington 98362 A certified check or bid bond for 5 percent of the amount of the bid shaJI accompany each bid. All bids to include delivery F.O.B. Port 'Angeles Washington. ~ Bids will be opened and ,tabulated for the City Council for consideration by said Council in seSSion Tuesday, Feb. 17, 1976, 7,30 P,M. . The Council reserVes the 4 , right to consider dell~y time I and to accept or 10 reject any or , all bids or any part thereof. I The unit price shall prevail ,and the City roserves the right j' .to correct.J an)' e):tensions or Improper sales taxes. Pub.' Feb. 6, 11. 1976. 1_ ' > ' V ITEMS FROM AUDIENCE NOT ON AGENDA N. Clement next addressed the Council concerning the. possibility of an oil port being located within the boundaries of the City of Port Angeles and requested the Council address the situation by establishing their position as it relates to this issue and possibly pass legislation to deal with an oil port. Mr. Clement also inquired if the Council had any immediate plans for public discussions on this subject. Manager Whorton then reported on I the activities the C.O.C. Board of Directors currently have in progress relating to the impact an oil port would have on the community. Manager Whorton also indicated the areas that per- haps the City Should be exploring in conjunction with the County and the Port. Councilman Ross then commented that at this time this matter should be brought before the Clallam County Govern- mental Council where the public hearing process can be initiated and reported this agency has a meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 18, 1976. Manager Whorton will attend the meeting. Councilman Hordyk expressed the view that if Government dictate the location of an oil port, then it is the obligation of the Government to provide the facilities; that if you let the zoning laws take care of it, you can tax accordingly, Mayor Olson and Councilman Buck also stated their concurrence that this matter required preparation on the part of all agencies involved in the event an oil port in this immediate area should materialize. V I LEGISLATION 1. Councilman Wray moved the minutes of the Planning Commission February 9, 1976 meeting be accepted and placed on file as read by Mayor Olson. Councilman Ross seconded the motion and it carri ed. Johnie S. Key's letter to the Council, dated February 12, 1976, requesting annexation of Vista Meadows to the City of Port Angeles was read by Mayor Olson. Councilman Wray then moved that Johnie Key's annexation request be referred to the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and passed by the Council. Vista Meadows is located near Pearson Road and Mount Angeles Road. Mayor 01 son next introduced Agenda Item Number 3, "I tinerant Merchants Ordinance (tabled 1/20/76); City. Manager memo re: Business Licenses." Manager Whorton then reviewed the pro- blems the City experiences with itinerant merchants and discussed with the Council and Attorney Taylor the purpose for the proposed itinerant merchant ordinance and accompanying proposal to license all local merchants. The discussion concluded with a decision by the Council that this subject remain on the table and be referred to a work session. .-l The next item the Council took under consideration was the Clallam County Committee on Fisheries' proposal to construct a small picnic area near the Elwha Salmon Rearing Channel. After Mayor Olson read Committee Chairman S. Goerz's letter dated February 6, 1976 in which the Committee request Council permission to proceed with the project as described in their letter, the Council discussed the details of the proposed project with Mr. Goerz. The discussion brought to light certain legal aspects of the proposal and areas of respon- sibility which require clarification prior to any Council decision on this matter. Councilman Anderson then moved this subject be tabled. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and passed by the Council. 5. Mayor Olson next introduced and opened for discussion the "Port Angeles Water Supply" matter. Items currently before the Council for their consideration were Manager Whorton's recommendation report concerning the City's water quality problem, a letter from K. J. Merry of D.S.H.S. dated February 2, 1976, Manager Whorton's proposed reply letter to I I City Council Meeting Feoruary 17 i' 1976, VI LEGISLATION 5. Continued. I Mr. Merry, and a D.S.H.S. letter concerning the City's Interstate Carrier Rating as of January 28, 1976. At Mayor Olson's request Manager Whorton reviewed the City's water quality problem to date and indicated that the State Department of Social and Health Services has strongly recommended that the City go to the Elwha River' as a source of water supply as the City's Morse Creek water system fails to meet Federal and State water quality standards. The Council devoted considerable discussion to this subject. Alternatives and possibilities which were discussed at length included the installation of a filter plant on Morse Creek, a Ranney Collector System on the Elwha River in conjunction with the State Department of Fisheries and the financial cooperation of the Lower Elwha Band of Clallam Indian Tribe re the Elwha Proposal. S. Goerz, Chairman of the Clallam County Committee of Fisheries, discussed with the Council the possibility of funds being available from the State Department of Fisheries for the Elwha project and Gerald Charles, Sr., Chairman of the Elwha Indian Band discussed the possibility that funds granted to the Clallam Indian Tribe for fisheries enhancement might be utilized for the Elwha project. Councilman Ross expressed the opinion that the Morse Creek System should not be abandoned at this time and requested the filtration plant alternative be explored further. It was Manager Whorton's recommendation at this point that the Council authorize a request to D.S.H.S. for a one week extension of the February 20, 1976 notifi- cation date to allow time for the exploration of the filtration plant alternative and the discussed financial proposals and that a work session be scheduled to discuss the findings. The Council authorized Manager Whorton to request a one week extension from D.S.H.S. and a work session was scheduled for Tuesday, February 24, 1976 at.7:30 P.M. Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the Park and Beautification Board January 15, 1976 meeting be accepted and placed on file. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and passed by the Council. The Council passed over for delayed consideration appoint- ments to the Board of Adjustment, Park Board, Planning Commission and Civil Service Commission. One or more members on each of these designated Boards and Commissions term of office expires on March 1, 1976. I 6. 7. 8. Councilman Hordyk moved the Clallam County Humane Society January 1976 Report be accepted and placed on file. The moti on was seconded by Council man Anderson and carri ed, ;1 9. At Councilman Wray's recommendation, the Council took under consideration and discussed an increase in the rate for parking violations from $0.50 to $1.00. The rates have not been increased since June 9, 1949. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council authorize an increase in parking violates rates from $0.50 to $1.00. Councilman Wray seconded the motion and it carried wih Councilman Ross voting "NO." An Ordinance will be presented at the next Council meeting to effect the rate change. 10. Manager Whorton reported to the Council concerning the possibility that Port Angeles may be deleted from the ser- vice schedule of the British Columbia ferry, the Princess Marguerite and recommended the Council authorize a letter to the British Columbia Transport Minister requesting Port Angeles remain on the Princess Marguerite"ferry schedule. Councilman Ross then moved the Council direct Manager Whorton to write subject letter. The motion was seconded by Council- man Hordyk and passed by the Council. 81 82 City Council Meeting February 17" 1976 VII STAFF REPORTS 1. A motion was made by Councilman Anderson, seconded by Councilman Wray and carried to accept and place on file the following January Staff Reports: Light and Water, Fire, Municipal Judge, Police and Utilities. 2. Mayor Olson: Welcomed D. Flodstrom Public Works Director. I 3. Councilman Ross: Encouraged Planning Commission members G. Young and D. Feeley, whose terms of office expire . March 1, 1976, to consent to serve another term as the Com- prehensive Plan is progressing very satisfactorily; recommended the review of City policies re servicing areas external to City boundaries with the intent of the possible generation of revenues. 4. Councilman Hordyk: Requested progress report on annexation of the Plaza; the factors causing the delay were discussed. Requested Attorney Taylor review Internal Revenue Code, Chapter 21, Sec. 3102 (b) re: employer responsibility re- lating to O.A.S. I. withholding. Recommended exploration of I possibility of leveling of 16th and "I" filled gravel pit for use as parking area for the Fair; reported private citizen dumping garbage at 15th and "I" Streets. 5. Councilman Wray: 6. Councilman Anderson: Inquired whether Front Street Parking Lot Bathroom is functioning properly. 7. Manager Whorton: Reported a Local 1619 Personnel Committee has been established to work with Management. 8. Attorney Taylor: Reported a Court of Appeals decision re L.I.D. No. 197 assess- ment suit against the City by Cammack forthcoming in approximately 6 weeks; the Burrowes watershed easement lawsuit trial is scheduled for Thursday, February 19, 1976 - the City has re- quested a summary judgment to dismiss Port Angeles from i nvol vement on the premi se that I City property cannot be COn- demned - a decision is expected .' on Friday, February 20, 1976. VIII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. ~ L? ;;2h/.~L City Clerk ~ ~--r~ Mayor '