HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/17/1981 I I I v VI 39 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 17, 1981 I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor,Haguewood at 7:05 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Headrick. J. Pittis, P. Carr, D. Frizzell, R. Orton, L. Cosens, R. French, A. Rose, M. Cleland, K. Rodocker, D. Camporini, G. Booth, F. Fischer. Public Present: M. Lemon, W, Hatch, E. Tinkham, H. Berglund, B. Sage, J.Hodge, H. Pollard. III MINUTES Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the January 29, 1981 special meeting, the February 3, 1981 regular meeting, and the February ,4, 1981 special meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. IV ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON, ,THE AGENDA Mr. Harry Pollard, 1122 W. Lauridsen Boulevard, addressed the Council on behalf of several residents of the Fairmount/Hazel Street area, to protest the approv- al of a conditional use permit to Clallam County Hostelries, and request the Council reconsider their decision of February 3, 1981. Mr. Pollard outlined the reasons behind this protest and pointed out that several property owners did not have an opportunity to speak on this matter at the February 3rd meeting. (A public hearing was held on this matter at the January 20, 1981 regular Council meeting; there were no comments from the audience at that time and the public hearing was closed. The matter was then tabled to the February 3, 1981 meeting, with subsequent discussion and approval by the Council.) Attorney Miller advised the Council that they have the power to reconsider any of their actions and outlined the procedures for a motion to ,reconsider. However, Clallam County Hostelries has, since the approval of the CUP, taken certain steps in regard to purchase of the property for their group home, and recon- sideration at this time could expose the Council to some financial liability. The discussion concluded with Planner Carr explaining the procedures and authority surrounding conditional use permits, and Councilman Quast explaining the procedures for public hearings. ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Mayor Haguewood introduced Mr. Jim Hodge to the Council and audience. Mr. Hodge is the Vice-President of the Northern Tier Pipeline Company and is in Port Angeles for the EFSEC hearings. LEGISLATION 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Rezone Request: Austin Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Mr. Austin's rezone request. There were no comments from the audience or.staff and Councilman Buck moved the Council continue this public hearing to the March 3, 1981 Council meeting, as per staff's recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 40 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 17, 1981 VI LEGISLATION 1. Cont. B. Transportation Impacts: Northern Tier Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the City's position paper on Transportation Impacts and requested co~ents or questions from the audience. Public Works Director Pittis then briefly reviewed the language changes in this position paper, pointing out a major change in 1-. the definition of "construction period" in Section III C as follows: ". . The construction. period is defined as from the time the construc- tion contractor is notified to co~ence physical operations by Northern Tier or Northern Tier's agent to the time all construction contractors have notified Northern Tier or Northern Tier's agent that their physi- cal work is completed. The burden of giving such notice and approving such absence of work shall be upon Northern Tier." Ms. Hattie Berglund then addressed the Council to question if Northern Tier's Seal of the Corporation if affixed to all of the City/Northern Tier stipulations. Ms. Berglund also requested Council reconsideration of the entire Transportation Impacts position paper and suggested several changes which she felt could be made to the paper. Following Manager Flodstrom's comments supporting this position paper, the public hearing was closed. Councilman Hordyk then moved for the acceptance and final adoption of the City's position paper on Transportation Impacts. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. During discussion on the motion, Attorney Miller commented on several points raised by Ms. Berglund, and Council- man Duncan and Manager Flodstrom discussed whether the City/Northern Tier stipulations should (or do) include severance and succession clauses. On call for the questionr the motion passed unanimously. 2. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES None. I 3. ORDINANCE: TELECABLE RATE INCREASE Mayor Haguewood introduced and'rea'd by title Ordinance No. 2127 entitled, Ordinance No. 2127 AN .ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles fixing a new maximum rate schedule to be charged by Port Angeles Telecable, Inc., pursuant to a franchise granted to it by the City of Port Angeles, amending Section 14 of Ordinance No. 1799, Ordinance No. 1818, 1870 and 1896. Councilman Quast moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "NO." 4. RESOLUTION: STREET VACATION HEARING DATE: SIEBEL Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 1-81 entitled, ~a~.so o~l":~l'1i("'4~~ al~~o~ ~5~ .E]~o!:~ '!!~Zao "02 15 of >-- U c::t_ Cl-:iu"~;; ;c:~ic: zO c .. ~..!o ,..:'& -=" __. ~ . ~! ;$l~SI ~io~ .o~~~ It;~~~ ~8~ ~i~i~o~ ~ ol~ ~J=l~ 0 0 ._~i:__i;;;1 c ...i"';~looiiiQ, io5.o w.uu. -=iII'i .gc_ 2~';: g_-:& .!-..~~ !" ,"0"&-:':;- ~1i5S!~;-&(O)8 ~JElo.i, ol&loita.E~1!~~ 5 -a:2~ ur~~ ~Et-~' I ~z;-~~'r .!.f~~~~~' ~.O-l6 ~~ J!!~~.~..g .1;a:- .E-~'" -52Uai ~ O"i"OQII)..I: &. _c> - >., . Q! ~o.....yGl...c.->- ~v>- .l:.g' ~.Q'"i 'E2e':~ ~,~'Q.i=r;a-=,- .-.: o.~.o.-g a~05 "">0- .~4i-~~c ~..go- A'o..e::l 0 '-,,~~ c.! 5~-v).- a~i 0 :)"'DfJiL C Ck,- zm ,,~ "lJ C --. C"oi~- 2, _:: E 11. ~:::"5 :30;-<.g, a.~ ~~., g~~ i Eii"'~ ij~.e ~ " :)! .~....~61LU~ c~] Cj~! ~ c "U.~~g-~ 5i 0 ~~ vl~ a ,~~=.~ f:- ~ 9i:i. ~.j:o o~.c ~ :.:.ffi S .i ~.1j: ~~~..g ., c~ -~.~ i ~ .:-~ i:o~t:lu'~.g .;.: g ~~ ~ olution as read "'''' ,__OM:<~~.c -".c~-~:<".c-- -On \)~e1!c- Ce~ C"'D~:t< D_~_. 1 . ':iD:~'~I'~=a~o~~j~:]j~j~~8::'~]1~Zmu.oz~iiEg6<'~j].~~;i~G(L1~ <!!<8:3~ 'of April 7,1981 \. "'o.&::>..c:..., Eo.J.;u.oQ.U 0..0"::0.,> a:: -< ..cU ..._..c ..c_Q.OCl: __ c; ~ . .~ _~..~~u=~.__ __ "'__oS J'=-=--"-- ., ~~-~~~.~-_.'._-......;..,",~~v the Plann~ng Commission for a recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. I 40 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 17, 1981 VI LEGISLATION 1. Cont. B. Transportation Impaots: Northern Tier Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the City's position paper on Transportation Impacts and requested comments or questions from the audience. Public works Director pittis then briefly reviewed the language changes in this position paper, pointing out a major change in I the definition of "construction period" in Section III C as follows: ". . The construction period is defined as from the time the construc- , - tion contractor is notified to commence physical operations by Northern Tier or Northern Tier's agent to the time all construction contractors have notified Northern Tier or Northern Tier's agent that their physi- cal work is completed. The burden of giving such notice and approving such absence of work shall be upon Northern Tier." Ms. Hattie Berglund then addressed the Council to question if Northern Tier's Seal of the Corporation if affixed to all of the City/Northern Tier stipulations. Ms. Berglund also requested Council reconsideration of the entire Transportation Impacts position paper and suggested several changes which she felt could be made to the paper. Following Manager Flodstrom's comments supporting this position paper, the public hearing was closed. councilman Hordyk then moved for the acceptance and final adoption of the City's position paper on Transportation Impacts. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. During discussion on the motion, Attorney Miller commented on several points raised by Ms. Berglund, and Council- man Duncan and Manager Flodstrom discussed whether the City/Northern Tier stipulations should (or do) include severance and succession clauses. On call for the question, the motion passed unanimously. 2. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES I None. 3. ORDINANCE: TELECABLE RATE INCREASE Mayor Haguewood introduced and 'read by title Ordinance No. 2127 entitled, Ordinance No. 2127 AN .ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles fixing a new maximum rate schedule to be charged by Port Angeles Telecable, Inc., pursuant to a franchise granted to it by the City of Port Angeles, amending Section 14 of Ordinance No. 1799, Ordinance No. 1818, 1870 and 1896. Councilman Quast moved the council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "NO." 4. RESOLUTION: STREET VACATION HEARING DATE: SIEBEL Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 1-81 entitled, Resolution No. 1-81 I A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of the south half of Water Street, west of Jones Street. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public, hearing date of April 7, 1981 for consideration of this petition, and refer the matter to the Planning Commission for a recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman polhamus and carried. I I ,I CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 17, 1981 41 VI LEGISLATION 5. ORDINANCE: LANDFILL RATES Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2128 entitled, Ordinance No. 2128 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing fees and charges for the'Munic{pal Sanitary Landfill, prohibiting the dumping of junked or wrecked auto- motive vehicles at the Landfill, amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1862 and Section 8.32.020 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1862 and Section 8.32.030 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, and adding a new section to Chapter 8.32 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Hordyk and Police Chief Cleland discussed where junked vehicles would go if not allowed at the Landfill, and Councilmen Quast and Duncan passed on comments from concerned citizens regarding the exclussion of City residents from paying landfill fees, pay- ment for landfill use by County residents, and the two-can Solid Waste rate. On call for the question, the motion was passed unanimously by the council. 6. ORDINANCE: UPDATED CRIMINAL CODE Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2129 entitled, Ordinance No. '2129 AN ORDINANCE of the Cityof'port Angeles, creating Title 9 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code as a criminal code, defining specific criminal offenses, prescribing penalties, and repealing ordinances 155; 158; 168; 485; 600; 611; Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7r 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, IS, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46, 47, 48,,49, 51, 56, and 58 of Section I, Ordinance 673; Paragraphs I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, IS, and 16 of Section 2 of Ordinance 673; Section 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, and 35 of Ordinance 673; Ordinance No. 779; 971; 980; 1000; 1178; 1204; 1313; 1391; 1489; 1506; 1522; 1602; 1619; 1675; 1676; 1691; 1699; 1716; 1718; 1970; 2007 and 2085. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by ,Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried unanimously. 7. ORDINANCE: POLICE DEPARTMENT SERVICE FEES Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2130 entitled, Ordinance No. 2130 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing the authority of the Port Angeles Police Department to charge fees for services and permits, providing a procedure for establishment of such fees and adding a section to Chapter 2.20 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried unanimously. 42' CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 17, 1981 VI LEGISLATION 8. RESOLUTION: POLICE SERVICE FEE SCHEDULE Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 2-81 entitled, Resolution Nq.-2-8l ,A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles approving fees and charges for the Police Department; I Councilman Buck moved the title by Mayor Haguewood. carried unanimously. Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read.by The motion was seconded by ~ouncilman Hordyk and 9. RESOLUTION: WEATHERIZATION LOAN AGREEMENTS Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 3-81 entitled, Resolution No. 3-81 A RESOLUTION of the City' Council of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the City Light Director, the City Light Power Manager. or the City Manager to sign contracts between contractors, the City, and consumers, for implementation of the City/ Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization Program. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast. During discussion on the motion, Power Manager Greg Booth and Councilman Quast discussed the number of residents who have signed up for the Weather- ization program thus far (approximately 500), the number of homes which I' - have been analyzed, and how home buyers can detect urea-formaldehyde insulation in a home. On call for the question, the motion passed unani- mously. 10. DESIGN CONSULTANT: VERN BURTON MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTER During the February 4, 1981 special Council meeting, the Council inter- viewed three consulting firms for design of the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center renovation - Makers, O.R.B. and B.J.S.S. During this meeting the Council, Manager Flodstrom and Parks Director Frizzell discussed the presentation made by each firm and whether the Council wants a recreational facility, a convention facility, or both (if possible). After a lengthy discussion on this question, Councilman Buck moved the Council invite all three consulting firms back to Port Angeles so that the Council could get additional information on what type of facility would be best for the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center and the feasi- bility of a recreation/convention facility. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried. Manager Flodstrom will make the arrangements for the interviews. 11. BPA CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Power Manager Greg Booth concerning a change to Exhibit "D" of the Wholesale Power Contract the City currently 1-' has with the Bonneville Power Administration. This contract, executed in June 1975, provides for power to be delivered at three delivery points to the City. The three points of delivery serve the City distribution system and the two large industries separately. Staff is planning to open nego- tiations with BPA in an attempt to change Exhibit "0" from three points of delivery to one. Having one contractural delivery point should save the Electric Fund approximately $500,000 this year in wholesale power costs, with greater savings in future years as load grows and wholesale power costs increase. CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 17, 1981 43,: VI LEGISLATION 11. Cont. I During discussion on this proposal, Power Manager Booth explained the proposed change of delivery points in more detail. He pointed out that no physical changes to the system, other than minor metering work, will be necessary. The Council, Mr. Booth and Chief Engineer Richard French then discussed the costs saved by the City if an amendment to Exhibit "n" is successful and the possibility of restricting the mills to start their large motors only at certain hours.. There was no Council action taken on this agenda item. The Council agreed with Mr. Booth's proposal and authorized staff to open negotiations with BPA; if BPA approves the amendment to Exhibit "D" Council approval will be required. 12. JAMES FRAIOLI PROPERTY During the February 3, 1981 regular Council meeting, the Council considered a letter from Mr. James Fraioli offering the City the right of first refusal on his property located in the Morse Creek watershed area. The matter was continued until the Council had received additional information on the location of Mr. Fraioli's property in relation to the City's property. During this meeting, Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Manager Flodstrom with his recommendation not to exercise the City's option to purchase Mr. Fraioli's property because: (1) the City has several pieces of property which will better support possible future hydro sites; (2) the City does not have the required funds (Mr. Fraioli was offered $460,000) and (3) the City can place conditions on the property which protects the water quality of Morse Creek. I Councilman Duncan then moved that Mr. Fraioli be informed that the City does not wish to exercise its option to purchase his property in the Morse Creek Watershed area. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. 13. LETTER TO TRANS-MOUNTAIN HE NEGOTIATIONS Mayor Haguewood referred to a letter to Ken Hall, President of the Trans- Mountain oil Pipe Line Corporation, inviting Trans-Mountain to begin nego- tiations with the City on measures to mitigate adverse environmental and economic effects on the Trans-Mountain project on the City. The letter states in part that ". . . The City believes that economic factors may favor your project over that of Northern Tier. Therefore, in order to perform its duties to its citizens, the City should take those steps necessary to protect its citizens and its interests, should your project become a reality. One of those steps is to negotiate with your company for agreements to mitigate the anticipated effects." Councilman Buck then moved the Council authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign the letter to Ken Hall, President of the Trans-Mountain oil Pipe Line Corporation, inviting Trans-Mountain to begin negotiations with the City. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried unanimously. 14. CHANGE TO ENDOWMENT CARE ORDINANCE I Finance Director Orton briefly outlined his proposal to discontinue con- tributing funds to the City's "Endowment" or Perpetual Care Cemetery Fund. This fund, Mr. Orton explained, was established in 1953 and has been in- creased through deposits equivalent to 50% of the sales of cemetery lots, parcels, etc. The operation of the fund is quite simple: the principal is irreducible and is supposed to grow to such an amount that the future interest earnings of the fund provide sufficient revenue to maintain the cemetery grounds once they are full to capacity. However, it is Finance Director Orton's opinion that the current fund balance, if left invested at compound interest, will itself grow to the margin necessary to maintain the grounds, once the cemetery is closed. The current fund balance is now $93r350. If this amount were left to accrue at an average rate of 8%, the principal would grow to $18,900,000 by the 69th year (the average capacity life of the cemetery]. 44 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 17, 1981 VI LEGISLATION 14. Cont. Councilman Buck then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of Finance Director Orton and discontinue contributing lot sales proceeds to the Endowment ,Fund, and amend the Endowment Care Ordinance to require periodic analysis of ,the' Fund to insure that sustained earnings are being generated. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. 15. REFINANCING OF GENERAL FUND LOANS' I Mayor Haguewood referred to a memorandum from Finance Director Orton recommending the General Fund loans to Solid Waste and Equipment Rental be re-financed as follows: (A) Solid Waste - sell the outstanding note to the L.I.D. Guaranty Fund at a rate of 10% per annum, and adjust the loan term so that debt service payments do not impact the current budget; (B) Equip- ment Rental - sell this note to the Firemen's Pension Fund at 10% and adjust payment schedules accordingly. The advantage of these measures is that they increase usable cash to the General Fund by $182,000, Councilman Duncan then moved the Council authorize Finance Director Orton to draft a Resolution re-financing the Solid waste and Equipment Rental loans as outlined above. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 16. CHANGE IN METER READING PROCEDURE Mayor Haguewood referred to a memorandum from Manager Flodstrom proposing a change in the City's meter reading procedures. Currently the City has two full-time meter readers reading all utility meters monthly. To reduce the cost of reading these meters, Manager Flodstrom is proposing that the City use only one meter reader who will read all meters on a bi-monthly basis. In order to avoid two months' accumulation of large utility bills, Manager Flodstrom proposes to continue billing each month; one bill based 1-' on an estimated meter reading, the following month's bill based on an actual meter reading. The estimated annual savings in the first year (1981) are $18,000 and approximately $30,000 annually thereafter. Councilman Buck then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of Manager Flodstrom, and authorize the aforementioned changes in the meter reading procedures. The motion was seconded by councilman Hordyk and carried. 17. RENEWAL OF PEA PATCH AGREEMENT Councilman Duncan moved the Council authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign the renewal of the Pea Patch Lease Agreement between the City and the North Olympic Villagers' Association. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 18. SALE/TRADE PROPERTY: G. ROBINSON During the January 20, 1981 regular Council meeting, the Council received an offer from Mr. Gene Robinson to sell some' property to the City or trade his property for city prbperty. The property Mr. Robinson is offering is located on the south side of Marine Drive just west of Hill Street. Mr. Robinson's offer was referred to the Real Estate Committee for a recom- mendation. At this meeting Councilman Quast briefly reported on the Real Estate Com- I mittee's findings and discussed with Parks Director Frizzell whether this property could be used in conjunction with the waterfront Trail. Council- '-, man Quast then moved the Council authorize staff to negotiate the price of this property with Mr. Robinson, The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. Manager Flodstrom will also discuss a possible prop- erty tra:de with Mr. Robinson. CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 17, 1981 45, VI LEGISLATION 19. SELECTION PROCESS FOR CITY BOARDS & COMMISSIONS I Mayor Haguewood read Manager Flodstrom's proposed steps for selection of City Board and Commission members as follows: (1) vacancy occurs - resigna- tion received by board or commission and forwarded to the City Council; (2) City Council accepts resignation; (3) City Council sets the following selection process 'in motion: (a] identify desirable candidate qualifica- tions (optional); (b) instruct City Manager to develop, circulate and publish notice of vacancy; (c) notification of vacancy to appear at least twice weekly ,or two consecutive weeks in the Daily News and in two con- secutive issues of the Chronicle; (d) letters of interest are to be sub~ mitted to all members of the City Council at the first meeting after the application closing date; (e) City Council reviews the applications and schedules for interviews; (f) candidates are interviewed (in open public session); (g) at the next regular meeting the City Council shall, either with or without prior executive session, cast written ballots to select a candidate to fill the vacant' position; (h] only the name of the candidate receiving a majority of the votes cast will be read and appointed; and (i) the City Manager will be directed to provide written notice of appointment and provide introductory information to the candidate. During discussion on the proposed selection procedure, the Council con- curred that an option should be added which provides that the #2 candidate for a previous board or commission appointment be considered for the posi- tion prior to calling for applications (i.e. Mr. James Hulett, who was the #2 candidate for the recent Planning Commission position, will be considered first if another vacancy in the Planning Commission occurs, prior to calling for applications), The Council and Manager Flodstrom also discussed whether the Council should specify special candidate qualifications and how the board and commission vacancies are advertised. I Councilman Buck then moved the Council adopt Manager Flodstrom's proposed selection procedures for City board and commission vacancies, as amended. The motion was seconded by councilman Polhamus and carried. 20. RESIGNATION FROM NORTH OLYMPIC LIBRARY BOARD. C. WALRATH Mayor Haguewood referred to a letter from C. T. Walrath, dated February 4, 1981, submitting his resignation from the Board of Directors of the North Olympic Library System due to schedule conflicts. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept Mr. Walrath's resignation with regret and instruct Manager F1odstrom to write a letter of thanks to Mr. Walrath for his service on the Board. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. Manager Flodstrom will initiate the procedures to fill this vacancy. 01 Legal Notices ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA ~ , ;.:) VII None, 8040 NOTICE OF CAll FOR BIOS City of Port Angeles. Light Department th~OT~;:,e:; ~i~seb~i1tv:~! . received by t"e City Clerk. \ . City of Port Angeles, 140 , West Front Street, P. O. Box '1 d k d th C '1 d th b'd f j 1150 Port Angeles, CounCl man Hor y mOve e ouneJ. awar e.l or Washington 98362, 'Until 2:00 ,r poles for the Light Department to the low bidder, But,' p,m, WEDNESDAY, February I, d h' b'd f '$13 790 09 h' 11, 1981, and that th. CltY-b Plwnmer, I a 0, wlth a total l 0 , ' . Tell, will rejed all bid, received I y Councilman Duncan and carried. Other bidders included alter the scheduled <io,ing hy $ ~ time and dote. 1"9 bids will $14,190.23; Niedermeyer-Martin Company 16,602,36; an be opened publicly ot that Company $16,342.56. I time far tumishing the I" following equipment and/or materilJl: CONSENT AGENDA Two load, of elass:\, butt, .reated western red cedar, conforming to the 10tal ASA li ste "specifications in the following of $l~ SiZ:~~roXimately80'40foot ' Delivery of approximately 40-40 foot poles immediately De'ivery of approximotely .40-40 foot poles on approx. ~~~y ~~~c~~~~tions may be obtained from the light ! Department office at 240 West Front Street, Port Angeles, Washington. 98362: A certified check or bId bond for 5 percent of the amo,",nt of ttle bid shall ac- company each b~d. All bids are to include delivery F.O.B. Port Angeles, Was"illgton. Bids will be opened and tabulated for the City Coun~a for consideration by Said Council in session TlJe~day. February 17, 1981. Tt1e Council reserves the right to consider deli~ery time and to accept or to relect any or 011 bids or any part t"~~~~nit price sholl prevoil and the City reserves the ~~gn~~onl~ o~o):~~op~~Y soi:~ tax-&S. Pub. Jon. 30, f~b. 6, 1981. 1. AWARD OF CEDAR POLE BIDS VIII FINANCE I IX Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items Agenda including Vouchers of $200,183.43' and Payroll motion was seccnded by C0uncilman Buck and carried.. I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 17, 1981 45, VI LEGISLATION 19. SELECTION PROCESS FOR CITY BOARDS & COMMISSIONS VII Mayor Haguewood read Manager Flodstrom's proposed steps for selection of City Board and Commission members as follows: (1) vacancy occurs - resigna- tion received by board or commission and forwarded to the City Council; (2) City Council accepts resignation; (3) City Council sets the following selection process in motion: (a) identify desirable candidate qualifica- tions (optional); (b) instruct City Manager to develop, circulate and publish notice of vacancy; (c) notification of vacancy to appear at least twice weekly ~or two consecutive weeks in the Daily News and in two con- secutive issues of the Chroniclei (d) letters of interest are to be sub- mitted to all members of the City Council at the first meeting after the application closing date; (e) City Council reviews the applications and schedules for interviewsi (E] candidates are interviewed (in open public session)j (g) at the next regular meeting the City Council shall, either with or without prior executive session, cast written ballots to select a candidate to fill the vacant position; (h) only the nt:,oI SIlWOIlJ. pUll S3[a8QVlJo'J receiving a majority of the votes cast will be read aius UUV ,(Jew JO uos 'S3[a8u\) the City Manager will be directed to provide written IJO l{l!WS s!oueJ,oI SllWOljjt and provide introductory information to the candidate~!mMaaualIAOUIlN 'J"1q8R11j 10 luawa8e8ua aql aounouu\ ,iIV lJOd }O llloq 'SWIl!ll~ During discussion on the proposed selection procedureA1 pUll Pun1 'f A[JaAagl' curred that an option should be added which provides.,e for a previous board or commission appointment be con SO(B,~&\-qJJDm~- tion prior to calling for applications (i.e. Mr. Jame Ie #2 candidate for the recent Planning commission posit 'd!lSH~Mlllqo.m~red first if another vacancy in the Planning commission oO'J. JO APB1 .m0 III lill!Ppa~ing for applications). The Council and Manager FlodstromJdy UIl UIlld 3[dnoo . al/J. ~her . 1 h Id ' f '1 d . d t 1 ' f' I Sl'[JO~ the CounC1 s ou spec~ y speCl.a can J. a e qua 1 ~c?WSOl:llJaqOlI 'SJW pUIl'JW Ji board and commission vacancies are advertised. IUOUlSOl:IlJ3qOH S3Wllf Ol 'UU.J I' J"1II3nllp.IJ3q)}0 luawalill:ruj Councilman Buck then moved the Council adopt Manager aounoUUll """N 'dnsI ~aJ.! selection procedures for City board and commission va!IJ1l'H l[1I1lJ.!I 'sJW pUll 'JW I The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and cal 'otDTB1l-pnO~S01m 20. RESIGNATION FROM NORTH OLYMPIC LIBRARY BOARD. C, WALRj 'S3la~ III awoq III 3Je ajdnoo 31/J. l Mayor Haguewood referred to a letter from C. T. Walrath, i '~ll~d~ 1981, suJ::mitting his resignation from the Board of Direct~"1ad S3Wllf 'SJI'l pUIl'JW J<j Olympic Library System due to schedule conflicts. counciio~u~~Wli3~qa~'S3P~UVe Council accept Mr. Walrath's resignation with regret and lJ"1q8n:al{lu:rap~31/J.:l Flodstrom to write a letter of thanks to Mr. Walrath for ~ 'AUOWaJaOj Board. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus an~uuopad uwnuli~ S~3a Flodstrom will initiate the procedures to fill this vacanctLL 'QlJo.!auaAllil'] III aA:i( sew! lei \J() pa!J.IIlW 3J3.!a '1lajal!uv JO \Uoq 'uaSJ"13d S3UJ1lf' ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA ill pUll UaJAW uuA111pU3Ja I None. n3.1Aw-n3SJ3J3d . "., ""'" '"' ."PIW I FINANCE c=- VIII 1. AWARD OF CEDAR POLE BIDS Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award the bid for purchase of 80 cedar poles for the Light Department to the low bidder, Butcher wood Preserving, Plummerr Idaho, with a total bid of $13,790.09. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. Other bidders included Cascade Pole Company - $14,190.23; Niedermeyer-Martin Company $16,602.36; and J. H. Baxter & Company $16,342.56. IX CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the CounGil accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda including Vouchers of $200,183.43' and Payroll Df $164.842.34. The motion was seccnded by C0uncilman Buck and carried. 46' CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 17, 1981 X LATE ITEMS Manager Flodstrom: Pointed out a memorandum to the Council from Light Director Cosens regardin the City's continued participation in the financing of the WPPSS No. 4 and 5 projects. Mr. Cosens has the ability to bring representa- tives from WPPSS to Port Angeles, to speak to the Council, if the Council wishes to schedule a special meeting or work session. After a brief discussion on whether the City is required to participate in these projects"the Council directed Manager Flodstrom to look into the possibility of a special meeting in March with representatives from WPPSS and perhaps the PUD. Manager Flodstrom reminded the Council of its invitation to attend the North Olympic Health Planning Council's annual dinner, to be held February 26, 1981 at Birney's Restaurant. Manager Flodstrom requested a convenient time for the Real Estate Committee to look at Seattle First National Bank's latest site plan for the Alder Street Branch and the improvements to' Alder Street. The Committee agreed to meet with Manager Flodstrom following the Executive Session. XI STAFF/COUNCIL REPORTS None. XII ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M. to an Executive Session. XIII RETURN TO OPEN SESSION/ADJOURNMENT The meeting returned to open session at 10:30 P.M. and was adjourned. ~ e. gh/~".L. City Clerk ~'fJ~~ , ayor I I I