HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/18/1952 'I ,I 0, , t '!',' 1 I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington FebrUii.ry 18 19~ '"0' . """"" .._ .mo..... '"'"".. "... .... The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A. M., and was called to order by ~or Feeley. Offi~rs present were: }4yor Feeley, Comrr~ssioners Robinson.and Taylor, AttoFney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: ." BUILDING PERMITS: ).~ J04. Albert Beutler ~uild woodshed, Lot 13, Blk. 1, Hart & Cook Subdiv. I A. Roblan Residence, Lot 18, alk. 174, Townsite I Curtis E. Bay Build double garage, Lot 17, Blk. 115, Townsite To~ Meron Build dormer on house, Let 13, Blk. 200, Townsite Paul Waite Remodel and additicn to house en Lot 6, Blk. 151, Townsite I H. W. Delo Build 3 room house, Lot 10, Blk. 427, Townsite W. A. Swanson Build garage, Lot 15, Blk. 73, Townsite John Gonies 5 room house, Lot 17, Blk. 30, Thomas Goodwin Addition ,W. R. Schultz 3 room house, Blook 29, Townsite : II. I LICENSES: 11:>' Red I s Taxi and Black and vlhite Union Cab Co. $ 250.00 5,000.00 950.00 100.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 125.00 50.00 Taxi Operator Taxi Operator Under the head of unfinished business, Ray Faussett and Vern Burton appeared regarding taxi licenses and stands. Mr. Faussett cited Ordinance as providing licensing of cabs in operation and that Red's Taxi and Black and I'<bite was granted license for four cars while orUJr operating three. Mr. Burton '<Iarned that if Krs. Halesky is perrr~teed to use the stand at First and Laurel 3treets, his Attorney will request that the Commission and Police Department show cause why the Union Cab Co. should not have access to the stand as it was being used by Radio Cab Co. when purchased by the Union Cab. Chief Ide informed that according to the Ordinance and in his opinion the Radio Cab license should be abandoned as it had expired last December 31, and was not renewed. The Chief also recommended that each Company be pennitted to use three parking spaces fC!r stands as it was the intention of the I Commission to abandon the stand at First and Laurel. It was moved by ~or Feeley that the recountendation be accepted and approved. Seconded by Comissioner I Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Bids to furnish No. 2/0 Standard Medi1lll1 Hard Drawn vlaterproof wire for the Light Department were received as follows: Demick Electric Supply Co., 39.85 per em., net 30%. F .O.B. Fort Angeles, Delivery in April 1952. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co., 41.25 per em., F .O.B. Port Angeles, Delivery first quarter of ; 1953. General Electric Supply Corp., 37.55 em. F. O.B. Port Angeles, Delivery first quarter 1953. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the bid submitted by Demick Electric Supply Co. be accepted as the best bid due to delivery date. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Bids to furnish lamps during the year beginning February I, were submitted by' Olympic 11.ectric Company, 28% discount Crown Zellerbach Co., 32% discount plus an additional 2% for cash discount by 10th of month following dat e of purchas e. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the bids be referred to the Light Superintendent. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of new business, John Goneis and Lizzie Bruder filed written request that buildings and obstructions be removed from Second Street between Lincoln and Chase Streets. Mr. Geneis informed of intention to construct building on his property. Commiss~~ner Taylor agreed that Mr. Ganeis is entitled to use of the street. Mr. Stevens en, owner of motel cabins, expressed doubt of possibility for access to the Goneis property from Second street, and as long as the City has no use for the Street, the same is not obstructed until ordered unobstructed for access by the City. It was moved by Cemmissioner Taylor that Vd'. Stevensen be infonned of request to remove buildings from the street and that the ~ommission has requested removal of the same. MotiGn seconded by Commiss ioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Attorney Trumbull advised that it is the duty of the City to remove obstructions if abutting property owners want to use the street. The Treasurer informed in writing that the thirty day perhd for collection of assessments on L.1.D. No. 159 has elapsed and requested that warrants be issued for balance of contract instell.d of bonds. To the Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Port Angeles, Washington Gentl~men : For the purpose of issuing bonds against Local Improvement District No. 159 c..vering curb and gutters on East Tenth Street, the result of collecti,ms under 30 day notice is hereby set forth: Warrant No. 1 dated 10/15/51 , No. 2 dated 11/26/51 Total issued to contractor $3,133.58 ~ $3,594.14 ~ $2,355.70 Cash paid on 30 day notice Bonds to be issued for balance Bends hr above amount will be issued upon the passage of ordinance authorizing same. Respectfully, Elsie M. Stahl Ci ty Treasurer 227 ., ~ 228 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 18 19~ n", . ""om om" """no, .",.... "''' .... I It was moved by CQmmissioner Robinson that the letter b~ filed and by CGmmissiener Taylor. All veted Aye. Motion carried. The Treasurer also informed regarding depGsitories for City monies warrants issued as requested. Seconded for the current year as follows: T" the Honorable Mayor and City C<>lllffiissien, Pert Angeles, Washington Gentlemen: As required by statutes governing, I hereby designate the First National Eank and the Olympic State Bank, both of this city as depositories for all city mQnies for the year 1952, subject to your approval. Respectfully, Elsie M. Stahl City Treasurer It was Illoved by CGmmissioner Robinson that the depositories be approved and letter filed. Sedonded by Commissi.mer Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. RecoImnendation fJ;'Om W,.J.ter Akeley Post NG. 29, requesting that a fourth member be appointed to the Civil Defense Committee from the Forks area, was ordered filed. The Cemmission discussed a lease between the City ~nd Port of Port AllSeles, concerning a portion of Lincoln Park. LEASE THIS LEASE made and entered intG this 1ill:h day of' February, 1952, by and betl<een the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, Clallam County, \vashington, a municipal corporation, hereinafter termed the Lessor, and the PORT OF PORT ANGELES, a municipal corporation, hereinafter termed the Lessee, WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS, by Lease, dated the lst day of May, 194$, the Lessor leased the hereinafter described premises to CLALLAM COUNTY to be used 1>'J said County in connectien with the operation of its air- port; and WHEREAS, CLALLAM COUNTY had now deeded all of its airport properties and conveyed all personal property and equipment used in connection with said airport to the pmT OF PORT ANGELES, and said PORT OF PORT ,ANGELES,has assumed the operation of said airport, and .the requirements of the Civil Aeronautics Auth- ority of the United States relating to thc operation of said airport al)d is now the owner and operator of sUd airport; and , WHEREAS, it is necessary for the protection of .airplanes using said airport that glide lines on the Easterly end of the runways of said airport be provided; NOVl THEREFORE, in consideration of the public interest and the interest of these respective municipalities in exercising the pol<ers and authorities granted by the .Laws of 1945, Chapter 182, known as "The Revised Airports Act", the Lessor does hereby grant, lease and demise unto the Lessee) all of the following described property situated in Clallam County, Wash;.ngton, to wit: All that portion: ef Lots One Hundred Fifty- ene (151), One Hundred Fifty-two L152), One Hundred Seventeen (117) and' One Hundred Eighteen (118) of Suburban Lots, Townsite of Port Angeles, lying and being West of a line ten (10) feet East of, and parallel to, those certain light and power transmission poles as presently constructed and installed on s.aid property. the same to be used by the Lessee solely for the operation of its airport lying i~edi~tely West of said property, and for such actin ties as are customarily associated in the said operation. The term of this Lease shall be indefinite and subject to cancellation only upon written notice thereof to the other party, the same to be delivered to the other party ninety (90) days in advance of the effective date of said cancellation. The Lessee shall have ,the right, during the existence of this Lease, to make alterations, additions, attach fixtures, and erect structures or signs in or upon the premises hereby leased, which fixtures., additions or structures so placed in and upon or attached to the said premises shall be and remain the property of teh Lessee and may be re~oved therefrom by the Lessee prior to the termination of this Lease. It is understood by the Lessee that some or all of the property herein described was granted the Lessor by the United States Government for park purposes, and the Lessee shall not unnecessarily interfere 'with or detract from the said purpose, and the Lessor does hereby reserve unto itself and to the public Isuch rights to the, and use of, said premises for park purposes, as will not interfere with the purpose for Iwhich this Lease is granted. DATED this 18th day of ~bruarv, 1952. CITY OF PORT ANGELES. Lessor I I , I I ~ Attest: I IJ. E. Law ICity Clerk Frank A. Feeley Mayor Approved as to form: John T. Trumbull City Attorney I I I' .A I I I '1 "C- I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February IB 19~_ ".. " ...... .'m'.",,, '. .....,.. ..... .... Approved as to description: Herman Ahlvers City Engineer ST ATE OF WASHINGTON ) :) SS ) County of Clallam Before the undersigned, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and sworn, this day appeared FRANK A. FEELEY and J. 'E. LAW, to me known to be the l''''Yor and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Port Angeles, and acknowledged to me that they were authorized to, and did, oxecute the foregoing instrument in their official capaciti.es for and on behalf of the City of Port Angeles, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. . GIVEN under my hand and official seal this 20th day of February. 1952. J. Lyle Beam Notary Public in and for the State cf Washineton, residing at Port Angeles. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor tha the agreement be approved and properly signed. Seconded by Cormnissioner Robinson, All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of introduction of Resolutions, the following was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. j WHEREAS, many of the main traveled arterial streets in the City of Port Angeles are geeatly in lneed of paving in order to properly handle the traffic using the same, and in order to reroute heavy truck traffic away frem the business section of the City; and WHEaEAs, it is necessary to provide storm or surface water drainage for said streets.before the same are paved; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that a concrete culvert and fill be constructed and made on Eighth Street between Eunice and Francis Streets in order to properly take care of the traffic on sa id Eighth Street; and WHEREAS, in order to pay part of the cost of the construction and installation of said improvements, it is deemed neCessaFJ' that the City issue and sell its General Obligation Bonds, pSyable by unlimited tax levies in the principal sum of not to exceed $400,00J.00; and . \.IHJi1tEAS, the Constitution and statutes of the State of 1,ashington require that -the question of whether or not such bonds shall be issued to provide funds for such purpose must be submitted to the qualified' electors of the City for their ratification or rejection; and vmEREAS, such condition of such streets has become so accute that in m~ instances such streets are uns afe for public Gravel and the same cannot be pennanently or satisfactorily restored and repaired otherwise than by permanent paving and surfacing; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CDMlUSSION OF THE CITY PF PORT ANGELES that by reason of the facts above stated an emergency exists requiring the calling of a special election to determine whether the City of Port Angeles, shall issue and sell its General Obligation Bonds, payable by unlimited annual tax levies in the principal sum of not to exceed $400,000.00 to pay part of the costs of such improvement. BE rr FURTHER RESOLVED that such special election be, and the same is hereby, called for March ll, 1952,' and that at such special election there be submitted to the qualified electors' of the ~ity of tort Angeles the proposition of whether the City shall issue its General Obligation Bon as for such purpcs e substantially as follows: PROPOSITION Shall the City of Fort Angeles, vlasMngton, issue its General Olhligation Bonds in the principal sum of not to exceed $400;000.00 to be payable by annual tax levies without limitation as to rate or amount, to bear interest at a rate not to exceed 6% per annum, and to mature in from two to twenty years from date of is- sue, for the purpose of providing funds to pay part of the cost of improving certain main traveled arterial streets within the City by the installation of storm sewerzr therein and by paving the same, all as more specifically provided in Ordinance No. 1275 of the City of Port Angeles passed and approved February 11, 1952. BONDS, YES ~ CJ BONDS, NO The precincts and polling places for such special election shall be the same and coincide with those adopted and used at the general election of the City of Port Angeles to be held Narch 11, 1952, pursuant to the general election laws of the State of Washington. Such polling places for such special election shall be open from 8:00 A.M. until 8:00 P .N., and the elcction officials to serve at such special election shall be the same as those serving at the general election of the City of Port Angeles to be held at the same time and in coincidence with such special election. Passed by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles this 18th day of February, 1952. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing resolution, with the additt~n of unlimited millage, be approved and adopted. Seconded by ~or Feeley, Commissioner Taylor ;oted opposed. Motion carried. The Clerk sub~~tted a list of unpaid City lioenses which was referred to the Police Chief for collection. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances the following were rea~-by title and placed 229 ., ", ~ ".-- 230 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19~ ,"'" . "".... ,,"'co ".",.... .,.".. ,,", .... on first and second reading: Feb. 18 continued ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE stating the facts of an emergency affecting the public safety, welfare and con- venience of the City ~f Port Angeles; requiring the unforeseen expenditure of funds; prov::llding for the issuance of emergency warrants; and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Kbtion carried. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE or the City of Port Angeles adjusting the wages of certain employees of the electrical distribution system of the City of Port Angeles, amending Ordinance No. 1271, and declaring an e..~ergency. It was moved by Commission~r Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. Seconded b.r Mayor Feeley. Co~miscioner Taylor requested a week for study and consideration and voted opposed. Motion carried. Commissioner Robinson informed regarding a'discrepancy in the water budget through error, the same being an unintentional oversight concerning certain emjOloyees salaries. Commissioner Taylor advised that he has been infonned' correction of the error is poscible and rewested that the Attorney submit legal opinion. It ~ras mo~ed by Commissioner Robinson that the Commi6$ion respect:Cully request the Attorney to obtain information fran the Division of Municipal Corporations regarding certain corrections and adjust- ments in the salary Classification of the current lfater budget. Motion seconded by hayor Feele;.. Motion unanimous~ carried. The Commission examined and approved the followine claims and ordered warrants issued in pa;yment of same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: I" c iff. I"? The Amerioan City Magazine subscription-Commissioner of Streets City Treasurer Water-fire hydrants;lite, water and garbage fire and polic e depts. Auto repair-po lie e Radio tubes-fire Saftern lanterns-fire Publications-fire and miscellaneous Extinguishers-fire Tarps-fire Parts-fire" Pipe and bolts-fire Gas . Payment on extension Pound fees, dog and cat licens es Phone call, box rent Ruddell Olds-Cadillac A. T. Stewart Co. Connie Hewett OJ,ympic Tribune G and W Fire Service Howard Cooper Corp. Schreiner Ghevrole:t Co. Nelson Bquipment Co. City Park Dept. J. C. Romick C. C. Humane Society Emerson G. Lawrence CITY STREET FUND: 'lti.3:l.. eity Treasurer Pun # 1 WATER FUND: (3.:if. Jerry Nelson Agency Clallam Co. Pun No. 1 Palmer Supply Co. Fredericks Ele ctric LIGHT FUND: .:), G, ".sf" Peninsula Fuel Co. Westinghouse Elec. Supply Co. Jerry Nelson Agency Autnmoti'le Farts Co. City Treasurer Olympic Tribune Gen. Elec. Supply Corp. SANITATION FUND: Luvaas Tire Retread CITY PARK FUND: City Treasurer CEMETZRY FUND: City Treasurer LID GENERAL FUND: Ol,ympic Tribune Water Crusher Bond Premium Ele ctric servic e Dies 1.'Tiring Transfer oil Heater Bond Premium Ti re chai ns Cash fo r express Advertis tng l'let ers Tire Light, Water and Gargage . ~rater There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Publications ~.: G ~ ci/:c<fj{:--- ~. -./ ~cZ. /?d:~__.____1 ~~or ~ ...... / I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 231 " February 18 19~ ,.",..'"',."..~....,,~.....,"""'......~ Primar;y Electien of the City ef Port Angeles, Washingten, conduct red February il, 1952, as sh<nm by the canvass ef !leil Beeke. and absentee ballets: I Coll1;pfete Unofficial f{e~uri1s of City Council Primary-.Electi~n :i. : Precinct No. II! 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 1'7 I 8 I 9 1]01111121 ]31141.15116117118 119120 121122 1 23124125126 hiTOr' .EE W. lvor Smith ...................:... .u...1 6511141 511 471 571 871 891 59! 921 581 271 721 851 31 1061100 39 521 32 661 511 511'161 271 311 41bl546 22 iN. Edson Brown ..........................1 701 721 56! 421 391 721 78i 541 921 391 211 631 671,271 941 901 321 47 301 591 351 36 211 20 16 2511297 '13 Paul N. Neer ...........h.................h/ 411 681 451 341 4] I 601 621 381 671 341 141 411 511 32168f71T 311 341 181 46/ 341 331 231 251 131 25/'!!.049 12 1~D.Il1,e~ Lew!s McFa~den ..............1 471 581 381 401 26[441 501 411 6~1 291 171 331 571271 611 621 201 231 191 36/ 301 311191 201 141 161 M~ 10 A, 1. SandIson ...........................1 221 621 351 331 271 5))1 481 311 5,,1 391 ]51 551 441 27! 541 471 231 301 19/ 201 271181 121 231 231 191 8":1 7 I-!.ugh H. Hankins .......................1 481 571 331 ~31 271 571341 361 441 251 191 281 491 241 561 441 211 281 111 371 181 1911.21 121 141 221 808 13 Laurence E. Winter .....................:1 411 701 461 351 2'11 471271 381 351 351 H11 281 391 261 29! 431 241 22! 181 361 301 211 111 151 181 301 807 10 Donald E. I:awson ........................1 361 591..471 421 291 3JlI 38! 181 511 391 71 481 431 331 421 401 32/ 2.~1 181 311 91 19 211 71 141 251 804 9 Jos~ph We Wolfe ..---...................1 271 381 33/ 261 ROI R71 371 2]1 321 331 81 251 34 19 391 30 241 271 181 571 521 44 361 291161 24 796 3 .E, J, "Cavanaugh ....h............___....1 281 331 281 221 191 531 431'211 381 311 201 311 351 231 671 441 211 381 101 331 171 22 131 10 151 251 740 8 Conrad E. Dyar .....:....:..... . ..n..1 681 631 511 471 201331 291 131 271 14[ 81 331 371 171 361 491 20 301 91 261 211 13 171 51. 8 241 718 4 Hugh Macaulay .........."..............1 401 351 311 281 261421 541 331 311 251 61 211 311 171 471 361 111 40 101 421 221 2 I 41 121 91 101 690 7 Margaret E. Powell ......................1 281 32.1 221 201 241 331 391 241 271 261 131 261 291 141 451 4RI 91 231 131 201 181 81 111 71 \II 201 577 6 Lawrence V. Venable..................1 28/ 281 241 361 171 321 311 221 251 6/ 111 191 261 141 271 301 171 201 91 291 151 191 71 14 81 161 530 12 i1110mas W, Owens ..................1 81 161 101 221 191 301 141 81 17 181 51 221 271 20, 581 351 21 181 101 171 161 141 41 171 25 13[.484 6 I Arnold Hirsekorn....h. ...---..... ....I 281 311 171 231 161 251 20! 181 13J 191 61 131 201 31 361 191 141 231 12 231 191 181 ,71 101 171 131 463 6 NQrman E'. Brooks ..........,.............1 211 211 231 311 121 291--251 141 181 111 61 81 221 71 101 311 131 251 261 231 131 191 . 81 9 12 174.4~4 2 Harold Hibbs ,...............................1 191141 151 281 101301 151 111191 171 15/231.201.201..271381141 13/ 121 17/161 6/ 5110 14 6f 434 8 Lislo James Dal'e .........................1 171 161 141 181 ]51 261 281 111 41 191 41 121 111 111 231 311 141 161 81171 321 18 91 121 111 ~l406 2 Ira. M, Bourm ,..........------.........1 9/ 361 261 101 171 33[ 301 01 111 91 51 101 9f 131 151 131 141 161 111 221. 161 161 131 81 191 111 39~ 1 Johu p, Wagner ..........______....___1 81 361 '81 121 121 211 '191 91 151 141 101, 91 121 201 181 121 171 211 61 191 241 121 7 10 91 71 867 5 James R. Fredericks ....h..............1 81 15117[ 201 161 171301 131 191 61 51 71 191 8 201 131 71201 61 111 171 91 6 91 10 91337 MarJ' N. S. Carlson, M.D. ............1 101 211 201 ]21 121 291 141 101 101 I 4[ 151 191 51 ]71 161 10 ]71 3 101 211 131 81 17 81 61 334 3 Jerry J, Capos ............................1 51 33/ 231 111 8/ ]31 21 81' 71 181 101 15/ 141 5/ 101 81 15 91 10) 101 211 111 . 21 111 161 71 321 1 Carrie Putman Larsen ..................1 231 331 271 161 131 161151 13 151 71 81 15 14 81 8, 121 4! 21 31 10110. 7' .41 QI 31 1~1 300 2 WiIliain S, Johnson ...... ....... ......1 51431 161 171 ]31 15[,15131 61 71 41 121 71 5 121 81 81 181 71 151 41 51 41 151 61l5'.:285 4 J. R. WI'''Y ....................... ...... ....I 61 91 111 111 31 ]8f 131 61 101 91 21 131 181 71 91 131 181 13 71 51 211 161 4/ 5 101 131:270 1 Thomas C. Smyth ..........................1 81 91 131 41 151 191 151 31 141 131 51 2120~131 131 61 321 71 10 51 101 518 51 41.266 1 Geo.,:ge R. Kem~hert ....................[ 191 27113f 121 101 1711:11 ]01 31 111 51 121 101 51 81 111 31 71 21 121 . 71 7\ 61 51 31 61 .~4 I Lem, F. SpICer ...................'--1 41 14 101 21 51 91 121 91 201 71 61 41 9/ 71 161 .91 61 191 21 191 121 8 61 111 71 81 '241 2 Osco Raine .............h............:.....\:1 31 751 3! 4 71 201 41 31 51 31 41 51 71 11 6[ .41 171 2/ ]1 81 101 71 31 181 21 181 i!40 3 :Lester H. Mill<1l~ ........................:..:1 201 161 211 71 81 141 71 10! 7! 71 41 91 6/ 61 41 41 5 111 51 141 10 131 6/ 121 71~ 2 Nathan G. Richardson ................1 91 191 71 71 101 181 121 51 51 121 91 161 17 41 221 101 61 121 3! 51 61 31 11 101 5 4! 237 2 Violetta A. Hagaman ..................1 41 61 101 41 51 101 71 21 21 41 3[ 51 9/ 3[ . 51 61 61 101 01 161 141 231. 221 221131 71 218 2 Ge.o~ge A, Todd..........................1 71 121 141 91 11[ 191 61 31 ]41 81 11 121 141 111 61 121 31 4/ 11 171 101 61 41 51 51 41 2TI 2 Wilham A. Raloy ....h...... ...... .....1 61 221 111 151 31 12! 201 51 51 111 31 71 121 51 131 111 51 9 51 41 71 21 6 81 11 31 211 Dr. Richard S, Dubigk ..................1 81 141 101 121 71 71.. 91 141 71 81 71 9! 51 6 51 41 71 81 41 51 5 81 31 111 111 51 199 John C, Fel' ..................................1 61 181 151 11! 31 4! 31 11 41 21 21 21 51 21 61 71 41 41 41 12115 121 12 121 121 51 183 1 !Orpha W. Winter ........................1 111 7i 12/ 51 121 8! 7 91 201 31 31 91 91 21 181 121 8 71 0 31 41. 41 2 0 4 41 183 4 James & Wise ... .......... ............1 31 81 51 81 21 91 111 31 91 51 21 111 41 01 91 131 4 71 181 71 71 ,21 51 6 71 01 158 1 John L,Phillips ..h................._..1 71 111 21 81 91 31 121 21 8! 61 11 51 13 5/ 5 11 51 81 51 101 71 6141 9 51 01 157 1 Lucelia J, WilL.e ..........................1 51 81 51 61 5[ 151 71 81 71 71 21 101 61 10/ 101 31 31 41 31 61 5.~ 71 .il 3, 3! 11 150 2 I James J. Russell ..........................1 121 91 81 10/ 51 121 51 '41 141 31 11 31 81 11 61 41 51 51 41 41'71.3j 21 1, 0/ 11 137 1 Kenneth B. Price .........................1 41 41 81 51 11231 101 41 31 41 01 101 51 21 31 41 51 4i 6i 5i .51 41 '.31 51 41 21 133 Gordon L, Mattson ......... ...........1 2/ 91 21 101 5t. '91 51 71 11 41 61 21 41 21 91111 81 81 41 11 61 41 11 o. 31 71 130 Marvin E. Young .........-............. 71 111 51 61 71 5 51 51 11 41 11 8 61 3 81 0121 31 21 ,41 61.41' 2 511 41 115 Beverly 1. Kohler .................,........1 71 41 81 21 51 61 4 41 3! 21 31 1 31 21 ~21 41 51 1 31 121 51 41 51'4 21 105 2 Vernon G. Burton ..............:.........1 21 14/ 31 21 51 51 41 61 01 31 61 4 11 21 61 31 3 21 31 0 3 2 31 9 3 21 96' 1 Henry C. Menne ..........................1 51 81 81 21 7/ 31 21 21 41 31 21 3 01 41 71 4 4[' 21 21 3 11'5 11 31 4 3 92 William H. R,l!nd ........m ....1......,.1. 41 91 7[- 41--:;j-llf'Tlr ll-ut~ftt2r--"(I'j"'"""2r 31~ III ~3r6T'RliT'fr-4r.. n61 31 51 1 n~ '89 ,John p, JerV1S' ................ _m.. ...1 01 8/ 61 II 41 81 31 11 1/ 2! 21 2/ 41 01 01. 11 2 21 3L1U14J'5.1.6 91 11 88 1 [Fred Tickner...T~...............h,m_1 11 11 31 11 01 3/ ?I 01 01 51 01 11 21 71 01. 111 81 41 1DrJ61'171 31 61 21 01 79 Guy W. Oel ..ll'..............................1 21 41 01 01 01 2 U 11 41 41 81 I! 2 41 1/ 4 71 11 013fT31 1 11 ~ 41 51 01.66 \MinerO. Johnson .......................1 21 41 31 21 31 31 21 11 11 21 31 2/ 2 21 51 21 31 81 11 11 3[ 41 ul.. 21:'1 11,t13 Sari W. Price ..-~-. -.-................ 51 41 21 51 4/ 01 51 21 31 01 11 2 1 4! 41 41 1/ 21 31 01 31 21 11 212 01 52 IiThward T. Maddux........ ......... ..1 0 5 41 71 11 8 2[ 21 01 01 31 21 1 2111 ,11 21 21 21 11 .11 11 1/.1 21 51 57 IROb1Irt B. Andersen ......................1 41 111 51 0 11 4t -11 . 01 II 2 31 11 11 It 21"~01 21" 41 31 41 ~21 11' 0 2 O[ Ij" 55, 1 fftimoer V~ting in Precinct ....m-114012281152113111@1'88r17QJ104IlllI.L21 <58J~11541 8711:8zl;~1 ~I 661135111911041 651 841 74184132i1 3 It appears from the results .f said electi.n that W. IV<lr Smith, W. Eds&n Ilrewn, Faul M. Neer, J.ames Lewis McFadden, A. T. Sandison, Hue!> H. Hankins, Laurence E. Winters, D.nald E. Laws..n, Jeseph W. W..lfe, E. J. CavanaUgh, Conrad E. Dyar, Hugh Macaul;y, ~largaret. E'- Pewell, and Lawrence.V. Venable were ! n..minated hr Ceuncilmen'.f the City ef Pert Angeles; therehre, .the nllllles".f the neminated abeve ydll be placed en the ballut at the General Municipal Electien to be held Tuesday,!larch 11, 1952. Witness my hand this 18th d;y of February, 1952. I. ~, e ';;fev.>>.-, (I City Clerk -- .....