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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
February 18 19~
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I. The, City C,ouncil met in re~ar session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Hayor Smith. Roll call of
ofhcers snowed the follom.ng present: lfuyor Smith, Councilmen Brown, NeeI', Sandison, Powell, ],olfe and
McFa~en, Manager Vergeer, ~ttorney Seyeryns and Clerk Law.
I -
,It was mOved by Councilman Fmiell that minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seconded by Councilman
: Wolfe. All voted Aye. I.lotion carried.
I Under the head of unfinished business, the hearing on proposed Local Improvement District No. 165 for inst-
lallation of curbs~ gutters and storm sewers on West Eighth and C Streets was opened. A delegation of
property owners appeared and by suggestion of Manager Vergeer, the Engineer explained area to be included,
. how assessments aPe determined and estimated, advising that an accurate cost per lot cannot be established
,until bids are opened. Discussion follmred with numerous property owners requesting explanation as to
I~ some were cha:ged more than others and cost estimates being more thsn previously quoted. Mr. Vergeer
J.nformed that draJ.nage and corners had not been considered in previous conversations and all must be
,included in the project. After lengthy discussion and queotions answered, it was mOl ed by Cop.ncilman Mc-
Fadden thst the hearing be continued until. the next meeting when aU concerned will have been properl;y
informed regarding cost distribution. Hotion seconded by Councilman Brown and unanimousl;y carried.
, Bids for construction of stairway at 1st and Laurel Bluff were received as follows:
~lartin Prasalmricz, $4,608.25 Del Guzzi Brothers, $3,1ll.99
j After due consideration it ~las moved by Councilman McFadden that the bid submitted by Del Guzzi Brothers
'be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Brwwn. All.voted Aye. Y~tion carried.
i The Council, acting in capacity of Legislati~e Body of the City, proceeded with canvass of election
returns from the City Primary Election held and conducted February 9. Results of tabulation liere as
Number of votes cast, 598
Absentee ballots 2
Votes cast were: .
Harold S. Buck 183
Dr. James L. McFadden 444
Charles J. Y.cGui re - 150
Margaret E. Powel1- 424
Joseph W. "\-Iolfe 508
George Kemphert II
William. H. Rand 14
;It WaS moved by Councilman Brown that results of the foregoing canvass and tabulation be confirmed and
rhe same recorded in Proceedings. Seconded by Councilman Powell and unanimousl;y carried.
lUndeI' the head of new business, Council approved claims paid February 9, in total al1lOunt of $4078.45. It
~was moved by Councilman !-lcFadden that claims be ap]roved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Brmm. All
roted Aye. Motion carried.
.The follO"ding reports were filed for approval by the Council: Treasurer's report for January. Report
'of Police Chief Ide for Police Department, month of January. Monthly budget reports of receipts and
'expenditures of City Departments for January. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the reports be
lapproved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman ,-Iolfe. All. voted Aye. !-lotion carried.
IThe Annual. report of the Fire Department WaS filed by Chief W~lverton for approval. It was moved by
ICouncilman McFadden, seconded by Councilman'Wolfe, that the Fire Chief's report be approved and placed on
Ifile. Hotion carried.
IThe City l~nager reported eng",ging John U. ];right, professional engineer, to set monuments in western area
of the City being I., M., 16th and 18th Streets, including 39 monuments at cost of $10.00 each and $450.00
for chaining, installation, etc. The Council approved the manager's authorization of the installation
of the monuments.
iRay Tucker, having sold his interest in the Pershing Hotel, requested in writing that the Council
!approve transfer of his city license to the new ovmer, Ernest Cashman. The request having been approved
iby the Police Chief, it WaS moved by Councilman Neer that the transfer be permitted. Seconded by Councilmal
~owell. All members voted Aye. l'~tion carried.
Manager Vergeer reported that he has compiled estimate of cost for street opening and installation of
I;utilities con N. Street from 15 to 18th as previousl;y requested by Guy Bellinger. City to proceed subject
to execution of contract. . .
I .
,Councilman Sandison inquired regarding difficulties with Patrolman Hughes on the Ht. 1l1easant Road and
his refusal. to pay for water service. i~ager Vergeer advised that communications and records show that
leasement has existed for 25 years. .fuso that water is sold for irrigation onl;y. Attorney Severyns in-
formed that he has met with Patrolmen liden and Hu,:;hes regarding the matter. That friendl;y action may be
taken to ascertain whether or not the City is obligated to grant perpetual water service and the matter
should be clarified ,tithin a month.
Icouncilman Brown ques~ioned regarding neglect and unfinished portions of pavement. on Rai~ Avenue. Mr.
jvergeer advised that the mixing plant is not q>erating. That when operations resume, the Railroad company
)will proceed as requested. .
II Councilman Wolfe inq,uired regarding installation of traffic signal at 1st and Peabody Sts. ~er Vergeer
. informed that different control is required. That the same was ordered and delivered. Being the wrong
i control, it was returned and when proper equipment is delivered, the signal will be installed.
!Mnyor Smith read letter from the Coast Guard expressi ng appreciation for Proclamation of Memorial and
! sympathies extended during the recent helicopter tragedy.
Appointment of a member to the Library Board was postponed to the next meeting for flIther consideration.
The Council discussed development and soil conditions in the Penn Street area., Don Morris~n from the
Health Dept. says the district is not suitable for septic tanks ~though ce~8.ln_co~truct~on has ~owered
the water table making better conditions. Also suggested that bUJ.lding pe:-lDJ.t~ be ~ssued J.u certaJ.n. areas
! the site to be individua1l;y tested before construction. In this wa;.y the dJ.stnct IlUght improve suffJ.cient
j! to permit establishing L.LD. for sewer installation. Manager Vergeer advised that a report uill be com-
I pleted by the next meeting which will determine if an Improvement District can be established for sewer
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
February IS continued 54
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Attorney Severyn$
Hr. Vergeer questioned regarding names to appear on the March 9th General Election Ballot.
replied that at least 10% of number of votes cast is required for names to be placed.
Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances the following Ordinance was introduced and read by
AN oaDINANCE authorizing the issuance a d sale of local improvement bonds for Local Improvement District
No. 164 of.the City of Port Angeles to Pay the cost and expense. of the improvements of said District as
ordered and provided for in Ordinance No. 1306 of the City of Port Angeles, providing :Cor the term of such
bonds ani fixing. the interest rates thereon, and repealing Ordinance No. 1320.
It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Brown and unanimously carried. T'ne above ordinanc e no. 1322 pas sed to correct the figures
used in ordinance no 1320 mich did not agree with the treasurer's report of cash receiveJt on LID No. 164
and bonds required.
Under the head of introduction ani re'!ding of Ordinances the follmring was introduced and read in full:
. ORDINfiNCE NO. 1323,
AN ORDINANCE amending Section 13 and Section 14 of Ordinance No. 1167 of the City of Port Angeles, entitled:
"AN ORDINANCE to regulate ami restrict the location and use of buildings and the use of land witQin the
City of.Port Angeles; to limit the heighth of buildings; to prescribe building lines and the size of
'yeards; and for thexe purposes divide the City into districts; provide penalties and repealing any ordinan-
Ices in conflict herewith".
lIt was moved by Councilman NeeI' that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Sandison. Councilmen Brolffi, Mcfadden, Powell, Sandison and NeeI' voted Aye. Councilman Wolfe
,!frefrained from voting. 'lbe Mayor declared the motion carried.
'No fubther liusiness appearing, the meeting was adjourned.
!j-' 2. ~M/-'
, City Clerk