HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/18/1960 ,...- 20 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 18, 19~ ....H.P'flINTINCCQ. P_242U~ ~The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. Roll call of officers revealed the following present: I ' I Mayor Richardson, Councilmen Smith, Sandison, Maxfield, Thorne and Caldwell, Manager Slankard, Attorney; Moffett, and Clerk Law. ' I 'It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that the minutes of the previOUS session be approved as received. :, Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. ; : Under the head of unfinished business, Council Committee reported on proposed Ordinance regulating insta1l11 ation of signs and related structures. The Attorney is obtaining Uniform Sign Codes for further study and an 'I Ordinance will be prepared for Council consideration at the next meeting. II Bids to furnish water pipe, fittings and hydrants for the Water Department were received as follows: Pacific Water Works Supply, Item 1, $3,058.00, Item 2 $9,073.00, Item 3, $5,400.00, Item 5, $181.00, Item 6. $409.00, Item 7, $725.00. H. D. Fowler Co., Item 1, $3,080.00, Item 2, $9,245.00, Item 3, $5,436.00, Item 5, $248.02, Item 6, I i $414.02, Item 7, $716.73. : I Tohns-Manv1lle Co.. Item 1, $3,146.00, Item 2, $9,331.00, Item 3, $5,544.00, Item 4, $5,400.00. i ,Pacific StatesC. r. Pipe Co., Item 1, $4,075.50, Item 2, $1,207.40, Item 3, $7,074.00, Item 4,$4,716.00, ; Item 5, $161.75, Item 6, $366.82, Item 7,715.40,. i :U.S. Pipe & Foundry Co" Item 1, $4,306.50, Item 2, $1,274.50, Item 3, $7,506.00, Item 4, $5,070.00, i Item 5; $214.35. i Atlas Foundry, Item 5, $150.95. I Hallgren Co., Item 5, $179.50, Item 6, $430.40, Item 7, $854.00. I Pacific States C.r. Pipe Co., Alternate Bid: Item I, $3,767.50, Item 2, $1,096.50, Item 3, $6,876.00. ; Western Utilities Supply Co., Item 5, $174.20, Item 6, $402.05, Item 7, $822.50 & $722.40. ! Company representatives spoke before the Council, emphasizing the merits of their products. Also questione(a as to how the Council determined the lowest responsible bid. Councilmen Caldwell, Smith and Thorne also ' questioned the logic of publishing calls for bids and accepting third from lowest. The Water Superintendent . cited the Johns-Manville product as having been used and tested, also advantages during installation. After due consideration, it was moved by Councilman Caldwell that bids for large pipe be reconsidered until the next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that bids for 2" pipe and fittings be awarded as follows: Pacific States C.r. Pipe Co., 2" pipe, $4,716.00, Atlas Foundry, Fittings, $150.95, Pacific States C.r. : Pipe Co., Valves, $366.82, Fire Hydrants, $715:40. Motion seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried., Truck bids, Sanitation Department: Robertson-Gray Motors, Inc. $9,990.00 net. Alternate, $9,860.00 net. Ruddell Oldsmobile & Cadillac Co., $9,994.78 net. Alternate, $9,968.36 does not meet specs. Alternate, $8,452.48 does not meet specs, Totem Equipment Co., Packer Unit only, $6,268.08. The Superintendent of Sanitation recommended the offer by Ruddell Oldsmobile & Cadillac Co. at $9,994.78, parts being availabl~ from local distributors. After due consideration of all bids, it was moved by Councilman Maxfield that the II bid by Robertson-Gray Motors, Inc. for G. M.C. Chassis with Heil Colectomatic Packer, 16 yard capacity at $9,990.00 net be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye excepting Councilman Cald,- well, his vote being opposed. Motion carried. ~Truck bids - Light Department Service Truck: Schreiner Chevrolet Co., $1,305.74 net. Anderson Ford Co., $1,604.13 net, Robertson-Gray Motors, Inc. $1,650.00 net. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that ,the offer by Schreiner Chevrolet Co. be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. [ 1',Truck bids, Park Department, Pick-up: Ruddell Oldsmobile & Cadillac Co., r.H.C. $1,807.52 net. SChreiner. Chevrolet Co" Chevrolet, $I,809.0(hetAnderson Ford Co., Ford, $1,823.80 net. Lannoye MotorCo., Dodge, '$2,005.62 net. Robertson-Gray Motors, Inc. G.M.C., $2,036.56 net. It was moved by Councilman Smith I 'jthat the offer by Ruddell-Oldsmobile & Cadillac Co. be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and r . carried. i jl i :jiThe Council received a letter from John B. Gray, Resident Manager, Rayonier, Inc. regarding offer for exten- '1l'!sion of Industrial Water Contracts for the sum of $60,000.00 per year for a 30 year period. Upon motion the 'I offer was held over until the next meeting as the entire Council was not present. Motion carried. ! It was moved by Councilman Smith that an Ordinance licensing and regulating operation of Amusement machinJs be held for further consideration. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. II' Under the head of new business, the American Legion requested permission to sponsor a carnival to be located on Port Property west of the City Jail. It was moved by Councilman Smith that permission be granted, and !i the area be cleaned up after being us ed. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. !' Gordon Hagan, Commander, American Legion, introduced H. L. Winnett, Chairman of the Legion Americanism: Committee, and presented the Mayor with a new fifty star American Flag. The Mayor accepted on behalf ofl the Council and expressed appreciation for the same. The Council considered publication of call for bids for the installation of connecting water lines between the four reservoirs. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the call for bids be published. Seconded by :Councilman Maxfield and carried. Departmental Reports were filed for Council approval: Fire, 1959 Acivity and Monthly. Police, 1959 Activity II and Monthly. Light, 1959 Operating Statement and 1959 Assets. Budget Reports of Receipts and Disbursements. City Treasurer's Financial. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that all reports be accepted and placed on II file. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. Councilman Caldwell commended the Police and Fire Chief~ for comprehensive reports well prepared. I I I I ,I I I I I I Proceedings of t~e City Commission of t~e City of Port Angeles, Was~ington ~ 21 February 18, (continued) 19~ 1..IloHl'ltI~TINGC:O. P.2~13C ~ IClalms for payment were approved as follows: General Funds, $6, 195.18. Water Fund, $257.80. Pipeline lFund, $71.28. Light Fund, $34,898.00. It was moved by Councilman Smith that claims be approved and ,paid. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. ' I IRequest for price of certain Lots in Block 314 having been made, it was moved by Councilman Smith that a committee be appointed to establish appraisal value. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. The IMayor named Councilmen Maxfield, Thorne and Smith as Committee. The Council considered 1'lanning Commission minutes dated February 16, 1960. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that minutes be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Frank Stevens, Operator of Port Angeles Transit System, notified In writing that he contemplates purchase of a new bus to replace one vehicle, the same not warranting needed repairs. He also informed that due to income from the service, he is unable to make the payments without assistance and asked the City to con- sider subsidy for the same, otherwise it will be necessary to curtail service and eventually eliminate. The Attorney explained that no Legislation permits Second Class Cities to enter Into Transportation Business or ISUbsldize, therefore request cannot be legally granted. I IThe Mayor introduced Harry Elway, Mayor of Hoquiam, who spoke briefly regarding Municipal affairs. IThe Mayor also acknowledged presence of Councilmen Hopefuls and Incumbents. ! ~Clayton Fox questioned the Council concerning the Industrial Water contract and if this constitutes a monoply', ,It was the opinion of the Council that if the City decided to supply another large industry, thereby reducing I: lithe amount required by the present users for efficient operation, then the City would be bound to the contract ( I'and could not supply other industries. The Attorney also assured that the Industries have first consideration I i of all the water through the Industrial Line. ~ I ' ,Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and read in full: ~ !! !i 'lOR 0 I NAN C E NO. 1 4 5 2 ii I' :1 I; AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washingtont I 1[' accepting the joint bid of Blyth & Co., of Seattle, Washington, I and Associates, for the issue of $1,700,000.00 par value of II' "Water Revenue Bonds, 1960," of the City; fixing the interest I, rates on said bonds; and providing for the immediate printing, Ii, execution, delivery and sale of said bonds and for the return ~ of the checks deposited by the unsuccessful bidders. I,It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the foregoing Ordinance as read, be adopted. Seconded by Council- ;"man Caldwell and unanimously carried. I!There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. h (j. e. ~ {I City Clerk ~ ~. ~Ji' I MaYOr" i part; i If!ell Dllllar" ($15.00) :rf'irench set o!~ IimDING l:JJPORMA.'TJOII' . rlrawlngs nnd specIfications request. NOTICE tglh;re::i7;~ that seal-I ~~e C~;l~ ;'h~~s::er~a~l"r{~~i:'eti cil T)I"Oposals WIll bfl re~iyed 1)y the Said payment Will be- rl!fUIlded only City Manager of the City ot Port to those bidde.rs fubmitting bon<\.; Angeles, Port Angeles, ",Vasblngton ndf,l pl"o]Josals to the City (If p{)l't.~ at his office at 140 We~t Front AllgelC's,. prlol' to the urne aboye' Street. until 4:00 o'clock P. M. Pnei- specified fol" all constT\tctlon to be fie Standard Time, March 15, 1960. furnished 1.1I\rler the sjJeci!le.a.tlons for the COTI::;truction of the eonneet- '! find contr,l.ct dOCllments. ing lives for re~rYOir8 and appurt- j E..1.ch pn)>po8al t:hnlI be accompan- ~~:~~S~;dl~u'i;~nl;h~~gnjo~~:r~r~: i ~e;;,1~~ie a t~e~~i1i~~1~JJ;i~a~~I~:~ j~t)~~ pmm.l!O received after the time fixed; amount nol less thaJJ fiv!" pf'n~cnt for the opening will not be consid-. (5 %) uf Lhe amllunL of tlH~ proposal er!l'l. Till; clI!,I'k or hid hnnrl sh~.ll be given The ('on tract dm.wings, sllecifica-;R~ H gHarant~' Hw.t tile bldller wlll tions and other rontract documents. i provide B performance bona !LIla In_ ma.y be examined IJ.t thB !lffke of' F1JrllllCe. ('C'rtifieate as spe('Ified a.n<l th.e City Mam'.g'er of the City of Port will ~Xecute the contract if his pro- Angeles, ]4(1 West Front Street, Port pos:1.l i~ ac('eJlt<<l ln couformH'\,' wltb ~l~le~~.. ';:~~i~~10~~ss~tci;r:S, n{{iri~ ~I ~2r ~~~~aif\e~O~I::]~~~, ori~~liccl'i~t Hy Analysts and Engineers, 1500 'a.cceptuncc from thc City of Port TOWI'!T Building, Sea.ttle, Washlng-_!'Angcles. . . ~on. and at the office of tl?-e Assoc_11 All)' hldd~r wIle wltlldrnws Ills pro- lated General Ccmtra.ctoTs of A merica, 'po!;''l.! a1'ter the hOllr set for the 2t5 \,Vest HaT'Tlson Street, Seattle.,ro)Jenillg therc-of, and h~ore the ex. "~~~~ng~r'flV.ld contrfLCt drawln~9, :.~~~;~~ ~; ~~;~~~t, ~~1~1~ S~li~y e~f il'PCdf1cat1ons and other contrnet dO." P, .ort Ange,",s '(01' a period exCOOcinlll' cumcnt.'3 may be obto.lncrt :1t th~ o{- t-hjrt~r'fivC .(35) cla.Yt; after the umel fice of n. W. Beclt and ASSOCml.t.es fl..'\:ed for bid opening or who fails upon the paymcllt.hy ~~~to ,,, I;'nil;ll perfQrman;e bond, insuI'"+ II '~~~~r:tg{r~~i~t~e$fi..:~n~~}e"Ji;~e afi~~. ',; 'notification of a~cepl:an('e, ahan for- ! ;f~it hlfl cheek ()!" bid bODe tn thc ICit~' of Port ~\ngcle~ us jiq\Jitl!tted :. ldamQ..geR. I I: I thJhii;g~ittytoaf r~~~i ~;~~~I;~ ~ilc~~ II: 'poRnl!> antI to Wlllvo.ll"reguln..rltlC8 or: i 1~~1~~m~I~~e:s1r ~~~lrr ~~l ~~~)~\'ft~j ; Ql\ly on the prescribetl proposal form ~ I bound in a. ('omplete l':(lt of SPCcifiaa+]' ;1 ~tjonfl und contract docurnenw. , I Isl 11.1. W. SLANKARD J\.I. \V. Slankard :;j ...Pllbli~hcd: February f~tII)~lM~~hl' 3.~ . l~"'~ ~_ _ - ----.J ~