HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/19/1941 ,... 250 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 19, 1941 19_ The Coe~:ssion met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Beetle. Roll call I show~d the following officers present: t~ayor Heetle, Com;rissioner Lind, At:orney Conniff and Clerk HawbJ1S . The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building rermits the follcwing was tranted: ~. G. Kienholz, RemodeLDwelling, Lot 5, Block 380, Townsite Under the head of New Business: Catherine Mc Clain, having disposed of her Rooming House to Patricia House License No. 4686 be transferred to the said Patricia Severns. : CoIrJCission instructed the City Clerk to make said transfer. I Under the head of Unfinished Business: I I 100.00 Severns, requested that her Rocming There being no objections, the City I r - C,\I,I~ Fon nJl)~ I .~\'llh.tl hid:! will Il(. rt'('clv",d \':. file: 1.1':,\;:.,,<'I~Vl~F~Ll~I~Il:'jt~-I1~>i~ r;'trt a-.~.-I I::i"::;~~'\?; 4 \!I'j I~l~ (~~. '~";:'l] t~~J I:: ~:l'~':~l~t,~~ 'h()~i~~eifkalIOIl'''. lIlil,\" ill'.' "l,t'lll\~'li) fh'lll tilt. ,,!fle~> "r Ih,' ('It\ Ckl'lc I X. ;'0.1. 11.\\\'KI:-.':-:, \ 'it~. (' It']'li. . ~FI'I).I:_JL. ~ I The bids were opened and referred to the City Engineer for checking and report back to the Comrrission. j The Commission examined and allowed the followin~ claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: I CURREt,T ~XPENSE FUND I Olympic Stationers I" " Ci ty Trea sure r I Olympic Stati.oners I P. uto",oti ve Pa rts Co. Olympic Print~ry i Olympic Stationers George I s Service Station Standard Oil Co. Harold Hibbs Plumbin& & Heating Co. Sanderson Safety Supply Co. n 11 II I Automotive Parts Co. I Willson Hardware Co. Standard Oil Co. I CITY STREET FJ~~ I R. H. ~organ I Automotive Parts Co. WATER FUND I I I I The City Clerk reported thBt pursuant to published call, the folloiling bids for the purchAse of one dUJ:1p truck for the City Street Department were on file: SchreL~er-Kyle Chevrolet Co. Inc. V. A. Samuelson & Co. Port Angeles Motors I Aiken Motors j. f. Swanson Olympic Tire & Rubber. Company Supplie s Col1l!:lIl8.r Pads Court Gosts Binders Repairs Supplies n Repairs and Service Gas Plumbing Supplies Lungmotor Cylinder.Refilled, etc. ],:edical Supplies Parts Hardware Gas b~ vJ3 1.28 1.13 5.40 3.93 .36 28.9C 6.66 19.74 54.66 4.75 7.49 64.72 7.79 24.35 12.23 I LUIr.ber /6(t 12.65 Parts 4.22 Tools &. Spikes 6.63 Store Rent 40.00 Expense Account 3.10 . 4.76 Install Glass .(1, 2.98 Pipe Fi ttin~s )/1 ,/ 54.11 McClellan Hardware & Furniture Co. Pumaid Dairy Charles Lind H. E. ,wodge Gla ss Specialty Co. Seattle Plumbin~ Supply Co. LIGHT l'UND Light DepHtment ~lcClellan Hardware Co. Port of Port An~eles Firestone Store Zellerbach ?aper Co. General Electric Co. Four-Wheel-Lrive Auto Co. Line !laterial Co. Pay Roll Hardware Storage & Handling Transforme~i Tape Paper Towels l:eter Socket Oil Filter Street Licht Fixtures Bolts, etc. Transformers & Parts Eeter 1~ountings l:!eter Seolin" Plates / Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. n n & )~fg. Co. I" ., * {, ~- it LIBRARY FUND J. Lloyd Aldwell, Inc. K. (). Erickson Thos. T. Aldwell & Co. D. A.. 1.~asters Insur~nce n PARK FUt:D_ Parr.: De::.art.::nt.::nt Ep~erson & Sons, Inc. Willson H;,trdware Co. Peninsula Fuel Co. Pr:r R-.;ll licJr.lber Hr: rdWD re Stove Oil L.1.::I. GiJAR^:~T:::UND City Treasurer Asse'3sments ... 6.25 1.99 66.00 6.63 5.96 10.18 2.10 66.28 101.18 231.67 83.26 1.91 I .21 I 2.25 q~ ? .25 b 2.25 53.02 11.3f, ,;::. 1.12 1r.. 8.57 8A.87 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 19, ]941 19_ ..... 251 L.I.D. REVOLnl!G FU1iD City Treasurer Tax!'?,=; 40.0e There being no further b'..l.siness the COI:1r:Jissicr: then adjcurned. I 11~ ~?nst City ,:J..Prl<: Mayer 7-d7~ I I I I ~