HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/19/1951 ,. 98 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington FphT"ll::ll"'Jr 19., 19~1_ .'""'.......,R""'."."~,....".......". ~ The Commission met inregular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called tc crder by Maycr Feeley. Officers pr~sen~ere: 14aycr Feeley, Commissioners Rcbinscn and Taylcr, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. JI.i~utes of the previcus session were read and approved. Un~er the head of applications for building permits and license renewals, the following ,were granted: 0" If,25" t1 Repair Existing Bldg., Add Addition; Lot 10, Remodel Front of Existing Bldg.; Lot 1, Blk. Build Garage; Lot 6, Blk. 272, Townsite Remodel Present Garage Into Apartment; Lot 2:3, Elk. 205, Townsite Build Garage; Lots 19-20, Blk. 143, Townsite Remodel Fireplace, Change ,Iindows; Lot 1, Blk. 198, Townsite Building Permits: Stanley Yoder Stanley Yoder ClY.de !.!arkuson Geqrge Lytel, Jr. H..J. Fey Mm:iel Glasson pD Licenses: .:< 1 - Crqwn Zellerbach Cafe Crown Zellerbach Cafe Crqwn Zellerbach Cafe Blk. 198, To~site 168, T01.msite 500.00 400.00 800.00 1,000.00 600.00 950.00 Restaurant Husi c Machine Soft Drink 12.00, 12.00 5.00 Under the head of unfinished business, one bid was filed by Sig Larson for construction of a building to ho,!se the Chlorination Plant. Amount of bid was $11,946.00, complete with chain block and beam. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the bid be referred to the Engineer and vlater Department. Seconded by Con,unissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Bids to furnish sluice gate and fittings for Korse Creek dam were submitted as follows: E. N. Hallgren, $453.20. The Chapman Valve Manufacturing Company, $671.00. Western Utilities Supply Co., $455.62. Pacific Water Works Supply Co., $985.00 plus tax. It was moved by ~layor Feeley that the bids be referred to the Water Superintendent for checking and comparison.. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All lToted Aye. Motion carried. . . No bids having been received for installation of screens at Morse Creek dam, Commissioner Taylor advised that the screens will be installed by the regular maintenance crew of the Water Department. Under the head of new business, Engineer Ahlvers informed that Bituminous Cement patching material is required. It was moved by Ccmmissioner Taylor that bids be published for approximately 600 tons of the patching material, bids to be opened March 5th. Motion seconded by Ccmmissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was placed on third and final reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1243 AN ORDINANCE stating the facts cf an emergency affecting the public safety, welfare and conveniece of the City of Port Angeles; requiring the unforeseen expenditure of funds; providing for the issuance of emergency warrants and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Robinscn. All voted Aye. Kotion carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the fcllowing was read by title and placed on first and second readings: ORDINANCE NO. /..z~ AN ORDINANCE stating the facts of an emergency affecting the public safety, welfare and ccnvenience of the City of Port Angeles; requiring the unforeseen expenditure cf funds; providing for the issuance of emergency warrants, and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing Ordinance be passed the first and second reading. Seconded by Commissioner Robinscn. All voted Aye. J10tion carried. On motion by Commissioner Robinson, the meeting was recessed for fifteen minutes. The meeting re-convened after recess declared. Mr. Fowler, representative of the H. D. Fcwler Company, appeared before the Commission and informed regarding manufacture, tests and requirements of Century Asbestos Cement pipe, exhibiting samples of the same, advising that when pipe bids are opened they would appreciate consideraticn. Commissioner Robinson informed that the Water Department installs and maintains lines and if they are I satisfied the Commission should be. Commissioner Taylor advised that the matter has been discussed and samples will be tested. That when bids are opened the Century product will get due consideration. The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: 05 / J if] - CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Olympic Tribune Ci ty Treasurer R. O. Ide Port Angeles Motors Peninsula Fuel Co. Stuart Filion Johnson & Bork Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. \~illson Hardware Co. Olympic Laundry & Cleaning Co. Tower Super Service Howard Cooper Corp. Aiken Motors The Texas Co. Harris & Schuller Headrick Repair Service Legal Publications Pc stage & Dup. License Plate Traveling Expense Tires, Tubes, Car Repairs Furnac e Oil Broom & Chemical Paint and Brush Batteries, Flashlights & Scckets File and Bolts Laundry & Cleaning Oxygen Turncut Coats and Pants, Boots, etc. Gaskets and Rings Gasoline Radiator Repair, Iron Reseat Valves in Head 38.22 11.00' 23.96 315.59 106.17 12.88 7.82 12.11 2.32 30.45 6.18 201. 371 1.81 193.72'1 15.14 6.401 ~ I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington '"'' . """. ...'". ..",,,., ,,,,,,.,..... ~ j CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. ccntinued: Angeles Machine & Welding Works Union Oil Cc. ! Schreiner Chevrolet Co. ! Diamcnd Fruit & Produce Co. iWestinghcuse Electric Co. I Graybar Electric Co. i 9(:. : CITY SHOP FUND: fS 7 - 1 Olympic Electri c Co. IWillson Hardware Co. , Angeles Machine & Welding Works Richfield Oil Corp. The Texas Cc. Tide Water Ass. Oil Cc. Dobscn Auto Electric I CI:IT STREET FUND: +J'f f 2.. The Toggery HowardCccper Corp. Howard-Ccoper Ccrp. Puget Sound Navigaticn Co. Eklund. Lumber Co. p 2-. WATER FUND: I tJ 'f _ 'Olympic Printery. I Clallam County P. U. D. No. 1 Johnson & Bork Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Atlas Mineral Products Cc. Daily Journal of Commerce SANITATION FUND: Johnson & Bark II !L.-- . . .1 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND: I J' - Dr. J. C. Hay & Ass. . .1' L. 1. GUARMITY FUND: '1:1" , ,Olympic Tribune Fp.hMl.Ary 19t.h, r.ont.inllAn, 19-5L Repair Pump Shaft Cyl. Oil Brake Repair Parts Transformer & Wire Emergency Lighting Emergency Lighting Supplies Wir e & Su ppli es Switches, etc. Switch, Screws, Tacks, etc. Bearing, Shaft Motor Oil Gasoline, Crater Fluid Diesel Oil Parts Hip Boots, Rubber Gloves Parts Rcller Frt. Lumber Office Supplies Electric Service Paint Charts Mineralead Adv.- for Bids Paint, etc. Med. Fees There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. Nctice of Sale ~. e: iaMr (j gity Clerk .,"01'ICI~ '1'0 1I1D.ln:;ns ! :'\l,tke I:; hereln- ~iY(,;ll that li'Jltl('d I ~~\~~k"~}[ tk~ rrt;:i::1dp~~:t ~t\~g'~~~~: \\'n.~fl., until :-'lul"(~ 5, 1!J:)1. nt J() a.m. :md not iatel', at lll,~ Of 0,,(: of lhe H~~,~~~~~t~~.fj~ :\~i;~~t~~~1~t~~~I~'~~~(~ V;~~gfgU;q l~~"':(:nh:nt P1Ul1t. _"llx j\U'lJid~ Hllall Ill' iJ{'Cllllljl;lllicd h.~' :~~~~::~I'i:~I?i~; ~{:: l iWc 1;El~FJ~f;~j:~~~I,'r~ hr/~.lill~~~{ (;[ :(~~I~~11~~~'5:'JX~1)~;ltl1~1.( .!l.(I.7., uf th,> amount uf th(' ('Olltl',Lct I ~'I'~r1~~V:r'l~[!u:~t::'i~~~::d 1'::e~~:E S:I~~ '1 g' 111 lore j.~ l" t ;1I1~" (11' ,,11 Ii I d 1<, I'u 1Jl i fi'tl'('r:'~' l'~~'~~';':l.L~lt~'I,(:;:(I~9C 1. \ ~I~.e dh--y' .. 32.08 20.22 1.15 120.00 72.79 111.67 4.21 1.34 8.65 42.86 623.03 137.20 40.67 25.33 98.94 109.79 2.54 258.02 12.52 8.34 20.89 29.80 18.97 14.40 11. 92 18.00 1.26 Mayor. 99