HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/19/1953
Proceedings of, the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
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IThe City Council of the City of Port Angeles convened in regular session at 7:30 P.M., an~ Was called
..to order by Ma,yor Smith. Roll call of Officers revealed the following presen~: ~or Smth, Councilmen
'Brown, Neer, Sandison, Powell, Wolfe, and McFadden, City Manager Vergeer, ActJ.ng Attorney Severyns,
'and Clerk Law.
!It was mov~d by CouncilJnan McFadden that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received. Seconded
tu Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
'Under the head of unfinished busin~ss, bids to furnish two patrol cars for the Police Department were
,opened as follows: Janish Motor Co., Dodge. Meadowbrook Special 4-dcior sedans, $2,42l.27 each, less
$1,427.85 trade-in for 1951 Pontiac and $250.00 trade-in. for 1941 Pl3mouth sedan. Total net. for 2
'cars, $3,164.69. Schreiner Chevrolet Co.: Two 1953 Chevrolet sedans, each $1,922.54, Less $1,400.00
trade-in trade:-in for Pontiac and $150.00.trade-in for Pl3mouth sedan, Total net, two cars,. $2,295.08.
Port Angeles Motors: :rwo 1953 Pontiac 4-door sedans, $1l701.98, less trade-in ibr 1941 Plymouth, $200.99,
'and $1,850.99 trad~infor 1951. Pontiac. Total net, 2 cars $2,650.00. Samuelson Motor Co.: Two.1953
Fordor sedans, each $1,961.28. Less trade-in for Pontiac, $1,350.?O and for Pl3mollth sedan, $65.00.
Total net, $2,470.74. It was mo:ved by CouncilJnan Wolfe that the bid by Schreiner Chevrolet Co. be
'accepted. Seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye. Motion carried. .
j .. .
'One bid was received from Woodie's' Harley Davidson in amount, of 31,297.95, for one three whell type
motorcycyle, with bod,y. Less trade-in for ,1946 motorcycle, $200.00. l~et cost ~1,097. 95.
,It was moved by CouncilJnan Brown that the offer be accepted., Seconded by GOUDCJ.lman Wolfe. All voted
fe. Motion carried. C ' .
:~ids to furnish 3500 ft. of pipe for the ,rater Dept. were r~ceived from the following named companies:
I 3500' 8lf Class 150, O.B. ,@ $2.29
t Alternate 1500' 8", Class .150, O.B. $2.09
I _ "
I' 3500',,8" Class lpo, ~sbestos C:ement Pipe @
M. J. $2.49
~. J. _2.29
I 3500' 8" Class 150, C. I., Bell and Spigot @
3500'. 8t! Class 150, C. I., Mechanical Joint ,@
I' 3500'. 8~ Class 150, C. I. Pipe, Bell and Spigot@
35001, 8~ Class 150, C. I. Mechanical Joint @
H. D. FO'i/LER CO., INC..:
j . 3500:' 8~ Class 15Q, Century Asbestos Cement Pipe @ 2.04
j 3500' 8" Class .150 Monocast B & S C. I. Pipe F. s. 2.344
I Alternate: 3500'. S~ Class 150 Double.XM. J.. 2.544
I. 3500', a" Bell and Spigot, . Class 150, C.I. Pipe @ 2.68
5001 only 8" M. J. Class 150 C. I. Pipe., . 2.00 .
}~er Vergee.r ;ecommended that all j,id~. be tabled until the rnn m&1ng when the bi~s will have been
! 1;ablUated 1lnd the Vlater Superintendent and, Foreman consulted regarding advan tages of kind of pipe
Ilsed according to location installed. It was .moved by CouncilJnanMcFadden that the recommendation be
,accepted and'bids tabled. Seconded by Councilman Powell. All voted,Aye. Motion carried.
'~e hearing on improvement Of Eunice Street, North' of First'Street, as fixed by resolution previously
adopted, was re-opened. It appears that the property owner has requested another postponement o~ the
!tearing, this being the 2d requeat. Manager Yergeer reminded that the hearing concerns Mr. Phillips
?nly, a,s property owner. Also that ,this hearing is held in connection with the hearing previous~
postponed, ani Mr. Phillips has not appeared at either hearing to object. Yor. Vergeer then recommended
that the Counci:i. instruct that construction be completed according to provisions of. resolution as adoPted.
It was moved by Councilman Mcfadden that recommendation be approved and improvement constructed as per
resolution. Seconded by Councilman Brown. All. members voted ~e. Motion unanimoualy carried.
'Under the head of new business, the Council'approved claims prld February 10, in amount of $13,346.39.
, , .
IThe City Treasurer's report for the month of Janua,ry, ShoWing cash balances as of Jll11lH7 31, was. subriiitted
. for consideration. ~ It was moved by Councilman Brown that ,the report be accepted and placed on file.
Seconded by CounciJ.man Wolfe. All. voted ~e. Motion carried.
j ,
The Council considered 80nditio~ acceptance or'the Police Station and City Jail now occupied itJr the
Police'Dept. Manager Vergeer explained conditions of. contract and the ninth and final certifiCate of
pa,yment ,in amount of $.28,187.76. Also cited items of inter-cOlmllUl1ication system, power plant and
,asphalt paving not yet completed for which pqment at this time wo$ not be proper. Mr. Vergeer then
recommended that the building be accepted, . subject to completion of items noted, and that the Council
approve payment of Certificate No. 9 less 15% retained. Mr. Verg~er further informed that after all
current claims for construction are paid, there will still be a cash balance in the Police Station
. ,Construction Fund. It was moved by CouncilJnan NeeI/that Certificate No. 9 in amount of $6,228.76
,be paid, and that the Council conditionally accept the ,building subject to conditions as noted. Mo1'ion
seconded by Councilman Sandison and unanimously carried.
Mr. A. Schultz requested that the Council. fix minimum ,price for the sale of. Lot 13, Block 120, Townsite.
:According to the Treasurer's statement, ainount against the proPllrty is $195.83. It was moved by Councilman
McFadden that miniJnum be fixed at $200.00 and sale published accordingly. Seconded by CounciJ.man
Powell. All .voted ~e. Motion carried.
I . , ,
~so requested was miniJnum price for Lots 17, 18,' Block 417, Townsite. This was postponed until after
~spection and appraisal.
i .
'J. E. Waldron requested that the City sell Lot 18, Block 244, Townsite. !.[anager Vergeer informed that
ILots 17 and 18 have been previously edvertised and DO bids submitted for purchase ,of the same. Also
! if Lot18 is sold, the same would be detrimental toward the sale of Lot l7. It was therei'ore moved
iby Councilman Brown that the request be denied. Seconded by Councih}an Neerand carried.
I .
Enler. nt.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Felll'<lElQ' 19 eent:imted
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The folloldng agreementll )<ere read in full for consideration by the Council:
, Between
The Clallam County Humane Society hereby agrees ~ fulfill all the terms and conditio~ and render the
services to the City and .the poeple of Port. Angeles as specifically set out in ordinance number twelve
hundred and twenty one, (1221) passed by,the City Conmd.ssion of the City. pf Port Angeles the sixth d~ of
February, 1950. . ' ,',' . .
. For and in ~n~ideration.of,the services, so rendered, and the carrying out and enforcement of
the Provisions Of ordinance numbered l?2J., the City agrees, to pq to the Clallam County Humane Society
the sU1p. of $2,000.00 and to transmit and Pl\Y sucl1. additional sums .as are received by the. City as license
fees and pound fe~s for. the regulation.and control of animals within , the Oity.
, +'he obligation of the. Humane Society. to . enforce the licensing provisions of the ordinance herein
referred to, ~hall in no way be effected by this instrument; and shall be the obligation of said
Humane Society. . . .
The term of this agreement shall be fr.om. January 1, 1953 to December 31, 1953.
It was moved by Co~ciJ,.man .Mcfadden that. the foregoing agreement be approved and the Mayor and
Clerk authorbed 1;0 sign, the. .same. Seconded by GouncilJnan. Brown. All vcted Aye. Motion carried.
This.AGREEMENT made and entered,into.this 19th day of Februa'7, 1953, by and birtween the City of
Port Angeles, a municipal corporation of the State of \~ashington, .hereinaJtel:! tenned the Lessor, and the
County-of Clallsm, a municipal corporation C\f the ~tateof Wasilington, hel:;einaft.er. tenned_the Lessee:
W .I T .N E4 SSE T .H: , '
l>1IIEElEAS, there is not now available in. Clallam C011l1ty, Washington, a suitable place or building
for the use by the County of Clallam for a juvenile home Slld juvenile detention quarters, and it is nec-
essary that same suitable premises be provided, and, <
. WIIEllEAS, there is available in the City of Port Angeles a building which can be made suitable
therefor, and it is the desire of both the City and the county that said premises be leased by the City to
the county for a juvenile detention home and for that purpose only. . '
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of t~ premises .the Lessor does hereby lease to the Lessee the.
upper floor of that 215 s. Lincoln Street, which ;is currently used as the City, Police Station and Police
Court, and legally described as follows:. ..,'
That building located on the . North 370 feet of the East 220 feet of SublU'ban Lot 26, Townsite of
,Port Angeles, EXCEPT that portion included and occupied by Lincoln Street, and that portion included and.
'occupied by Second, Street, and that portion included and occupied by the City Library. '
I The above lease is given for the following terms for the purposes above expressed and
,subject to the following conditions:
j 1. ~ The tel"ll' of this lease shall be for a period of THREE (3) YEARS, connnencing on the
,15th d~ of February, 1953, and the Lessee shall have the.right to extend the said.tenn for an additional
:period of ONE (1) YEAR thereefter by,giving the Lessor written notic.e of their intention so to do at least j
Ithirty (30) d~s . prior to the lIXpiration of said. period and shall. be allowed to renew for each one (1)
crear period after that providing notice is given, .subject to the .approval by t~e City of Port Angeles.
I 2. ~: The consideration for this lease shall be the S1.Dll of &1.00, Wic!! sum is acImowledgaa,
received by the .Lessor. The Lessee further agrees to pay the sum of &600.00 per annum toward the cost of
heating the building described above, which building is. heated jointly with the City Library on the
,adjacent lot, and said P8lm8nts shall be made at the rate of $50.00 per month commencing on the 1st dq of
Uarch, 1953, and on the lat day of each and every month thereafter during the tem of this lease. The City
9f Port Angeles will pay all costs of fuel for heatiEg said building above mentioned'and thlp County of
~lallam will maintain, operate and keep in repair the furnace, said furnace being located in the building
the Lessor is leasing to the Lessee.
I, 3. ASSIGNMENT: The Lessee shall not assign this lease or sublet said premises without the
written consent ,of ,the Lessor. _ .
1 4. ALTERATIONS AND IMPmlVEMENTS: The Lessee shall have the right, but at their own cost and
without obligation ,0~<lia~Uity .o!lJ;hecpart .of the Lessor, to make all necessa'7 alterationS and improvements
upo'! I5i1d premises necessary or expedient to make said premises suitable for the purpos es intended. No
such alterations or improvements shall be made or undertaken until plans therefor shall have first been
submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. No alteration whiclr shall affect the structural strength of
the building shall be made by the Lessee.
1 .. 5. Mm: The Lessee shall be responsible for and pay promptly as due all water, gas and
electrical bills used during the tenn of this lease. '
l' 6. ImlEMNITY: The Lessee shall save and hold hannless the Lessor from B.lW and all claims
or liability or,death,or .injuzy or damages of aIW kind, to persons or porperty occasioned by' the Lessee's
~se of said premises. ' . . "
I 7. TERMINATION: This lease mq be te:nninated by mutual agreement of the parties thereto, but
:l.n no case shall the City, terminate said agreement before the three-year-term mentioned in paragraph 1.
I 8. INSURANCE: The Leasee further agrees to contribute to the Lessor Fifty per cent of'the
premi1.Dll cost of insuring said ,building against fire and damage by the elements; said figure to be based on
the full insurable value of said building. The Lessee further agrees to protect the Lessor against damage
occasioned by the use of the building during. the. tem of the lease, said protection to be taken care of
by the Lessee's casualty insurance program.
9. ..ImNTENANCE: The Lessee further agrees to keep the building in good repair and to return it
to the Lessor u.pon,.the expiration of the lease or upon mutual termination of the lease in as good condition
as the same nQW is, reasonable .ear and tear except-ed.
.It was moved by Councilman Powell that the foregoing lease and agreement be 6jJproved and the Ma;yor and
!Clerk, authorized to sign the same. Seconded by Councilman McFadden. All voted qe. Motion carried. .
I ' ..
'Manager Vergeer announced that the annual report of the City is finished except printing.
I . '
,Mrs. Yaple, on behalf of the Municipal League, appeared before the Council and discussed the congested
Itraffic situation and :parking especiall.v on First Street men trucks are parked during peak period of
~traffic. Mairor Smith J.nforme.1 that the touncil is aware of the situation and are trying to get the street
,project started. Also advised that completion of the project should relieve bottleneck by diverting
traffiC if the. people will use completed arteriala for that purpose.
~Manager Vergeer advised that he is . giving much consideration.. traffic problem, and by authority of the
{ouncil will continue stud,y of the same.
,Madge Nailor infonned of a dangerous situation in sidewalks on West First St., just East of P. A. Motor Co.
:~ger Vergeer was instructed to investigate condition of the sidewalk.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
309 "
February 19 continued
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Unier the head of introduction of resolutions, the following was introduced:
A llESOLUTION authorizing complete 'Storm. Sewer Installatiotl upon Front Street as authori zed by
Ordinance No., 1275.
WHEREAS, the last two paragraphs of Sedion 1 of Ordinance No. 1275, provides in part as follows:
"That all of the above storm sewers shall be connected with other trunk, main and lateral
!lewers_of the City wher~ necessary or advisable," and,
I WHEREAS, it is the findings of the City Engineer and the recomnendation to the City Counci4 that
Istorm sewer stubs should be connected to such main, lateral and trunk sewers, and the City COUDCU
concurs in such recommendation, " ,
That. under .the arterial street improvement program and. authority ,Of, Oz:U.nance'.Np. 1275, all catch
basins, and stonn sewers on FroJ:It Street be installed complete and connected to such main lateral and,
trunk sewers as planned by the City Engineer.
I It was moved by. Councilman McFadden that the foregoing resolution be appro!,ed and adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Wolfe. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Under the head of introduction and reading of. Ordinances, the. fol1owing'was read'in full for consideration
of the Council:
AN ORDINANCE vacating the alley in Block One Hundred and Ninety (190) of the Townsite of Port Angeles.
I It was moved by Councilman Neer that the foregoing Ordinance be' appr~ved'~ adop'ted~ Seconded by
Councilman Brown. All voted Aye. Motion carried. . .',
There being no further business, the meetin<; was decl~red adjourned.
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