HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/19/1962 108 Pmceedings of t~e City Commission of t~e City of Port Angeles, Was~ington FEBRUARY 15 19...21- ,,50, 6 inch cast 1ron p1pe and 0,00 t. Class 150, 2 1nch cast 1ron p1pe or t e Water Dept. SecOnded ~y Councilman Caldwell and carried. II ~otice was received that petitions are being circulated for annexation of an area in the vicinity of ~t. Angeles Road to the Scribner Road, 1:11: It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the Police Department, Police Judge and Fire Department ~eports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. ~t was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the claims payable in amounts of: General Funds, $8,855.1~, \.Jater Fund $1,194.87, Pipeline Fund $57,83 and Light Fund $3,027.16 be allowed and approved. Second.ed ~y Councilman Thorne and carr:iel, I, II . ~t was moved by Councilman Richardson that the payrolls for January in total amount of $61,292.25 be ~pproved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. . ~ ~e fifth progress payment to K T. Henderson, Inc. for work and material in construction of the MuJi- cipal Swimming Pool, having been approved and signed by I. E. Muri, Architect, the City Manager and III . Kenneth Henderson, President, it was moved by Councilman Richardson that the progress payment ~ ~:~~~/ive (5) in amount of $33,545,20 be approved, Seconded by Councilman Caldwell a~d unanimous IIY . letter was read from McMahan Fuel Co, relative to unsightly poles in the City. The City Manager :informed that the City is already working in connection with "clean up" and is doing everything POS] IS,', ible in removing the unsightly poles. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the letter be ac I: ;nowledged and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. I Lr. Wall, representing the Magna Pipeline Co. requested an extension of one year for the beginning of :Construction of the natural gas line into the city, the deadline clause in the company's franchise :1 maving expired. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that a one year extension on the date of commenc- 'ing construction of the pipeline be granted Magna Pipeline Co. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and II ~'nanimOUSlY carried. In answer to the question of the two areas which have requested annexation, it was moved by Council~ ,an Thorne that the pre-existing liabilities of the City not be assumed by the annexed areas. ]1 ~econded by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously carried. ~ecause of certain statements made during his campaign for a Council position, Councilman Richardso I fuade corrections in statements made by Mr. William Schultz: I 1. A general summary was made of negotiations between the plants using Elwha Industrial Water and the City and the renewing of the contract. 2. The size and capacity of the new swimming pool was explained and the method by which the bonds would be redeemed was explained. l 3. An explanation was given as to costs of the new light service building and cost of the parking lot, I" t was moved by Councilman Richardson that the meet~IW be adjourned and re-convene for the purpose ~f canvassing the absentee ballots, which are all'iri. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. Whereupon the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned and the second meeting convened for the purpose ff canvassing absentee ballots and nothi~g else. ~ ctf 06 ~-1u n-P he.-<! --' 'I CITY CLERK ~ebrUary 19, 1962 ." himary Election of the City of Port ,Ang~leS ,J:Washington, Id and conducted February 13, 196 2, as I ~hOwn by the canvass of Absentee B~llo~~'and the Poll Books: 1 Councilman " , Absentee Position No',{ l' Votes Nathan.oC'. Richardson 7 Wiliiam R. Schultz 1 Laurence E. "Larry" \>linters 8 Joseph W, l,oHe, .' 23 Poll Book 800 311 624 1214 Total 807 312 632 1237 Position No.2 ,Murray F. Randall 'Charles R. Willson 5 34 773 2160 778 2194 Position No. 3 James G. Caldwell 7 943 950 Donald E. Cornell 25 956 981 Willard S. "Bill" Traylor 5 1040 1045 From results of said election it appears that for Position No, 1: Joseph W, Wolfe and Nathan G. kichardson; Position No.2: Charles R. Willson and Murray F, Randall; Position No.3: Willard S. !'Bill" Traylor and Donald E. Cornell were nominated to run for Councilmen for four year terms. ~erefore, the names of the nominated will be placed upon the Ballot for the General City Election to be held March 13, 1962. krTNESS my hand this 19th day of February, 1962. I , I t,o di: m./ /1//.-u ./ City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles, Washington I I, I ;1 II " 'I 1 I I