HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/19/2002 4603 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 19, 2002 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Wiggins called the regular meeting of the City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell, Erickson, Headrick, Rogers, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, T. Reid, S. McLain, T. McCabe, L. Dunbar, J. Young, and G. Kenworthy. Public Present: L. Lee and T. Price. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Rogers. ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC CEREMONIES, None. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS: WORK SESSION: Erickson Park "Super Playground" Project: Parks & Recreation Director Marc Connelly began by introducing members of a citizens committee who have been Erickson Park "Super instrumental in planning for replacement playground equipment for Erickson Park. Playground" Project Members present were Jim Bolton, Kiwanis Club President-elect Janet Drysdale, Chuck Drysdale, Dan Maguire, Steve Charno, and Ray Gruver. Jim Bolton, 101 West 12% related his and Mr. Maguire's research efforts regarding the design, costs, and size of the equipment, mentioning other similar projects completed in other cities in the U.S. Commenting on the existing equipment within the park, he echoed Director Connelly's "value-added" approach to improving Erickson Park and indicated that this project would be a great addition as it would be a community-built and funded enterprise by volunteers. A video tape was shown with illustrations of other similar playgrounds. The committee has set Friday, February 22, 2002, as the design day for the project when the architect, Leathers & Associates, will visit local schools and obtain feedback from Port Angeles children about what they would envision for their playground. Mayor Wiggins complimented Mr. Bolton and volunteers for their efforts, stating that this is a wonderful idea for Port Angeles and that there would be much enthusiasm for the project. Following a brief question and answer session, Director Connelly indicated the project would be under construction in mid-September. -1- 4604 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 19, 2002 LATE ITEMS TO BE Mayor Wiggins added two items to be placed under Other COnsiderations: 1) the PLACED ON THIS OR meeting with the Elwha Tribal Chair, added as Agenda Item 1.2, and 2) the Council FUTURE AGENDA: presentations to the Chamber of Commerce in March, added as Agenda Item 1.3. FINANCE: 1. Acceptance of Septage from Clallam County Haulers Acceptance of Septage Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler reviewed budgetary issues, procurement of from Clallam County equipment, modification Of the Wastewater Treatment Plant to accept additional Haulers septage, and Lakeside Corporation's agreement to provide a temporary septage acceptance plant (SAP) for demonstration purposes. Following questions regarding the rate to be applied to County haulers and the profit structure for the City, Councilman Braun moved to authorize the Director of Public Works & Utilities to accept septage from Clallam County haulers for the period of February 20, 2002, to on or about March 6, 2002, at the established rate of $0.11 per gallon. Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. WPAG Annual 2. WPA G Annual Agreement Agreement Director Cutler summarized the City's participation since 1980 in the Western Public Agencies Group regarding shared costs in contracting with experts in the regional power field for legal assistance and financial consulting. In the discussion that followed, Councilman Campbell noted that he ordinarily was not a fan of industry-wide groups but, in this instance, he observed this group has provided value to the membership over the years. Therefore, Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Director of Public Works & Utilities to sign agreements with Marsh Mundorf Pratt and Sullivan, and EES Consulting for WPAG services during the year 2002 for an amount not to exceed $12,000.00. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Kleinschmidt Contract 3. Kleinschmidt Contract Change Order Change Order Background and analysis issues were reviewed by Director Cutler relative to the need for an evaluation of the appropriate sale price for the Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project. Staffhad been directed to investigate options to sell and to lease the project. Discussion ensued concerning the in-stream flow requirements under consideration, after which Councilmember Rogers moved to approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a change order with Kleinschmidt Associates to revise the total compensation to their contract in an amount not to exceed $17,000.00. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Morse Creek Waterline 4. Morse Creek Waterline Repair Repair Director Cutler began by explaining the necessity of additional materials and work to complete the repair of the leak in the Morse Creek pipeline due to unanticipated soil conditions and added Hydraulic Permit Approval requirements. Following Director Cutler's summary, Councilman Campbell moved to approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a change order with Morrison Excavating that revises the total contract amount to $20,857.50. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Discussion followed and, in response to an inquiry from Mayor Wiggins, Director Cutler provided a brief status report on the lease with Ebey Hill. The most recent draft lease agreement was forwarded to Ebey Hill, who indicated acceptance of the agreement. The matter has not been brought before the Council, pending further consideration of the economics, the in-stream flows, and the report from Kleinschmidt.. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: Responding t° concerns from Councilmembers Erickson and Headrick on Consent Agenda IreTM No. 7, Director Cutler clarified the costs and multi-year funding associated -2- CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4605 February 19, 2002 CONSENT AGENDA: with the electric underground conversion on Ediz Hook. (Cont'd) Councilman Campbell referenced Consent Agenda Item No. 6, noting the lack of County involvement in the Olympic Coast Beach Cleanup. It was then requested by Councilman Campbell that this issue be discussed with the organization and that they be asked to approach the County for £mancial support of this effort. Director Cutler stated that staff would follow up on this matter. Additional discussion centered on the total contract amount for the Gateway Transportation Center, followed by Councilman Braun's motion to accept the Consent Agenda, to include the suggestion specific to Item No. 6, as well as: 1) City Council Minutes - February 5, 2002 Special Meeting, and February 5, 2002 Regular Meeting; 2) Check Register - February 12, 2002 - $405,604.58; 3) Payroll Information - February 3, 2002 - $452,673.18; 4) Electronic Transfers - February 8, 2002 - $1,949,952.00; 5) Wastewater Treatment Plant Operating System and Software Upgrade; 6) Olympic Coast Beach Cleanup; 7) Ediz Hook Underground Project Acceptance; and 8) Amendment #1 to Consultant Agreement for Port Angeles International Gateway Transportation Center. Councilman FIeadrick seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Rogers attended the RC&D meeting with Jefferson and Clallam COMMITTEE Counties and served as a panelist for a technological discussion regarding REPORTS: telecommunications. Councilman Headrick attended a Law & Justice Committee meeting which dealt with supplemental by-laws, revenues, and supervised community service work by defendants. Councilman Williams attended the RTPO meeting regarding the Hood Canal Bridge closure and mentioned possible alternatives still under discussion. Mayor Wiggins offered kudos on the successful demonstration of MagnaForce in Olympia recently. ORDINANCES NOT Minimum Landfill Rate REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Director Cutler presented a summary on the background of fees, the increase in workloads, and the increase in the number of self-haulers to the Landfill. The tipping Minimum Landfill Rate fees would remain the same, and only the minimum rate would increase. Director Cutler noted the increase is an effort to reduce the number of trips to the Landfill. At the request of the Utility Advisory Committee, the matter was referred to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee who voted unanimously to recommend support of the increase. Director Cutler then reviewed the results of a survey concerning the rates. Tad Price, 111 lA West 12th, thanked the Council for the opportunity to address issues regarding the increase in the landfill rate. Mr. Price posed questions to clarify and justify the increase, questions exploring traffic issues, funding additional personnel, the size of the increase, additional revenues to the City, and allocations for those revenues. Mayor Wiggins thanked Mr. Price for his cogent questions and asked Director Cutler to respond. Director Cutler reiterated that the goal is a reduction of trips to the landfill so staff would not have to be increased, adding that such a reduction would decrease the workload. He went on to explain that annual rates should have increased in the past years, but that new fees would be revenue neutral, adding that the number of staff is increasing in association with the compost operations, not the municipal solid waste efforts. The increase in question is not to discourage trips to landfills, but to encourage -3- 4606 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 19, 2002 ORDINANCES NOT fewer trips with larger loads. REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Lengthy discussion followed, and Councilman Campbell responded to the matter of (Cont'd) equity involved between City and County residents. Councilman Headrick inquired as to how many City residents versus County residents self-haul to the Landfill. Solid Minimum Landfill Rate Waste Superintendent McCabe indicated those figures were not currently available, but (Cont'd) he offered to provide those numbers to the Council at a future date. Councilman Headrick suggested the possibility of establishing a different minimum rate for City residents. The Council then considered the merits of referring the matter back to the Utility Advisory Committee. Therefore, Councilman Braun moved that the Minimum Landfill Rate issue be referred back to the Utility Advisory Committee for further review. Councilman Headrick seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. RESOLUTIONS: None. OTHER 1. Cable TV Franchise Renewal CONSIDERATIONS: Power Resource Manager Dunbar, at the request of Director Cutler, summarized the Cable TV Franchise issues involved in the renewal process and a waiver of the procedural requirement under Renewal federal law which would allow for informal negotiations until the end of May of 2002, with the formal negotiations held in a delayed mode. Following questions from Council and clarification from Attorney Knutson, Councilman Braun moved to authorize informal cable franchise renewal negotiations to continue through May of 2002 based on the Cable Operator's waiver dated February 6, 2002. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Meeting with Elwha 2. Meeting with Elwha Tribal Chair Tribal Chair Mayor Wiggins reviewed a meeting he and the City Manager had with Elwha Tribal Chair Dennis Sullivan and John Miller and asked Council for any questions regarding that discussion. The Mayor had previously e-mailed discussion topics and outcomes to Councilmembers. No questions were submitted by the Council at this time. Council Presentations to 3. Council Presentations to Chamber of Commerce in March Chamber of Commerce in March Referencing upcoming meetings of the Chamber of Commerce on the 18t~ and 25t~ of March, Mayor Wiggins asked that the Councilmembers identify topics for presentation at the meetings in order to avoid duplication. Councilman Headrick indicated he would address the topic of Valley Creek, Councilman Braun wanted to discuss an ice skating rink, and Councilmember Erickson felt that she would speak to the subject of the pool renovations. Mayor Wiggins urged the Council to give this further thought for discussion at the next meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. OTHER: INFORMATION: Manager Quiun announced a meeting of the Finance Committee on February 22, at 10:00 a.m. Mention was made of a conflict in dates for the Real Estate Committee meeting and the Three Mayor Meeting with the March NLC meeting in Washington, D.C. He furthered mentioned a memo from Clerk Upton requesting a special meeting for Councilmembers to interview applicants for vacant board and commission positions. The special meeting was scheduled for March 5, 2002 at 4:00 p.m. -4- CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4607 February 19, 2002 Break Mayor Wiggins recessed the meeting for a break at 7:40 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:50 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 7:50 p.m. for 30 minutes to discuss litigation and potential litigation.. RETURN TO OPEN The meeting reconvened at 8:55 p.m. SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. - Glenn Wiggins, Mayor BeCky J. Upt~ Ci~lerk- ---- -5- 4608 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK