HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/20/1950 '6~30 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Fe brua ry 20, 19JtL ,The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor }'eeley. [present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioner. RObinson, Attorney Trumlllll and Clerk T~,w. ~inutes of the previous session were read and approved. '. nder the head of I )I:luilding Permits: Howard Gagnon 'Floyd Parker f. C. Vleld ron DelGuzzi BrOS. Earl 2ahn DelGuzzi Bros. Jel(Juzzi Bros. Raro Id Ha rtman Phil Rife Officers applicat}pns for building pennits and ;.1500 ./ Build Garage; Lot 10, ~lk. 179, Townsite Remodel Workshop & Shed into House; Lot 14, tllk. 301, Townsito Build 4-Hoom Dwelling; Lot 4, Elk. 107, Townsite Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 18, lJlk. 176, Tovmsite Construct 14xl2 Dwelling; Lot 9, Blk. 458, Townsite Juild 5-Hoom Dwelling; Lot 15, Hlk. 2B5, Townsite Build 5-Hoom Dwelling; Let 17, tllk. 109, Townsite Build 3-Hoom Dwelling; Lot 1, Blk. A, Ulover's Subdivision Enclose Front Porch; Lot 19, Blk. 327, Townsite 0" Licenses: 1'1./ Babe's Tavern Amusement !lachines oabe's Tavern ~iusic Machine 8a be's Ta vern Soft Drink Rayonier'Cafe I~staurant Rayonier Cafe Music t!J8chine 1layonier Ca fe So ft Drink ~nder the head of unfinished rosiness, bids to furnish for the Light Department 6,500 feet of copper wire ~ere opened as follows: license renewals, the following were grantee: 1,500.00 500 .00 1,200.00 7,000.00 300.00 a,ooo.OO 9,000.00, 1,500.00 500.00 I 48.00, 12.00' 5.00' 12.00 12.00 5.00 I General Electric Supply Corp.: 6,500' #5/07 strand bare copper--Soft Drawn...28.98 cwt. $975.75; Hard Drawn...28.88 cwt. i972.58; !,;edium Hard...29.23 cwt. $984.17. Terms: ~ of 1%, Lo.b. Port Angeles Graybar Electric Co., Inc.: 6,500 I #5/0 Hard Drawn...28.88 cwt. ~~9'12.59; M.Il.D....29.23 cwt. I Terras: "~ of 1:&--10 days--f.o. b. Port Angeles. INayd"ell & Hartzell, Inc.: 6,500' #5/0 tedium Hard Copper...29.25 cv~. ~274.76. , Terms: 'li of 1:&--10 days--net 30 days. ~Iesti~ehouse Electric Supply Go.: . 6,SOO' fI~/O rtar~ Dravr~...2[l.88 cwt. $972.38; Eedium Drawn...29.25 ! ,;984.17; Soft Drawn...28.98 ~975.75. lerms:;; of 1", Lo.b. Port Angeles. cwt. ,. 'General Cable Corp.; '6,500' #3/0 Strand 7: Hard Drawn...28.88 cwt; Soft Drawn...28.98 cwt.; li.edium Drawn... 29.25 cwt. Terms: t of 1:&--10 days--net 50 days f.o.o. Port Angeles. John A. Hoeoling's Sons Co. of Calif.: 6,500' k5/0 Copper Wire...28.98 cwt.; 6,500' #3/0 fuedium Hard Drawn ...29.25"cwt. Terms: ~ of 1%--10 days; 50 days net. I Line Material Co.: 6,500' #3/0 7 Strand: Soft Drawn...28.98 cwt.; Eedium 118rd Dravm...29.25 cwt.; liard 'I Drawn 28.88 cwt. Terms: ~ 0 f l:&--lOth. I~ome Electri-r Co.: 6,500' Soft Drawn...28.98 C. $975.76; Medium ilard Drawn...29.25 C. $984.17. II Terms: "2 0 f 1~-10 days. I)\fter checking and due consideration, it was moved by Commissioner Iwbinson that the bid suomitted by the Grayber Electric Co. to furnish the M.H.D. copper conductor at (1)29.23 cwt. be accepted. Seconded by Mayor 'Feeley. The motion carried. 'Melvin Michel of the County Agricultural Dept., and representatives from the Se'juim and Dungeness dairying 'district, appeared before the Commission regarding a recent ruling bJ' the Legislature in which milk inspection in Clallam and Jefferson Counties would be conducted by an inspector from the Seattle heelth 'Dept. after April 1st. It was the opinion of the Dairymen "that Olympic nealth Lepartment should continue j;inspection, thereby eliminating time and cost, if and when any difficulties or grievances occur. 1\lso that I~present inspection is more rigid than Seattle, thereby affording better protection for local customers vrho ,use the products. Commissioner Hobinson stated that in his opinion, it seems reasonable that Clallam and Jefferson Counties should do their own inspection and questioned as to what the vommission could do. /.layor Feeley suggested that kr. Uichel and other interested parties present to the Commission exactly what they want and in the meantime the Commission will contact Dr. Risser regarding the matter and reconsider at the next session. A letter from the Port Angeles Reading Club, requesting that the City of Port Aneeles preserve the Jessie \llebSter Park in its original setting, was referred to the Park Board. I ,~equest for a loading zone at 507 South Lincoln street by the Clallam 'ithrough Friday, was approved if the Library fumish and attend signs. :ltheLibrary regarding same. The Gateway Tavern requested in vlTiting, permission to perJ'!l.it dancing in their est.ablishment, subject to 'approval by the State Liquor Control 80ard. It was moved by Hayor Peeley that the request be granted if approved by the State Board. Seconded by Commissioner Iiobinson. lbe motion carried. County Library from 4 to 6, Konday Chief Ide was instructed to contact Claim for damages to the Pagoda !toom at ll3~ East~'ront Street was filed in the amount of approximately :$1,,800.00. The damage was caused by l,'rater from frozen mains -and meters and claim vras signed by J:3en '{fang, i;OWner of the restaurant. The matter lYas refe.rred to the City Attorney and Jerr;; Nelson Insurance Agency. :: I:The L:om.rniSS10n examlneCl. and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: , :1..(, CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: 1tf~ - John 1'. Trumbull John J. Driscoll He rold l!.cLaughlin Olympic Tribune City Treasurer Au tomoti ve Parts Servic e Fitchard's Ass. Service I Expenses Civil Service Examiner Civil Service Examiner Legal Publications Light, Nater, Garbage 5 Cans Pep Car Repair 42.16 10.001 10.00, 26.311 27.61 2.52' 19.93 ~ I I I .1 I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington l' CUHHENT EXPENSL FUIID. continued: The Texas Co. Dobson Auto Blectric , Port Angeles Motors I ./heeler Hd"e. & }urn. Co. Elk Drug Co. I Olympic Stationers I The Olympic Printery Evening News Press Olympic Laundry & Cleaners . Willson Hardware Co. Smith Ice & Bottling Works I..uvaHs Firestone Service Fire Appliance Co. Angeles Building Center United Janitor Supply Co. Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. C. A. Holverton Harris &: Schuller Lincoln Welding American ~~rsh ~p, Inc. Middleton Motor Parts Co. D & B Hattery & Electric Stn. LIGHT FUND: J1 fI 'i_d City Treasurer Middleton Motor Parts Co. Truck", Equip. Co. Westinghouse Elec. Supp~y Co. Home Blectric Co. I li.. E. Uptegraf Mfg. Co. I f3 SANITATION FUND: if ,. Middleton !.lot or Parts Co. D & Jl flattery & Electric Stn. Automotive Parts Service Janish Motor Co. Samuelson Motor Co. PARK FUND: 'I;{ '1! I' Woodie's Harley Davidson Keys Y/heeJ.er Hardware", }'W'n. Co. Axe Handles; City Street Dept. . Gas : City Treasurer Light, Water, 11 PAHKIlIG METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL NND: .;(5 '!!: Green Bros. Service Stn. Car Chains City Treasurer Postage ,Middleton Motor Parts Co. Parts Trick & Murray Coin Wrappers I 0 ,CEl.lETERY WIID: /";( Z II/hceler Hard'"are & Furn. Co. City Street Dept. :zt! , L. I. GUARANTY FUl'ID: ,I Olympic Trirone "_.MU........."'"'"n.,_~... U17"~ 10 L. I. D. GENERAL FUND: f- I Olympic Tribune 0" ANIMAL COllTl!OL RIND, 10 J G - 'Cla llam County H=ne Society 'webruarv 20, continued, 19~ Gas Labor on uenerator; Battery Chg. Towing 2 Coffee Pots Drug Supplies Orrio e &. Dept. Supplie s Supplies Printing Laundry Tools and hardware Paper Towels Parts 5 Fire Extinguishers Supplies llop Handles, Cleaner, etc, Tools and Hdwe. Stamps, Express Parts", Labor Weld ing I'~re Pump Parts Parts Cash for Postage Parts Servic e lIlock, Meter Parts Tape 'Transformers Parts Parts and Labor Parts Parts Switch, Screws Splitting J,~all Garbage 1 Blow Torch Gas Notices of Sale Legal Publication C.E. Transfer for Anima 1 Control; Licenses & Pound Fee s ! There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. , 631.'" 147.51 S.15 2.58 2.45 1.02 41.46 4.79 51.91 17.35 42.31 , 11.85 , 5.04.1 57.66 i 44.55 I 30.02 I 17.95 ' 17.811 SO.19., 22.66 ' 45.00 146.21 I 64.50, 3.00 13 .56 5.04 15.09 33.37 3,911.84 54.78 13.28 16.21 19;38 i .78 I .88 I 10.61 : 16.66 64.83 ! 10.55 I .55 ,: 1.23 1~.14 II 10.251 2.45 , 2.88, 9.90 1,035.00 Ill!' ~, 6' City Clerk ~d4 ~ If.ayor ~