HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/20/1958 r 580 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington I'd,rellLf 6 contiR1e EI 19~ .."...."""'...."'.............."'...,.....- I . unanimously carried. I . r ""~o ~';.. ::~. ~,,~. ... _.~ ~~..,. I tf .Ci ty Clerk ~~~,I Mp.yor FEBRUARY 29, 1958. Primary Election of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, held am conducted February 11, 1958, as shown by the canvass of Poll Books and Absentee Ballots: romplt~te Hnofficial. Returns 'of, Tuesday's Primary I .' .~ II' . ! ;~ ~~'.'- 'i'I' ~'~~:"'", L _ ;j:E:i~_"'3!3~:E_ci:~~ 1........... ,.................. 241 42~1 :0011 11;1' 3\11651 231 59: 67 !:;;I 61' 121 ~7 2, ,........::,::::::::::::: ~12; M 2~ ~ ~ ;;\: :i[:~ ;51 4:571, ~:l ~i : i~ ~............................. ~ 311611130 31 20140150 41 61'111'1886 L,<~':.':::::::::::::::::: :\' E\ ~Il' :il\ ~,~~ ~,\ i1\ ~ ~l ~31 ~\I ii:1 ~ :~i ~ :::::....__ .::::::::':::::'::: 35, 1~' 6MJ 14 29t 41 27 44 49 44' 9 1:> 24 100 f:., ........... ~.~ ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ ~\ n I 'I h~ i~,.. . . ,........".... ~;1:1 ~~\ ;;1 ~I E; HI1 E EI :\ ;\ 1~1 ~;,li~ll~: 13 ......, .... 23\10\ 24 20[ 47\41 32 301 57 33; 11\ :>.01 17 121 102 19..... ,... ........,........... 10 151 9 91 24 27 12 19 20112211 ;1 ~~\ l~'1 m'l~ 20.... :..;... .,... .............. 31 26( 321 3Q 41 55 30 441 (52 53: I 21... .L.Y.. ..... .........., 33 21 24:110\1 401 39 21 24 441 291 5- .....141 15124 90 22... ...........' I 231 23126 21 49129 33 35\ 391 231 2i' 36' 19\131 94 23 ...... ...... ..' 14\ 11 12113125 18 20 21 241 171 31 "\ 16 81 55 24 'I ?2 24 25 24 50 25 26 141 S<i I 16 10 28 9' 181 00 ...., ..... .. ;9\211 24 14 31135i 32 29 321 19' 2' 26 191131 81 ~ :'.. ..,,' ..., ....'" I ~ i:: i:ll~1 ~ ~I : :1 ~II ~1~11~, i~', i~l ~ ~ot;.i'" ,...',':..,....::,.:..::.., , 7391 649t2.2? ~ 960~~ ~ ~~I~~~ James G. Caldwell Ih Scott Marshall A:Lbert C. Milliken Bill L. Owens lIDrray F. Randall ~athan G. Richardson John P. Wagner Lawrence E. Winters Joseph W. Wolfe Margaret E. Matthieu , Martin J, Presalowicz Daniel P. Smith Leola L, Smith Dalton W. Thorne Absentee: 4 4 5 5 5 8 5 15 11 Results, including ]jbsentee: 745 655 610 450 965 1059 626 1047 1242 12 o :> 5 1 1046 105 585 407 540 From the results of said Election it appears that Joseph W. Wolfe, Nathan G. Richardson, Lawrence E. Winter~, Murray F. Randall, James G. Caldwell, am R. Scott Marshall were nominated for Councilmen for four ~ar 1 term, and Margaret E. Matthieu and Dalton W. Thorne were nominated for unel!P;l:red tem. Therefore, the names of the nominated will be placed upon tho Ballot at the General City Election to be held March ll, 1958. I i WITNESS my hand this 20th day of February, 1958. I ..... o,e-L~ Cit~Clerk of the City of por't Angeles, Washington. 1 '1 1 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington 581~ February :at} 19~ '""' . .oM ,,<BU. "."o~.. ,..mo. ...... . .... !Cit~ Council met in regula~.session at 7:30 P:M. and wa~ called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll caU of , ofhcers showed the fo11aung present: Counc1lmen Sand1son, Mathieu, Wolfe, McFadden and Maxfield, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk LB>I. It was moved by Councilman wolfe that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received. Seconded by Coucilman Matthieu and carried. Under the head o(.,unfinished business, hearing on proposed L.I.D. No. 177 for improvement of C Street by installation of storm sewerS was opened. Protests objecting to improvement were as follows: Paul Johnson, N. , of Lots 11, 12, Blk.300 George Johnson, S! of Lots ll,. 12, Blk. 300 George W. St~awbridge, Lots 3, 4, Blk, 430 John P. Foley, Lots 19, 20, Blk. 351 Mildred L. Doyle, Lots 13, 14. Blk. 431, Katie J. Boyd, Lots 3,4, Blk. 396 , WIll. Randklev, Lots IS, 16, Blk. 431; Lots 18, 19, 20, Blk, 440 Wesley H. Kidd, Lots ll, 12, Blk. 431 P. A. Mallory, Lots 14, IS, Blk. 319 JOs. D. Baxter, Lots 4, 5, 6, BIt. 456 Claude S. Crocker, Lots 18, 19, 20, Blk. 429 Ted Clayton, So. 50' of Lots 14. IS, Blk. 429 Vernon C. Kiele, Lots 1, 2, 3, B1k. 442 First Baptised Holy Church, Lots 4, 5. 6, Blk. 442 Goldeu Keile Lindell, Lots 11, 12, Blk. 428 Helen J. Tisdale, Lots 17, 18, Blk. 319 Donald E. Tisdale, Lots 19, 20, BIt. 319 Roscoe L. Post, Lots 14, IS, Bn. 30G Clarence Baugh, Lots 16, 17, 18, BIt. 301 James A. .conrad, Lots I, 2.. 8lk. 353 George Drake, Lots 1, 2, 19, 20, Blk. 370 Paul Conner, Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, Blk. 414 Anselm Blomquist, Lots 19, 20, Blk.353 Ralph lC. Koester, Lots 5, 6, Blk. 372 Amount of Protests, $3,457.84. Percentage protest, 11,74%. Engineer's report on improvement: Est. Cost, trunk sewer $12,398,79. Est. cost C. st. Lateral, $17,060.23. Est. portion .borne by property within assessment district, $29,459.02. Aggregate assessed valuation of property allowable for assessment purposlS $86,9l?OO. Aggregate assessed valuation of improvements within proposed district, $242,583.0G. Outstand- ing L.t.D. assess~nts pending and unpaid against property within proposed district, $13,398.15. Fred Strange, Chairman of Planning Commission, reviewed the proposed project stating that the State Highway Department will curb and Pave C Street if the City takes c'are of drainage. Also the usual procedure is to spread cost of trl!nk sewers over area benefitted. If owners were required to pay half of all cost, the amount would be three times as much. As proposed, bUlk of cost will be paid by the state. Mr. Vergeer explained that storm sewer will not only benefit C Street but other areas, and that is why those areas are required to pay. Councilman Wolfe stated the question is whether or not the property owners want to take advantage of offer by the State. , Danny Smith assured that the State was not giving C Street to the City and requested the Attorney to explain procedure of establishing improvement' districts. Attorney Trumbull asked the ingineer if the State would consider paving without the'whole storm sewer pro- ject. Mr. Warder answered he believed they would as disposal of the storm water is the City's problem. Mr. Gwynn wondered if the City could afford funds to assist in cost of project. Mr. Strange answered that the Street Uepartment will spend considerable for stubbing infor sanitary sewers at time of construction. Other 'property owners agreed as to need of improvement, and as it is benefit to all the City, cost should be borne evenly. George Sylvia considered C Street property Ohners as asking too much of other taxpayers as they have paid and are still paying other blanket assessments. After further discussion, clue consideration and protests filed, it was movecl by councilman Maxfield that hearing be closed. Seconcled by Councilman McFadclen ancl carried. Results of City primary Election held February 11 having been properly canvassed, ,the Mayor read final tabulations of said canvass as recorded on Page 580, herein. Under the head of new business, claims paid Feb. 7, 10, and 17 were approved in total amount of $16,169.01. It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. The following dePartment reports were filed for (;ouncil approval: Police Judge for January. Street. Light, and Treasurer's financial report. It was moved by Councilman McPadden that reports be accepted and placed on file. Secronded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Council received a request from Association of washington Cities asking that Local Legislative 80dy be represented at the next Legislature during discussions concerning financial condition of towns and cities. John Trumbull told Council he has been examin~ng State Auditor reports on Utilities for recent periodS, all being available excepting report ending December 31, 1950. Mr. Truti:>ull requested that the report be made available d once. Danny Smith asked Council if progress had been made toward aoquH1ng rec.orde~ to keep detailed proceedings of Council meetings. Council will inquire as to whether or not use of r ecord.er i.s common practice. Nr.. Smith. also congratulated Mr. Vergeer on his appointment to serve as President of NIl' City Managers Assn. Don Tisdale of 915 W. 11th St., complainecl that his basement had been flooded twice, caused by sewer stoppage. The Pire Dept. had pumped out md on second occurrence the Street Dept. investigated and found sewer obstructed with tyle plug. Mr. Tisdale filecl Claim, adjuster inspected and not heard from since. If claim is not paid it will be necessary to take legal action. The Attorney assured that insurance represent- ative will be contacted to ascertain why claim was not answered. George Wood read resolution by Citiuns for Better Gov't requesting that department heads be present at Council meetings. Mr. Vergeer informed that this i;s not a legal requirement and clepartment heads are present for any business pertinent to t heir department. Bud Bucknell was of opinion that department heads should be present to answer any questions which might come up. Councilman Matthieu stated that questions cannot be answered immediately and Democracy is a slow process. Mr. wood questione:lif any representatives had been sent to Olympia regarding labor and economic conditions. It was the opinion of Mr. Vergeer that various things could be clone by Council approval, with understanding ancl agreement that no great number of individuals could be employed by the City, no definite wage scale, just fai. and equitable work program. Also that all public agencies should initiate some tyPe of emplo""ert_ Fill Gwynn appeared with statements he intencled to read at previOUS meeting and requestecl permisllon to read at this time. He then read statements as given to press which he declared were not published correctly. Mr. Gwynn gave reason for not giving copies of statements and transcripts to Mr. Vergeer as promised and asked the Mayor why he did not give his (The Mayor's) letter to press. Mayor Smith replied that case of ~ 582 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Februarv 20. continued 195.8_ ,," , """""" u."u, "",,,,... ,","""",,,u ..... Mr. Thompson had been discussed several times and considered the matter sHIed. Under the head of introduction of Resolutions, the following was introduced and read: RESOLUTION NO.4-58 A RESOLUTION providing for the transfer of 0ne rhousand Dollars ($1,000.00) from the Current Expense Fund to the Animal Control Fund by way of a loan repayal'l1he as soon as funds are available from tax returns. I It was moved b~ Councilman McFadden that the foregoing Resolution be adopted. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. There being no furttJ.er business, the meeting was declared adjourned. (j,- C ~aur f City Clerk J--I L- a!:~ Mayor . . OALL P01lo :B'ID'/J '~ J,'" . .O'l"ICE TO COJ!ll'TBACTOKS th~e~f~1~ b~1S l~ilbit~ci:ikIV:: th; I. CALL FOR DDS ,ity of fl)rtH:tlg~~~t~;:;h~';:I~k ~ XOTICF. ]8 HERERY givf>o that l ~he 'f ~I, 3 1955' tl.oq. not later.. sealed bids will he received at the ~or ~~ :~~~C~~PP~J ;1~ ~~~~: '~{~~~M~fl, t~:o ~~~~1/c~e:o~t ~Jtr:~t~ r~1~.oll~~)~~~i~C~Clght' of the !~~r~c~n~.~~~, l~~~h~~~~o1n9S~n~:!i, 6~~~, Tra.ctor ,agd Loader to be S,iiOO l~tn" and will be oponed publlcly po~~d8. wder ~hall tllke In trade one ~~dth~CC}t:tC~~l~~l"ch&~~be~~a~td;ig 1~fi3# ' OC-3 Tractor and Ware "North Oak Street for tlH! follOWing ~~o ~cr~e~?i1ergu~~f!~ a~;, .. 9\'6. l o7It~o;te :i?1, t~; bl~tJ:O p~~~. (~RM 'IRU:\'K 1 ~n~eorih6.u,i~~~~~.i1 ~27~~AljI~~'i,It, ~Eft'.E~ 10 ft. Sewer bid. ~ ".' ' ,Trench .. <Ii. ':r:eI1lCH'Y$>, tbe 11)r;{J I.in, Ft. :n lnCll S~wer PIpe r 0 00. ',. ~ :~\:~'1~: ISS~G~-JR1i~_\;.t~81rli;~~~~::c:~~~e. . .... City Clerk .f50!) J~1hj l~t.l~ ~/1Qb to 6 Inch stwer PUb1l2,~~d:.!llarclt,20, 21(' a~.-B -ltJ~~nhole8" . 1 :.:.~':hU.r. ".~:! Cil-tch Basins. I, ":B,I.dj,.W,~t be I " petalled )llan:'l aml 15peclficntloni=; rot, ttillM~.f ...~' ,,'nai'oe' obtained from the office of :'Stl"e~t(..u' .to 5. r Clerk UP~hrc\~od~~l~:ittw:ni Jg~~m~~i~nJ Q~2o ~1 11 pro8Fc~~:c Ill~i~~ ~~;lt~efl,. 3~phase 11., ~~~f~rm- n 0 f :Altt'J:l)atc hid on u.!'f'd transformer ~y b;~~~~~e~~ [b'~ !WJU,be-COIIBldered. 5% bld"bond re. ~ight to quc.lIh. ~y bid- e qUlre~l. CITY OF PORT ANGEr~ES. -ler !lI'jOl bldi'l" and :Puhllshed: MardI 27 and Avril 3'~~\~I~Xf.r:Wts a\~\r~~~l\.to Mcept 1 Mill. . A J.'lVI) PEnCE~T (5 % J of tobl I'~~ ~ ...." j ~'i~ \J~;~~:~t~ ~;c~ b~U~~n~c~~m~au~ 'mount will he accj~tE~' LAW, Clt)' Clerl< "'lIbllshed: Marcb 27 nna April :;. 19fi8. 1 ~ . ,~~\' , .. 1 " 'I- l I I I