HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/20/1979 I I I 135 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 20, 1979 I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk, wray. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Caso. M. Cleland, R. Morgan, P. Carr, D. Frizzell, R. Orton, G. Richardson, J. Honnold, K, Rodocker, S. Pazan. Guests Present: L. sunny, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hansen, R. Anderson, Rev. D, Van Beek, J. Miller, L. Roline, C. Smith, P. Mansfield, J. Antolock, L. Norton, K. Norton, L. Watts, T. Weed, R. Morrison, R. Ridley, L. Conner, C. Fidler, R. Behrhorst, L. Beil. In MINUTES Councilman Anderson moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the February 6, 1979 meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. IV LEGISLATION 1. PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Haguewood read the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of February 14, 1979 with the following action being taken by the Council: A. Conditional Use Permit: F. Hansen Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Mr. F. Hansen's request for an extension to his conditional use permit for con- struction of a duplex on the south side of Craig Avenue between Mt. Angeles Road and Center Street, and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Anderson then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning commission and extend Mr. Hansen's conditional use permit to May 1, 1979 so that Mr. Hansen can have time to finish the design work. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. B. Rezone Request: The uplands A public hearing date of March 20, 1979 was scheduled for this rezone request. C. Conditional Use Permit: united Pentecostal Church Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the united Pente- costal Church's request for a conditional use permit for a church located at 2316 south Eunice, and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. There were no questions and the public hearing was closed. 136 f I CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 20, 1979 IV LEGISLATION 1. Cont. Councilman Wray then moved the Council concur with the recom- mendation of the Planning Commission and approve a conditional use permit for the church with the following conditions: (1) parking area to be screened on the north and west per code requirements; (2) parking lot design, including entrances and exits, to be approved by the City Engineer and Planning Depart- ment and the lot shall contain at least eight spaces: (3) any additions to the building are to be submitted to the Planning commission for an amendment to the conditional use permit, and also to be submitted to the Board of Adjustment if necessary; (4) all exterior lighting will be shielded so that it does not shine on abutting properties; and (5) the church shall be per- mitted one 10 square foot lighted sign. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. D. Conditional Use Permit: Stabile Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on B. Stabile's re- quest for a conditional use permit for sale of restored jewelry as a home occupation at 616 South Race Street, and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed, Councilman Boardman then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the conditional use permit subject to the conditions of the home occupation guidelines, for a periOd of 12 months, to be reviewed at that time. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. E. Preliminary Plat: W. Rausal: Galaxy Estates A public hearing date of March 6, 1979 was scheduled for con- sideration of this preliminary plat approval. . F. Councilman Wray moved the Council approve and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of February 14, 1979. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 2. ORDINANCE: CORPORATION YARD CONSTRUCTION FUND Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2014 enti tIed, Ordinance No. 2014 AN ORDINANCE establishing a Corporation Yard Construction Fund providing for administration of Corporation Yard Project monies. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried unanimously. 3. ORDINANCE: PAYMENT OF LEGAL SETTLEMENT Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2015 entitled, Ordinance No. 2015 AN ORDINANCE authorizing an appropriation from the City Contingency Fund for payment of a legal settlement. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Council- man Boardman. During discussion on the motion, Manager Whorton ex- plained the situation behind the proposed Ordinance whereas a complaint was filed against the City by the Human Rights Commission on behalf of a former City employee. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council with Councilman Hordyk voting "NO." I I I I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 20, 1979 137 IV LEGISLATION 4 . RATE INCREASE REQUEST: BLUE TOP CAB Councilman Buck moved the Council take this agenda item from the table. The motion was seconded by Councilman wray and carried. Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Iris Smith and Pat Mansfield, co- owners of the Blue Top Cab Company/ requesting an increase in taxi rates in Port Angeles because of increases in taxi insurance, gasoline rates, new cars and car repair, and wage increases. Council- man Buck then moved the Council approve Blue Top Cab's request to increase taxi rates in Port Angeles by approximately twenty-five cents. The motion was seconded by councilman Wray and carried. 5. TUMWATER BRIDGE PROJECT: LETTER TO UAB Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Public Works Department reporting that the UAB's "ad hoc" committee had met February 13th to review all aspects of the Tumwater Bridge and the City's request for a deviation from the standard collector arterial width of 36-40 feet. The Committee was unable to make a final decision on the City's request. However, they did feel that a statement by the Mayor and/or council that the City will proceed with the project regardless of the "ad hoc" committee's ruling on the 28 foot devia- tion request would be beneficial, Mayor Haguewood also read a draft letter to UAB stating the City's intent to proceed with the Turnwater Bridge project based on the bridge width recommended by the UAB. The Council then discussed the proposed letter of intent and bridge project at length with Public Works Director Flodstrom. It was Mr. Flodstrom's recommendation that the City not turn down the oppor- tunity to proceed with the project, at least through the design phase, if the UAB decides to maintain the state standard of 36 feet. Councilman wray then moved the Council authorize the letter of intent be submitted to UAB. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 6. REVOCATION OF ITENERANT MERCHANTS LICENSES Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Roy Morgan, Assistant Police Chief, regarding six members of the Unification Church which were recently arrested for violation of the Green River Ordinance: these individuals were contacted and advised it was their right to appear before the Council and show cause why their Itinernat Merchants licenses should not be revoked and reapplication be denied. There were no members of the unification Church present at this meeting and Councilman Buck moved the Council revoke the Itinernat Merchants licenses for the following members of the Unification Church: Kevin Ribble, David Woods, Dennis Morrow, Marjorie Braun, and Jeff Hummel. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. 7. REVOCATION OF DANCE LICENSE: NEW HONG KONG The temporary suspension of the New Hong Kong's dance license was continued another two weeks by the Council at the request of Mr. Rex Behrhorst, attorney representing the New Hong Kong. 8. RECOMMENDATIONS RE PERMANENT REMOVAL OF PARKING METERS During the February 6, 1979 regular Council meeting, the Council instructed staff to look into the matter of permanent removal of the on-street parking meters and bring a recommendation back to the Council. At this meeting, Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Manager Whorton recommending the following: 13R CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 20, 1979 IV LEGISLATION 8. Cont. (1) extend the trial period to cover a full year. prior to designating the removal of parking meters as permanent; (2) begin immediately to remove the parking meter posts which are a hazard because of the sharp edges on the posts in conjunction with the large volumes of people frequenting the downtown; [3) after removing the parking meter posts, the entire downtown should be restriped into more I- uniform parking stalls; (4J in conjunction with the restriping, the existing load zones will be analyzed and, if necessary, existing load zones will be moved or new load zones created; (5) any in- creased level of enforcement for the downtown should be paid by the business establishments in the downtown area; and (6) fine structure to be established in accordance with the following schedule: (a) the basi~ $1 fin~ should be increased to $2; (b) if the $2 fine is not paid within seven days, it incr.eases to SID; (c) if the $10 fee is not paid within thirty days it increases to $15; and (d) if the $15 fee is not paid within sixty days it increases to $25. During discussion on Manager Whorton's recommendations, the Council discussed cost to the downtown merchants for additional enforcement, the proposed fine structure, and restriping of parking stalls. Councilman Anderson then moved the Council cOncur with Manager Whorton's recommendations and adopt the parking meter removal pro- posal. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. During discussion on the motion, the Council, ~~nager Whorton and Attorney Miller discussed fee structure and load zone amendments to the present parking Ordinances. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council. 9. SHORELINE PERMIT APPLICATION: PORT OF PORT ANGELES Councilman Buck moved the Council approve the Port of Port Angeles' I application for a Shoreline Management Permit to cover 1800 square feet of existing dock and to make a dock addition On existing piling at Terminal #2, located at Railroad and Laurel Streets. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 10. CLALLAM COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT REQUEST: SERVICES PROVIDED Mayor Haguewood read a letter from J.E. Fischnaller, M.D., Health Officer for the Clallam County Department of Health. In his letter, Mr. Fischnaller stated that the Health Department's budget was severely reduced in 1979 resulting in a reduction of services available to the people of Port Angeles and Sequim. In view of this, Dr. Fischnaller suggested Port Angeles and Sequim might wish to help provide certain services such as communicable disease infor- mation and control, certain services to women, maternal/child health, preventative programs, and audiograms for adults. The Council discussed Dr. Fischnaller's suggestion briefly, with Councilmen Buck and Hordyk pointing out that this matter is actually the responsibility of the County, not the City. Mayor Haguewood will speak with the Clallam County Commissioners in regard to this matter and report back to the Council. 11. BOARD AND COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS A. Park Board I No nominations were made at this time. B. Planning Commission Councilman Hordyk moved the Council reappoint Dick Anderson to the Planning Commission for a six year term effective March 1, 1979. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 20, 1979 t39 IV LEGISLATION 11. Cont. C. Board of Adjustment Councilman Hordyk moved the Council reappoint James Clevenger to the Board of Adjustment for a four year term effective March 1, 1979. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. 12. HOOD CANAL BRIDGE Mayor Haguewood requested Council input on bis suggestion that a letter to written to Governor Ray and the Deaprtment of Transpor- tation expressing the Council's concern in regard to the well-being of Port Angeles without the services of the Hood Canal Bridge, which sank during a recent windstorm. Mayor Haguewood suggested the Council request that everything be done to expidite the construction of a re- placement bridge and rescheduling of the ferries. Councilman Wray also suggested the Council thank governmental officials for the work already being done on the bridge and ferries, and Councilman Hordyk suggested something be said in regard to the discontinuance of Peninsula residents subsidizing the ferry systems. Mayor Haguewood will draft a letter containing these concerns. v ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA Mr. Steve Morrison, a representative of Evans Equipment Co., addressed the Council to question the October, 1978 bid results on the Landfill compactor, in which N.C. Machinery was low bidder and Evans Equipment was second lowest bidder. However, there was a question of whether N.C. Machinery could meet the deadline date of January 1, 1979, and before a final decision was made evans Equipment was contacted re- garding their bid. Public Works Director Flodstrom explained the situation to the Council, pointing out that although Evans Equipment had been contacted, the decision was made to stay with N.C. Machinery's bid. The Council discussed this matter at length with Mr. Flodstrom, Mr. Morrison and Attorney Miller, who pointed out that the City had entered into a contractual agreement with N.C. Machinery. The dis- cussion concluded with Councilman Hordyk requesting that the Council be kept informed of the situation. Mr. Mike Wolneiwicz, co-chairman of the Clallam County Tr~nsportation Committee, informed the Council that the Transportation Conference held February 15, 1979 had been extended to March 15th in order to obtain additional information in regard to citizen level of ~nterest and other levels of interest. ro27~ NOTICE OF SALE OF STRUCTURES NOTICE IS 'HEREBY GIVEN that the City 01 Port Angeles will offer for sale by means of. .ealed bid. to be opened by the Manage' on the 15th doy 01 February at the hour of 2:00 p,m, in the City Manager'. Olfice, City Hall, , . 140 West Front Street, Port Counc~lman Duncan moved the Counc~l award t~AngeleS' the following of the building on the Municipal pier site described structure, The . . terms ore c:os-h or cashier's Quonset Shake, w~th a total b~d of $150, and,checkonly.Structuresmaybe~e a period of 40 days beginning February 21st purchased either by paying in ., ' , ,full at the time of sale. or by the bUl.ld~ng. The motl.on was seconded by Co paying 10 percent down, with and carried. 'the remaining 90 percent at ) the time of closing, The clas- J ing period shall not exceed 30 B. Landfill Salvage daydrom the bid opening, In the event that the 10 percent is paid down, but closing does Councilman Buck moved the Council award the not occur, th<> 10 p<>rc<>nt ~+-"",- >-dJ _ Q:I.- >- . .,,___ ~ .., '- . . ~ . ":!. down paymen1 will be for. z-ij,'1.::.::::;~.<:e3"""::; ;;;oog;;: '(j;.E!1g ~-f= .~es at the Port A leited to the City, and the ~~ -g '; ~ 0.8 .. ;.;::: -a U 50. 1 .11':: c;; :.:: 1\ 2.. 0., ~ ::,.) l th a total bid of structure ~i11 be aHered to (.)~o-::;..3!~o1i18o -C.f::::_~ ;~!~ 5u _ I . onothe,. b.dder, nOf neces- LL ~>- : ~ 0 -g ~ = E.!2 Ql ... ~ g.E 0 ; <: u u ~ E .= ~ -N l Duncan and carr~E $arily the next ..highest. or o ii m 0 g' ",.s 1: o:.,;::.l:.::: >- w..... ..g.O'J ~ ~ )( ~ ...; ~..ci I ploced back tor sale. Ar. ~ UJ a:: ffi : 2'!"1f! ~ S: 15.~ ~.o.; ~ 111 III t ,;! o..D:Y ~ ~ tf , rangemenfs for the moving of ~ ~ ~:I::2 g =;.! -g - -s ~ g:g 0 ~ g.D .: s: ~ g t ~ C ~ ~ ~. II I the structure shan be agreed ~ 0::: ~ ~ :c ~'i U'\ c ~ f ~.S 0 E >- g'~ C1. i t.O ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ re I upon prior to clos.ing, with z <: w lP E c.i u ~ -g ~ _ "Q ~ C'Ol '-' ~ w -: 21).... Ql E G1';; Ql. I re-mova' of the structure fo be u ~"O ~ g' ~ e l':' c ~ ~ .~::: ~~: ~~ ~ g'Cii ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ g t complfJted on or before April o ~ ~~ o~ g ~ E::: ~ E ~_~ ~ u ;.:c iio g &. ..,. 1, 1'979. The City will accept Z C e-:: = .g ~ ~ 1 G ~.,g ~ & 1 at ~ ~ (; < ~ oe g 5 .g ~ I and entertain any ~nd attbtds . ________~""E_t~,l~~~'=-.Dvuu.. Vl-::VVl3: u~ 0 v a..._ j _but reserves the right ,to re- ~ iect any and all bid!~ l.n. eluding without limitation. VI FINANCE 1. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS A. Removal of Building at pier Site !cl ud ing w ithou t Ii m i tation. those based upon' unaccep.. table structure removal con.. ditions~ An .b~ds shall. be- in writing specifying the nome and oddress of the bidder, the structure and the amount bid, and said bids sholl be deposited with the City Clerk not Jater than 2:00 p4m4 on the 15th day of February, 1 979. Th e enve lope contain.. ing the bids shall be marked on 1he outside with the struc" ture number and description indicated in the Call For Bids. BiU of Sale shall be conveyed at the time of closing. S truet u re Descript ion; Frome structu re including off ice area, res t roo m S I storage space and drive thru , .cCinopy cover t Structure Locatio n : Northeast corner of the in- tersecti on of l in co I n Street end Railroad Avenue (CPR Dock Sitet Let Harbor area 1552) . Bids ere for the structure on ly, not including any por. tion of the land or lot I - Further information con be obtained bV contacting the Public Worb.~Department ot 457.0411fi'xtension 1194 Pub.: Fe'i(Y79 = j;j I _ r:;.!; >>a 6 I :llIz -c, I )' G'I Ie I I VI '" 1 I ' li! I I I IC' ... . l >0 '" '" '" -c ............ 000 eo ",loo:lloo:l CPo GOGO _CPoCPo I I I --:;- Q !:".- :.-:-t""o i a: f l~ .. :=3!. lLj ~ ~ g~ 1 ~ n c a"!. a. ~ ~!.:; ,~ I ;:0 H I: .! i..!. ;.~ -::.. _e ~ :~;. g,;: !. la,"g , = ~..~ _ SoIL .",--d N rnm - ~ , D" :!:.~, !:~~ j :rr, UI, . I CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 20, 1979 1 :59 IV LEGISLATION 11. Cont. C. Board of Adjustment Councilman Hordyk moved ,the Council reappoint James Clevenger to the Board of Adjustment fora four year term effective March 1, 1979. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. 12. HOOD CANAL BRIDGE Mayor Haguewood requested Council input on his suggestion that a letter to written to Governor Ray and the Deaprtment of Transpor- tation expressing the Council's concern in regard to the well-being of Port Angeles without the services of the Hood Canal Bridge, which sank during a recent windstorm. Mayor Haguewood suggested the Council request that everything be done to expidite the construction of a re- placement bridge and rescheduling of the ferries. Councilman wray also suggested the Council thank governmental officials for the work already being done on the bridge and ferries, and Councilman Hordyk suggested something be said in regard to the discontinuance of Peninsula residents subsidizing the ferry systems. Mayor Haguewood will draft a letter containing these concerns. V ITEMS'FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA VI Mr. Steve Morrison, a representative of Evans Equipment Co., the Council to question the October, 1978 bid results r- compactor, in which N.C. Machinery was low bidder and I was second lowest bidder. However, there was a questi'S311~1~1 N.C. Machinery could meet the deadline date of Januar~ before a final decision was made evans Equipment was <o'U!lll~I~1 garding their bid. Public Works Director Flodstrom e1 situation to the Council, pointing out that although !.~~ had been contacted, the decision was made to stay wid I "310E bid. The Council discussed this matter at length wit! Mr. Morrison and Attorney Miller, who pointed out tha:~~I~'310E entered into a contractual agreement with N.C. Machirt cussion concluded with Councilman Hordyk requesting t_l^IBlIe,O" . I a IOOY,S UII be kept informed of the situation. I Mr. Mike Wolneiwicz, co-chairman of the Clallam Counf^ISll'''o~ iooY'SUII: Committee, informed the Council that the Transportat!, 03h/OIlOSNOJ 3~\t Noi February 15, 1979 had been extended to March 15th inr>I,~"l,SIO ,lOOHJS S313~N\t l~C additional information in regard to citizen level of' """,,,,:,: ,':::::::: " , , other levels of interest. -1. I ~ qWi:t:J$Q p&~dopo 5..10P","J!0 *0 f 1 _ !P!....oJd ^IIQJupads 6JOw so I/o : ~ U WOJ! 'StSOJ IQBal puc ,(J0-55a: "nl an),s: fO ,bU9p!UnS-Ur E1iljJ fO e l~. 10 s4uawaJp,baJ 944 ,aaw o~. ..~~ [c;.(~1:L:;..~6~' JOf p~ addressed ',<;=CL', ~61H "'r"' i j ,oa~'s U1 lao~'S lie! loa~'s Ila~ FINANCE 1. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS A. Removal of Building at pier Site Councilman Duncan moved the Council award the bid for removal of the building on the Municipal pier site to the sole bidder, Quonset Shake, with a total bid of $150, and allow Quonset shake a period of 40 days, beginning February 21st, for removal of the building. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. B. Landfill Salvage Councilman Buck moved the Council award the bid for the right to conduct salvage activities at the Port Angeles Landfill to Diversified Industriesr with a total bid of $250. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. 140 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 20, 1979 ~ 2679A NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIOS City o' Port Allgeles,. ligh'Deportment NOTICE is hereby given t~al.. .eoled bids wi II be received by the City Clerk,l City of Part Angeles. 140: West Front Street, P.O. BO)C~1 711, Port Angele., Wa.hington 98362, until 2:00 p,m. Wednesday, February 14,1979, and that the City will !.reiect 011 bids received oher ll1e :Stheduled clos;ng time ond date, The bid. will b. opened publicly at that time' I'or furnishing the following equipment and.or material~ 11, 384-200 amp single ~~~:: meters with 4 deiivery 2, 15 KV mil. primary URD cable: 10,600 It, approx. imately: 600 V service drop wire: 6,000 It, 01 duplex. 16,200 ft. of triplex, and 4,300 It, of quodruplex, approx- imately. 3, as unit< 7200 volt pole type distribution transformers. 4, 210 unit. dual voltage pole type distribution transformers. 5, 20 units 7200 volt pod, ~;n~f~r-::e.., distribution ~ONSENT AGENDA 6. 12 units dual voltage pad mounted di.tributian Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the trans-formers. Bid specification. may be Consent Agenda including Vouchers Payable of $638,877.07, LID I s of obtained from the Li9htj' $129.12 and Payroll of $126 154 96 The motion was seconded by Council- Depar'ment offiee Of 240 ' . . West Front Street, Pari man Boardman and carried. Items listed under the Consent Agenda are as Angeles, Washington, 98362_ I follows' ~ certified check or bld~ . bOnd for 5 percent of th~ 'amount of ,he bid sheil I ac.' 1 company each bid, All bids' . are to include delivery F.O,O'1 Port Angeles, Washington. Sids will be opened and tabulated for the City Council I 2. for consideration. by SQid tCOUncil in session TUeSdQY'.J. February 20. 1979, The -Council reserves the . r!gnt to consider delivery; I time and to occept or to reject! 3.. any 0,.. all bids or ony part: .hereof. i I The unit price shofl prevoil! f. and the City reserves tne ~ right 10 correct any exten- ':~~~~. or impropeL.., sole. LATE ITEMS ,Pub,; Jon, 26, -".r; 1.979 t ~/ VI FINANCE '..., 1. Cont. C. Apartment House: 910 E. Second St. Councilman Anderson moved the Council award the bid for purchase of the apartment house located at 910 East Second Street to Mrs. Geraldine Atkinson, with a total bid of $350. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. I D. Light Department: Meters, Conductors & Transformers Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award the bids for meters, conductors and transformers to the following low bidders: (1) 384 single-phase meters to the second low bidder, Utility Supply Co., Tacoma, with a total bid of $8,556.00; (2) 15 KV primary URD cable to the low bidder, Graybar Electric Co., Tacoma, with a total bid of $20,796.17; (3) 600 volt secondary conductor to the low bidder, Graybar Electric Co., with a low bid of $10,098.85; (4) 64 single phase, 1 bushing, pole type transformers to the low bidder, General Electric Supply Co., Tacoma, with a low evaluated cost of $45,284.65 and actual cost of $27,163.10; (5) 196 single phase, 1 bushing, pole type transformers to the low bidder, R.T.E. Corporation, Portland, Oregon, with a low evalu- ated cost of $136,425.79 and actual cost of $81,543.94; (6) 22 single phase loop feed, padmount transformers to the low bidder, R.T.E. Corp. with a low evaluated cost of $23,551.61 and low actual cost of $15,359.31; and (7) 17 single phase, loop feed, padmount transformers to the low bidder, R.T.E. Corp. with a low evaluated bid of $16,860.83 and low actual cost of $12,012.93. The motion was seconded by Councilman wray and carried. I Authorize the Parks & Recreation Department to call for bids for a self-propelled lawn sweeper to be used at the Cemetery. Notification has been received from the Washington State Liquor Control Board of a Special Occasion license for a wine tasting party to be held at Birney's Restaurant on March 17, 1979. Authorize payment of $21,283.28 progress payment on the 12.5 KV and Cherry and Peabody Streets. to Henkles & McCoy, Inc. as a conversion at Boulevard & Viewcrest 1. ACCEPTANCE OF CONVERSION PROJECT Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the Boulevard/Viewcrest Cherry/peabody 12.5 KV Conversion Project as complete. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. I 2. PETITION PROTESTING PLANS OF MR. D. B. WOOD Mayor Haguewood read a petition dated Febraury 7, 1979 and signed by approximately twenty property owners, protesting Mr'. Douglas Wood's proposed project on Third Street between Peabody and vine. Mayor Haguewood also read a memorandum from Manager Whorton noting that the petition was received on February 13th after the matter had been before the planning Commission, Board of Adjustment and Council for several weeks; the matter is still before the Planning Commission for a conditional use permit for a reduction in parking. The Council discussed this matter briefly with Manager Whorton, Planner Carr and Attorney Miller and then referred the petition to the Planning Commission. HSY' lNV ',1l1113 papp~ uallV aJlllf d Ol l\l;" UlJllbaS pal nail ,(s~a al\l 01 uo all 0, SlU10d llU!JOJs.,no 'po].Iad 1~:~lq Il, no sMION. al\l a ON 'd~~ alll aSOIJ ualll ~" l\ll'" sdO.o\( lJuJIl ,SI\1h Il, ,'in >iJ~q, aW pJ!l\l a'll . '~l-gzdO\ uo ut llUloll po].Iad pUoJas ~Od a.\'1 Jlal\lpalqnop s 1 ' '. jal-'~nb ISJlI al\l L'Zl 'Mll hq Uh\OPllaSllP hlJua atO 1lj!n0.11l'I urea; II Jan'll\ aq, 1l,1'" aJal\lUl a~'ld 'anll~alS'\1 ' \\~ Sl'S ,(\luasaJd 1Il'0N ~U, ; 0, asUano paU1\d~~q';uo~\ ' 0\ S'\u1od zt JOI,(uuad 'UOU \ puu uosJIlJ,lV unnbaS t COUNC IL MEET ING ',Il111U ,(lll'SJl1IlJ, , I h lSJUA S1Jlll III' sa'loM;uary 20, 1979 diuo.t l&1W llall, III IUJIlba; h\\~I01 slluP\1J\ d~Sll)i Il; Ul ~ nil FINANCE ^ 11 Cont. S D\C . ~ 4~\ c. Apartment House: 910 E. Second St. ''loa'" ,xau 1~J1 \ t uattl aW'B~ UOS1l3S 1. atO Sl1'l >>CO o,.MID 0, , s,poI,(lll'Jl1,u, ,...... -.- Councilman Anderson moved the Council award the bid for purchase of the apartment house located at 910 East Second Street to Mrs. Geraldine Atkinson, with a total bid of $350. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried, D, Light Department: Meters, Conductors & Transformers I Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award the bids for meters, conductors and transformers to the following low bidders: (1) 384 single-phase meters to the second low bidder, utility Supply Co" Tacoma, with a total bid of $8,556.00; (2) 15 KV primary URD cable to the low bidder, Graybar Electric Co" Tacoma, with a total bid of $20,796.17; (3) 600 volt secondary conductor to the low bidder, Graybar Electric Co., with a low bid of $10,098.85; (4) 64 single phase, 1 bushing, pole type transformers to the low bidder, General Electric Supply Co., Tacoma, with a low evaluated cost of $45,284.65 and actual cost of $27,163.10; (5) 196 single phase, 1 bushing, pole type transformers to the low bidder, R.T.E. Corporation, Portland, Oregon, with a low evalu- ated cost of $136,425.79 and actual cost of $81,543.94; (6) 22 single phase loop feed, padrnount transformers to the low bidder, R.T.E. Corp. with a low evaluated cost of $23,551,61 and low actual cost of $15,359.31; and (7) 17 single phase, loop feed, padrnount transformers to the low bidder, R,T,E, Corp, with a low evaluated bid of $16,860.83 and low actual cost of $12,012.93. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. VII CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the I Consent Agenda including Vouchers Payable of $638,877.07, LID's of $129,12 and Payroll of $126,154,96, The motion was seconded by Council- man Boardman and carried. Items listed under the Consent Agenda are as follows: 1. Authorize the Parks & Recreation Department to call for bids for a self-propelled lawn sweeper to be used at the Cemetery. 2. Notification has been received from the Washington State Liquor Control Board of a Special OCcasion license for a wine tastin~ party to be held at Birney's Restaurant on March 17, 1979. 3, Authorize payment of $21,283.28 to Henkles & McCoy, Inc. as a progress payment on the 12.5 KV conversion at Boulevard & Viewcrest and Cherry and Peabody Streets. VIII LATE ITEMS 1. ACCEPTANCE OF CONVERSION PROJECT Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the Boulevard/Viewcrest Cherry/peabody 12.5 KV Conversion Project as complete. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. I 2. PETITION PROTESTING PLANS OF MR. D. B. WOOD Mayor Haguewood read a petition dated Febraury 7, 1979 and signed by approximately twenty property owners, protesting Mr. Douglas Wood's proposed project on Third Street between Peabody and Vine. Mayor Haguewood also read a memorandum from Manager Whorton noting that the petition was received on February 13th after the matter had been before the Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment and Council for several weeks; the matter is still before the Planning Commission for a conditional use permit for a reduction in parking. The Council discussed this matter briefly with Manager Whorton, Planner Carr and Attorney Miller and then referred the petition to the Planning Commission. . CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 20, 1979 141 VIII LATE ITEMS 3, MUNICIPAL PIER PROJECT I Mayor Haguewood read a letter to Mr. Chris Birkeland, ABAM Engineers, from Public Works Director Flodstrom in which Mr. Flodstrom states that after review of Mr, Birkeland's calculations of the cost dif- ferential between a wood and concrete municipal pier, the City feels that a realistic cost advantage of $100,000 should be assigned to the concrete structure, Knowing this, the contractors bidding on the municipal pier project should be able to determine which alternative (wood versus concrete) they will be able to bid the lowest. This was an informational item only. No Council action was" taken. 4. BLM HEARING Mayor Haguewood announced that a BLM ,hearing has been scheduled for March 15, 1979, and requested a report from the Oilport Task Force at the March 6th Council meeting. VIX STAFF REPORTS 1. Councilman Boardman: Suggested simpler bid consideration details. 2, Councilman Hordyk: Discussed with Manager Whorton a letter in the packet from Mr. Whorton to Mr. Thomas Blore in regard to donating land to the City. 3. Mayor Haguewood: Requested Attorney Miller advise the Council at a later date on an AWC informational item concerning filing an L5 form with the Public Disclosure commission for letters to members of the State Legislature from municipal officials. I 4, Councilman Wray: Noted that Europe is 40% short on energy. Dis- cussed with Police Chief Cleland the advertising sign on Front and Lincoln Streets which can be confused with the stop light. 5. Councilman Duncan: Brought to the Council's attnetion Senate Bill No. 2494 which was requested by Northern Tier and which would allow facilities such as oilports, oil pipelines, coal and nuclear power plants and gas pipelines to condern~and appropriate public and private properties for construction and operation purposes. 6, Manager Whorton: Announced that the bids for the joint City/County attorney to represent both parties in the EFSEC contested case hearings will be opened February 26th, and suggested a special meeting March 1st for interviews. Noted that the AWC Conference is scheduled for June 12 - 15th and reservations should be made now, Reminded the Council of the Goldenagers luncheon February 22nd at noon. X ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:35 P,M. I ~8<~ _~,~ City Clerk _ __ Ma or L . ~ NOTICE OF SALE - 1 I OF STRUCTURE \ NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEH that th~ CIty 0' Port Angol., will offer for ,ole by melUl' 0' ,.aled bid, to be opened by the Manager en the 16th day of February at the hour of 2:00 p,m. In the Clly Manager'. Office, City Holl, 140 W. Front Street, Part Angelts, the following descn'bed structure, The te!"'. are cosh or COIldt.'. check only. Structure may be purchased either by pay,ng In full at tho time of sale, or by paying 10% down',with the remoining 90% ~ tho t!me of closing, The closing pariod .hall not exceed 30 day. from tho b,d open,ng. In tile .vent that the 10% I. paid dawn, but cIo,lng doo. not o..ur, the 10% down payment will be forfeited to the City, and the structure will be offered to an- other bidder, .ot nece.,orily the noxt highest, or placed back fa. solo, Arrange. ment. for the moving of the structure .holl be ogreed upon prior to ~lo.lng. Tho City will accept and entertain any and 011 bids but resene. the nght to relect any and all bids, Induding without !imitation, th~.. ",!s.ed upan .n~ccept' able .tructure removal conditions. All bids shall be II w","'g s~clfymg the name and add.... of the bidder, the structure and the amount bid: 10% of amo_ bid, o. full payment, must be en.lose~; and soid bids s~all be depo.ited with the City Clerk not later than 2:00 p.m. on February 16th, 1979. The en. velope containing the bids shall be marked an th~ aut~lde with the structure namber and description indicated in the Call for B,d., B,Il of Sale .hall be can. veyed at the fiIIIe of clo.ing, Further Intomation can be obtained by contacting the Park. and Recreation Department at 457-0411, exten.ion 160, Structure I-Apartment hou.e only (4 plex) not indudlng any partlon of the land or lot. Location in Block 2, Doyles Subdivision, 910 E, 2nd Street.