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Port Angeles, Washington
February 20, 1996
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Ostrowski called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to
SPECIAL MEETING: order at 4:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Ostrowski, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell,
Doyle, Hulett, McKeown, and Wiggins [arrived at 4:35
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Asst. Attorney
Dickson, Clerk Upton, B. Becker, S. Brodhun, B.
Collins, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, J. Pittis, B. Titus, N. Wu, K.
Woods, and S. Craig.
Public Present: P. Feeley.
ADJOURN TO The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 4:30 p.m. to discuss claims and
EXECUTIVE SESSION: litigation for approximately one-half hour.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to open session at 5:10 p.m.
Golf Course Parks & Recreation Director Brodhun distributed information summarizing the RFP's
Discussion received in conjunction with a feasibility study for a municipal golf course. He
discussed the rating process in determining that Economics Research Associates
(ERA) was first. Director Brodhun indicated that ERA specializes in golf and
recreation, and they were recommended by the Renizon Corporation. The fee quoted
by ERA comes in at $14,000, including travel and expenses, which is below the
budgeted amount. Director Brodhun noted that ERA worked on Discovery Bay and
Port Ludlow.
In the ensuing discussion, Councilmember McKeown noted that U.S. Bank could
conduct a feasibility study at a lower cost, but she was not certain they could be
totally objective in the process. ERA would have no vested interest in the outcome
of the study. Director Brodhun pointed out that the committee felt very strongly that
the study should be done by someone totally independent of the outcome. In
responding to an inquiry from Councilman Wiggins, he indicated the study would tell
the Council how many rounds of golf could be expected in a given year, and they
will terminate the study at any point it is determined that a golf coUrse would not be
Councilman Braun inquired as to where the money would come from, and Finance
Director Godbey responded it would come out of the Community Development
budget. Discussion followed as to whether the money could be put to a better use
for other projects deemed important by the Council. Councilmember McKeown
pointed out that this would be an effort towards economic development in the
community, and it would be an investment in the future.
Discussion was also held about whether the study could be purchased by a developer
who might be interested in pursuing a golf course, to which the response was
submitted that it would be considered a matter of public record.
Councilman Doyle felt the Council must rely on the feasibility study. There are so
many other problems in Port Angeles that need to be addressed, and it is important
to select the best possible method of financing so as to assure funds will be left to
be used toward those other areas of priority, such as infrastructure. Councilman
Wiggins generated discussion about the level of need expressed by members of the
public, and Director Brodhun noted he has received letters indicating support of this
project, as well as inquiries as to when it will be open. He advised the Council that
he expects the study to be somewhat marginal, as the number of projected rounds of
golf are typically under-estima/ed. He suggested the firm of ERA would be available
February 20, 1996
Golf Course to the Council, as well as the members of the committee, in order to answer specific
Discussion (Cont'd) questions on the process.
Director Godbey was asked to offer input, and she indicated her discomfort with
making a recommendation at this stage. She preferred to await the results of the
study in order to see the projections. Also, Director Godbey felt the expenditure on
the study would not be taking funds away from other projects. Director Brodhun
indicated that, when this project was initially discussed, it was intended to create a
new revenue cost center.
Councilman Doyle questioned the location of a proposed golf course, as the weather
worsens as you proceed further west. Director Brodhun agreed that the question
should be asked as to whether the study's projections would change if the City
selected an alternative site for a golf course. Discussion then ensued about the
possibility of including ball fields in the scenario, which might help attract even more
· tournaments to the area.
The Port had engaged the services of Carruthers & Associates to do a planning study
of the Port's properties, and the offer had been made to include in the study the
property being considered by the City for a golf course. Public Works Director
Pittis indicated there may be a way to work in some of the goals around the airport
with the golf course effort, particularly in the light industrial area, and this is a
possible opportunity of which we would want to be cognizant.
When asked for input on the matter, Attorney Knutson indicated he felt that if the
study isn't conducted, then the City will never know if the golf course was feasible.
It may put itself in the future position of being asked why the City didn't pursue the
project. Attorney Knutson indicated that he has also received inquiries from the
public as to the status of the project.
Councilman Doyle spoke in favor of moving forward with the study. Councilman
Hulett moved to proceed with the $14,000 study. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Doyle and carried by a majority vote, with Councilman Wiggins
voting in opposition.
Break Mayor Ostrowski recessed the meeting for a break at 5:45 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 5:53 p.m.
Interview Applicants The City Council interviewed the following applicants to fill vacancies on City
for Vacancies on City Boards and Commissions: Mike Kilpatrick, David Morris, Patsy Feeley, and Dean
Boards & Commissions Rexxt.
ADJOURN SPECIAL The special meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Ostrowski called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to
REGULAR MEETING: order at 7:05 p.m.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by the Camp Fire Discovery Group,
ALLEGIANCE: Marcia Logan, Leader. Participating were: A. Wheeler, L. Osterberg, and K.
APPROVAL OF Councilman Braun moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of
MINUTES: February 6, 1996. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried
Councilman Doyle moved to approve the minutes of the special meeting of
February 13, 1996. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried by
a unanimous vote of those present at the meeting.
CEREMONIAL 1. Special Awards Presentation to 911 Caller
PROCLAMATIONS: Naomi Wu, Police Department Communications Manager, sumnmrized for the
Council the occurrence of February 1, where Jessica Johnson called 911 seeking
Presentation to911 emergency assistance for her father who had fallen and couldn't get up.
Caller Communications Manager Wu played a portion of the taped call where Jessica
related to the dispatchers the circumstances and calmly assisted the dispatchers by
following instructions concerning her father. Her father ultimately recovered
completely, and the entire family was present this evening.
Police Chief Ilk read a certificate appointing Jessica as an honorary Communications
February 20, 1996
Presentation to 911 Officer, a certificate which was presented to Jessica by Mayor Ostrowski. Assisting
Caller (Cont'd) in the presentation was Fire Chief Becker.
FINANCE: 1. Bids for C~mpost Facility Phase H (continued from 2/6)
Bids for Compost As a follow-up to the discussion held at the previous Council meeting, Mayor
Facility Phase II Ostrowski reviewed the information submitted by the Public Works Department on
the matter of the bids for Phase II of the Compost Facility. The Public Works
Department concluded the local sales tax receipt impacts did not affect the low bid
Public Works Director Pittis advised the Council that the issue of sales tax impact
on bid results will be a matter for discussion at a future Council meeting, as Public
Works will prepare information for the Council's consideration.
Councilman Doyle moved to award the Phase H Compost Facilities Project 94-26
to Hisey Construction, Inc., and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract in the
amount of $315,068.00 for construction of the project. The motion was
seconded by Councilmember McKeown and carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Ostrowski noted that the Consent Agenda failed to list a fifth item, that being
Payment #5 for the Police Department renovation. Councilman Campbell moved
to accept the Consent Agenda, including: (1) Request to authorize travel in excess
of $750 for Light Department Engineering Manager to attend Relay School in
Spokane, Washington; (2) Request to authorize travel for Finance Department
personnel in excess of $750; (3) Payroll - February 11, 1996 - $352,074.14; (4)
Voucher list - February 16, 1996 - $526,531.89; and (5) Payment #5 for the Police
Department renovation. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried
CITY COUNCIL Because time was of the essence, Mayor Ostrowski indicated the City Council
COMMITTEE committee reports would be deferred to the next regular Council meeting.
LEGISLATION: A. Ordinances not Requiring Public Hearings
Commercial Yard Waste 1. Ordinance revising commercial yard waste disposal rate at Landfill
Disposal Rate Revision -
Ordinance No. 2908 Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information submitted by the Public Works
Department, noting the revised commercial yard waste disposal rates had been
recommended for approval by the Utility Advisory Committee. He read the
Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, revising the method of billing
for the disposal of composting material at
the Landfill and amending Ordinance 2317
as amended and Chapter 13.56 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Braun moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Campbell.
Councilman Doyle inquired as to the location selected for the material, and Director
Pittis responded the site would be on the southerly side of the Landfill. Also,
Councilman Doyle asked if this would apply to licensed contractors only, to which
Director Pittis indicated it would include licensed contractors as well as any others
who may be in the business of gathering that type of debris. Councilman Wiggins
asked about the possibility of including debris from building demolition, which
February 20, 1996
Commercial Yard Waste Director Pittis responded would not be likely, as it is extremely important that the
Disposal Rate Revision - materials be free of paint, lacquers, etc. A vote was taken on the motion, which
Ordinance No. 2908 carried unanimously.
B. Resolutions not Requiring Public Hearings:
Planning Commission C. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items
Minutes/Action Items
Contract with D. Other Considerations
United Way
1. 1996 contract with United Way for administration of Human Services funds
Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the memorandum from the City Clerk, and Manager
Pomeranz advised the Council that the program with United Way has been working
very well. Councilman Hulett moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to
sign the contract with United Way for administration of the City's 1996 Human
Services funds. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wiggins and carried
Parking Lease - North 2. Parking lease - North Olympic Library System and Holy Trinity Lutheran
Olympic Library System Church
and Holy Trinity
Lutheran Church Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information submitted by Public Works, and Director
Pittis, with the use of the overhead projector, displayed the area on Orcas between
Chase and Peabody Streets to be used for joint parking purposes. The question was
raised as to the City's role in this agreement. Attorney Knutson responded that,
although the City is not one of the primary parties, if the Library cannot continue as
planned, then the City could step in and take over the parking portion.
Councilman Campbell commended the joint effort set forth by this agreement.
Councilman Braun moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the parking lot lease
on behalf of the City. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried
Agreement with Clallam 3. 1996 agreement with Clallam County Economic Development Council
County Economic
Development Council Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the memorandum submitted by the City Clerk.
Councilman Wiggins moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the
agreement with the Clallam County Economic Development Council.
Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Manager Pomeranz indicated that
various Council members had exPressed the desire to incorporate into this type of
agreement the requirement that the agencies provide a full schedule of salaries and
benefits for all employees. When asked where this language would be incorporated
into the agreement, Attorney Knutson responded it would fall under the category of
"Performance by Contractor". Attorney Knutson offered a correction to the
agreement where the commencement date should be January 1, 1996.
Mayor Ostrowski asked for a vote on the amending language, which carried
unanimously. A vote was then taken on the amended motion, which also carried
Interlocal Joint Purchasing 4. Interlocal joint purchasing agreement with Pend Oreille County
agreement with Pend
Oreille County Attorney Knutson summarized the proposed agreement whereby Pend Oreille County
could piggyback on the City's agreement for a purchase from Watson Furniture for
the new communications center. After limited discussion, Councilman Doyle moved
to authorize the Mayor to execute the Interlocal Purchasing Agreement with
Pend Oreille County. The motion was seconded by Councilman Braun and
carried unanimously.
Home Show Schedule 5. Home Show schedule
Manager Pomeranz advised the Council that, in anticipation of the upcoming session
on goal setting, it was desirable to seek public input on City services and projects.
February 20, 1996
LEGISLATION: It was determined that the Home Show would be an excellent means of eliciting
(Cont'd) comments and input from the City's residents, so a schedule for Council and
Department Head representation was being passed around for signatures. Public
Home Show Schedule Works Director Pittis briefly reviewed how this wilt be accomplished.
Cultural Diversity 6. Cultural Diversity Awareness
Councilmemb~r McKeown, interested in pursuing further the matter of cultural
diversity awareness in the community, expressed the desire for addressing the issue
in a positive fashion. To that end, conversations were held with representatives of
Peninsula College, who annually sponsor cultural diversity events. The City has
expressed interest in participating in that particular effort, as has the School District.
After further discussion, it was agreed Councilmember McKeown and Manager
Pomeranz would work on the cooperative effort.
Proposed Rules - Z Proposed rules - Northern Spotted Owl
Northern Spotted Owl
Councilman Wiggins distributed copies of a proposed letter having to do with rules
being considered on the Northern Spotted Owl. The letter would be sent to Jennifer
Belcher, Commissioner of Public Lands, expressing the City's opposition to the
establishment of Spotted Owl Special Emphasis Areas (SOSEAs). Councilman
Wiggins explained that he, Mayor Ostrowski, and Manager Pomeranz had attended
a meeting in Olympia where they were able to express the City's concern with any
continued erosion of the timber base in this area. The Spotted Owl issue, coupled
with the fishing impact, has served to place in question the economic viability of the
Discussion ensued, and Manager Pomeranz indicated the other mayors of the
Peninsula would be asked to send similar letters to the Commissioner. Also, he
acknowledged the assistance of EDC Director, Bart Phillips, in the writing of the
Food Bank 8. Food Bank
Manager Pomeranz announced that the City was the recipient of a $22,000 planning-
only grant from the State for the purpose of relocating the Food Bank. It is hoped
an acceptable location can be found which may serve as an opportunity for other
social service agencies as well. This endeavor should be very positive for the
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.