HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/21/1963
Proceeoings of tne City Commission of tne City of Port Angeles,' Wasnington
l.aHPnlNTINQC:O. ,,:un"_~
The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. Officers present were Mayor Maxfield, council~
imen Thorne, Haguewood, Cornell, Willson and Wolfe; Manager Slankard, Attor,ney Moffett and Clerk II
McNeece. .
The last paragraph in the minutes of the previous meeting was correctedto~he utility accountant ,
made up the voucher for payment on approval by the City Council'. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe'
that the minutes be accepted and approved as corrected. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried.!
The City Manager read resume of bids on garbage truck for the Sanitation Department. After discus-i
sion, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the low bid of $10,453.08 for GMC Heil Packer by Robert
son-Gray Motors be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously carried.
After reading and discussion of the recommendation of the City Manager, the Street Superintendent !e,y,Hce,L
and the Director of Public Works that the bid of Feenaughty Machinery Co. on Model 770 Wayne Street~~:::::.',:" P)'
Sweeper, net to City $9,872.40 including trade in, be accepted, it was moved by Councilman Cornell ~'"HO"M'"
that the low bid of $9,872.40 by Feenaughty Machlnery Co be accepted w};' ",,-
IThe report of the Chief of Police regarding the traffic ~OnditiOn at the intersection of Fourth andl(<~". .
Washington Streets gave in detail the two accidents which occurredat this intersection during the .
past thirteen months, both being due to failing to observe the rights of the driver on the right.
A sixteen hour check of speeds was also instituted. The results indicate that careless operation
of vehicles cause the accidents rather than the intersection being the cause. The Mayor thanked
the Chief of Police for the detailed report. It was moved by Councilman Willson that the report
be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried.
I '
iUnder the head of new business, a communication was read from the Chamber of Commerce suggesting I'
~that the City subscribe to a full page advertisement in the brochure designed to help promote tourist
land convention business for the City of Port Angeles, at a cost of $500.00. After considerable dist
: cussion, it was moved by Councilman Willson that the Light Department subscribe to a one-half page 'ii
: advertisement at $250.00, citing the fact that Port Angeles has the lowest eleCtrical rates in the I'
'Northwest. Seconded by Councilman Thorne. On called vote, Councilman Thorne, Haguewood, Wolfe and
Willson voted "Aye". Councilman Cornell voted "Opposed". Motion carried. '
A communication was received from John D. Glann, Superintendent School District No. 21, expressing
regret at the inability of the School District to contribute funds toward meeting the operating
expenses of the proposed full time child guidance center, as the prosecuting attorney advises that
the expenditure of school funds for that purpose would not be legal.
A communication from the Board of Directors of School District No. 21 notifying the Council of the
Board's intent to commence annexation proceedings on the NWl of the NEl of Section 14, T. 30N.,
R 5 WWM, also described as Government Lot 2 in said section, and Lot 3 in Section 11, T. 30 N, R 5
WWM, was read and discussed. It was pointed out that this will bring all of the Peninsula College
property inside the City. Also, that the annexation would be by petition and no election will be
involved. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe to proceed with annexation procedures and to exclude
current bonded indebtedness. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously carried.
A communication from M. G. Poole setting forth costs for continuation of the Clallam Regional Plan-
ning Program was read and discussed. The cost of $12,600.00 to be borne by City of Port Angeles,
$930.00 in cash, $590.00 in services; Clallam County, $830.00 in cash, $590.00 in services; PUD,
$566.00 in cash, $250.00 in services and Port District, $666.00 in cash, $250.00,..in services. Afte
discussion in which it was pointed out that the Planning Commission seem to feel that continued
participation in this program will aid them in setting up a better zoning ordinance for the City,
it was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the ~ity participate in the Clallam County Regional Plan-
ning Program as proposed, contingent upon continued participation of all four agencies. Seconded
by Councilman Willson. During further discussion, it was pointed out that the State was not satis-,
fied with the first report and the Mayor noted that there will be another report by Mr. H. Dewayne
Kreager relative to the A.R.A. Clallam County report at the Courthouse on March 5, 1963, at 7:00 p.m.
It was then moved by Councilman Cornell that the original motion be amended to 'the City's partici-
pation will be contingent also upon the Federal Government's approval of the program thus far and I
their continuation in this, and also the State Government's approval'. Seconded by Councilman Wil-'
lson and unanimously carried. On called vote on the amended motion that the City participate in
the program contingent upon all four agencies participating, also the Federal Government's partici-
pation and approval of the program thus far and the approval of the State Government, all voted I
"Aye". Motion carried. A resolution to this effect is to be prepared by the City Attorney.
Before the Hearing on Final Assessment Roll on L.I.D. No. 180 was opened for formal discussion,
the City Engineer cited the fact that the final assessments are from 18% to 20% lower than the
original estimates, exclusive of extra work ordered by the property owner.
:The seven written communications protesting the assessments were: Ruth Cays, NEl, Lot 1 & NEl, Lot 2;
I!Clara Blount, Lot 12, Blk.174, Townsite; Mr. & Mrs. .J. E. Pernod, Lot 3 & 4, Blk 225 T; W. E. Ander,r
,son, on Lot 14, Blk 4, CalDs-21; Fred C. and Anna Nlchols, Lot 13, Blk. 10, P.S.C.C. Addn.; Henry
: Engstrom, Lot 11 & 12, Blk 8, P.S.C.C. Addn.; Mrs. Clarence Brock, El, Lot 15, Blk. 22, W. R. Smith
IAddn. The City Engineer assured that each letter has been checked and the Engineering Department
believes the figures and description of property are correct. It was also pointed out that in
some cases the owners have requested extra work and then forgotten to take this into consider~tion
on the final cost. There having been no further protest made, the Mayor declared the public hear-
ing closed.
The following Ordinance was then introduced and read in full:
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, approving and confirming the
assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No.' 180 for the con-
struction of certain storm sewer, street and alley improvements within the city and
levying and assessing the amounts thereof against the several lots, tracts, parcels
of land and other property as shown on said assessment roll.
Proceeoings of tne City Commission of tne City of Port Angeles, Wasnington
.." '"'">ON" <0. ,."'~ .....
It was moved by Councilman Willson that the foregoing ordinance be adopted as read.
Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried.
Seconded by ~
It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the certification from the City Eng~neer that a notice of
final hearing on L.I.D. No. 183 was mailed February 19, 1963, to each o\<ner or reputed owner of
property on the assessment roll, be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimously
The City Engineer informed that the final assessments in L.I.D. No. 183 are running approximately
4% higher than the estimates due to more excavation, ballast and added drainage than had been anti~
cipated. l
I The Utility department requested permission to write off and turn over to a collection agency the
'following bills: Terry Dickson, 15-8, 231~ E 6th, $23.87; Fred Carpenter Jr., 15-14,614 S Chase,
$45.77; Rose Eldridge, 15-284, 413 E 3rd, $9.83; Estyle Hampton, 16-655, 919 S Albert, $16.11;
,Ruth Johnson, 16-895, 417 E 8th, $14.68; Willis Cargile, 20-730, 836~ E 8th, $16.17; Elaine Covento ,
i 21-435, 531~ E 4th, $9.05. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that these bills in total amount of
, $135.49 be written off and turned over to the collection agency. Seconded by Councilman Cornell
and unanimously carried.
The Police Judge, Pollce Chief and City Attorney feeling that a tighter restrlction on the purchase,
or attempted purchase of intoxicating liquor by minors is desirable, the following Ordlnance was II
drafted for approval by the Council: ~
AN ORDINANCE of the Clty of Port Angeles making it a crime for mlnors to purchase I
or attempt to purchase intoxlcatlng llquors. ,
I After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing Ordinance be adopted as read!
iseconded by Councilman Cornell and unanimously carried. ~
The following reports were presented for approval: Treasurer's Financial for January, Budget repoJt
of Receipts and Expenditures, Police Judge Annual Report, Light Department Work and Billing Reports'
and Water Department Work and Billing Reports. After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Thorne
that the reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously I
carried. The City Manager will make report to clarify some of the items discussed.
I Claims payable were presented for approval in amounts of: General Funds, $24,199.63; Water Fund, I
$2,826.00 - warrants No. 11883 - 11904; Light Fund, $48,099.97 - warrants No. 11681 - 11702. It
was moved by Councilman Willson that the claims in total amount of $75,125.60 be approved and paid
Seconded by Councilman Thorne.. and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the Water Department be given permission to call for bids
to sell their piece of surplus equipment "Krane Kar". Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried.
'Councilman Wolfe suggested that a date be set for a meeting of the Employee Relations Committee
(Councilmen Cornell, Smith and Wolfe) and the heads of the City departments to go over the Welfare
Plan schedule prepared by the City Manager. March 7th, after the regular Council meeting was set
for this meeting.
The 1962 Annual Report of the Police Judge and his reference to a traffic court school or some I 'I
such plan for our community, in conjunction with Municipal Court operation was discussed. The I
City Manager was asked to get more specific ideas from the Police Judge as to any plan he may have I
in mind regarding this subject. Councilman Cornell reported that as representative to the Districy
Health Office, he was requested to, and did sign a recommendation to the State Legislature II
encouraging the passage of a bill which would enable the Health District to charge fees for certain
of their activities and services.
The Mayor invited everyone interested to go to City Hall and see the showing of the Community De-
velopment program picture, presented on TV last summer.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
IA..,,- tL'f" ~ ~~ ".
CIT fLERK. " _. _ ._ ,
scalm] . hids will be recelyc<I at the
oUke of the City 3-Ianager, Cay of
jPOl"t Al1geles, l.Yashlngtoll, until 1i:!}O
[I'cloclc P.M.. Tllllrsday, April 4, !lle2
for 1 - New 1ge3 -:; to 1 Yard
DUIl1j) Truck as per tlle foHowlnJ!:
mInimum fJpcclficatlons:
] ~ Kew 1!lG3 - :; to .f Yard DUMP
Not less tllan 23,000 I)OUIlC]S ~.V.W.
84 incJl C.A.
~ Cylinder Engine _ not less thnn
lRO H.P. Hml 300 cubic lnch dis.
plflcf>m,>nt - Hea\'J: duty Clutch
r, Speed Transmj.sslon~Hlgh DIrect
:: ~peed Renr Axle, 17,00') Rated _
Low Ratto
Brakes - Full Air.
Tires 900 x 20 - 10 Ply Tra.ctIon
T~'pe on Rear.
Budd Type Wheels,
j Ht,~~'~~r~~:~' Battery 60 Amp
FrN']l Air Henter Defroster System
J)ua.l Sw[pc~ i111d Windshield V.'lpers
Color - Red.
Dump D(o(h nnd Hoist to be Bet-
tcr or F.Cllial to Truc)<;weld .',
Model TW12 - Serial 1840 - Color
Truck l!hI1U'be equhme.l wall TraIl-
er Hitd] and neceSSFl.ry Air LhlEHl,
\'1'I.1\'e,:.; and Valve Control" for
i Tr~~i~~~!-IJH:t:::t ~:::~ ~~;~::; ~
Tl'gllIa.Uonfl >lH to J..lght.s, Dlr-
ccUonal Signals, '\Vheel Flaps,
Trade-in ShAll he 1 - 1945. 5 Yard
J.DT~~d;r~.~~ ~~dg~e~~~' lJy tho City
~~l~~~~l~a~~, 'i:~O o'clocl, P,M, on the j'
J A 5% bi..:! depol'lt or bond, snnll be
,r furnll;lh~ wlih bid. The Ctt~, rlilserv- j
()s the fIght to acct'pt or reject any
or nIl bids.
;\[. '\T, SLANKAlm
Clty Mn.nager ~
Pul\lIshcd; l\1r1I'cll 14 and Zl, 19G3. .
CI'rY 1i:QUIPAm.:-JT
tile City of Port Angeles, Washing-
ton, will l'ecelvc scaled bids tOf
fllrnl~hln.e: a 1903 one-half (lh,) ton
'p<1..11cl truck. BidR shall be submitted
Itn the ClL.... :Mfinag!'r, 140 'Vest Front
Sfreet, PrJrl Angp.lf>!-l Washingtrm,
IIllLll 'T'h\lr~da)', ApTlI 4, 191i3, AU
h1ll!'! will he opened by the Clt}'
CouncH In rf:'g'u]nr sef!sion to be hl'l(l,
in the Council ClmmberS at 7:301
o'clocl< P.M,. April 4, 1963.
C Cylinder Enj:;'lne
.l!rO-("l1hic illcll DI,;nlacement
011 Filter
]1;; fnell Wheel Ba:':'e j
rr~fl~?~?-I-gllr~aJlcn~t~~io~ld Defrusterl
H('nvy duty GenerrLlol' I
Two l;meed Swipes
'T'will V1rot's I
~,:~o,,,~u~~r,~ n~t\~r~ Alrfoam (
t 6,~~~1~'i tJrlJS - rear to bn tractIon I
f'iWll'e Wheel n.nd tlre
: 2~~~r~ln&r:ilrrors - both sides ,
The above Ilpaclrlcatlons are mlnl-l
!~eU~]~~~e~~~~ ~~~ecA~a~t~~~~ ~~~i
fl'(\]efol l'C"er....N'l the rt~ht to o.ecopt or~
rc;nC;t nny or nil bid!!. I
Bids shall be ~ubmlttefl wIth and
.wlthout th~ trode :In or the 19C,1i
Chevrolet Punel Truelt.
City Manager
PubllElhed~ ~'[nrch 14 nnd 21, 1963. J
r- NOTlCE or SALE E:Jr
< "'PTle.!!: IN Inm.J.;P''t' CIVEN' th:tl.
: ~l~d l)itll'- wJIt he T<;("l"lvl2d by till';
I'~l;~t.o~~l~~t ~~~~;~~c~i-a~ei~l ~~~l~'~~l
ihe bigll(.;~t hidder the fEllluwillg [l(>S-1
'.crlhed ertui)lmf'nt:
One used "XBAl'fE RAJt" _ 5 ton
Selial Ill'o. AX921Slll133:l
. 14D"'o01' Sflda.l lta. Z9784.VEl'il T
i ~~~ ~n~:D..DnnlS undll1' drive mld I
~ lift end: 3:25 :x :10 lllngles nnde1'
st&erl11H' IIDd
Retractable boom, from 18 fMt to
, 9 flilet
; JBfl degree IrWing I
Enclosed cnb
I Di('lg SJ,Ulll include !~t<'I.te gaJefJ. tnx
of ~ percent. I~ids wlIl he t'!'eelv...d
',~ra:~{ ~~:YI~g,nang~(i' ~~~ti{f1~~~~ ~1;11;1
rnu!ilt be 3.c<,olup:mied hy dcpo:dt of
InM,lm,:!': tbfln 1(1% of nmount hid.,
'.nUI succesf';ful hldder must comPlete)
1"Ju!'cha..c In .... ~'h within ;:;0 davt<; Qr
forf/.\t d"po.<!lt. .
The City of Port An~el('-5 rf's/'!"w''1
I the right to reject 1\11)' or all bids~
E'll1hlm. fm! may be in!'<}ll'r.tpd at t;r'jP'
~ity l.J~llt altl'~~J;"c. ]~I"QlJt and enf'rr.
; M. 1", RLANK.\HD.
Clly Mana!.:l'!'
'1..T'uoIil>lled: Fel'. 2l'i an,I MHI'eh i, 1%3