HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/21/1978 I I I 445 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 21, 1978 ~~~ -~i~~i~-:;a~~~g~z \~ f ;~"g~r~::l-""GJfO~:J:I_~'<mO gm~~ <~a~~~~;~~~gZ=~ ~ . :J -~a~-Q<~n O~_n ~. _~~ ~~OOW~ ~~~:Jn~m~z i-~ -mo~~~~~~-~=- _0 ~ ~_! o~~~~d'o3~c~_ n~~ ~ '3. -~eo"r ~U~~-~-xn~ .~ ~_. ~m :O~:~~~~~ ~~~~mm; '~ -~a _3 ~~o~1 ~<ol ~o I \ :::I ~.g:!: i':;o'o.~,< =!3~ ii~:t~"11 . Q~ ~:!.:::: !!.~~:f3=~~~;:;' ~..~mz ~~.. o~~ <~M~~~ :J~Su~:J~~ n:J ~~~~S~m=~_2..~~_~m \~~ _..3 _- ~c~""~'~=m~ ~~ ;&~ ~i~~g~:J~~~ I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk, Wray. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Clerk Parrish. R. Orton, D. Frizzell, D. Flodstrom, C. Caso, P. Carr, J. Honnold, H. Kochanek. Guests Present: R. Love, L. Sunny, T. Haley, F. Bird, J. & R. Deaton, I. Smithr D. Smith, P. Brady, F. Densmore, S. Johnson, S. McLaughlin, B. Magnuson, J. Del Guzzi, J. Jensen, E. Marvin, D. Marvin, O. Hagge, E. Veltkamp III MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the February 7 and 15, 1978 meetings. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. IV LEGISLATION 1. PUBLIC HEARING - MAGNUSON/ANDERSON REPLAT Mayor Haguewood opened the pUblic hearing on the plat alteration submitted by B. Magnuson and L. Anderson and requested comments from the audience. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Wray moved the Council approve the Magnuson-Anderson Plat Alteration of the north half of Block 437 and the south half of Block 406 from the existing twenty lots to twelve lots. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. 2. PETITION FOR STREET VACATION: KOCHANEK/PORT OF PORT ANGELES Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 8-78 entitled, - upon the part of s.a.id street Resolution No. 8-78 soughl 10 be vacated; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a~g~~cl~g:L~~Easc~bJo~: hearing date for a petition to vacate that portion Seclion 1. The petition 10 f " .. St b' Ilk 103 d 10 ,make such vacation shall be o A reet a utt~ng Lot , B oc an Lot 'Jheard and determined by this Block 98, Townsite of Port Ang~ 1 "'''' .~~~~c~~~ote~o~~~~a~~i~;n~~l ! RESOLUTION NO. 8-78 days hereafter, to wit: on the Councilman Buck moved the Council ad( A RESOLUTION 01 the City 21st day of March',1978. , lof Port Angeles setting a Seetoon 2. The City Clerk IS by title by Mayor Haguewood, which s, hearing date lor a petition to hereby directed to give twenty . .. . vacate f.flat portion of "AII (20) days notice of ttle 21, 1978 for th~s pet~t~on, and refeJ Sfreet abutting Lot 1, alock 103 pendency of said petition mission for review. The motion was t and Lot ;0, alock 98, Townsite acc9rding to the provisions of of Port Angeles, RCW 35,19.020, carried. WH EREAS. the owners 01 PASSED by the Council of the! interests in real estate abutting City 01 Port Angeles this 21st lupon "A" Street have filed ~_ day of February, 1918, 3. PLANNING COMMISSION petition with the CilV Clerk to Samuel J, Haguewoodt make vacation of the following MAYOR described portion of said "A" ATTEST: Mayor Haguewood read the minutes of t Street abutting Lot 1, Block 103 Marian C, Parrish I and Lot iO, alock 98. Townsite City Clerk 8, 1978 meeting with the following a~ol Port Angeles and; APPROVED AS TO FORM: . WHEREAS, said petition C.T, Walrath, 1 appears to have been signed by GIV Attorney I the owner of more than two, PUBLISHED: February 26.' [thirds of the properly abutting i978, , ..... ------ I I I '--:;'-;-;~=- -"tI;:rO'S:L"l1n~~nQ ~ mx~~&io~~'w=ag'm~<Z ~ ~~~=. a~~;~~~~~~~nmo gm~~ <~a-l~~~=~ag%~~ . ~ -lOust-O<,n O::J_n ~~~ ~~og~~ ~~!~~~m~Z ~ , -mn~_~._m ~__ _0 ~_~ -~~ ~~-o3~~<~ nj~\ .,~- ~. ~~ ~a"~~~_% ~ o~a ~a~~~~~~~~~=~~m~; 1:1 o3~ DlO:;o'-ol Ul W:J'''U l> S'::r.., - _e"o..-g..'?:<2.l;l ",0 I om~ l~on~< ~-3 ~_x-~ , ="~ t&tII~--)>.,.:t-. ~Di mZ I Q~~ ~~~i~a<g~~~~~~Q ~. ~~=~s~ _~ ~~om 03 ~=~~e~~=~~~~~~ ia~ ~~9.:f:;;J~~~~.. CITY COUNCIL MEETING port Angeles, Washington February 21, 1978 " CD ,!", ~ !- ~ ~ ~ '" -, '\' n~ :t-: \~~ 'I<::r I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M. II ROLL CALL 445 Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk, Wray. Members Absent; None. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Clerk Parrish. R. Orton, D. Frizzell, D. Flodstrom, C. Caso, P. Carr, J. Honnold, H. Kochanek. Guests Present: R. Love, L. Sunny, T. Haley, F. Bird, J. & R. Deaton, I. Smith, D. Smith, P. Brady, F. Densmore, S. Johnson, S. McLaughlin, B. Magnuson, J. Del Guzzi, J. Jensen, E. Marvin, D. Marvin, o. Hagge, E. veltkamp I II MINUTES councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the February 7 and 15, 1978 meetings. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. IV LEGISLATION 1. PUBLIC HEARING - MAGNUSON/ANDERSON REPLAT Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the by B. Magnuson and L. Anderson and reques~ed There were no comments and the pub . moved the Council approve the Magn north half of Block 437 and the sou twenty lots to twelve lots. The mo~ and carried. ~ alteration 2. e .SL'1I1 pa311s II a&Jl,laA'I 'q, L'S pappy A8IDM aq IOU ADW swa~ ~ Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood, which sets a public hearing date of March 21, 1978 for this petition, and refer this matter to the Planning Com- mission for review. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hbrdyk and carried. 3. PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Haguewood read the minutes of the Planning Commission's February 8, 1978 meeting with the following action being taken by the Council: 446 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 21, 1978 IV LEGISLATION 3. Cont. A. Conditional Use Permit: C. Donahue Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve an extension to September 1, 1978 of C. Donahue's conditional use permit to conduct exercise classes at 4217 Fairmont Avenue as a home occupation on the con- I" dition that the business.does not expand further during that time. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. B. Conditional Use Permit: Assembly of God Church Councilman Buck moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve a conditional use permit be granted to the Assembly of God Church to construct a church containing an associated school and day care center at the southside of Viewcrest between Maple and Laurel Streets in the residential zone with the following conditions: (1) Day school beginning and ending times to be staggered with high ~chool hours; (2) final site plan to be re- viewed by staff for conformance with: (a) retention of native vege- tation as screening on site perimeter and where feasible within parking area; (b) site perimeter to have additional landscaping where native vegetation is insufficient to screen parking area from adjacent properties; (3) exterior lighting to be shielded so that the glare does not extend to surrounding residential zoned properties; and (4) drainage plan to be approved by City Engineer. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. C. Conditional Use Permit: Johnie Key Councilman Boardman moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve J. Key's request for con- ditional use permit to construct two duplexes on Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 113 on the north side of sixth street between "D" and "E" Street as there does not appear to be any adverse affect on the area, traffic increase will be minimal and the use is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. I D. Final Plat: Seamount Estates III: McWilliams Councilman Boardman moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve designating the street in Sea- mount Estates III as "Seaview Lane" as submitted in the 1969 Street Plan covering all four divisions of Seamount Estates. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson. During discussion on the motion, Planner Carr explained to the Council the location of seaview Lane, pointing out that 7th Street is connected directly to Seaview Lane, which runs approximately l~ blocks, but does not continue on as 7th Street. Following further discussion between Mayor Haguewood and Attorney Walrath regarding the legality of changing the name of the street from 7th Street to Seaview Lane, Councilman Hordyk moved the Council table this matter until the next regular Council meeting when more information is available. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. E. Subdivision Regulations Amendment I Councilman Wray moved the Council approve amending the Subdivision Regulations as follows, (I) Data Required for Approval of preliminary plat: Item 10, page 2 be amended to read "The approximat~ legal descrip- tion of the tract to be platted that is sufficiently definite to locate the land and acceptable to the Public works Department"; (2) Required Data for Approval of Final Plat: be amended to read "The final plat shall be accompanied by a title report and shall include a warranty that all assessments in favor of the city have been satisfied as of date."; and (3) The Final Plat Shall Show the Following: I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 21, 1978 447 l IV LEGISLATION 3. Cont. Item 10, page 4, "Certificate by oWller(sl containing the legal descrip- tion of the land to be platted" be unchanged. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. F. Councilman Wray moved the Council accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of February 8, 1978. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 4. ORDINANCE RE LICENSING OF PUBLIC EXHIBITIONS Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1960 entitled, Ordinance No. 1960 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles requ~r~ng licensure of public exhibitions and establishing the fee therefor. Attorney Walrath briefly reviewed the rev~s~ons which he had incorporated into the proposed Ordinance after it was referred back to him by the Council for further restructuring at the February 7, 1978 meeting. Councilman Buck then moved the Council adopt the Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson. During discussion on the motion, Manager Whroton suggested the Council include in the proposed Ordi- nance a license fee of $5.00 per day and license period not to exceed seven days. This subject was discussed at length by Manager Whorton and Councilman Hordyk, with Councilman Hordyk stating he felt an exact fee should not be included since each exhibition may differ, with the expenses to the City differing also. Councilman Hordyk also felt the license period should be extended since some exhibitions need more time to set up; he suggested a license period of 11 days. The discussion concluded with Mayor Haguewood suggesting that for the present time the $5.00 per day fee and 11 day license period be ihcluded in the proposed Ordinance. Councilman Buck agreed to amend his motion to include a $5.00 per day license fee for a period not to exceed 11 days. Councilman Andeison agreed to the amend- ment and the motion to adopt the proposed Ordinance as amettded was passed unanimously by the Council. 5. CIVIC PIER BOND ISSUE ORDINANCE Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1961 entitled, Ordinance No. 1961 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, washington, providing for the issuance and sale of unlimited tax levy general obligation bends of the city in the princi- pal amount of $2,000,000 for the purpose of providing funds to develop a municipal pier within the city authorized by the qualified electors of the city at a special election held therein on November 8, 1977; providing the date, form, terms, maturities and covenants of said bonds to be issued; creating a construction fund; creating levies of taxes without limitation as to rate or amount to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried unanimously. 6. REQUEST FROM ADULT ACTION CENTER Councilman Buck excused himself and left the Council Chambers and did not participate in the discussion or Council action on the Adult Action Center. 448 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 21, 1978 IV LEGISLATION 6. Cont. Mayor Haguewood read a letter from the Adult Action Center requesting financial support in the amount of $3,000 to keep the program functioning until current negotiations fore more permanent funding are completed. Mayor Haguewood also read an excerpt from a recent Daily News article which stated that federal funding for the program had been dropped because the program was not working. Councilman Hordyk recommended the Adult Action Center contact the Senior Citizen Center for a possible incorporation of ac- tivities; ,the Senior Citizen Center offers a program of assistance which may be able to help the Action Center, and then moved the Council deny the financial request from the Adult Action Center on the basis that the City now extensively supports a Senior Citizen program through the Park Depart- ment. The motion died for labk of a second. I The Council was then addressed by Ruth Wells, Director of the Adult Action Center. Ms. Wells explained the goals of the Center and how it differs from the Senior Citizen Center; the Adult Action Center offers services to individuals who do not require 24 hour institutional care but due to physical, social, and/or emotional impairment are not capable of full time independent living. Ms. Wells also explained the Center's budget ex- penditures and stated ,she felt that the federal funding for the program had been dropped because the program had a slow start. There was then a general discussion between the Council and various members of the audience on the work being done at the Adult Action Center and the need for this type of work to continue. The discussion concluded with Councilman Anderson moving the Council table this agenda item until Parks Director Frizzell can report on what kind of assistance the Senior Citizen Center can offer the Adult Action group. The motion was seconded by Council- man Boardman and carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "NO." 7. BOARD AND COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS I A. Park and Beautification Board . Councilman Hordyk moved the Council reappoint Donald E. Mudd and Agnes T. Alward to the Park and Beautification Board for a three year term to expire March 1, 1981. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. B. Board of Adjustment Manager Whorton will check with Mr. Lindberg, whose term of office expires March 1, 1978, to see if he is interested in reappointment. C. civil Service Commission Councilman Hordyk moved the Council reappoint Emerson Lawrence to the Civil Service Commission for a six year term to expire March 1, 1984. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. D. Planning Commission Manager Whorton will contact Mr. Downie, whose term of office expires March 1, 1978, to see if he is interested in reappointment for a six year term. I E. Senior Citizen Board Manager Whorton informed the Council that the Senior 0itizens elect the members of the Senior Citizen Board, with approval by the Council. _>-_.... ~>"OC1J-g~- '0 4i 3:~~~6 2:~~ -go~t -g'u:2~ f E~ .~:E5 :ViQ:ci~L~~~~E:SE~o~.e=~-.~~.e~ :EJj:i~~5.~~~.e.=~Cl) ~ :: ~ N~~t~ >u~ Z1::B~ rog:~ :;:~'5~'~~ ~t~.t~~~~~~~Q~.~~~~u::t~~~ ~ z~a~fi~~~~m~ ~ N ~ ~~NZ~ m ~ ~s>~ ~u>m m t~~~wo ~ro~=~L~~~mC~D_~ f-o~=~m i~~~S f~BoE=i~ ~E'~ c ~~~~~ E~X ~E~~ ~>~~ ~ ~~!=~~ ~ ~~_~ ~~E~~~~~~~~~ E~~~.l U')>G:I --'8 ~1IflQ1.-0_CO i:uc. 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DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT L.I.D. Mr. Bob Love, of the Downtown Redevelopment Dommittee, reported on the progress of the L.I.D. petition being circulated to downtown property owners. Mr. Love stated that the total assessed valuation of property with owners signing the L.I.D. petition comes to approximately $5,000,000 or 67%, and requested the City authorize the expenditure of $20,000 for the preliminary engineering on the downtown redevelopment project as agreed upon at the November 16, 1977 special City Council meeting. The Council discussed the total assessed valuation of property lying within the proposed L.I.D. area with property owners signing the L.I.D. petition, and the assessable property lots with owners signing the petition with Mr. Love, Manager Whorton, and PUblic Works Director Flodstrom. Mayor Haguewood then suggested the matter be taken to the next Downtown Redevelopment Committee meeting which is scheduled for Thursday, February 23, 1978, and bring the matter back to the Council with suggestions. Councilmen Anderson, Boardman and Duncan will be attending that meeting. 9. PEABODY-LINCOLN STREET ONE WAY COUPLET PROPOSAL Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Public works Director Flodstrom con- cerning the possibility of a peabOdy-Lincoln Street one-way couplet. In his memorandum Mr. Flodstrom stated that the State ,Highway Commission will be meeting on March 21, 1978 and one of the topics discussed at that meeting will be whether or not to allocate $6,000 to the State Highway Department for preliminary analysis of a one-way couplet system on Lincoln and peabOdy Streets. Mr. Flodstrom also requested in his memorandum that the Council authorize the Public Works Department to send a letter to the Highway Commission indicating that the City is interested in pursuing the project through a preliminary analysis stage and through an initial public hearings stage, establish times and places for future public hearings on this project, and work jointly with the State Highway Department in developing some pre- liminary plans and estimates for use at public hearings. During discussion on Mr. Flodstrom's memorandum, former Mayor Ivor Smith spoke in opposition to the proposed couplet and pointed out the effect it may have on several businesses. Mr. smith suggested the City meet with the business owners which may be affected by the one-way couplet before funds are allocated for the preliminary analysis. The Council then discussed this matter at length with Director of Public Works Flodstrom. During the discussion Mr. Flodstrom pointed out that the intent is not to commit the City to a one-way couplet system, but rather to hold public hearings for input and possible alternatives to the Lincoln Street congestion which is mainly on First and Front Streets. Mr. Flodstrom also noted that this study is presently economically feasible, costing the City under $1,000 during the preliminary stages, but the City needs to act immediately in order for the State Highway Department to ob- tain the State Highway Commission funds. Several Council members then questioned Public Works Director Flodstrom regarding the congestion on Lincoln Street. Following these questions, councilman Anderson moved the Council authorize the study on alternatives to the Lincoln Street congestion. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Boardman suggested this matter be also referred to the Planning Commission for review because of possible land use impact. Councilman Wray also voiced his oppOSition to PeabOdy Street becoming one-way since it runs primarily through residential districts. After further discussion between the Council, Director of Public Works Flodstrom, and planner Carr, Mayor Haguewood suggested that Mr. Flodstrom designate the title of the proposed study from a LinCOln-PeabOdy Street one-way couplet to a problem at the intersection of Front and Lincoln and First and Lincoln. Councilman Hordyk then p~oposed an addendum to the 450 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 21, 1978 IV LEGISLATION 9. Cont. motion that there be a joint effort between the City and the State High- way Department on a solution to the traffic problems at First and Lincoln and Front and Lincoln. The addendum to the motion was seconded by Council- man Boardman and carried. The Council then voted on Councilman Anderson's motion to authorize the study, and the motion carried. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA I V None. VI FINANCE 1. CIVIC FIELD RENOVATION PROJECT: PHASE II: CONSTRUCTION During the special meeting of February 15, 1978, the City Council considered the bids received on Phase II of the Civic Field Renovation Project. Since all of the bids received exceeded the estimate by the City's architect by more than fifty percent, the Council agreed to defer any action on accepting a bid until the February 21, 1978 meeting in order to pursue obtaining a waiver from EDA and also pursue negotiations with the contractors to ex- pidite the construction of Civic Field. At this time Mayor Haguewood requested Manager Whorton's recommendation on the situation. Manager Whorton, referring to a memorandum to the Council from Attorney Walrath offering two basic alternatives, suggested the Council accept alternative No.2; to conditionally accept the bid of the lowest responsible bidder, and then to start a series of change orders to reduce the project after the contract is signed. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read in full Resolution No. 9-78 entitlell Resolution No. 9-78 A RESOLUTION conditionally awarding contract for the renovation of Civic Field. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council adopt the foreging Resolution with deletion of the second paragraph. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson. During discussion on the motion Mr. S. Johnson, from BJSS, offered the architectural firm's recommendation on the situation; accept Del Guzzi Construction as low bidder on the project for three reasons: (1) They are low bidder; (2) they are known as a competent contractor throughout the entire region; and (3) they comply with all of the EDA requirements in re- gard to minorities on their labor force. Mr. Johnson further recommended acceptance of the five conditions included in the proposed Resolution. The Council then discussed this matter at length with Mr. Johnson, Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath. and various members of the audience. During the discussion, Mr. Stan Dugan, representing O.M. Hendrickson, objected to the City awarding the bid and negotiating with Del Guzzi Construction and sug- gested the City negotiate with all of the bidders as a group or face a possible lawsuit. Councilman Hordyk pointed out to Mr. Dugan that Del Guzzi Construction was low bidder on the project., I Other su~jects discussed included EDA requirements in regard to labor in- tensity, EDA's approval of the proposed Resolution and the change orders, specific areas of the project which will still be completed despite re- ductions, state bid laws which prohibits the City from negotiating a con- tract without competitive bidding, the time factor involved in re-bidding the project, and an approximate date when Del Guzzi Construction can begin work. The discussion concluded with Councilman Buck expressing his concern CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 21, 1978 451 VI FINANCE 1. Cont. I over the City being put in the position of having to contribute approximately $250,000 over the EDA grant, and discussed with Attorney Walrath the state- ment in his memorandum that the alternative suggested by EDA of negotiating a contract without competitive bidding plus the City attempting to negotiate with all of the bidders as a group, are not viable alternatives. On call for the question, the motion to adopt the proposed Resolution with deletion of the second paragraph was passed by the Council with Councilman Buck voting "NO." 2. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS: WALCOTT HOUSE BASEMENT FLOOR Councilman Wray moved the council award the bid for the Walcott house base- ment floor to the low bidder, Bob Stone, with a total bid price of $873.59. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. Other bidders included Cliff Brehan with a bid of $969.15, and Reece Cement Finishing Company with a bid of $1,540. 3. OAK ST;REET ZIG-ZAG RAMPWAY PROJECT Councilman Buck moved the Council award the bid for the reconstruction of the Oak Street "zig-zag" rampway to the low bidder, General Construction, with a total bid price of $44,840., with the money for this project being taken out of the Contingency Fund. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. other bidders were O.M. Hendrickson & Co. with a bid of $53,747.00 and Smithingell Construction, Tacoma, with a bid of $49,698. Engineer's estimate was $44,000. VII CONSENT AGENDA I Councilman Buck moved the Council approve the items under the Consent Agenda including Vouchers payable of $329,764.35 and Payroll of $115,547.7l., and refer item No.4, request for purchase of City property along the Milwaukee Railroad right-of-way, to the Real Estate Committee. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray'and carried. Items approved under the Consent Agenda are as follows: (al Approve payment_of $63,407.33 retained percentage to Ranney Method Western Corporation. (bl Approve p~ymentof $3,595.21 to Torn Monroe and Sons for moving the house to Walcott Street. (cl Approve payment of $4,216.16 to Peterson and Associates for survey services at Civic Field. (d) Approve payment of $17,633.01 to Cronaurer Construction for phase I - Demolition at Civic Field. (e) Authorize the Park Department to call for bids to purchase and have con- structed a 24' x 36' workshop for Ocean View Cemetery. (f) Authorize the Light Department to call for bids on 384-200 amp single phase meters, four distribution transformers, and transmission and distribution poles. I VIII STAFF REPORTS 1. Mayor Haguewood: Read a letter inviting the Council to a Golder-Agers dinner to be held on Thursday, February 23, 1978. 2. Councilman wray: Mentioned a street light that was out on Laurel Street. Suggested the Planning Commission hold a public hearing on the possibility of a Monroe Road annexation. 452 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 21, 1978 VIII STAFF REPORTS 3. councilman Anderson: Mentioned that labor unions are urging contractors to hire local help and suggested the City Manager write to the different local corporations regarding this. VIX ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. ~ec~~ City Clerk ~ 24 I LEGAL NOTICe", '. :e LloMt, Dep,artll1e!l.f oUne City Of Port Angeles,. Port I Angeles, Washington, has completed and closed out the I following Projects, consisting I Of: , 107.37 - Installation Of 6. I 250KVA regulators at Valley' ~~:.~~ri~onA~~~~at~o~~st =:~ I S61.89UG. 107.~0 - Industrial Area Convi!!rsion. M8rlne Drive, M&R Timber to "A" Street consisting of replacing Bpproxlmately 4.90(1 feet of I 13,8KV overMad conductor wjth 336 and 4-0AA. / tranSformer replacements and converSion trom 13.8KV to 12,5KV distribution voltage, (Most of the reconductor, portion of this Project was' postponed to a future date.) I Estimated cost was $20.000. A~t;:.~~o~ wl~sd~~~;~8~0'Am, ConverslDn, Pen~Ply, two-' thirds. alley, 1 V811ev to /JA", Street consisting of pole and transformer replacement and conversion from 13.8KV to \ 12.5KV distributulon V01!age.! Estimated cOst was $8,800" A~~~~~4co:'. w:~.r':;~~j.Slon, j I Penn Street- Front to 6th; 2nd Bnd 3rd Streelalley; 3rd Street, Washington Str""t to Penn Street consisting of pole replacements, retramlnl/ and Iransformer replacements lor conversion from 4KV 10 12.SKV distrlbut10n voltage, Esllm&tecl cosl S12,2OO. Actual cost was $14,916,22, -..' Pub,: Feb. 24, March~l978. I ...-- 127781 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS CALL FOR BIDS Oak St. Zig.Zag Walkway Nolice Is hereby olven lhal sea Ipd bidS will be received at the office of fhe Cily Engineer 'al the City. Hall, 1~0 West Front Streel. . Port Angeles, ,Washington until 2:00 P.M., . February 17. 1978. and not ~, ~ later, and will be. opened 'publicly al that time for I ~~~~~~~tl~lh ofthea ~::\~ ' \ approximate quantities of work and materials: 17 Cu. Yds. Reinforced , Concrete in place f 11.3 MBM Treated Timber In plaCe Detailed plans and I specifications may be obtalnecl from Ihe office of the City Engineer upon a deposit 01 twenty.flve dollars (U5,001. Said deposit will ~ refundecl to all prospective bidders upvn return of the plans end Spe\:lficanons. A"ive percent (S percent) of Iota I bid depoSit check or bid bOnd of equel amount must eccompany each proposal. All bid proposal envelopes shall be clearly marked to Indicate what the bid is for aner the time and dale of opening, Qualification Of bidders Is required and the City reserves Ihe rlghl to refuse to qualify any bidder. The City reserves the right to relect any or all proposals. Officlat acceptance, reiectlon, or continuation by the City Council will be made in the City Council Chambers at 1:30 ~.m" jg~~a6~W~R~9J~ CIty Eng Ineer City of Port Angeles ~: Jan. 27 and FebV~~ xt~J~ ""'Mayor F ~ 'l' f I I I