HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/23/1944 61") I.... Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 25. 1944 19_ ."T~_ . ~U~"H. .'~H""'. ."TlOO'C"'. .ft'''"'.... 5.400 The ColllDission met in regular session at 10 A .M. and was calle d to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call sIlo1red the follmrin8 officers presents ),layor Robinson, ColllllisBioners Beam and !lasters, Attorney Johnston and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under ths head of Applications for Building Permits and'LIcenses the following were granted I C. c. Bemis, Remodel House, Lot 4, Block 174, Townsite Mrs. Keith Neer, Build living room, tot 11, Block 424, Townsite Mrs. Floyd Shields, Remodel Houae, Lots 7 & 8, Block 115, Townsite Mary Hughes, Place of Refuge, 207 E. 7th St. Inger E. Ronneberg, Place of Refuge, 655 E. 8th st. Brown Mattress Compa~, Junk Dealer, July 1, 1945 to June 50, 1944 200.00 lSO .00 lSO.oo 2.00 2.00 25.00 The COIlIIlission eXlllll1ned snd allowed the following clAims a nd ordered warrants dralffi for aame I CURRENT EIPENSE FUIID Quick Print Sera tch Pads ~ 5.09 Union Bond & Mortgage Co. Attorney's Bond '1, 5.00 WATER FUND Palmer Supply Co. Paint 2.76 LIGHT FUND Line IIa te rial Co. Uaterial & Supplies ""), 95.58 General Electric Supply Co. Tubes I)' 16.69 STATE AID FUND Jues W. Caven Plumbing Supplies -yl 5.55 Smith Ice & Bottling Works Recharge Fire Extingo.ishera r" ./ 6.70 WAR LIQUOR TAX FIlND Brawn Mattress Co. Mattresses FUmigated 5.09 PARK FUND Thermador Ele ctrical J1fg. Co. Switches J~ .85 V. A. Samuelson & Co. Repair Pitcher's Plate 5.09 Under the head of New Business I Mayor Robinson aubmitted the name of CoDmissioner J. Lyle Beam to be appointed as a member of the Finanoe Collrll1ttee. It was IIIOvsd' by Commissioner Masters that t be appointment be confirmed. Seconded by lfayor Robinson. On roll oall all members voted aye. The lIayor deolared the motion carried. There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. 1/,~ lf~d,6L~ Iilayor City Clerk I I I I I