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Minutes 02/25/1908
Proceedin'gs of City Council ot the City of Port Angeles, \'1 ashington ...__..:___...~....9F~. .,t .r==___mmm._.uum...___.....l90 C I ~. n<tA;"""'a:r ~ d 7 'YfO )a ~ 171--r. - # i -- ~~~~I~-~.~ff.,~~ ~ ~ )~)~, ~444j.~~ ~_1'~ : l _~. _u ____. _ _____...:_..__._ u _....___ .u_u __. --.---- __n___.___ .---. --- - - --i.l ..' ......... ...._ .(jle~-f~~~/=-.L,..j~' II r~. .--..---...-....' . . -.__._~~. --",-- _.-...__.--_._...._-,.._~--_.._...,~ --.---. - -- -----....- -.---.".-. -----. -- ~i.~1ur~Aflr:.~ -L~4~'~~ .. ~~ '7r' ~/rk~1~.li~ 't:'::7~' ~ __._ __I)~cvY1..~~~,~~v~.h~~-:. -- ~~.~4(!~.~~~' i - '1ii.i:7:~1~;;~~= =f~'- r. . .~: V~~~~A-Lf~--. -r~Gf~WJ.-tW>~.~~~~-ij-:1 ---' ~~J.~~,~.~.t<~~r~h~~-' .. - '-~/rrP~"~~~a~' .~Tf:Zf!i!;i~~~~~..~~-=-~' .~ .. F~)4!~j;r.jy;;L~L~~~ ~J~,,;c::rke ~;.' ,t<..~r ~'IT i_:::_. ~.~~ '. .~~CVvt ~.-.-- -t" fM_"WJ::::'~r..L~ti~li · ~:..:.....:_._..... _m '~~~:~~,'orL nr~~~~~. j i ~,_ ~)~ d.~;l1U" L ~.&- I ~: .~.. ~ ~,4.k11~,;r:;.~~j~Ld~ ~,rl . ~ . I l~~l~t;~fi/;~~~t;;::;;r;;iC7~ j. too. !. 3'7_~({. .'~. .. 9f!.rJ..... '. .. /U VI J. ~__~_:____ ~ l (.--~~~~'~. ...-.-- "--'7- ;: +---.. ~--:- ". .. 2 b J:Ji i - 110I~~ ...~~t't;'.. j" I"" ';ao ~ ../jl (J. .t~. _11 .,' I.... .. _'//. .'J' 1Y.1. '>~ ,,'. ~"'~,O' . . ~i ~ / ....... /). ~ ...: '1D( 0-1~_Y7U.L-v1. /lA-. ~,-~ -- 5 -1. ~"-'J:: .------.i 1 D (JV ;/ .,~ .... ___.________.__.______.1R~ 9taAc-r_1~ .......- ... I ~-4 ~~.~4 f' t, >,~ ;'-..--:""''' ;~~;~.,;'., ::".. _ _.~__._. _____ __ ___ ,.._.. __.__~__...._. '._ _ ,_..._.__..._. ._____ ,...._ _ ___. .._..__.._. __. __ ,.~~.,.._"._. __.__...~...._._. ..,_ 'n'.,'. "._,' ----- ...._- ...- .-.-- ---.-- -..--.'t-.--- ....-----.-......-------.---.--..-..-......-..----- --......-- -.-.. --....----.--- - ..-......-..- -----. - .--- .. ------- -- - . ";"'+_~__ ._...____. ______ _.. _.__________.________.___________ __ +____-:-_.___-,-___... ._... __.:____ __....c..._____..,_._...________._.___._.._.c.__._ ~. - Co:. <::-;:'-'/~_'~: ....'C'- ." ~:." ';l"~~~~':?"'"'/''' ,~~-~'~:"~'""~2~~~:~~*~' ~?~;~~rr~r~;'.T:~~:;~ ,,~:-j<::~'.?:,',,~~:::_::_:~~ .':.....7.:~ ,. . ~ I' ~ Proceedin-gs of City Council of the City of Port 'Angeles, Washington . - - .___::m":'.~____3.'_-:::_______.._____....~_:_______m~_.~.l90 .C n" ) i J -+ -~~/~~~r~--k~..- t -h'- ~ ------- ---- -------- --- ~ 1'Yl(lof~a~- - - - / O~~I___ r! .0. ~ ". ~.. 1 H ~ - --- - - ---- - --- ---.- -.----- - --- --- - - -.-- -. . , - - - . I ,!~_(,ljl_ C;~~~~;.~________ _~-.--- ___ Ir~ ("t/-:L: l(4~-----._-- _.__~-vf~~---.-- ".---.----- ---- - ~~ l~---J'f'()-- --t.R ~___________ _._:.....~t.vv-r-h-:'~~A.f-~1 i (;r -'___ /L..--.A OJ!:f,,~ IP / 19' 'W: ru- J5- j---- /9 II - !-:-,::,-y-r--: --"Ij,!~-- T - __________f.vu. ~r!:-)~ --- . --- -. 71 9_ ---1-- ! ----- ,1 I?-_ -ri0- ^-!~ - -:-:--~:- - -- - cr~- YJi. ~ ~ :L 1/-1 ; '3 '~-;/~;/.P/~'t Y7~)/I}. P'r;!. ,; ~ '-:-_____/1/_ --'~Oc:;r- /( _._._n_._ ~j~~' tj...-rC-_.___~- ;'-----lr/l- /r-wr.. - /fa/J1-.,.~_____~_________ 7f~CV7/t cv1-:-'-fI-~_.________".__ .fl_ '~.=~~~ ". ;~p~-~~~:;,--'~~~..~. . ... --~== -=---(;r~{;h=--='-' ...... ~,='~ -.-. --.----~.--- ------'--------:----- t7----- ?f (?f (;;.~'V'-<_.v;v~ -.---~-------~-- .-.-.-- fJ~~. . -- ---.--.. - - ------------- --------- -(:;7 -, ---, ,.,._____ ___--1-L-...-..___~_.._,_.___.____.______~._.__.:_.__._.____________.__..______~_ __. .__._._._~.....:.. .._.._... __~._~._.____,___ '~I 1 j~~1o. '1_ ':"_.t. J 't_ ::..____. /, t/ 0 i __._ '_'__'_.__.M"._ __~__h.__'____...c___._..:..__.~..__"._._,____ __M._.' _____._,._._..__.___,_._..___h_ ____..J!!:____~ _ _~:__ 1. ~ - - ,.... ..-..------- _.----_._--_._---._--_..~--_.-.--_..- -.. - -------- ._------_.~.._-----_.--. ..---..--.. _. .--.--..-. . -."...... ",...---.---'...-,._- .--.- .---- I' J~ . .. f I ~,; __.._____.._____...____.___. .__.__...___ ~______._______._.___._.. . .M__._.___..~__._. _ __.__..__...__~....__.'~______._ '._"__" _,_______ __ .__ I s' .:.. --.---..--.,.,..- .--...,..---.. _.- ...,..--.- ..-...--. - ~--'-'- '. ~ { ;~ ._ _.__._ . w_---'. .____._______.__.~___..__.___~......_.__~_.;_......__'_'_"____.;.__.__~___..;.. ...____..__.,....._._ __ .__.. _~_..___~_._..~_.~~~~~_.._'___ ._.. ......___....____.~.__.._." ._._ ..__ .n --. -.. -_-.. ! .. _. ..__~_._.._ ______~.:.....:.-...._~_.~:~__::._:.~:~.______..~_~___.___.~____~___'____:~..:..._----'--~_____.______.___+.._h__:...__.__..._ ~..~.~ . .. . . - ' ~-_.~~-~---_._-_.__.._--_........__..__.-----_.__._. -.----..-.-.--.-....--'. -...,-.-----. .....- 1,.':~':;' , ,,' ::"'_,.. ' :"", .. 4.." .. ~ ,~~;_x._~.~~.;:....,;_~..;,t. __.-:":".l.>~~:. ~'.iI,;~:',..~ _.---'--~_.:..:..;-------~.:.~~~- ----~.~...;..._.._+-_._..._...;......__..~._._~ -.------- ._--..-- -~---.- ..-".---,-..- --. ":.:..---