HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/26/1951 r 100 Proceedings of the City Commission of , the City of Port Angeles, Washington Fp.hrllA.ry 211 I 19---51 ,.<". """. ....,~ ..."....... ............... ...... .. . The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.H., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers ,", present were: I'layor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. Under the head of Hinutes of the previous session were read and approved. Building Permits: Petersen & Craver Lindsay & Farmer DelGuzzi Brothers Paul Kesler Paul Kesler M~. H. Kuehl Licenses: / f o(,,'fJ ,loodie I s Cafe l'I'oodiets Cafe Peninsula Plbg. & Heating Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: <P ;1.0 ISO ~ Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 1 & E2Lot 2, Blk. 2, Hartt & Cook Add. Remove 4' Existing Curbing; Lot.9, Blk. 30, N.R.Smith Add. Construct 6-Room Dwelling; Lots 10-11, Blk. 284, Townsite Addition to Existing Drive-in Cafe; Lot 2, Clk. 26, II.R.Smith Add. Construct Garage; Lot 5, Blk. 2, ,1m. & Cramer Add. Construct Shop; Lots 1, 2, Elk. 132, Carters Subd. , 7,000.00 .40 11,000.00 1,500.00 950.00 500.00 Restaurant Soft Drink Haster Plumber Occupational Tax 12.00 5.00, 25.00 1,764.43 Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish three. transformers for the. Light Department were submitted as follows: 1iestinghouse Electric Supply Co., 75 KVA, Type S, 120/240 Volts, each $603.4$. Line l1aterial Co., 3-75 KVA 120/240, 60 cycle, each $603.48. General Electric Co., 3-75 KVA, 2,400 Volt, 120/240 volt LV @ 603.48. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the bids be referred to the Light Supt. to make his recommendations. Motion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Light Supt. McLennan explained that transformers ordered and delivered for the new. Hospital building were not as required, making necessary that the above bids be called immediately. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that due to the emergency as explained by the Light Supt., the transformers be purchased and the same be declared an emergency, as the transformers will be used to replace former order for whi ch bids were published. Motion seconded by Hayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. , Bids to furnish cast iron and transite pipe, fittings and fire hydrants for the Water Department were submitted as follows: H. D. Fowler Co.: Item 1, Asbestos Cement 6" pipe @ 1.39, 13,900.00 Item 2, Asbestos Cement 8" pipe @ 1.975, 11,850.00 Fittings: Item 1, 1,063.15 Item 2, 651.50 Item 3, 87.10 Item 4, 76.90 Item 5, 59.10 Valves: Item 6, 2,842.90 Hydrants: Item 7, 1,348.00 E. N. Hallgren Co.: Cast Iron Pipe: Item 1, Item :t, Item 2, Fit tings : Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, Item 4, Item 5, Item 6, Item 7, Pacific Water Works Fittings: Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, Item 4, Item 5, Item 6, Item 7, . Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co.: Cast Iron Pipe: Item 1, 6" @ 1.62, Item 2, S" @ 2.34, Item 3, 4" @ 1.09, 16,200.00 14,040.00 1,090.00 6" @ 1.61, 16,100.00 6" @ 1.76, 17,600.00 S" @ 2.38, 14,280.00 S" @ 2.58, 15,480.00 Item 3, 4" @ 1.08, 1,080.00 4" @ 1.18, 1,lS0.00 999.00 609.75 83.00 72.80 57.20 Valves, 2,853.00 Hydrants, 1,407.00 Alternate: Item 1, Mechanical Joint, 6" 2, Mechanical Joint, 4" Mechanical Joint, 8" Fittings: Item 1, Item 2, Part Bid Item 3, Item 4, Part Bid Item 5, Item 6, Valves Item 7, Hydrants @ 1.77 17,700.00 @ 1.19 1,190.00 @ 2.54 15,240.00 1,097.26 422.50 115 . 70 50.10 56.20 2,589.92 1,245.50 , Hugh G. Purcell Co.: Cast Iron Pipe: 6" @ 1.73 and 1. 91 8" @ 2.53 and 2.73 4" @ 1.16 and 1.28 Cast Iron Pipe: Item 1, 6" @ 1.67, 16,700.00 6" @ 1.85, 18,500.00 Item 2, 8" @ 2.43, 14,580.00 8" @ 2.63, 15,780.00 Item 3, 4~ @ 1.12, 1,120.00 4" @ 1.24, 1,240.00 988.05 605.20 80.90 71.40 55.80 Valves, 2,945.80 Hydrants, 4,485.S0 SuPPly Co.: 996.85 611. 80 81. 70 72.30 56.60 Valves 2,737.60 Hydrants 1,340.00 Fittings: Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, Item 4, Item 5, Item 6, Item 7, Johns-Manville Sales CorP.: Transite Pipe: Item 1, 6" pipe @ 1.41, Item 2, 8" pipe @ 2.00, Alternate: 4" Transite Pipe @ .94 14,100.00 12,000.00 Western Utili ties Supply Co.: Fittings: Item 1, 1,010.17 Item 2, 624.08 Item 3, 82.80 Item 4, 73.19 Item 5, 57.20 Item 6, Valves, 2,722.30 Industrial Iron Works: Fittings: Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, Item 4, Item 5, Crane Co.: Valves only, Item 6, 1,374.58 958.59 96.18 72.27 71.40 Grinnell Co. of the Pacific: Valves Only, Item 6, 2,047.02 Darling Valve and MfR. Co.: Bid on Valves, Item 6, Fire Hydrants, Item 7, 3,013.60 1,393.00 3,089.76 It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the bids be referred to the Water Superintendent for tabulation and cheCking, to be considered at 4:00 P.M., if finished. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Pursuant to notices and publication, hearing on Resolution No. 154, for improvement of First Street from Race to Alder Streets was open. Mr. McDonald and Iv. A. Rand spoke regarding improvorr.ent and ;rent on record as opposed to the same. Hrs. Driscoll and others were also present, requesting information as to what would be done after curbs and gutters were put in. George Adams favored the improvement as a step toward sidewalks. J. J. Dailey informed that the State maintains from curb to curb and if curbs are in, the State ~ I I il I I I I I, I ~ .. . ~ "" 101 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington f?oI'1'ory ~~b, oomiw"o<i, 19~1-- . '"". . ",..n. ""^'. .'".~'". .............. ~ will blacktop. Mrs. Driscoll informed that she had contacted the State Highway Department and they have no definite plans. Commissioner Taylor confirmed that there is no assurance the State will pave, but unless curbs are in, the State would not consider. Attorney Trumbull advised that 60% opposition is nec~ssary to ~liminate project and Engineer Ahlvers informed that 14.94% opposition filed before meeting convened. Commissioner Robinson suggested that the hearing be recessed until 4:00 P.M. when all protests filed will be tabulated to determine percentage opposed. I It was moved by Mayor Feeley, seconded by Commissioner Taylor that no more protests be accepted that are I. not now filed. The Attorney informed that any Local Improvement District may be blocked by protests filed until the contract is awarded. The motion was promptly withdrawn and hearing recessed until 4:00 P.M. The Treasurer informed that there are no outstanding Local Improvement District Assessments against properties included under Improvement Resolution No. 154. February 16, 1951 Hr. Herman Ahl vers , City Engineer, Port Angeles, Washington Dear Sir: This is to certify that there are no outstanding Local Improvements against the properties included under Local Improvement Resolution No. 154, as shown by the records of the City Treasurer's office. YOUl'S very truly, Elsie M. Stahl City Treasurer The Engineer filed report and estimates on proposed improvement as follmis: February 26th; 1951 To the Honorable Mayor' and City Commission Port Angeles, Washington. Gentlemen: I herewith submit the following report and estimate upon the proposed improvement of First Street from Race Street to Alder Street by the construction of concrete curbs and gutters and to improve alleys as set forth in detail in Resolution No. 154 of the City Commis sion ...hich has been referred to me by your honorable body. Total Estimated Cost $ . 13,878.20 $ 13,878.20 $ 1I011E $ 32,632.00 Amount to be Assessed Against Abutting Property Unpaid Assessments - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aggregate, Actual Value of Real Estate Exclusive of Improvements - Aggregate Assessed Valuation of Real Estate Exclusive of Improvements - $ 16,316.00 I also submit the Assessment Roll showing the' property which will be especially benefitted thereby and the estimated amount of the cost and expence of said improvement to be borne by each lot, tract or other property within the assessment district. I further certify that the amount of cost as above estimated, does' not exceed the limit prescribed by law for improvements to be borne by assessments upon the property benefitted. Witness Il\V hand this 26th day of February 1951, Herman Ahl veTS Herman Ahlvers - City Engineer haljfh It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the reports be filed. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All vot~d Aye. ~lotion carried. (I The bid by Sig Larson for construction of abuilding to house the chlorination plant was considered. Commissioner Taylor informed that no dates were included in bid for starting or completion and that Mr. Larson has been advised to submit in writing the required information. tt,r. Taylor also informed that the lowest bid for sluice gate at water dam is too high. Both bids were held for further consideration until the next session. I Commissioner Taylor also spoke regarding the contract with I'.U.D. No.1 to furnish power to the rock I cl'ushing plant, recommending that the contract be accepted and so moved for- acceptance. 110tion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Hotion carried. It was the opinion of Mayor Feeley that the P.U.D. Commissioners and the City Commission should meet for the purpose of discussing the ~ity's Power Contract and re-negotiation of the same. The Commission was in accord regarding fixing a date for said meeting and Commissioner Robinson will contact the P.U.D. concerning the same. Umier the head of new business the Commission considered a request for removal of a light standard at First and Lincoln Streets. It was moved and seconded that the matter be referred to the Police Chief and Light Superintendent. All voted Aye. Kotion carried. The annual report of the Fire Department fOI: the year 1950 was filed by Chief Woherton. }layor Feeley that the report be filed. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. It was moved by Motion carried. ~ ,. 102 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 26th. continued. 19.5L ",. . ....... ~"m ,,,,,,0<,, ...",.. ..... ..... !The United States Coast Guard having requested a letter of commitment concerning cOnfere.~ce of January 11th, j~nd proposed improvement to Ediz Hook, Commissioner Taylor filed a copy of letter of commitment signed by 'Mayor Feeley, Fred C. Strange, Engineer Ahlvers and himself, and dated February 23, 1951. . It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the request be complied with and copy of letter be placed on file. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, tpe.following was placed on third and final reading: ORDIIIANCE NO. 1244 AN ORDINAIICE stating the facts of an emergency affecting the public safety, welfare and convenience of the City of ?ort Angeles; requiring the unforeseen expenditure of funds; providing for the issuance of emergency warrants, and declaring an anergency. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. On motion by Commissioner Robinson, the meeting was recessed until 4:00 P.H. February 26, 1951; 4:00 P.M.: Pursuant to recess declared, the City Commission re-convened with all officers present. Engineer Ahlvers reported that tabulation of oppositions to Improvement Resolution No. 154 shows 47.1885% as opposed to the project. Commissioner Robinson suggested that the Commission proceed wi th the improvement and if sufficient protests are filed before contract is awarded, the project will be discontinued. It was so moved by Commissioner Robinson to proceed with the'improvement plans according to Improvement Resolution 110. 154, and that the Attorney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance creating the' Improvement District. Motion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. J.1otion carried. The report of Police Judge Phillips for the month of January, sh01'ling $1123.00 fines collected, was approved and ordered filed. Permanent appointment of a Superintendent for the Light Department \1as cOJisidered. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that Gene t1cLennan be put on as Light Superintendent. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Light Supt. informed that transformer bids are the same in amount of $603.48 each, the Westinghouse Electric Corporation agree to ship immediately from Seattle stock and recommended that the contract be awarded to that Company. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the re'commendation be accepted and bid awarded to the Hestinghouse Electric Corporation due to immediate delivery. }lotion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Bids submitted to then considered. made as follows: furnish cast iron and transite pipe, fittings and hydrants for the Water Department were The Water Superintendent, having tabulated and checked bids, recommended that awards be Johns-Manville Sales Corp., 6" and 8" transite pipe. Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co., 4" Cast Iron Pipe, . Hugh G. Purcell Co., fittings. E. N. Hallgren Co., Valves and Hydrants, recommended according to previous Pursuant to the a:bove recommendations, it was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the recommended, including the low bid for 4" Cast Iron pipe by the Pacific States Cast Notion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. service rendered. bi ds be awarded as Iron Pipe Company. The Commission ex'amined and approved 45 /75- the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: CURRENT EXPENSE ruND: jElliot Propane Gas Edward B. Taylor 5} ICITY STREET FUND: '.271- i'western Tractor & Equip. Co. Puget Sound lIav. Co. :V MATER FUND: 153 - Daily Journal of Commerce Glass Specialty Co. Hooker Electrochemical Co. Rensselaer Valve Co. Johns-Manville Corp. 10 i' LIGHT FUND: S5;() Remington ~and. Inc. Olympic Tribune J. B. Mathews Glass Co. General Electric Supply Corp. Westinghouse Elec. Supply Co. Graybar Electric CO. <i-I PARK FUND: IJS:3.... Allan Dist. Co. Wheeler Hdwe. & Furniture Co. Angeles Pittsburgh Paints O.lymp.i c Tri bune General Elec. Supply Co. 1,500 Gal. Tank Traveling Expense 150.00 25.45 269.95 1.58 22.20 32.50 52.68 43.48 2.37 3.61 1.80 5.46 492.10 , 38.83 8..88 3.79 9.55 41.76 1.02 1,297.29 41.93 5.271 4.59 . Mayor Parts Freight Adv. Bids Truck Repairs Chlorine Hydrant Parts Pipe Rings Repair Billing I1achine Adv. Replace Glass Lamp Starters; Pot heads & tape; 11eters Fus es & Lift Rods Linemens 1 Belt Mobile Grease, etc. Tools & Hdwe. Stain, Paint Notice to Bidders Reflectors :;",0 PARKIIIG METER & TRAFFIC OONTROL FUND: '1-1- 101. H. Rhodes, Inc. Parts . Railway Express Agency Express CEI-illTERY FUND: If- ! '1 Wheeler Hdwe. & Furniture Co. There being no further business, Grass Shears the meeting was then adjourned. ..... U f2, 'Xcwr. (J ~~.L?-k:f City Clerk I I I I