HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/27/1950 ... 632 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington February 27. 19.511.- , IThe Commission met in reGUlar session at 10:00 A. M., and was called to order by hlayor ~"eeley'. Officers 'I present nere:. l,layor Feeley, Conmissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumboll, and Clerk Law. 1- MiilUtes of the previous s8Dsion were read and approved. "Under the head of applications for boilding permits, tile following were granted: Building Fermi ts:. II Petersen and Craver I I Petersen and Craver I OlYlnpic Builders I H. 'T. Nielson ,Ray Cleary I, Under the head of un&inished business, bids to furnish for the Street Departmerrt, 600 tons of Bituminous I Cement Plant I,(ix were opened as follows: Western Asphalt Company, t6.10 per ton, Or total of $3,769.80, Tax included. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that. the bid be accepted. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 13,000.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 600.00 600 .00 Construct store building & Apt., Lot 16, Elk. 22, I,. R. Smith, Construct 5 room dVlelling, Lot 19, Blk. 239, Townsite Construct 4 room dwelling, Lot 4, Blk. 4, Hartt & Cooks Ada. Construct Addition to existing auto court, Elk. 1, Terrace Pari Remodel Existing warehouse) West t Lot :3, I)Dt 4, 8lk. 23, 'l'ovmstie I , I Jess Taylor, repmesenting the Sequim and Dungeness Dairymen, agail.. met with the Gonl11ission regarding ~ 'I inspection of dairy prod,:"cts. !he Co",,:,ission wa~ requested by the milk producers to support their petitiOn,'.' that no changes be made J.n the ~nspechon of then products. It was moved by l!a;yot Feeley that the COllunsSlon go' on record as favoring the continuation of inspection by the Olympic Health Department. Motion seconded I, "by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. llotion carried. The Commission instructed that Sver Omdahl, I "Director of the State Agricultural Department, and Dr. J. A. Kahl, Acting State Health Director, be informed that this Gor.mission favors certification of the Olympic Health Department to conduct inspection of dairy I !, products in this district. I I nothing" , I I , Under the head of new business, George Northup appeared on behalf of Port Angeles Realtors regarding construction 0 f a new Police Station or remodeling of the present buildine. The Hayor informed that ha$ been done except consideration and consultations with contractors. " I,Attorney Johnston presented a contract and agreement between K. O. Erickson and tl,e City of Port Angeles, wherein Lots 1 to 9 inclusive, and Lots 18 to 26 inclusive, in Block 4 of Cain's Subdivision of Suburban BiLbck 21 of the Tmmsite of Port Angeles, will be included in a former contract of April 12, 1944, from which the aforesaid Lots were erroneously omitted. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the contract be ':approved and signed. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 'IIn accordance with Ordinance 110. 1216, the Chamber of Commerce submitted the qualifications of that "Organization for handling fonds provided for exploitation and advertising of the general advantages of tiIe 'City of Port Angeles as the oldest recognized commercial organization in the City, and that it has 200 or "more bonafied dues paying members, and is incorporated. The Commission ordered 'the 'leteer filed. I I Police Chief Ide reported that during a recent traffic count at First and Lincoln streets, conducted by the 'I State Highway and City Police Departments,-approximately 14,000 vehicles were tabulated during a 16 hour period. An analysis of said tabulation will ge submitted later. I 'I.CO~lliSSiOner Taylor informed that purchase of material is necessary for replacement of mains and services by;, the Water Department. It was mUlled by Conurrissioner Robinson that the CommissioIl authorize bids published I ,acC'ording to specifications submitted by the Vlater Superintendent, and opening date fixed in accordance with specifications rendered. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following Via s introduced: 'I ! 'All OHDIllANCE stating the facts of an emergency affecting the public health, peace and safety of the City of Port Angeles; requiring the unforeseen expenditure of funds; providing for the issuance of emergency rvrarrants and declaring an emergency. ORDINANCE NO. IVY;' 'It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoine Ordinance be placed on first and second reading. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. CUhRENT EXPENSE }lnlD: .Animal Control ~ Jerry lIelson Agency Pacific Tel. & Tel. Go. I '''02. 'f't The Commission examined and approved the following clail1lB, and ordered warrants issued in payment of the same: CITY S1'liE,;T RIND: If :z 't, .t" 'Automotive p;;rt;' Service Vies tern Tractor &. Equipment Companjl Gi ty Treasurer ~'iddleton l:otor Parts Co. :0. & B. Battery & Elsc. Sta, ,Luvaas Firestone Service ,Janish Motor Co. ,James Hardware Co. I~,'iills on Hardware Co I )iarold & Ray Green Vlheeler Hdwe. & FUrn. Co. 1'aylor Heating & Plumbing Co. iOlympic Electric Coinpany Pacific Tel. & 1'81. Co. }!ailor Lumber Co. ~ fudeet Appropriation by Ord. No 1221, Insurance Service 1500.00 74.00 28.44 I Parts Parts Express charges Whee 1 Puller Patts Tire, Tube, ete. Parts. Shovels Tools & HElTre. Tire Cnairs 5 shovels Parts Parts Seriice 3540 Lumbe r 111.16 77.65 .65 15.42 7.58 96.43 1.77 4.64 46.57 9.73 14.27 10.01 3.61- 8.50 16.27 I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 6:33 " , Februarv 27. COI}:tinued 19~ 1fH:....."....~................_.......,1~..1J:171l~ ! WATER FUND: If 85'. ~V City Light Dept. Suwlies 156.68 I Zellerbach Paper Co. Towels 16.71 1. M. Cohen Postal scele 15.14 Ovlans Eroe Eng. &. Const. Co. Thawing pipes 77.25 Pacific Mach. & Welding Wks. Trailer hitch 15.45 Peninsula lBchine Shop Iron plate 13.55 Harold /} Ray Green Cleaner 3.09 I Hooker Electrochemical Co. Chlorine 54.04 .1 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Bands. 16.44 Western Utilities Supply Co. Pipe 404.80 Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Pipe '" Fittings 252.'f5 LIGHT FUND, $s~.7:J. Renington Rand, Inc., Ledgers 273.56 Elec:brical World _ Subscription 8.00 Zellerbach Paper Co. Cups 16.85 General Electric Co. Cur. Traner. 96.85 I General Electric Supply Corp. Cur. Transf. 160.68 I PARK ~lIND: 3d" r-:; The Toggery Rain cost, Hip boots 52.84 I I, Rose & Beasley, Inc ., Motor mounts 3.29 , /, l'f , , CEMETERY 'FUND: Olympic Tri bone Call for Bide 1.14 " 1 There being no further businessJ the session was declared adjourned. I; ! I I a G. t=u. ~dd~ I I I City Clerk ./J< yor I I I ! " ~ , , I; I I , i I i ! II I; I I I I I I I i, i I ! I " ! I ,\ I I I " , , I I .....