HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/28/1978 I I I, 453 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, washington February 28, 1978 I CALL TO ORDER The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M. The purpose of this meeting is to consider the scope, consulting fees, and timetable for design and construction of the civic pier, consideration of changing the regular March 7, 1978 City Council meeting date to March 8, 1978, an update on phase II of the Civic Field Renovation Project, and consideration of selling City property lying alongisde the Milwaukee Rail- road right-of-way. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk, wray. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Clerk Parrish. R. Orton, D. Flodstrom, D. Frizzell, P. Carr, J. Honnold. III - V SUSPENDED VI LEGISLATION 1. MUNICIPAL PIER PROJECT Christian J. Birkeland of ABAM Consulting Engineers, Inc., project Manager for the Municipal pier Project, was present at this meeting to discuss with the City Council the consulting services for design of the Municipal Pier Project. If the City Council approve the approach, the consulting firm request the City Council to authorize Manager Whorton to negotiate the contract. Mr. Birkeland's presentation covered the following topics: Project Organi- zation, Schedule, Budget, Scope of Work and Type of Contract. According to the proposed project schedule, the preliminary design should be completed by June 1, 1978, with final design finished by September I, 1978. Following the bid process, actual construction is anticipated to start October 1, 1978. Public design input hearings are tentatively proposed for March, April, May and August. The proj'ect is estimated to cost $1. 7 million for the pier and $300,000 for the design services. This estimate does not include unforseen uncertainties such as site conditions, time delay, environmental factors (EIS), increased scope of design, U.S. Coast Guard, and public. ABAM's proposal also recommended a funding search be conducted for seeking additional federal or state funds to reduce the cost to the City residents. Mr. James Braman spoke to the Council abcut how a funding search could be conducted. The estimated cost of Mr. Braman's services would be approxi- mately $8,000. Mayor Haguewood discussed the legality of this expenditure from the two-million dollar Bond Fund with Attorney Walrath. Attor~y Walrath will pursue this matter. A brief discussion concerning the need for completing a City Comprehensive Park Plan was also held at this time. During the presentation, the City Council discussed various items of the proposal with Mr. Birkeland. Following the presentation, Councilman Wray moved the Council accept ABAM Engineers Inc.'s proposed consulting services for design of the Municipal pier project and authorize Manager Whorton to negotiate a contract with ABAM. The motion was se~onded by Councilman Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, Mayor Haguewood pointed out that while a few items within the proposal are questionable, the Council are agreeing to proceed with the project. On call for the question, the motion carried. 454 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 28, 1978 VI LEGISLATION 2. CHANGE OF REGULAR MEETING DATE After a brief discussion, Councilman Duncan moved the Council change the March 7, 1978 meeting date to March 6, 1978 due to the Democratic and Republican caucuses being held on March 7, 1978. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 3. CIVIC FIELD RENOVATION PROJECT: PHASE II Manager Whorton reported that the City and Del Guzzi Construction Company have signed change orders on the project reducing the project cost by $217,974. Changes in the line items occurred in demolition and removal, construction and project improvements and equipment. On Thursday, March 2, 1978, Parks Director Frizzell will be meeting with EDA officials to go over the entire package. As soon as EDA approval is received, the city will then be in a position to hold a public hearing on the Revenue Sharing Budget to change the expenditure categories to the Civic Field Renovation Project. At this point of time, the contract and change orders have been signed, the Performance Bond and Insurance Certificate have been received and an authorization to proceed has been given to the Contractor. 4. SALE OF CITY PROPERTY ALONG MILWAUKEE RIGHT-OF-WAY Mayor Haguewood read a report from the Public Works Department concerning the sale of subject property which had been referred to the Real Estate Committee for a recommendation. Real Estate Committeeman Councilman Duncan reported that the Real Estate Committee recommends the property be sold as it is in the best interest of the City. During discussion on the proposed sale of a 40 foot strip 'of City property to the abutting property owners along the Milwaukee right-of-way, Councilman Hordyk pointed out that the prices offered by four property owners were fair and the City would retain the right-of-way. Councilman Wray felt the offers were below the going price. Following the discussion, Councilman Duncan moved the Council authorize the sale of the City property to Mr. McWilliams, Mr. Cronauer, Mr. Shields, and Mr. smith as it is in the best interests of the City to put the property back on the tax rolls. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried with Councilman wray voting "NO." V - VII SUSPENDED VIII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. '~Mi ..:~~, C!. ~......,..4.. City Clerk d;<<e(j~~ Rj:fayor I I I ~)o.1-- ~ . '::ciJ-C"Q I.,.. 0'1 IC......c: 0\ oIfl c' .. ~ >"0 CIl c.n.J: tI) E 111..... ... eLl' C "C ~ 1/1 ~ 0 I ~~~~~~~~~c~oc ~ L~~ f~ ~co bb ~ ~~ ~~~ !~~ ~~..c: ~- ~~ ~~E~ i~~ t~~~~~~~~m~~o~o~~-~~~g:~m I _....'CQ,~:::'5u.-m~-';:..:..::o .!~.s ~~ ;'.-~"_ MM.QJ I"-Q.I' :;;;"E ._~ g_:il ~g lTJ -:> ,>CJl ..,:)0 f'CihctllO ~ 1-OOJ_I.._ I/lU-"'" [Qc~....C:;;Co')L.dt a.q,o.~::: o:!l;gc C..c:: "::UCI ,x,!< C LE ~~Ol >-u= .DCC1l ::>> "''5 ;'co~'i:~ ~"t:Oz:~ro~>~~ i-,-moQ.~t!.o~_.~'~- ~0~~o_~~~_~~o.~=o2Ec~~~o ,e~ ~_~~ ~?~ ~... "oQE~ ~E~'~ ~5~ ~8 ... ~~ro~~~o u~~~~~~c..c::roCV~-~ ~c ~-~ .. ~_ c~ - - oQ.l. '-.M w ~ ~ - -E ~~ ~~>~~_CLl'~S~"~ ~~~~ ~~E~~~_S~!~~Eo~~~:~_ - u..>-el"~c ~=~""'~"'''''lllro:,::e-E....~ -.a. :a~M I ~ '<> 8E ",f.>. I..IO~ ~1' <:........ 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