HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/01/1932 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 17 " March. 1st. 193~ I I I I I Thr Commission met pursuant to adjournment at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order by Mayor Davis. Roll oall showed the following offioers present. Mayor navis,Commissioner Be~m and Filion, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. -The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for Permits and Licenses the following were granted,- $300.00 2.50 15.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 1.00 2.50 Eric Anderson F.Brauer N.E.Peterson (Olympic Coffe Shop ) Mra.F.A.Mitchell ( Recreation Lunch Norman Goff Mra.Carbonetti D.VI.Davis D.D.Taggart Ware House on N.56' of Lot 9 Block 2 Tideland East of Laurel St. 1 truok Resturant .I- Resturant Soft drink Soft drink 1 Barber Chair 1 truok "Polioe Judge Thos.Geisness reported 6 cases tried during the month of February and $37.50 oollected in fines. The report was oraered filed. Under the Head of Intriduction of Ordinances the following" Ordinance was introduced, re~d in full and placed on its first and second readings,- "An Ordinanoe Approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No.142 for the improvement of certain portions.of Fourth,Fifth, Sixth"Seventh,Eighth and Ninth Streets and certain other streets in the City of Port Angeles and portions of the property abutting thereon by the oonstruotion of trunk sewer commencing on "R" Street at the tntersection of the alley between Sixth and Seventh: Streets; running Notherly on "K" street to the alley between Fifth and Sixth Streets; l Westerly through the alley to "I" Street: Northerly to Fifth street: Westerly on Fifth Street 500 feet West of "M" street: Northerly to Fourth Street and Westerly to the outfa~l; also runn~ng from Fifth Strset Southerly to Sixth street along a line 500 feet West of j "M" Street whioh trunk sewer improves the property whioh oan be sewered and drained into the same and thus benefitted thereby; and which said property was fully bounded and de described in Ordinanoe No. 952 of the City of Port Angeles,and whioh said ~mpro~ement distriot was oreated and improvement ordered under said Ordinanoe No. 952; levying and assessing the amounts thereof against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land and other property as shown on the said roll; ordering the collection of su~h aseessments, creating and establishing a speoial looal improvement fund for said district and orderin , that the said assessments be paid into suoh special fund... .- 'The Commission entered into an agreement and easement by and between the Fibreboard Products Company,Ino., and the City of Port Angeles,whereby the said Fibreboard Products Company grants the said City of Port Angeles an easement for the purpose of laying, useing and maintaining pipe of the Munioipal Water System over and across the following desoribed property,- . . An easement over a strip of land ten (10) feet in Width,lying five feet on each side of the following described oenter line: Beginnin~ at a point on the south margin of Third street,whiCh point is appromimately five (5) feet westerly from the Interseotion of-the South Margin of Third Street and the line between Tracts Band C of sampson Donation Land Claim: running thenoe S.41 deg. 26' west, a distance of approximately 80 feet: thenoe running S 18 deg. 41' west a distance of approximately seven feet to the North boundary of the C.M.St.P.& P.Ry. Company Right-of Way,all being in Tracts B and C of the sampson Donation Land Claim in the Townsite of Port Angeles,Washington. -It was moved by Commissioner Beam that in consideration of the foregoing easement the City of Port Angeles release .and surrender to the said Fibreboard Products Company all right of easement or occupation in and to that certain easement entered into De(h18 ,1931, by and between the FibreboardProducts Company and the City of Port Angeles, and the description of the property intended to be released being a strip of land previously occupied by the City's water pipe,running apprOXimately north and south on said tract "c" at a point apprOXimately 150 feet west of the east boundary of said tract. And the Mayor and City Clerk be instructed to sign a release to said property. Seoonded by Commissioner Filion. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- Street Department Fire Department Street Department J.W.Robertson J.B.Mathews Pacific Tel.& Tel Co., Service Garage Pacific Tel.& Tel Co., Wm.E.Ritchie Lee Cafem Herron's Variety store Pacific Tel.& Tel Co. Washington State Bank Laura Burns Evening News Pacifio Tel & Tel Co. Current Expense Fund - Pay roll Pay roll Pay roll sanitary Inspeotor Glass Servioe Repairs Service Repairs Prisoners Meals Supplies Service Rent Rent Publioations Service 4 17?:'1.- 1_ $1,092.22 258.00 151.00 40.50 .80 7.45 7.90 4.25 2.00 38.15 ..30 5.00 50.00 10.00 52.86 2.35 Pacific Tel.& Tel. Co. Library Fund Service 4.25 ....oIIlIl r- 18 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ,nICK ~ ..V""....U.T1......,ATlgH....."'n..... ..... March 1st. 193~ ...... Light Department Light Department Light Department,.Sales Division Byron Winters Byron Winter Clifford Cowling Puget Sound Navigation Co. Linooln Insurance Co. Shell Oil Co. VI.M.Phillips J.B.Mathews Sash & Door Faotory General Eleotrio Co. Cragin Company Westinghouse Eleotrio & Mfg.Co. Line Material Co., Graybar Eleotric Co. Washington state Bank J.Lloyd Aldwell Ino., Puget Sound NaVlLgation Co. Madge H .Nailor Servioe Eleotrio Co., Tom Hargreave C.V/.Alexander Gordon Prentice Ino., North Coast Eleotrio Co., Fobes Supply Co., Graybar Electric Co., Water Department Wayne O'Day Puget Sound Navigation Co., Gate City Machine Works Willson Hardware Co., Antone Smith Grooery Paris Motor Co., Johnson Transfer CO't Seattle Plumbing & SUpply Co.,' Renssmlear Valve Co., Pacific Tel & Tel Co., Federal Pipe & Tank Co., Federal Pipe & Tank Co., Federal Pipe & Tank Co., EngineBr's Department Evening News Water Department Water Department Water Department Water Department Water Department Water Department !. Madge H.Nailor LiAA t Fund Pay Roll Pay Roll Pay Roll Wireing for range Lamps Car Hire Freight Maps Oil Wood Nails,etc., Voltage Regulators prestolite outfit Transformers Refleotors,etc., Fuse Links Rent Rent Freight Filing fees Wiring range and heater 1 range Wiring for range Timers Floodlights Ranges Ranges Water Fund B 'P J I''> , . $ 865.00 716.05 225.00 35.00 173.84 35.00 3.84 2.04 6.98 6.00 4.55 2,427.48 16.50 79.65 39.42 2.81 50.00 50.00 6.70 4.50 39.50 25.00 35.00 6.83 42.21 245.63 125.23 $1,088.86 100.00 62.74 12.85 1.50 1.15 12.07 23.25 85.79 535.57 4.25 194.88 22,58 3,826.42 237.00 65.73 291.00 216.00 195.00 90.00 175.00 90.00 3,111.58 . There being no further business the Commission then adjo~ned to meet Wednesday Maroh 9,1932,at 10 a.m. ?;:m, ~ City Clerk Pay Roll Clerk hire m Freight Repair Valve Tools Oil Gas etc. Hauling Pipe Water Meters Valves Service Pipe Pipe Pipe L.I.D.Gsneral Fund ,rp/~I PayRoll Publioatllons :)..'1) Munioipal Water WorKs Repair Fund ~ Pay Roll - Feb.24,1932 Pay Roll - Feb.24,1932 Pay Roll - Mch.l, 1932 Pay Roll - MCh.l, 1932 Pay Roll - MCh.l, 1932 Pay Roll - MCh,l, 0932 Light Investment Fund Purchase of Warrants No.s 1 to 208 Municipal Water Works Repair Fund J'JIl ~-O~ /V' ' Mayor I I I I I