HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/01/1956 r'" . 486 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~larch I 19~ ,." . .,... ".m.. """'..~..".. "0" ..... ) iThe City COWlcil met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. ,and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call lof officers showed the follC1Wing present: MBi}"or Smith, Councilmen BroVIn, Neer, Sandia on, Matthieu, Wolfe ;'and McFadden, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. j 'It WaS moved by Councilman Brown that minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Secon:!ed by Councilman 'Sandison and carried. I Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish one dump truck for the Street department were Iconsidered. ~!anager Vergeer advised that the Ford truck offered by SeumifllsDIi Hotor Company is the best bid and recormnended that the sarne be accepted, the exception to be 165 H.P. V-8 Cylinder Botor at additional '$97 .00 plus sales tax. It was moved by Councilman Neer that recollmlSndation be approved. Seconded by 'Councilman Saniison "and carried. i Pay estirrate 'alley, "Unit ,It was moved [and carri €d. I One fixed estimate claim against L.I.D. No. 167 was filed for approval: Robert Cla1'1S0n, crew car 'mileage, February 1956, $lJ.44. It was moved by Councilman Brm-m that ,fixed estimate claim be approved 'am paid. Secon:!ed by Councilman Matthieu and carried. I "Under the head of JEW business, a petition containing 249 signers 1,as formally presented to the Council 'requesting that a proposition be placed upon the General City Election Ballot of March 13 giving electors 'an opportuni1;r to decide as to "hether or not the City of Port Angeles should advance from Third Class ;to Second Class. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that petition be accepted. Seconied by CouncilJnan ,Brown and carried. I ,The following Resolution "as th en to F. Ho Jarnagin for work done and naterial furmhed in L.LD. No. 167, Front Street ani C", was filed for approval as follo.<s: F. H. Jarnagin, "Unit C", L.I.D. No. 167, $565.97. IT.>' Councilman 'Ifolfe that PBi}" est:imate be approved and paid. Seccn:!ed by Councilman BrO';'1n A RESOLUTION of the of the City of Port of the City of Port 6-56. introduced and read in full for Council approval: RESOLUTION NO.9-56 City Council providing that notice shall be given that at the next General Election Angeles the voters be granted the opportunity to vote for or against the advancer.lent Angeles from a third class to that of second class, and confirmine Resolution No. It l'las moved by Councilmen Brol'ffi thet the foregoing Resolution be passed. Secorried by CouncilJnan UcFadden and carri ed. The following reports were filed for consideration: l-lonthly budget reports of receipts am disbursetoents for City Departnents, Street Departmmt, Police Departnent and Light Derartmmt. It was movEc l:j- CO'l"cilman l'lolfe that all reports be approved and placed on file. Secorried by Councilman HcFadden an:! carri ed. Appointment of nember to the Library Board was considered, the tenn of E. H. ,>loodrUff having expired. It was moved by Councilman KcFadden that recommendation of the Library Board be approved and Mr. I-foodruff reappointod to serve as Board meniber. Motion seconded by Councilman Brown and unanimously carried. Claims paid Februazy 17, 20, 21, 231'1~re approved in total amount of $63,670.69. It was moved by COWlcil- man Brolin that claims be approved as paid. Secorried by Councilman Sandison a"Ii carried. Ers. Paul Bauer presented Councill'1ith petition signed by Valley Stl'eet residents requesting the City to maintain the street paths from Valley on 9th Street Hest ani 10th Street East, thereby making paths more safe and usable by pedestrians, especially sbltool children. Hr. Vergeer assured that repairs \'Iill be made, also any others by calling his office. I Frank Stevens, operator of Port Angeles Transit System, informed the Council of a five cent incrsase in bus fare, the same not sufficient to continue operation wi thout further assistance, am requested that 2% Occupational tax be eliminated and he be permitted to PS(! license of $50.00 per year the same as other I for-hire cars an:! by Council authority will have amerriing Ordinance prepared. It llllS moved by Councilman : \-folfe that the Attorney be instructed to prepare Ordinance amending the occupational tax Ordinance Ho. llJJil to comply with request. Seconded by Councilman J.:cFadden and carried. lor. and Nrs. j'laurice A. Edl'lIlrds filed claim in amount of $32.50 for damages to property caused by pOl'Ier shut-off. It was moved by Councilman Brmffi that claim be referred to the Attorney ani insurance company. Seconded by Councilman McFadden and carried. Council discussed endorsement of safs-teen driving program providing for safe drivers to be recognized by car emblem. An administrator and judges would be appointed and in case of accident, decide whether or not emblem should be removed. VlI'. Vergeer recommended that Chief Kochanel{be appointed administrator. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that program and recommendation be approved. Seconied by Councilman Sandison and carried. Councilman Holfe inquired as to when L.LD. No. 167 ,lill be completed and assessment roll adjusted for payment. Hr. Vergeer advised that completion cannot be before June and paymants could not start bafore Ssptember at the earliest. , Also discussed was Cherry Hill Improvement. It appears that a Resolution mS(! be introduced at the next meeting. Also a cont emplated sewer in alley west of Oak Street between First and Second Street. It was moved by CounciL-nan Saniison that the Manager be authorized to publish bids for office furniture and a service truck for the l'later department and the J{a,yor and llanager authorized to award the bid on furniture to expedite delivery. Secorried by Councilman Brown and carried unanimously. a..... ,Maotor Smith reported very satisfactory meeting ,lith Victoria Island Publicity Bureau and it is understood I that ferry service will begin April 29. I Urrier the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the follo,,'ing was introduced and read in full: . ORDINANCE NO. 1365 I AH ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, l'Iashington, approving ani confinning the assessments and assess- 'ment roll of local Improvanent District No. 169 for t,l,e improvement of a certain area within the City I by the construction and installation of a trunk ani lateral s81'lers, together \'lith necessary incidental l'lOrk; levying arri assessing the amounts thereof against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other. I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~larch 1 continued 19~ - n... ",..". _,,~ .""..... .""',,..... .... property as shm.n on said a.ssessment roll, and providing. for the payment of such assessmonts into the Local Improvement District No. 169 Fum created by Ordinance 110. 1352, passed and approved July 7, 1955. It was moved by Councilman }latthieu that the foregoing Ordinan::e be approvcd and adopted. Secomed I by Counciwn Sandison am carried. Council oonsidered propos ed Ordinance for the regulation and control of dance halls ani cabarets, certain sections having been revised as previously proposed. After due consideration, it was moved by Council- man Uatthieu that Crdinance be passed the first reading >lith provision for maximum penalties to be included, the Ordinance to be effective when passed and adopted, c.nd licenscs reqrlred by July 1. 110tion seconded by Councilman Brown and carried. There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~.c.~~ , City Clerk .yf-~ Mayor 'iLE~}AL PU8LlCATIQX ; I CALL FOR BIDS Bid.., wfll he received up to 1i'00 o'clock, p.m., March 15th, 1956. at . the offIce of the City Clerk at 140 :t~;SJu:~~~~t ~~rea~'e ~7~:t a~~g~t~~ I ~.half Ton Sedan Deliverv .ta~td~,i\~~~~h~~b11i/~i;~~i b~k~~ "Pickup. . I' Bidder .'!1lullJ show cost amount i a.llOWed for trade in car a.nd the r:~l~fli:~~t~\b'he ~~~lll~teae;;ll~~: ble t<J municipal COI"f)}'f1tiot1.~.- O. S. VERGEER, City Managel'. Pub:-MAT'el1 2, 9. 1956 T CALL FOR BIDS 'Bid Rfqp06als will be received up ~5g:~ &:;l~~cr~'ih~('!;i~ ii~~: ager at.'140 West Front ;Street. Pon Angeles, Washington, cove!'!]]/.{ the purchase ,by .sajd CIty or one SDx41 Hal'dwoodtllroughouL Walnut FJn.. [shed Executive Desk. : cc~~e ~~iir~ngal'~o~tll!~:~ tL~;l~:; 'Upholstered back and sidelUms', Walnut Finish. POl' general refer.. ence fee Gunlock 4858, or better. ;~S;eJO~~m(~~nj~~mdta~lr~;~h, uphol.. Quotations shall :separately lndI,.. cate tlle amcufi. f ~s tax anG.. ~o Quotation i. e&';; l)f $1,000.00 can be eonsidc . A ? per cent (!epo,s.1t or bid bend required. No bid Rcceptf'd wlthoui nspectlon of materlnls offered. Bld~ der Waives irl'e.':ularltics in aWard.~ . CIty reserves right to a(:cepL OJ:' eject allY or all bid<;. . CITY OF POR1' ANGELES 'By o. S. VEROEEa Puh: March 2, 9, l!~~~ 'Mana,,.. 'j 48~ .olIlIlJ