HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/01/1962
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
109 !
~e City Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. The following 0 icers were present: Mayor II
Maxfield, Councilmen Richardson, Smith, Thorne, Randall, Caldwell and Haguewood; Manager Slankard,
~ttorneY Moffett and Clerk McNeece.
kt was moved by Councilman Richardson that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted and placJ,d
bn file. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. iI'
Under the head of unfinished business, Councilman Thorne, Chairman of the Committee appointed to in~
~estigate the sale of Lots 8 and 9, Block 66, Leighton Addition, read recommendation from the com- '
~ittee. After careful study and consultation with the Street Superintendent and City Engineer, it I
lis recommended that the sale of these lots not be made at this time. It was moved by Councilman
iRichardson that the committee's report tha~he lots not be advertised for sale be accepted. I
ISeconded by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously carried. I
bnder the head of new business, it was moved by Councilman Richardson that the claim for damages ~
ifor fall on sidewalk be referred to the City Attorney. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carrie I' .
i~e City Manager read request from Centennial Committee requesting waiver of admission tax for Cen-
Itennial activities. The Mayor pointed out that waiving of admission tax for anyone particular
~STOUP would be discriminatory in itself. After considerable discussion as to the advisability of :
repealing the Ordinance (No. 1384) on all admission taxes, starting in 1963, it was moved by Council-
, an Caldwell that the City Manager be requested to review the problems involved in admission taxes :
~ith particular reference to Ordinance covering same and make report at future meeting, Seconded
!by Councilman Smith and unanimously carried.
~ request, change order No.5 in amount of $3,506.40, by Harbert Construction Corporation, also
ehange order No.6 in amount of $11,141.59 on the Water Transmission Line project were presented
itor payment. The City Manager pointed out that there are the sums of $605,00 to Water Department,
~1'518.00 to Engineering Department, $5,191.66 for Field Inspection, and $150.00 to Randall Kilmer ~.f
onstruction Co. to be deducted from the $11,141.59, leaving a balance of$~,676.93 on change order
, o. 6. It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the change orders, No.5 in amount of $3,506.40
bnd No.6 in amount of $3,676.93 be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and unani
bouSly carried. II
The contract acceptance, liquidated damages and final payment to Harbert Construction were discusseA
lat length. It was the recommendation of the City Manager that all liquidated damages be waived be-
cause of the complicated project. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the contract be ac-
cepted and to waive all liquidated damages that the City might be entitled to since the contract
,contingencies are all taken care of in the change orders. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood. After
'further discussion and the reading of a portion of the minutes of the Council. meeting of October 19,
11961, in which the motion to extend the contract of Harbert Construction Corp. thirty working days I
land the $100.00 per day penalty be waived was defeated by a four to two vote, on called vote Counci~-
\nan Richardson and Haguewood voted "Aye", Councilmen Smith, Caldwell, Randall and Thorne voted "No"1'
'Motion failed to pass. There appearing to have been no date set for the completion of the pipeline'
'by the Contractor, it was suggested by the Mayor that the City Manager review this and report back :
at the next council meeting as to a possible completion date. Then there will be further discussion
on the subject. The City Attorney recommended that the project contract not be accepted until the r
iCouncil is aware of specific liquidated damages. 'Ii
:It was moved by Councilman Randall that the third (February) progress payment to J. D. Shotwell co.i
I'for work done and material furnished on the Street IJnprovement in the upper Peabody L.LD. No. 183,1
I'in amount of $17,000.00 be approved. Seconded by Councilman Smith and unanimously carried. '
I'Councilman Randall asked how much the City pays on the fixed estimate of an L.LD. and how much or
! what percentage is charged against property owners in the L .LD. The City Engineer informed that I
Itwelve per cent of the construction cost is charged to property owners toward engineering, legal
I,fees, advertising, interest on bonds and warrants, all the outside costs and the City assumes the
,remainder, which sometimes runs as much as 8% or more. I
!IIt was moved by Councilman Richardson that the third (February) fixed estimate in the construction
'!of streets in the upper Peabody L.LD. No. 183 in amoW1t of $5,000.00 be approved as requested. I
Iseconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried.
iThe following reports were presented f<!)r approval: Treasurer's Financial, Budget Expenditure and I
IReceipts, Light Department Billing and Work, and Water Department Billing and Work. It was moved
;by Councilman Haguewood that all of these reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by I
ICouncilman Thorne and carried.
I It was moved by Councilman Richardson that claims payable in amount of: General Funds, $43,721. 8 5',
Water rund $2,023.17, Light Fund, $63,845.18 and Pipeline Fund, $556.31, as itemized be paid, II
Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried.
iIt was moved by COW1cilman Caldwell that the payrolls for January 1962 in total amount of $59,482.81,10
ibe approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried.
The City Manager read a letter from Roy H. Brownlee, requesting an increase of the advertising fund
:being paid to the City Bus from the present $120.00 a year to $382 a year as a subsidy to cover I
Iliability insurance. Also requested an increase in adult bus.fare from 259 to 309. The Mayor in-
I: formed that the City cannot in any way subsidize the bus route. It was moved by Councilman Cald- ,
!well that the Council show no objection to the proposed five cent increase in the adult fare of
Ithe City bus operation. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and W1animously carI'ied.
After considerable discussion, in which it was pointed out by COW1cilman Thorne that it had been
iindicated to an area west of the City, shown as area "C" on the consulting engineer's report, that
the City would extend water service to this area after comp~etion of the new water system, it was
'moved by CounciJJnan Thorne that water service be extended to include area noted as area "c" on
consulting engineer's report. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell. After further disQussion, on call~d
vote, all voted "Aye". Motion carried. The people in this area are to put in their own pipes, the
connection fee will be $100.00 each, and water will be metered. I
II There being no further business,
the meeting was
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