HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/01/1976
Port Angeles, Washington
March 1, 1976
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Haguewood, Hordyk, Wray.
Members Absent: Councilman Ross.
Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Taylor, Clerk Parrish.
D. F1odstrom, J. Warder, P. Reed, R. Parrish,
D. Frizzell, K. Rodocker, K. Cameron, P. Carr,
H. Kochanek.
Guests Present: J. Spade, D. Morrison, G. Helle, G. Haley, C.
Whidden, B. Robbins, B. Smith, J. Miller, V.
Cameron, M. Spahr, N. Clement, L. Switzer, M.
Councilman Wray moved the minutes of the February 17, 1976 meeting
be accepted and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council.
1. Bid Call Authorization.
Councilman Wray moved the Council authorize the Water Department
to call for bids for one (1) 75 H.P. pump to supply 1550 GPM
with 120 foot differential head. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Haguewood and carried. The new pump will be located
at the Mill Creek Pump Station to supplement the existing pump
in periods of high consumption and as an alternate when one or
other of the pum~s is down for repairs. A 1976 Budget Item.
2. Bid Awards.
Mayor Olson read Sewerage Treatment Superintendent Rodocker's
report on the bids received for Chlorination Equipment. Councilman
Anderson moved the, Council award the bid for one chlorine Residual
Controller to low bidder Instrument Services, Inc., Monroe at a
total bid price of $6,946.80 including sales tax and a delivery
schedule of eight weeks after receipt of order. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Haguewood and passed by the Council.
Northwest Filter Co., Seattle submitted a bid in the amount of
$7,371.00 including sales tax and Wallace and Tierman, Be11evue,
bid $6,999.30 including sales tax for this equipment. A 1976
Budget Item.
The Council next took under consideration the bids received for the
Bou1 evard and "Lit Street Intersecti on Improvement proj ect. Mayor
Olson read City Engineer Warder's bid summary and recommendation.
Councilman Wray then moved the Council award the bid for the Boulevard
and "L" Street Intersecti on Improvement to low bi dder James Bruch
dba Jim's Trucking and Excavating, Port Angeles, at a total bid
price of $5,225.50. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood
and carried by the Council. Bids were also received from Angeles
Paving, Port Angeles, $5,355.55, J. D. Shotwell, Port Angeles,
$8,467.07, and Del Guzzi Construction, Port Angeles, $8,078.10.
City Council Meeting
March 1, 1976
{~ - - 22776E . --1
The hearing to receive pUblic !
comme~ts on the potential
l impacts ot providing electricity !
to meet the future demands of I
the City ot Port Angeles ,
customers. and possible ways ,
lin which these demands can be r
met was originally set tor the
City Council meetIng ot March ~
12, 1976 but has been reSCheduled
with sa id Counc iI meeting to be
March 1; 1976, at 7:30 P.M. In
the Municipal Court Chambers.
,'Pub.: Feb(~ 29, 1976.
L.___...__---.....___ ---!
3. Payroll.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve Payroll of $97,520.28
for February I-February 15, 1976. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Buck and carried by the Council.
The public hearing on the "Draft Environmental Impact Statement re-
garding the City's participation in the Washington Public Power Supply
System Nuclear Projects Nos. 4 and 5" was opened at 7:45 P.M. by
Mayor Olson.
Mayor Olson read a statement concerning the hearing which informed
the audience that the purpose of the hearing was to afford an oppor-
tunity for interested citizens to express their comments concerning
the City's Input to the draft EIS for furtherance of WPPSS Nuclear
Projects Nos. 4 and 5.
The Mayor's statements also outlined the major issues in the draft
EIS which were the entering into of certain agreements with WPPSS which
will provide shares of the output of those plants to various utilities;
arrange certain details of plant operation and the physcial distribu-
tion of power supplies from the plants; and, provides for financing
arrangements for those plants. The statement went on to indicate that
copies of subject report have been on file at City Hall and the Light
Department Office since February 5, 1976, with copies of the INput by I
the City of Port Angeles being on file with the North Olympic Library
since February 13, 1976. It is noted that as provided in the SEPA
Guidelines WAC 197-10-490, a copy of the draft statement was available
for public inspection on the display case at the rear of the room.
The mayor concluded his statement by stating that testimony would be
accepted in either ora lor written form and that all comments wi 11 be
recorded, transcribed and forwarded for inclusion in the Final
Impact Statement.
After his statement, Mayor Olson twice requested comments from the
City Council and audience.
At this point, Manager Whorton entered into the record written suppor-
tive testimony from ITT Rayonier under the signature of Ron Rogstad,
Resident Manager, a portion of which was read by Mayor Olson.
As there was no additional testimony, either oral or written from any-
one on the Mayor's last call, he declared the public hearing closed
at 7:50 P.M.
2. Agenda Item No. 2,"Annexation of the Plaza" was left on the table.
3. Agenda Item No.3, "Letter from Cla11am County Committee on
Fisheries re: small picnic area near Elwha Salmon Rearing Channel-
tabled 2/17/76," was left on the table.
4. Agenda Item No.4, "Charges for clean-up of Peabody Oil Spill"
was left on the table.
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City Council Meeting
March 1, 1976
5. Mayor Olson introduced an Ordinance which would authorize the ex-
penditure of funds for legislative purposes. Manager Whorton
then reported that a recent Attorney General Opinion,January 22,
1976, holds that while first class cities or other charter cities.
optional municipal code cities and charter counties possess the
authority to expend funds for lobbying efforts, they cannot legally
do so without their legislative body first enacting an Ordinance
authorizing these activities. Manager Whorton further explained
that the definition of "lobbying" includes payment of salaries or
expenses to municipal employees involved in providing information
and/or testimony to state and federal legislative and administrative
commi ttees.
Mayor Olson read the title of Ordinance No. 1874 as presented:
AN ORDINANCE, relating to municipal officers
and employees; authorizing the employment of repre-
sentatives for gathering, analyzing and presentation
of information to legislative and administrative bodies;
authorizing payment for such services and reimbursement
for expenses incurred in connection therewith.
Councilman Wray moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as
read by title by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Haguewood and unanimously passed by the Counci 1.
6. Parks and Recreation Director Don Frizzell reported to the Council
concerni ng the avail abi 1 i ty of matchi ng fund grants from the
Washington State Bicentennial Commission. Mr. Frizzell informed the
Council that the deadline for making application for a matching
fund grant was February 27, 1976, therefore, Mayor Olson and Manager
Whorton submitted a grant application to the Washington State American
Revolution Bicentennial Commission on February 26, 1976 for $3,000
matching funds for the construction of an appropriate housing for the
replica of the Liberty Bell which is being acquired through a total
community effort; the 1976 Budget contains appropriated funds to
cover the City's share of the matching funds in the amount of $3,000.
The submitted grant'application was now before the Council for
ratification. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council approve the
grant application as submitted. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Hordyk and carried.
The Council also discussed with Manager Whorton, D. Frizzell and
Bill Smith the location, design, and responsibility for construction
of the bell housing, which resulted in Mayor Olson appointing a
committee to pursue this matter and provide a recommendation report
to the Council. The Committee consists of Bill Smith of the Lions
Club, Park and Recreation Director Frizzell, Leo White, Councilman
Hordyk, and a member of the Park Board.
7. The Council took under consideration the Ordinance to effect an
increase in parking violation rates from $0.50 to $1.00 which the
Council had tentatively approved at the February 17, 1976 meeting.
A letter signed by Mer1 Earlywine, Secretary, Culinary and Bartenders
Local 417, opposing the proposed increase was read by'Mayor Olson.
The Council discussed the limited downtown parking problems,
parking meters, and operating and maintenance costs associated with
parking, the consensus being that increased operating and main-
tenance costs justify increased violation rates.
The title of Ordinance No. 1875 was read by Mayor Olson.
City Council Meeting
March 1, 1976
7. Conti nued.
AN ORDINANCE repealing Section 2 of Ordinance
No. 1209 dealing with the penalty for
overparking in a parking meter zone and
reenacting Section 13 of Ordinance No. 1169
which was amended by said Section 2 of
Ordinance No. 1209.
Co~ncilman Hordyk moved the Cou~cil ad9pt the f6regoing Ordinance
as read by title by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Anderson and unanimously passed by the Council.
8. The Council deferred the Water Supply Agenda Item to later in
the meeting pending the arrival of Mark Spahr, D.S.H.S.
9. Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the Board of Adjustment
February 24, 1976 meeting be accepted and placed on file as read by
Mayor Olson. Councilman Buck seconded the motion and it carried.
In reference to W. C. Webber's variance request, it is noted that
should Mr. Webber desire to reappear before the Board of Adjust-
ment, there would be no additional charge.
10. Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the Planning Commission
February 23, 1976 meeting be accepted and placed on file as read by
Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and I
passed by the Council.
11. The next order of business for Council consideration was appoint-
ments to the Board of Adjustment, Park Board, Planning Commission
and the Civil Service Commission to fill the terms of office which
expire On March I, 1976 for one or more members on each of these
designated Boards and Commissions. The Council took the following
action concerning this matter.
Council man Haguewood moved Reverend Robert J. Li eby be reappoi nted
to the Civil Service Commission for another six year term of office
to expire March 1, 1982. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Wray and passed by the Council.
In reference to the Planning Commission appointments, Manager Whorton
informed the Council that Gerald Young has declined reappointment,
and that Don Feeley would be available for reappointment for a
limited time due to anticipated commitments. Councilman Wray
moved to reappoint Don Feeley to the Planning Commission with the
understanding that if he is unable to serve for a full six-year
term of office, the Council would appreciate him serving as long as
he can. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried
by the Council.
Councilman Haguewood moved Edward Bedford be reappointed to the Park I
Board for a three year term of office to expire March 1, 1979. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council.
Councilman Haguewood moved Robert Linkletter be reappointed to the
Board of Adjustment for a four year term to expire March 1, 1980.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried with Councilman
Hordyk voting "NO."
It is noted that one vacancy still remains on the Planning Commission.
City Council Meeting
March 1, 1976
12. Councilman Wray moved the minutes of the Civil Service February
19, 1976 meeting be accepted and placed on file as received.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried.
13. Notification from the Washington State Liquor Control Board that
McGlenn's Food Store, Inc. dba McGlenn's Mark and Pak, 520 South
Lincoln Street, Port Angeles, have discontinued licensed operation
at the above location have submitted their license to this office
was acknowledged and noted for the record.
14. The Port of Port Angeles request letter for an exemption from the
Shoreline Management Act Substantial Development Permit require-
ment for the repair to an existing pier damaged by a cargo vessel
on February 3, 1976 was read by Mayor Olson. Manager Whorton
recommended the letter of exemption be granted by the Council.
Councilman Wray moved the Council authorize a Letter of Exemption
from the Shoreline Management Act Substantial Development Permit
Requirement to the Port of Port Angeles for subject repair work.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the
15. In reference 'to the Oil Port matter, Manager Whorton reported that
he has received two inquiries in the past week relating to what
action, if any, the Council may have taken on the C.O.C. Board
of Director's request letter that the City assign a task force to
study the impact effects of an Oil Port being located within the
Port Angeles immediate area. Considerable discussion was devoted
to this subject during which several Councilmen expressed their
views on this issue in light of the information that is currently
available on the subject. It was the consensus of the Council that
due to immediate pressing City problems, the Oil Port matter should
be deferred, for the time being, to the C1a11am County Governmental
Council who have taken this project in hand and have a public hearing
scheduled for March 17, 1976. The Council requested Manager Whorton
to so inform the Chamber of Commerce by letter of the Council's
decision. Councilman Hordyk recommended that the feasibility of
a blanket "Community Impact" Ordinance should be legally researched
and pursued, with work sessions scheduled to discuss the details
of this matter.
16. At this point in the proceedings, the Council referred back to
Agenda Item No.8 relating to the City's Water Supply as Mark
Spahr of O.S.H.S. had arrived. Manager Whorton briefly reviewed
the situation to date indicating the decision currently before
the Council concerning upgrading the City's water supply to meet
State and Federal water quality standards is the selection of an
alternative and the subsequent notification to D.S.H.S. of the
Council's decision, The alternatives the Council have before them
to consider are a Elwha River Ranney Collector System, a Morse
Creek Filtration Plant, or "no action," Manager Whorton explained.
He also pointed out the advantages and disadvantages associated
with each alternative and stated that the estimated cost of either
the Ranney Collector System or the Morse Creek Filtration Plant
is approximately 3.1 to 3.2 million dollars.
Mark Spahr discussed with the Council the Ranney Collector System
alternative and the "no action" on the part of the Council alterna-
tive. He pointed out that it is his understanding that the
Ranney Corporation guarantees that their system produces water
quality of acceptable standards. He also informed the Council that
in his opinion the "no action" alternative is not a viable alter-
native and explained in detail the reasons why. Information
regarding funds that are available through the state for improve-
ments to municipal water systems and the restrictions attached to
the funding, was also provided by Mr. Spahr.
City Council Meeting
March I, 1976
16. Continued.
Councilman Buck moved that the Council direct City management to
proceed with the investigation of the feasibility and funding of
the development of a filtration plant preferably located in an
area to service the present Morse Creek water supply and the future I
possibility of a water supply from the Elwha River, with manage-
ment presenting th~ Council with a written report as soon as possible. ' '
The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson. The discussion con-
tinued with regards to funds that may be available from the Federal
Government for domestic water improvements. V. Cameron of the
Economic Development Administration was in attendance and the Council
discussed at length this aspect of financial assistance with Mr.
Cameron. Other areas also discussed during this period included
meters and rates and their associated relationship to state and
federal funding possibilities. On call for the question on the
motion before the Council, the motion was unanimously carried.
17. Mayor Olson read a letter from Congressman Bonker's Office informing
the Council of a bill the Congressman has introduced to revise the
boundaries of Olympic National Park and requesting appropriate
comments from the Council. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council
direct Manager Whorton to write a letter to Congressman Bonker
opposing any additional acquisition of land by the Olympic
National Park, basically for economic reasons as this results in a
reduction of the County's tax base. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Wray. After a brief discussion, the question was
called for by Councilman Wray, and the motion was carried by the
Council with Councilman Buck voting "NO."
1. Councilman Buck moved to accept and place on file T. Honnold's
report on "NWPPA Sponsored Advisory Session with BPA Rates
Consultant, February 23, 1976." The motion was seconded by Council-
man Hordyk and carried.
2. Councilman Wray:
Recommended the Council read
Light Superintendent Honnold's
Report on Electrical Energy-
Phase 11.
The meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M.
City Clerk
-.. -....---~--.....
, - 22076E
Lauridsen Boulevard and
IIL.'I Street Int-ersectlon Improvement . 'd t
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thatseal<;d bidsfi~l~e ;e~~'V:ro~t
ithe office of the City Engineer at thei C~t~'~~~k P.M.. March 1.'
,Street, Port Angeles. W~Shlngton n~t IUbliCly'at that time in the
1976 and n~t later, and wf 'rllt::= ~~foWin~ approximate quantities Of
City council ChamberS 0, ,,,",, I
work and materia's: ..... .......,;
Pit Run ' \
1,700 Tons Crushed Surf. Top cour~~ 0
90 Tons Asphalt Concrete Class F
52 Tons
. t' s may be obtained from the
Detailed plans and specif,ca Ion de sit of twenty-five dollars
office of the CitY.tE~?i~:e;erJ;:'~e~ to a'f1 prospective bidders upon
'($25). Said deposl WI . t' s
return of the Plansb'!dndd specslf:eqCaU'i~~d' and the City reserves the
QuaUfica'lons of I ers I .
ri ht to retuse to qualify any bidder. ro sals
~'he City reserves the rim ~~f~f~\j~~;s~~~eJ"or bid bOnd of'
. A five percent (5 percen 0 sal
equal amount must accompany each !,ro~ b the City Council
Official acceptance. reCoiectio~lof~~~~~~t~~n7Jo PM.. March 2,
will be made in the City uncI
City Engineer,
City of port Angele;-
- -- ---,....
Pub,: feb.. 20, 27, 1976.,